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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 1 Women of Achievement,Words and Expressions,1. achievement,n.成就; 功绩;c到达; 完成u,quite an achievement 了不起的成就,achieve: vt.取得, 获得;实现, 到达,Altogether, our achievements are very great.,They achieved some victories despite these setbacks挫折.,Only practice can achieve mastery,achievable adj. 可完成的,可到达的,2. common,adj.,普遍的,;,公有的,共同的;,Britain and America share a common language.,It is,common knowledge,that the earth is round.,in common,一样,同样,have sth. in common,有共同之处,have a lot/much in common (with),have not much/ a little in common (with),have something/nothing in common (with),3. condition,n. u. 状态,状况,be in good/excellent/ perfect condition,be in bad condition,n. c条件(常用复数),介词搭配用on,poor working and living conditions,on the condition that 引导条件从句,在的条件下, 假设,I will buy you a notebook on the condition that you are admitted to a key university.,参看高考领航p4,on no condition 绝不,放句首时要半倒装,On no condition should you visit that place.,与其用法一样的有:,at no time决不,从不;in no way; by no means; in no case,Her health is in poor, which worries her mother much.,A. position B. situation C. state D. condition,you can go swimming,you dont go far away from the river bank.,unless,on condition that,even if,as though,D,B,4. concern,concern Vt. 与有关,涉及; 担忧,n. 关心,担忧,This concerns the healthy growth of children deeply. 这事对孩子的安康成长关系极大。,concerning prep. 关于,concerned adj. 关心的,挂念的,(作前置定语和有关的作后置定语,There was a concerned look on her face.,他脸上带有担忧的表情,all parties concerned 有关各方,有关当事人,He has never been concerned about what other people think of him.,concern oneself with/about/ in sth,关心,从事,忙于某事,show concern about,be concerned about/for 对关心,担忧,be concerned with 与相关,as concerns 关于,as far as sb. be concerned 在某人看来,5. institute,vt.,建立,制定,;,实行,The government instituted a consumer protection agency.,n.,协会,学会,;,学院,研究院,MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),6. specialist n.C,专家,The young man is a specialist in the,web design.,这位年轻人是网络设计专家。,specialist,习惯与,in,搭配,构成,a specialist in ,方面的专家,,意同与,,an expert in,special adj.,特别的,专门的,specially adv.,特别地,专门地,specialism n.,专门研究,专业,专修,specialize vi. (in),专攻,专门研究,专门从事,specialized adj.,专门的,专业的,7. devote to,把,奉献给 ;专心致志于 ; 把,专用于,devote,1)devote oneself /sth.,to,(,doing,) sth.,献身于,;致力于,He,devotes,himself,to,finish,ing,the task.,She,devotes,all her time,to,her family.,be devoted to +n./pron./doing,2) devoted (adj.),深爱的,全心全意的,忠实的,a,devoted,friend,She,is devoted to,her family.,她深爱她的家庭。,If you have a job, _ yourself to it and finally youll succeed.,do devote B. dont devote,C. devoting D. not devoting,9. connection n.C,U 关系,联系,连接,衔接 connect v. (把)连接,(将 )接通,a connection between A and B,A,与,B,之间的关系,/,联系,the connection of A with B,A,与,B,的关系,/,联系,a connection with/to,与,的关系,/,联系,in connection with,与,相关联,关于,be connected with,与,有关系,与,有亲戚关系,10.,human beings,指人时较具体,区别于鬼神,The disease can be fatal in human beings.,这种疾病在人身上是会致命的。,man,人类,其前不加冠词,单数形式为泛指。其相应的代词是,,he, his, him,He always maintains his belief in the goodness of man.,他总是坚持人性本善。,mankind,前无冠词,为不可数名词,含义泛指,The history of mankind covers tens of thousands of years.,人类已有好几万年的历史了。,11. campaign n. c 运动,a campaign for/ against/ to do,争取得到的运动/ 反对的运动/ 为了做而进展的运动,They started a campaign for equal rights.,Their office starts a campaign against smoking.,be on campaign 表示“在开展活动的状态,campaign前不加冠词,2. n. c,战役,The Spanish campaign and the campaign to seize Moscow were both failures.,西班牙战役和夺取莫斯科之战均失败。,3. vi.,参加运动,campaign for,参加争取,的运动,campaign against,参加反对,的运动,campaign with sb.,与某人一起参加运动,Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women.,琼正在参加争取妇女平等权利的运动。,12.behave,举动,举止或行为表现,behave like 表现得像,towards 对待,well/ with good manners表现好有礼貌,badly 表现不好,The little boy behaved with great courage in the face of the gunman.,The teacher encouraged the children to behave well.,2. 举止得体,守规矩,检点,behave oneself 守规矩,举止适当/得体,I hope the children behave themselves.,口语中常用Do behave!或Behave yourself!,“规矩点儿,behavio(u)r n. 行为,举止,习性,Anna was sick of her elder brothers behaviour. 安娜讨厌她哥哥的举止。,13.,Watching,a family of chimps wake up is our.,观察黑猩猩一家如何醒来是我们,.,动名词作主语,主语是由不定式、动名词、从句构成的,谓语动词采用单数。,Workingwithyouis,pleasant.,Seeing is,believing.,It,is no/little good/use,a waste of time,+doing sth.,hardly any good/use,12. worthwhile,worthwhile: adj.) 值得(花精力、时间、金钱做) 的,a worthwhile experiment,It is worthwhile to do / doing sth.,worth: 值得的(只作表语,这辆自行车值50英镑,This bicycle is worth 50 pounds.,这个博物馆非常值得参观。,The museum is (well) worth visiting.,be (well) worth + n. / doing sth.,The experiment is well worth the time and money.,The experiment is well worth doing.,worthy: 值得只作表语,be worthy to be done,be worthy of + being done / n.,The experiments is worthy to be done.,He is worthy of our praise.,worthy: 可敬的,相称的 作定语,a worthy man 可敬的人,13. observe,Observe(观察,注意 + n./pron./,sb. doing/do sth,that-cl,The scientist has observed the stars all his life.,I observed a stranger go/going into the office,I observed that several students,were asleep in class.,遵守,顺从,We must observe the traffic rules.,举行仪式等, 庆祝节日等,Do you observe Christmas Day in your country,14. Only+状语+局部倒装,只有这样,我们才能学好英语。,Only in this way can we learn English well.,到那时我才意识到我的错误。,Only then did I realize my mistakes.,但,Only+,主语时不倒装,只有你了解我。,Only you_.,I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importance of studies.,A. I realized B. I had realized,C. had I realized D. did I realize,It was _ back home after the experiment.,A. not until midnight did he go,B. until midnight that he didnt go,C. not until midnight that he went,D. until midnight when he didnt go,15. argue,argue with sb about sth,argue for/against,argue +that,从句,argue:,争论,辩论。指举出理由或事实来与对方争辩,企图说服对方,quarrel:,争吵,吵架,争辩,侧重口角争执,discuss:,讨论,指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而交换意见,16.,inspire,adj: inspired / inspiring,n. : inspiration,She was an,inspiration,to all of us.,Her _speech yesterday made us_. We are determined to learn from her and try to do our job better.,He was an _ poet at that time and his,_ poems spread through all the country.,A. inspired; inspired B. inspiring; inspired,C. inspired; inspiring D. inspiring; inspiring,


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