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Listening and Speaking,Unit 1 Teenage Life,Reading and Thinking P22,Discovering Useful Structures P93,Listening and Talking & Reading for Writing P114,【,引言解读,】,Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. Aristotle,释义,:,青年时期养成的良好习惯使人受益终生。,亚里士多德,启示,:,一个人在青少年时代养成的好习惯将使他受益终生,所以我们从现在开始就要养成好的生活习惯、学习习惯。,【,名言名句,】,1. At first is our habits, then is caused our habits.,起先是我们造成习惯,后来是习惯造成我们。,2. Habit is a human thought and behavior of the leader.,习惯是一个人思想与行为的领导者。,3. Habit forms character, character determines destiny.,习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。,【,话题导读,】,We dont always get our hopes and dreams, and we dont always get our own way. But dont give up hope, because you can make a difference one situation and one person at a time.,Look for the beauty around you: in nature, in others, in yourself, and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind.,You can find love in a smile or a helping hand. It is all around, if you just look for it.,Give love, for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience, and understanding. Believe in the goodness of others and remember that anger and,depression,can be,countered,by love and hope.,Even when you feel as if there isnt a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little, and a little at a time finally makes a big difference.,词海拾贝,1. humankind,n.,人类,2. patience,n.,耐心,3. depression,n.,抑郁,;,沮丧,4. counter,vt.,反驳,;,抵制,我学我思,1. give,_,放弃,2. along,_,连同,一起,;,除了,3. make a big,_,有很大影响,;,产生很大不同,4. What will you do when you are facing difficulties in high school?,_,up,with,difference,I will be brave to face challenges and ask my friends or my parents to help me.,.,主题词汇听写,Choose a school club,.,教材听力填空,Conversation 1(Listen and fill in the blanks),Teacher: Shh! Listen carefully!,Teacher: Did you hear that? No? How about this?,Teacher: If you couldnt hear the first one, it means youre ,_,! Laugh.,Dogs can hear very high frequency ,_, but people cant. And if you could,hear the second one, youre ,_,than 25.,Student: Wow! Why is that?,not a dog,sounds,younger,Teacher: Our ears change when we ,_,. Children and young people can,hear the second one, but most people older than 25 cant.,get older,Conversation 2(Listen and choose the best sentences),Teacher: _ Team A, please begin.,Team A: We say no, they shouldnt. _,_They should think about schoolwork and spend more time studying.,Team B: We dont agree with Team A. _ Teenagers can,date if they want. It is quite natural for a teenager at that age to feel he or she likes,somebody. _,_,Teacher: Team A?,Todays topic is “Should teenagers date? ”,One reason is that teenagers are too,young.,Our answer is “Yes”.,We think its possible for teenagers to date and study at the same,time.,A. Our answer is “Yes”.,B. We think its possible for teenagers to date and study at the same time.,C. One reason is that teenagers are too young.,D. Todays topic is “Should teenagers date? ”,.,话题听力体验,听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。,1. Why wont the man join the basketball team this year?,A. He wants to have more time to relax.,B. He wants to try something new.,C. He didnt do well in the team.,2. What does the woman want to do?,A. Join a dancing club.,B. Play a sport.,C. Have more time to rest.,3. What does the woman think of music?,A. Its good for us.,B. Its not interesting.,C. Its useful.,4. Which club will the man probably join?,A. The music club. B. The dance club.,C. The cooking club.,【,听力原文,】,W: Which school club do you want to join this year?,M: I havent decided yet. I was in the basketball team last year.,And I want to try something different this year,.,W: You played basketball a lot last year. Are you interested in another sport?,M: Im not sure. What about you? Which club do you prefer?,W: Well, you know Im not very sporty. I want to stay in the dance club but they practice twice a week.,I want to have more time to relax,.,M: How about the music club? They only practice once a week so youll have more time to relax.,W: Its a good idea.,Music is good for our mental health,. Why dont you join the music club with me?,M: Im not interested in that.,Perhaps Im going to join the cooking club,. After all, cooking is a useful skill.,【,发音技巧,】,含有元音字母的常见字母组合的发音,【,提醒,】,【,听词辨音,】,1.,选出字母组合发音与其他三项不同的单词,(1) A. actu,al,ly,B. ch,al,lenge,C. person,al,ityD. b,al,let,(2)A. teenag,er,B. volunte,er,C. regist,er,D. pref,er,(3)A. f,or,mal,B. w,or,d,C. sh,or,t,D. st,or,y,(4)A. n,ear,B.,ear,thC. f,ear,D. y,ear,(5)A.,ea,syB. l,ea,veC. r,ea,dyD. m,ea,t,2.,在含有所给音标发音的单词下面画线,(1) It is,too old to,.,(2) A friend in,is a friend,.,(3) A man has two,and one mouth that he may,much and speak little.,(4) When the cat is, the mice will,.,(5) A,in the hand is,two in the bush.,never,learn,need,indeed,ears,hear,away,play,bird,worth,Unit 1 Teenage Life,Reading and Thinking,基础认知,自主学习,.,必备单词,:,根据提示填写单词,【,词块记忆,】,1. a,_,singer,一名少年歌手,2. my,_,partner,我的芭蕾舞伴,3. a heated,_,一场激烈的辩论,4. a story,_,故事内容,5. the,_,effect,温室效应,6. face a,_,面对一个挑战,7. a wide range of,_,广泛的主题,teenager,ballet,debate,content,greenhouse,challenge,topics,8. high school,_,高中新生,9. a Yale,_,一名耶鲁大学的毕业生,10. highly,_,强烈推荐,11. the classic works of,_,经典文学作品,12. at no,_,charge,不额外收费,13.,_,smoking,戒烟,14. a tight,_,一个紧凑的日程安排,freshmen,graduate,recommend,literature,extra,quit,schedule,【,拓展记忆,】,15.,_,club,志愿者俱乐部,voluntary,(,adj,. ) activities,志愿活动,16. learn new_,学习新的活动,_,(,v,. ) your bike,移动你的自行车,17. a little,_,有点令人困惑,_,(,vt,. ) all of us,使我们都很困惑,a,_,(,adj.,) expression,一个困惑的表情,18. to be,_,in Chinese,说中文流利,speak Chinese,fluently,(,adv,. ),流利地说,中文,volunteer,movements,move,confusing,confuse,confused,fluent,19. a great,_,(,v. &n.,) in science,一项科学中的伟大进步,_,(,adj.,),courses,高级课程,20. become,_,成为编辑 ,_,(,v.,) a column,编辑一个栏目,advance,advanced,editors,edit,.,必备短语,:,英汉双译,1.,_,喜欢,多于,2.,_,对,适合的,3.,_,报名参加,(,某项课程,),4.,_,打扫,(,或清除,),干净,5.,_,对,负责,6. get used to doing sth.,_,7. on ones own,_,prefer. . . to. . .,suitable for. . .,sign up (for sth. ),clean up,be responsible for,习惯做某事,靠自己,;,独自一人,8. hand out,_,9. keep up with,_,10. be prepared for. . .,_,分发,跟上,;,并驾齐驱,为,做准备,.,必备句式,:,翻译课文原句,并观察黑体部分,1.,Going from junior high school to senior high school,is a really big challenge.,译文,:,_,真是一项巨大的挑战。,2. Ill find a way to improve on my own,so that,I can make the team next year.,译文,:,我将找一个办法来提升我自己,_,。,3. Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course,and,itll be quite difficult to,get used to all the homework.,译文,:,我有点担心在高级课程中跟不上其他学生,而且,_,_,。,从初中过渡到高中,这样明年我就能进入球队,要适应所有的家庭作业是,很困难的,【,构词规律,】,1.,副词后缀,-ly,例如,: entire + -ly entirely,完全地,calm,_,平静地,exact,_,确切地,direct,_,直接地,wide,_,广泛地,2. “,介词,on +,名词”构成的短语,在句中作状语或表语,on,_,故意地,on,_,准时,on,_,出差,;,因公,on,_,出售,calmly,exactly,directly,widely,purpose,time,business,sale,语篇精读,合作探究,Task1,框架宏观建构,:,整体理解,1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks.,The Freshman Challenge,2. Whats the main idea of this passage?,The passage is mainly about a,_,at senior high school, Adam, who,met some,_,in the first week but managed to find,_,and,_,harder.,freshman,challenges,solutions,study,【,阅读策略点拨,】,1. Skim(,略读,),Skim,指“略读”,又称浏览,指的是跳过文章的具体细节不看,只看文章的图片、标题或者各段的主旨句等,在短时间内迅速掌握文章的主旨大意的阅读方法。它属于理解性技能。,2.,如何用,Skim,策略找主旨句,?,(1),段落首句是主旨句的规律,给予例证、解释或说明的段落,;,下定义的段落,;,对两个或两个以上的事物作比较或对比的段落,;,表明原因和结果,(,往往结果交代在前,),的段落。,(2),段落中间句是主旨句的规律,段落特征,:,描述细节,提出主题,解释或提问。,(3),段落尾句是主旨句的规律,段落特征,:,描述细节或交代论据,做出概括。,Task2,文本微观剖析,:,细节探究,1. Choose the best answer.,(1)Which subject is the most difficult for Adam?,A. Maths.,B. Chemistry.,C. Chinese. D. English.,(2)Who gave Adam advice on courses?,A. Parents. B. The school adviser.,C. Coach. D. Classmates.,(3)Adam felt _at the beginning of his senior high school.,A. excitedB. interested,C. confusedD. worried,(4)Hearing he was poor in playing football, Adam _.,A. felt disappointed but went on with it,B. left the football and joined a club,C. felt unhappy but signed up for a new team,D. didnt give up and tried to improve,(5)Which words can best describe Adam as a senior high school student?,A. Ambitious and responsible.,B. Shy and stubborn.,C. Humorous and strong-willed.,D. Careful and helpful.,2. Long sentence analysis.,(1)I know,that Chinese is a very difficult language,(,宾语从句,), but(,并列连词,) I,hope to be fluent,when I graduate,(,时间状语从句,).,译文,:,_,_,(2)My adviser recommended,that I should sign up for advanced literature,(,宾语从句,),because I like English and Im good at it(,原因状语从句,).,译文,:,_,_,我知道中文是一门很难学的语言,但我希望毕业时能说一口流利的中,文。,我的导师建议我报名参加高级文学课程,因为我喜欢英语,而且我擅长英,语。,Task3,语篇总结归纳,:,主题深化,Im Adam, 1.,_,freshman at senior high school. The first week was a little,2.,_,(confuse).,There are some 3.,_,(challenge) I have to face in my new school life.,First, I had to think carefully about my courses. Chinese is hard to learn, but I hope,I can speak it 4.,_,(fluent) when I graduate. My adviser 5.,_,(recommend) me to sign up for advanced literature because Im good 6.,_,it. Second,I had to choose my extra-curricular activities. I tried 7.,_,(join) the school,a,confusing,challenges,fluently,recommended,at,to join,football team though I couldnt do well in 8.,_,at first. Besides that, I joined a,volunteer club. In order to be well 9.,_,(prepare) for university or whatever,else 10.,_,(come) in the future, I make up my mind to study harder and get,used to new situation.,it,prepared,comes,Task4,阅读思维升华,:,主题实践,1. Whats your opinion about what Adam did after the school football team coach,told him that he didnt play well enough? (Critical Thinking,批判性思维,),_,_,I believe that Adam did right things. Being confident is very important, but,knowing about oneself and improving oneself makes bigger difference.,2. How do you deal with the challenge that you are often homesick as a freshman at,senior high school? (Creative Thinking,创造性思维,),_,_,_,If I am often homesick, I will try joining some clubs and activities to make,myself busy or live a full life or chat with my new friends and teachers, and in,this way wont I miss my family.,1. debate,n. &,vt. &,vi.,辩论,;,争论,Much of the,debate,so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars.,到目前为止,很多讨论都集中在无人驾驶汽车的安全性上。,【,词块积累,】,(1)under debate,正在讨论中,beyond debate,毋庸置疑,hold/have a debate on/about/over. . .,对,进行辩论,(2)debate on/over/about sth.,就某事辩论,要点精研,理解应用,When and where to,_,competition is still under debate.,何时何地举行这场辩论赛还在讨论中。,It is,_,that China has been playing an important role in the,international affairs.,中国一直在国际事务中扮演着重要角色,这是毋庸置疑的。,Our class,_,whether students should take cell phones,to school.,我们班进行了一场关于学生是否应该带手机去学校的辩论。,hold the debate,beyond debate,held a debate on/debated on,【,词源趣谈,】,debate,源于古法语,debatre,意为“,to fight”,起初意为“把对手打趴下”,后来引申为“唇枪舌剑”的争论。,【,易混辨析,】,debate,多指公开、正式场合进行的辩论或严肃的争论,侧重双方各自申诉,理由,argue,指一方坚持自己的意见、立场和观点,通过争论企图说服对方。如,:,He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday.,quarrel,争吵,因生气而发生语言冲突。如,: Those girls are always quarreling,over little things.,discuss,指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的磋商,以便统一认识。,如,: In todays meeting we will further discuss what to teach during the,next week.,2. prefer,vt.,较喜欢,I,prefer,the school uniform,to,the traditional Chinese dress at the welcome ceremony next month.,在下个月的欢迎仪式上,我更喜欢穿校服而不是传统中国服饰。,【,词块积累,】,prefer (doing/to do) sth.,更喜欢,(,做,),某事,prefer doing. . . to doing. . .,喜欢,胜过,prefer sb. to do sth.,宁愿某人做某事,prefer to do A rather than do B,宁愿做,A,也不愿做,B,Many people who work in London,_,outside it.,许多在伦敦工作的人更喜欢住在伦敦以外的地方。,She prefers,_,cartoons in the theater to,_,comic books.,她喜欢在电影院看动画片胜过看漫画书。,I should prefer you,_,Science Club together with me.,我宁愿让你和我一块加入科学俱乐部。,I prefer to join a,debate,club,_,an art club.,我宁愿参加辩论俱乐部,也不愿参加艺术俱乐部。,prefer to live,watching,reading,to join,rather than join,3. content,n.,内容,; ,pl,目录,; (,书、讲话、节目等的,),主题,Questions about subject,content,are generally welcomed.,有关主题内容的问题通常是受欢迎的。,【,词块积累,】,(1)content,n.,满足,;,满意,to ones hearts content,尽兴地,(2)content,v.,满足,;,满意,content oneself with,满足于,(3)content,adj.,知足的,;,满足的,;,满意的,be/feel content with,对,满意,At college, Li Hua learned to act but she didnt,_,the life of,being an ordinary performer.,在大学里,李华学会了表演,但她并不满足于做一个普通的演员。,They,_,what they have and,prefer,a peaceful life.,他们对于他们所拥有的东西很满意,并且更喜欢一种平静的生活。,content herself with,are content with,【,小词汇,大文化,】,A man whose heart is not,content,is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant. (or: No man is,content,. ),人心不足蛇吞象。,(,喻指人若贪心,就会被自己的欲望所害,),4. challenge,n,.,挑战,;,艰巨任务,vt.,怀疑,;,向,挑战,Finding common ground in communication style can be a,challenge,.,在交流方式中找到共同之处是一个挑战。,【,词块积累,】,(1)accept/take up/face a challenge,接受,/,面对挑战,a challenge to sb.,对某人来说是个挑战,(2)challenge sb. to do sth.,挑战某人做某事,challenge oneself,挑战自我,(3)challenging,adj.,有挑战性的,Taking part in after-school activities will give you chances to make friends and,_,.,参加课后活动将会给予你结交朋友,挑战自我的机会。,(2020,全国,卷,) Landing on the moons far side is extremely,_,.,在月球背面着陆是极有挑战性的。,challenge yourself,challenging,5. recommend,vt.,建议,;,推荐,;,介绍,He,recommended,that she do some research and talk to dentists about what a healthier candy would contain.,他建议她做一些研究,并与牙医谈谈一种更健康的糖果应该包含哪些成分。,【,词块积累,】,(1) recommend doing sth. /sb. to do sth.,建议做某事,/,某人做某事,recommend sb. sth.,向某人推荐某物,recommend sth. to sb.,把某物介绍给某人,recommend sb. as,推荐某人为,recommend that. . . (should) do. . .,建议某人,it is recommended that. . . (should) do. . .,建议,(2)recommendation,n.,推荐,I recommend you,_,some Chinese traditional culture before you come to,China.,我建议你来中国之前学一些中国传统文化。,to learn, Im writing to,_,a volunteer of our city sports meeting to be,held next month.,我写信是为了推荐自己作为一名志愿者参加我市下个月举办的运动会。,It is strongly recommended that all students,_,in this lecture.,强烈建议所有学生参加这个讲座。,recommend myself as,should join,6. advance,n,.,前进,;,发展,vi.,前进,;,发展,vt.,发展,;,促进,(2020,新高考全国,卷,) She decided to go back to college to,advance,her career and to be able to better support her family.,她决定回到大学发展她的职业,并能够更好地支持她的家庭。,【,词块积累,】,(1)make great advances in,在,取得巨大进步,in advance,提前,;,预先,(2)advance on/towards,沿着,/,朝着,前进,(3)advanced,adj.,先进的,;,高级的,;,高等的,Please tell me as soon as possible so that I can book the tickets,_,.,请尽快告知我以便于我能提前订票。,Filming technology,_,and more good films have been made by our,country.,电影拍摄技术已经取得了进步,我们国家已经制作了更多的好电影。,Chinas,_,contributes to CRHs high speed, comfort and,safety.,中国先进的技术为中国高铁的高速,舒适和安全作出贡献。,in advance,has advanced,advanced technology,【,熟词生义,】,She got a,100, 000,advance,for her next novel.,她的下一部小说获得了十万英镑的预付款。,( ),预付款,【,小词汇,大文化,】,Learning is like rowing upstream, not to,advance,is to drop back.,学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。,(,这一贴切的比喻启示我们学习永远是进行时,没有完成时。,),7. responsible,adj.,负责的,;,有责任的,(,教材原句,)I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being,responsible,for a lot more.,我知道作为高中生我将更加努力学习,并习惯去承担更多责任。,【,词块积累,】,(1)be responsible for,对,负责,(2)responsibility,n.,责任,;,义务,;,职责,sense of responsibility,责任感,take (full) responsibility for,对,有,(,全部,),责任,对,负,(,全,),责,I realized that I should,_,not only myself, but also for the,society.,我意识到我不仅应该对自己负责,也要对社会负责。,I have strong,_,and are good at time management.,我有强烈的责任感,并且擅长管理时间。,It is reported that the drunk driver,_,the accident.,据报道,酒驾司机对事故负全责。,be responsible for,sense of responsibility,takes full responsibility for,8. schedule,n,.,工作计划,;,日程安排,vt.,安排,;,预定,(,教材原句,)I need to make a workable,schedule,.,我需要制定一个切实可行的日程安排表。,【,词块积累,】,(1)ahead of schedule,提前,on schedule,按时,(2)be scheduled for,为,预定的,be scheduled to do sth.,计划做某事,as scheduled,如期,;,按照预定时间,In spite of all the difficulties, we finished our work,_,.,尽管有许多困难,我们还是提前完成了我们的工作。,The 24th Winter Olympics,_,be held in 2022 in Beijing.,第,24,届冬奥会定于,2022,年在北京举行。,_, the activity will be held on the playground.,这场活动将如期在操场举行。,ahead of schedule,is scheduled to,As scheduled,9. Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and,itll be quite difficult to,get used to all the homework.,我有点担心在高级课程中跟不上其他学生,而且要适应所有的家庭作业是相当困难的。,【,句式解构,】,本句是一个由,and,连接的两个并列的简单句。句中包含一个,it,作形式主语的句型,其结构为,: It is+,adj. /n,. +to do sth.,其中,it,作形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式。,(2019,全国卷,),_,not to talk about China as the leading player,when discussing fashion.,当讨论时尚的时候,不可能不将中国作为主角。,In my opinion,_,if you study hard.,在我看来,如果你努力学习,学好英语是很容易的。,It is a good idea,_,a face-to-face talk with your parents in your spare time.,在你的空余时间和你的父母面对面交谈是一个好主意。,It is impossible,it is easy to learn English well,to have,【,要点拾遗,】,1. volunteer,n.,志愿者,vi. &vt.,自愿,(,做,),(2020,新高考全国,卷,)In the mid-1990s, Tom Bissell taught English as a,volunteer,in Uzbekistan.,在二十世纪九十年代中期, Tom Bissell,在乌兹别克斯坦做志愿者教英语。,【,词块积累,】,(1)a volunteer for/of,的志愿者,volunteer to do sth.,自愿做某事,volunteer for sth.,自愿做某事,(2)voluntary,adj.,自愿的,;,志愿的,;,主动的,I really hope to be,_,the International Tourism Festival in our city.,我真的希望成为我们市国际旅游节的一名志愿者。,To serve the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, I,_,a subway station,usher.,我自愿成为一名地铁引导员为,2022,年冬奥会服务。,On May Day, our class went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some,_,_,.,五一劳动节那天,我们班去阳光疗养院,并做了一些志愿工作。,a volunteer for,volunteer to be,voluntary,work,2. suitable,adj.,合适的,;,适用的,(,教材原句,)Which club do you think,is suitable for,Adam?,你认为哪个俱乐部适合亚当,?,【,词块积累,】,(1)be suitable for,适合于,be suitable to do sth.,适合做某事,(2)suit sb. /sth.,适合某人,/,某物,I dont know what kind of book,_,my current level.,我不知道什么类型的书适合于我目前的水平。,Tom,_,be a,volunteer,teacher.,汤姆适合做一名志愿教师。,I expect that my,recommendation,_,fine.,我期望我的推荐会很适合你。,is suitable for,is suitable to,suits you,3. confusing,adj.,难以理解的,;,不清楚的,(,教材原句,)The first week was a little,confusing,.,第一周有点让人难以理解。,【,词块积累,】,(1)confuse,vt.,使糊涂,;,使迷惑,confuse. . . with/and. . .,把,和,混淆,(2)confused,adj,.,糊涂的,;,困惑的,be/get confused with/about,对,感到困惑,(3)confusion,n.,困惑,;,混乱,You should not,_,your career,_,your life.,你不应该把你的事业和生活混淆。,You mentioned that you,_,h


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