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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 CanadaThe True North,基础知识自测,一、单词识记,1._ n.& vt.聊天;闲聊,2._ v. 包围;围绕,3._ v. 量;测量;衡量,4._ n.边;边界,5._ vt. 确定;确认,6._ prep. 在之内,within,chat,surround,measure,border,confirm,7._ n.传统;风俗,8._ vt.使印象深刻,9._ n. 距离,远方,10._ adv.在附近,11.continent n. _,12.scenery adj. _,13.baggage adj. _,行李,tradition,impress,distance,nearby,洲,大陆,风光,风景,14.impressive n._,15.urban adj. _,16.mixture n. _,17.terrify vt. _,18.pleased adj. _,19.minister n. _,大臣,部长,给人深刻印象的,感人的,城市的,市镇的,都市的,混和物,调配,使恐惧,恫吓,欣喜的,快乐的,愉快的,二、词汇拓展,It has become a _in our country to celebrate this _ festival with racing dragonboat. (tradition),1.tradition n.传统;风俗,惯例;常规,_adj.传统上的,惯例的,_adv. 传统上;传说上;习惯上,traditional,tradionally,tradition,traditional, We only know my hometown is _ from here,but dont know the exact _ .(distant), Seen _ the distance,the mountain looks like a huge elephant,_adv.遥远远离地;疏远地;冷淡地,_n. 距离;远方;疏远;间隔|,2.distant adj.遥远的,疏远的,冷漠的,distantly,distance,distant,distance,from,3.terrify v.恫吓,使恐惧,使惊吓,_n.恐惧;恐惧行动;恐惧时期,_adj.受惊吓的;感到恐惧的,_adj.令人恐惧的;骇人的;极大的,_adj. 可怕的;很糟的;令人讨厌的,terrible,terror,terrified,terrifying, They were _ at the _ scene and ran away in _ .(terrify), The _ film terrified all the children in the cinema and even some adults had _expressions on their faces.(terrify),terrified,terrifying/terrible,terror,terrifying,terrified,4.impress vt. 使印象深刻,使铭记,_n.印象;感想;压痕,印记,_adj.感人的;给人以深刻印象的,_adj. 无印象的;给人印象不深的,_adj.受感动的;被打动的,_搭配(给某人)留下好印象,make an impression (on sb),impression,impressive,unimpressive,impressed, When it comes to job interview,first _ (impress) are important., My grandfathers collection of paintings is the most _ (impress)., Her elegant appearance made an impression _ all the guests from different countries.,impression,impressive,on,5.surround vt.包围,_adj.周围的,_n. 环境,_搭配被包围或环绕,be surrounded by/with,surrounding,surroundings,More and more people from 1_ cities come to visit the town 2_ by the beautiful mountains.Many visitors like the 3_in the town so much that theyd like to live there for a life.(surround),surrounding,surrounded,surroundings,三、词组互译,1. 而不;与其宁愿_,2. 定居;平静下来;专心于_,3. 设法做成某事,努力做成某事,_,4. 看见 _,5. 有(多大)面积 _,6. 对有天赋 _,7. 在远处 _,in the distance,rather than,settle down,manage to do sth.,catch sight of,have an area of,have a gift for,8. 远到;就而言_,9. 去旅行 _,10.look over _,11.all the way _,12.dream of _,13.go downtown _,14.at dawn _,15.the second largest _,第二大,as far as,go on a trip,眺望,检查,自始至终,一路上,梦想,去市区,拂晓,黎明,四、词组运用,1.加拿大是世界第二大国家。(the second largest),2.面积9,976,000平方公里,人口约3,000多万。(an area of,a population of),Canada is the second largest country in the world.,It has an area of 9 million 976 thousand square kilometers and a population of slightly over 30 million.,3.它位于北美大陆的北部,东面濒临大西洋,西临太平洋,南面与美国接壤。(be located in),4.英语和法语是加拿大的官方语言。(official language),It is located in the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific on the west,and borders the US on the south.,English and French are official languages spoken in Canada.,5.渥太华是世界最美丽的首都之一。(Ottawa),6.渥太华是人们定居的好地方。(settle down),7.加拿大被称之为“文化瓷砖(Cultural mosaic)。,Ottawa is considered as one of the most beautiful capitals in the,world,.,Ottawa is a good place for people to settle down.,Canada is called “Cultural mosaic.,8.不同国家的风俗习惯和文化遗产丰富了加拿大的文化。(遗产heritage,丰富enrich),9.加拿大也受到法国文化和英国文化的影响。(深受的影响be deeply rooted in),Different,customs and heritages from different parts of the world enrich Canadas culture.,Both French and English cultures are deeply rooted in Canadas culture.,参考范文(One possible version):,Canada is the second largest country in the world,with an area of 9 million 976 thousand square kilometers and a population of slightly over 30 million. It is located in the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific on the west,and borders the US on the south. Ottawa,considered as one of the most beautiful capitals in the word,is a good place for people to settle down.,English and French are official languages spoken in Canada and both French and English cultures are deeply rooted in Canadas culture. One interesting fact about Canada is that it is called “Cultural mosaic,because different customs and heritages from different parts of the world enrich Canadas culture.,五、课文填空,Li Daiyu and Liu Qin were on a trip to Canada to visit 1 _ cousins on the Atlantic coast. 2 _ than take the aeroplane all the way,they took the train west to east across Canada.The thought,3 _ they could cross the whole continent was exciting.,that,their,Rather,Canada is the second 4 _(large) country in the world.People say Vancouver is Canadas most beautiful city 5 _ (surround)by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.On the coast north of Vancouver,6 _is so wet there that the tree are 7 _(extreme) tall.,extremely,largest,surrounded,it,That afternoon aboard the train the cousins settled 8 _ in their seats.They know cowboys from all over the world compete in the Stamped.Many cowboys have a gift 9 _ riding wild horses.They also learned that most Canadians live within 320 kilometers of the USA border and the population is only slightly 10 _ thirty million.,down,for,over,六、语法专练,1.I still remember the promise,that he made,.,2.He made a promise,that if anyone set him free he would make him very rich,.,3.The news,that you heard,is not true .,指出以下各句是定语从句还是同位语从句。,同位语从句,定语从句,定语从句,4.The news,that our team has won,is true.,5.The fact,that we talked about,is very important.,6.The fact,that we succeeded,pleased everybody.,同位语从句,同位语从句,定语从句,掌握重要考点,核心单词,have a chat 聊天,chat with sb.about sth.同某人聊某事,1.chat vi.& n.聊天;闲聊 (chat-chatted-,chatted), I had a chat _ that _Jane., Helen _(chat) with most of the guests at the party last night.,运用:用适当的词填空或所给词的适当形式填空。,chatted,about,with, 医生用X光可以看到人体内部。,By the use of X rays,doctors can see_,_., 他住的地方走20分钟就到了。,He lives_.,2.within prep. 在之内,运用:根据中文意思完成英文句子。,within 20 minutes walk,within,the body,mix A and/with B使A与B相混合,mix up(.with.)(将与)混淆,弄错,派生:,mixture n.混合物;混合状态,3.mix vi.& vt.混合;调配, I dont like to mix business _ pleasure., The city is a _ (mix) of old and new buildings., 许教师把我的成绩和别人的搞混了。,Miss Xu_ my results with someone elses.,运用:用适当的词填空或根据提示完成句子。,mixed up,with/and,mixture,4.confirm vt.证实;证明;批准,派生:,confirmation n.确认书,confirm sb.in sth.使某人确信某事,confirm that.证实, _(已经确定) well have a sports meeting next week., 结果证实了你们是对的。,Our results_.,运用:根据中文提示完成以下句子。,confirm that you are right,Its been confirmed that,重要词组, Rather than _ (take) a taxi,I would like to walk there., The little girl likes drawing rather than_ (dance).,1.rather than 与其;不愿,运用:按提示完成句子。,dancing,take, You rather than I _(be) going to go camping tomorrow., He is a teacher _ (而不是医生).,rather than a doctor,are, 那位教师设法使学生安静下来。,The teacher tried to_., 他想结婚并定居下来。,He wants to get married_.,2.settle down 定居;(使)平静下来;专心于,运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。,and settle down,settle the,students down,3.manage to do sth.设法做成某事,努力做成某事,He managed _ (get) the work _ (finish) with little money.,运用:用所给词的适当形式填空。,finished,to get, 我看不到我跟踪的那辆车了。,I _ the car I followed., 他看到远处有辆小汽车。,He _ a car in the distance.,4.catch sight of 看见 lose sight of 看不到,运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。,caught sight of,lost sight of,5.have a gift for对有天赋,have a talent for对有天赋,翻译:她有音乐天赋。,She _ music.,has a gift for/has a talent for,佳句诵写,1.原句:It is the second largestcountry in the world.(L1,P33)它是世界上第二大国家。,句型:,the + 序数词+ 最高级第几, 黄河是中国的第二长河。,The yellow river is _ in China., MNPC是我们镇的第三大高山。,MNPC is _,in our town.,仿写:请将以下句子译成英文。,the third highest mountain,the second longerest river,2.原句:.,Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.(L27,P34)加拿大的淡水要比世界上任何国家都要多。,句型:,more .than any other. 比其他任何都,说明:本句用比较级表示最高级意义,是同范围相比,必须有other。, 台北比台湾的任何城市都大。,Taipei is _ in Taiwan., 他比班里其他男孩都强壮。,He is _ in his class., 他比这个班的其他同学都聪明。,He is more clever _ students in the class.,仿写:请将以下句子译成英文。,than any other,bigger than any other city,stronger than any other boy,难句分析,课本原句:In the distance,they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls,which is on the south of the lake.在远处,她们可以看到在湖的南边尼亚加拉瀑布上方升腾着的雾霭。,构造分析:主句主干是they could see the misty cloud;that引导的是一个 _ 从句,修饰the misty cloud,which引导的 _ 从句,补充说明the great Niagara Falls。,定语,定语,轻松走近高考,一、完形填空,本文讲述了喜欢撒谎的Cater经常愚弄他的朋友而最后被Tony教训了一顿的故事。,1. B。有些人甚至被屡次愚弄。,2. D。被一次次愚弄,当然会烦恼、恼火。,3. A。由句意可知,找不到适合的“方法来惩罚他。,4. A。,come up with an idea想出主意。Set up建立。Put up with忍受。Cheered up欢呼。,5. D。,由第一段第一句可知。,6. C。,Cater 不相信Tony的话。,7. C。,Cater一贯以自己能骗倒别人,而别人难以骗倒他为豪,所以很骄傲地说出这句话。,8. C。Cater 自信自己打赌能胜。,9. A。根据上文应该是“一瓶。,10. A。say something, talk about something, tell something to sb., speak some language.,11. C。由下文可知,他并没有离开,应是不出声地“站在那里。,12. B。由语境可知,应是禁不住“大声说。,13. C。他意识到他所喝的东西不是饮料。,14. C。他的朋友终于赢了,当然开怀大笑。,15. B。他的脸变红。,二、语法填空,本文讲的是人口增长的优缺点。,31.is argued/has been argued。It是形式主语。,32.intensively。修饰动词worked用副词。,33 .a。表示 “更少的人口或“有多少人口习惯用a。,34.difficulties。在one of 后应用名词的复数,表示“其中之一。,35.where。引导定语从句,where 本身在从句中作状语。,36.It。it 在此作形式主语。,37.on。 “对限制应用place/put a limit on something。,38.declining。动词ing形式作前置定语。,39.Faced。过去分词作状语,“面临的表达是be faced with。,40.or。表选择“或。,三、阅读理解,本文介绍了加拿大最有有名的国家公园Banff旅游胜地。在那儿你可以享受冬季旅游的乐趣!,70.A。细节理解题。,根据文章第五段第一句话的cross country skis and snowshoes provide the means.可知A项正确。,71.B。细节理解题。,根据文章第六段的第一句话wildlife watching also creates satisfying memories.可知答案B正确,72.C。目的意图题。,由文章的主要内容以及文章最后的落款Banff Resort Guide Editors可知这篇文章主要目的就是介绍Banff的旅游活动。,73.B。推理判断题。,根据最后的签名Banff Resort Guide Editors可推知本文有可能出现在报纸上。,74.D。推理判断题。本文介绍了Banff的著名之处,有滑雪,购物,滑冰等,但是野生动物是供欣赏的,所以D项符合题意。,Thank you !,


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