胃癌根治术麻醉 英文版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Anesthesia for Radical resection of gastric cancer,1.Assessment of the patient condition,Visiting your patient,A full assessment of the risks of anesthesia and anesthetic difficulties,Deside anesthesia scheme and intraoperative medication scheme,.,Some anesthesia doctors ignore it,but it is dangerous!,Reading medical records and directly questioning of the patient, in order to obtain the patient about the medical history, test results, The patients mental status and so on.,Examination the patients body especially the important systems, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and give a classification to the patients physical condition.,Guidance patients for anesthesia, relieved the patients anxiety and fear, and explain to patients or their families anesthetic risk, and then sign the anesthesic consent form.,And have a communicate with the surgeon.,Adequate assessment can prevent many accidents,People who are too fat tended to have an anesthesia intubation difficulty.,Torticollis are often very difficult to have a intubation.,Some people have scoliosis problems,these people should avoid epidural anesthesia,Besides,many other conditions should be in consideration,for example,loose teeth, Malignant hypertension and so on,medication should be cautious to old patients!,If there are no special case, general anesthesia combined with epidural anesthesia is ok!,For the elderly anesthesia induction, we usually use Etomidate,instead of Propofol.,Of course, in view of the different patient, we will prepare different drugs to cope with their special basic diseases, in order to keep the vital signs stable,.,2. Preanesthetic medication,Half an hour before the operation we use some drugs to patients.,Atropine is used to reduce the secretions of patients.,Phenobarbital for sedation.,Different patients with different dosage,3.In operation room,Anesthetic preparation,Give anesthesia to the patient,Epidural anesthesia,combined with,general anesthesia,Monitoring during operation,The use of analgetic pump and extubation.,Be prepared against want,Epidural anesthesia,General anesthesia,Monitoring during operation,During the operation Anesthesiologist should pay close attention to the patient s life index. Necessary drugs used to maintain stable vital signs.,Something will use some drugs to help the surgeon to complete the operation.,The use of analgetic pump and extubation,At the end of the operation,we use the Analgesia pump.,When the patient has sufficient spontaneous breathing, give him the extubation,4.Out of operation room,Patient who have a good condition back ward.,Old and bad condition patients should go to the ICU, Observe for a period of time.,


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