
上传人:kfc****60 文档编号:243738620 上传时间:2024-09-30 格式:PPT 页数:18 大小:10.07MB
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Mum and Dad took the children to Ice city.,“So this is Ice City, said Biff.,“What a place.,“Its all made of ice, said chip.,“This is so exciting.,They went to the Ice Palace. It had scenes from fairy tales. They were made out of ice.,“ I can see Puss in Boots, said Kipper.,“And here is Mother Goose, said Mum. “ Look at all the geese.,“ Guess who this is, said Biff.,“Look at her dress.,“See. Its Cinderella and the Ugly Sisters, said Biff.,“The sisters were not nice to Cinderella, said kipper.,They went skating.,Kipper did not like skating.,Oh, no! Biff hit Chip in the face.,It was an accident.,A nurse looked at chips face.,“Its fine, she said.,“We all need some dinner, said Dad. “lets go and eat.,They went to the Ice House. It was made of ice.,They had a slice of pizza and some juice.,“Even my glass is made of ice, said kipper.,After dinner, Dad took the children on the bobsleigh ride.,“The bob sleigh will bump, said Dad.,The ride began. “its like a real bobsleigh, said kipper.,“Its exciting, called Biff.,“Its like a real race, said Chip.,The sun began to go down.,“Look at Ice City in the sunset, aid Mum.,“Its all lit up by the sun, said chip.,The moon rose.,Ice City went silver.,“Its all lit up by the moon, said Biff. “ it looks so peaceful. “Time for bed, said Dad.,“What a supper day. said Biff.,Focus phonics:,glass pass skating ace case face place race,geese see peaceful,better dinner kipper slipper silver sisters super,dress guess sunset,city kiss prince,ice nice slice,动词的过去式,taketook,makemade,gowent,arewere,gowent,looklooked,beginbegan,rise-rose,


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