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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Living well,Unit 1,霍金无边界条件的量子宇宙论,Do you know of any famous people who are disabled What do they do,肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,Warming up,Ludwig Von Beethoven,路德维希范贝多芬1770-1827,德国伟大的作曲家,26,岁时听觉衰退,35,岁时完全耳聋,世界不给他欢乐,他却创造了欢乐给与世界,邰丽华, 29岁(2005),中国残疾人艺术团舞蹈演员,中国特殊艺术协会副主席。2005年春节晚会上带着 21位聋哑演员表演舞蹈千手观音。,Warming up,With a partner, discuss what their disability might be.,There is a website called “Family Village on the internet. Lets see what can we see in it.,Pre-reading,Martys Story,Para,1:,Para,2:,1. Match the main idea to each paragraph.,The problems he has to deal with.,How his life has become easier.,An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease.,How his disability developed.,The advantages of his disease.,Para 3:,Para,4:,Para,5:,Skimming,difficulties,_ _ _ that makes,him very weak.,_and cant _ or _,stairs as quickly as other people.,A muscle disease,disease,Clumsy,run,climb,motto,To live one day _ _ _.,at a time,Scanning:,What does “live one day at a time mean,Live a rich and full life every day.,Para1:,Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys leg,Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out.,Because they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本).,Because they would transplant(移植) the new muscle.,Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.,Para 2-3:,2. Whats Martys dream,A. Being a famous football player and,representing his country in the,World Cup.,B. Being a doctor.,C. Being a college student.,D. Being a basketball player.,Para 2-3:,1. make my annoyed,使我生气,2. all in all,总而言之,3. computer programming,电脑编程,4. computer software,电脑软件,5. sit around,闲坐着,6. as well as,除了,之外,7. parrot,鹦鹉,8. a tank full of fish and tortoise,一缸金鱼和乌龟,9. in many ways,在很多方面,10. Psychologically,心理上,11. live a normal life,过正常的生活,12. feel sorry for sb.,对某人感到羞愧,/,抱歉,13. make fun of,取笑,14. live a rich and full life,过着丰富多彩而充实美满的生活,Words & expressions,Para 45,Para 4,What are the Martys ambition, achievement,and hobby,ambition,2. achievement,3. hobby,To work for a firm that develops computer software when he grows up.,invented a computer football game and a big company,has decided to buy it from him,Going to the movies and football,matches and keeping pets .,Martys advice :,Para 5,1. Dont feel sorry for them.,2. Dont make fun of them.,3. Dont ignore them.,4. Accept them for who they are.,5. Encourage them to live as rich and,full a life as you do.,1) What is the passage mainly about,How Marty lives a rich and full life even though he is disable.,How Marty achieves a lot.,C. How people ignore the disabled.,D. How Johns disability helps him grow stronger.,2.Choose the right answer.,2). Marty has _ disease.,A. a mental B. a muscle,C. a brain D. a hand,3). When Marty says “I am one in a million, he really means _.,A. he is unique B. he has a rare disease,C. he has a muscle disease D. he lives a hard but happy life,4). Which of the following is true according to this passage,A. Marty is special because of his appearance.,B. His fellow students often make him angry.,C. Marty is optimistic and positive toward life.,D.He spent 2 years on the invention of a computer football game.,5).He developed his muscle disease_.,A. when he was a little boy,C. when he was swimming,D. when he was playing,B. when he was ten years old,Fill in the table.,Reading Comprehension V,Scanning,点击,链接,点击,链接,Problems caused by his disability,weak and cant run or climb stairs as,quickly as others,2. clumsy and often drop things or bump,into furniture,3. cant play football and can only enjoy,football matches from a bench at a stadium,4. has missed a lot of school,5. feels stupid because of being behind the,others,return to the table,What Marty does in spite of his disability,2. invented a computer football game,3. looks after pets,4. disability has helped him grow stronger,psychologically and become more,independent,1. enjoys writing and computer,programming,return to the table,turn to the next part,Discuss these questions in groups.,Group Work,1 What kind of person do you think Marty is,2 What do you think is the most difficult,thing that Marty has to deal with in his,life,3 What kind of thing does Marty do in,order to make his life happy and satisfying,4 What can other people do to help Marty,and others like him live a good life,5 Why has his fellow students conduct,changed towards Marty,1 What kind of person do you think,Marty is,Marty seems to be a fairly positive,person who considers he has a good,life. He is realistic about his disability,but does not let this stop him doing as,much as he can. He is a psychologically,strong, independent boy.,2 What do you think is the most difficult,thing that Marty has to deal with in his,life,Missing lots of school, not being able to run around and play sports like other boys at his age, people not understanding that he has a disability.,3 What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life happy and satisfying,Marty keeps busy doing things that do,not require physical strength, like,computer programming. He has friends,with whom he can go to movies and,football matches and he has lots of pets.,He also studies hard.,4 What can other people do to help Marty and others like him live a good life,They can accept people with disabilities,like Marty for who they are rather than,focus on their disability. They can,encourage them to live rich and full lives.,Because they found that Marty,was able to live as rich and full,a life as everyone else.,5 Why has his fellow students conduct,changed towards Marty,It is not frightening if you are disabled in body, but it is so if you are not healthy in mind.,Homework,Retell Martys story with about 30 words or translate the following passage into English:,马蒂是一个残疾的孩子,但是他有着积极的生活态度。他从来不为他的残疾而感到羞愧,相反,他努力使自己过着和别人一样独立充实的生活。,Thank you!,


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