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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教课标,高二 选修 7 Unit 5,Unit 5 Travelling abroad,If you could go anywhere in the world, which country would you like to visit and why,The Pyramids 埃及金字塔,Warming up,The Grand Canyon 美国大峡谷,New Zealand 新西兰,Paris巴黎,Great Barrier Reef 澳大利亚大堡礁,What problems and difficulties will we face while traveling abroad,What should we take into account before we decide to travel abroad,Travel abroad,Money,ID card,Transportation,Local conditions and customs,Accommodation,Weather,Make plans,Apply for,a visa,Talk about words and expressions related to travelling and studying abroad.,Brainstorming,tourism, group tour,travel agency, guide, route,means of transportation, motel,see off, meet,baggage, luggage,check in, check out,visa, passport ,Pre-reading,Do you want to go abroad for a further study,Oxford University,Cambridge University,Harvard University,Princeton University,Yale University,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,What are the advantages of studying in a foreign country,What are the disadvantages of studying in a foreign country,Discussion,1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country,A: The advantages of studying in a foreign country are that we could learn standard English. We can,communicate with the local people, and we could know the manners and customs of the country better.,B: But there are still many disadvantages of studying there. It would be difficult for us to communicate with the foreign people, and we should adapt to the situation quickly. We cant understand the language very well, so its difficult for us to do everything even some simple things. Whats more, we will miss our homes, miss our parents and friends.,2. What do you think a Chinese student will find different from studying at a Chinese university,They will find its not easy to study in a foreign country. The different teaching methods, different learning methods and different situations, they should adapt to all things quickly.,Keep it up, Xie Lei,Chinese student fitting in well,What is the main idea of the article Give one sentence to describe it.,It talks about the Chinese student Xie Leis experience at a university in England (differences &difficulties).,Glance quickly through the magazine article and find out the answers to these questions.,1. Which country is Xie Lei studying in now,2. How old is she now,Xie Lei is studying in England.,She is 21 years old.,3. Who does she live with,4. Did Xie lei get a good mark for her first essay,5. How is her life now,She lives with a host family.,No, she got an E.,She feels much more at home now.,Match the main idea with each paragraph.,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,No.1,Xie Leis preparation year(一年预科),No.2,Benefits of her preparation course,No.3,The authors best wish for XieLei,No.4,Benefits of living with a host family,No.5,Xie Leis new plan,No.6,Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, came to study in London,No.7,Xie Leis difficulty getting used to a new way of life,(1) What is Xie Lei in England for How long has she been in England,She is in England to study at a university. She has been in England for six months.,Answer these questions about the text.,(2) Why is she doing a preparation course first,Because studying in England is different from studying in China and she needs to learn about these differences and improve her English.,(3) Why did she feel like a child when she first arrived in England,Because she had to learn how to do everyday things like using a telephone, paying on a bus, finding her way around a strange city; understanding English as spoken in real life; learning how to write essays acceptable to her British lecturer.,(4) Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England,Xie Leis host family and her teachers.,(5) Why has Xie Lei decided to join a few clubs,Because she thinks its important to have a balance between study and a social life, and she wants to make new friends.,1. From the text we can infer that “I am a reporter of a newspaper.,2. Xie Leis tutor seemed dissatisfied with her first essay because she didnt give her own opinion.,3. Xie Lei came to London to study at a university a year ago.,F,Mark True (T) or False (F):,T,T,4. Xie Lei has completed the preparation course.,5. Xie Lei planned to join a few clubs hoping to make some new friends.,6. Xie Lei is hard-working and she doesnt give up easily.,F,T,T,(1) According to the first paragraph, which of the following is TRUE about Xie Lei,A. She went to London first by plane and then by bus.,B. This was not her first time to be abroad.,C. She was not willing to go to London.,D. She had been in London for half a year.,Choose the best answer.,(2) Why did Xie Leis tutor seem dissatisfied with her first essay,A. Because she didnt give her own opinions at all.,B. Because there were too many mistakes in it.,C. Because what she wrote made no sense.,D. Because her opinions were different from her tutors.,Remember the information and try to fill in the blanks.,Benefits,of doing a preparation course,_,_.,2. _,_.,to learn how to reach Western academic requirements,to get used to a new way of life and improve her English,of living with a host family,_,_.,2. _,_.,to learn more about everyday life and customs,to have people to explain things not understood,of having a tutor,_,_,_.,2. _,_.,to explain about why you cannot use other peoples work without acknowledging it,to encourage you to express your own ideas with reasons,Difficulties,at the university,_,_.,2. _,_.,learning to read widely and analyze the texts,expressing ones own opinion with reasons,of a new way of life,_,_.,2. _.,finding a balance between study and a social life,making new friends,1. What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is Find evidence in the article to support your opinion.,Discuss these questions in groups.,1) She is serious about her work.,Evidence:,She did research on the Internet for her essay.,When her tutor did not give her a good mark she went to see him to find out why.,She put her tutors ideas into practice.,2) She perseveres.,Evidence:,She had problems when she first arrived, but worked at them till she succeeded in getting over them.,She asks her host family for help with any language or culture issues.,She did not give up with her first setback over the essay.,3) She is enterprising and adaptable.,Evidence:,She left her city to go to England even though she had never travelled abroad before.,She settled down well enough to feel at home in a strange country.,2. Why do you think the reporter used some direct speech in the article,1) Direct speech makes the passage appear more immediate and vivid.,2) Using direct speech shows that the writer of the article has done some research.,3) He/She is making it clear that this article is not referring to people in general but is concentrating on the experience of one student.,3. Where do you think this article might have been published,This article is about how one overseas student has adapted to university life in England. It would not be suitable for a general daily newspaper but would be most appropriate for a student newspaper. I imagine that this article would have been published in a student newspaper.,Suppose you are a newspaper reporter. Please interview Xie Lei using the following words or phrases write a passage.,keep it up, get along, make progress, board, adjust to, It is the first time, get used to, as far as one is concerned, feel at home, all the best, etc.,Homework,


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