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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 My Family,Unit,2,Lesson 10 The U.K,五年级上册英语,学习目标,1、知识目标:学习“U.K.以及关于英国的相关常识。,2、能力目标:可以读、写、说出并且听懂“U.K.,能用英语向他人介绍有关英国的知识。,3、情感目标:激发学生对英语的持久兴趣,培养运用语言进展交际的能力,了解中西文化的差异。,教学重点、难点:,能用英语向其他人简单介绍,英国,这个国家。,Tianan men Square,the Palace Museum,the Great Wall,Niagara Falls,Ottawa,the CN Tower,It has stars and stripes,the White House,the Statue of Liberty,A map of the U.K,This is a map of,the U. K.,London,is the capital city of the U.K.,They speak,English,.,Here s the U.Ks flag. Its,red, white and blue.,Its the same colour as the flag of the U.S . !,让我们一起看课文第一局部,1.一起读课文,2.跟录音读,3.分角色朗读,Big Ben,This is,Big Ben,.,It has a very big clock!,Its very famous.,The U.K has a king or a queen.,This is a queen.,.,Kings and queens live in palaces.,This is Buckingham Palace in London.,白金汉宫,白金汉宫位于圣詹姆士公园St. James Park西端,因1705年白金汉公爵兴建而得名。1726年由乔治三世购得,曾一度做过帝国纪念堂、美术陈列馆、办公厅和藏金库,直至1825年改建成王宫建筑。1837年维多利亚女王继位起正式成为王宫,现仍是伊丽沙白女王的王室住地。女王召见首相、大臣,接待和宴请外国客人及其他重要外交活动都在此举行。白金汉宫于1931年用石料装饰了外墙面,最近的一次外墙清洗使王宫重放异彩,但给人们印象最深的还是其内部。王宫有600多个厅室,收藏有许多绘画和精巧的红木家具,艺术馆大厅内专门陈列英国历代王朝帝后的100多幅画像和半身雕像,营造出一种十八、十九世纪英格兰的气氛。宫前广场上竖有胜利女神金像和维多利亚女王坐像,此外还辟有一座占地40英亩16公顷的御花园。,让我们再来看第二局部,课 堂 练 习,看图答复以下问题:,What countrys flag are they,课 堂 练 习,看图答复以下问题:,1.What country is this,2.What do they speak,3. Where are they,4.Whats the capital city,5 .What flag are they,“米字旗“五星红旗“枫叶旗“星条旗,China,Canada,The U.S,The U.K,China,Canada,The U.S,The U.K,country,capital,flag,Famous places,(,名胜,),Language,(语言),China,Canada,The U.S,The U.K,.,country,capital,flag,名胜,language,China,Beijing,Its red. It has five yellow stars.,Tian an men Square,The Palace Museum,Chinese,Canada,Ottawa,Its red and white. It has a leaf.,Niagara Falls,the Rocky Mountains,English,French,The U.S,Washington D.C,Its red blue and white. It has stars and stripes.,The White House,The Statue of Liberty,English,The U.K,.,London,Its red blue and,white. Its the same colour as the flag of the U.S.,Big Ben,Buckingham,palace,English,稳固写作练习:,国家,capital,flag,名胜,古迹,language,美国,Washington D.C,English,英国,London,English,让我们来写作吧!,Here is the map of ,This is the flag of the .it is.it has.,The capital city of theis,They speak ,There are many famous places in,This is .(,景点,)it is.it has,This is .(,景点,)it is.it has,I like .but I like China best.,Thank you,!,


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