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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 4 The natural world,Oxford English,Period 1,Fire,12,执教者,:郝启侠,备课团队:曾焕 刘海珍 曾欣 郝启侠,深圳市盐田区外国语小学,We use fire to keep warm.,We use fire to cook food.,What can we use fire to do?,Now lets listen the story, and then Ill ask you some questions.,Story time,Stone age:,石器时代,In picture 1, what gives Yazs family heat and light?,not at all:,一点也不,Does Yaz like meat?,Why?,People eat,raw,(生的),meat.,What does Yaz do with the meat?,What will happen?,In picture3,,,4 and 5, how does Yaz learn to cook meat?,In picture 4 and 5, how does the meat smell and taste?,Characters:,Narrrator, Yaz, Sister, Mother, Father,Narrator:,How was life in the Stone Age? Lets take a look. Lets welcome Yaz from the Stone Age.,Yaz:,Hi! Im Yaz. I live in the Stone Age. We have a fire. Fire gives us heat and light.,Mother,:Look at the fire. Our cave is bright.,Sister:,Its so warm.,Father:,Yaz, we have meat today. Come and eat your meat.,Yaz:,No, thank you. I dont like meat, Dad.,Mother:,Why not? Meat is good for you.,Sister:,(eats) I like meat. Hmm, Yummy!,Act out the story,Yaz:,I dont want to eat this!(throws the meat into the fire),Mother&Father:,Oh, no! Dont waste your meat!,Mother:,Where is the meat?,(Smoke comes out of the fire),Sister:,Something smells nice.,Father:,What is it?,Mother:,It smells like meat!,Yaz:,(takes the meat out of the fire) Here it is. The nice smell comes from the meat.,Father:,Dont touch it! We must be careful.(gets the meat and takes a bite) Hmm, yummy!,Sister:,Let me try. Let me try!,Mother:,How does it taste?,Father:,It tastes great! Try this, Yaz.,Yaz:,(takes a bite) Wow, it tastes wonderful.,Mother:,Lets try another piece of meat.,Yaz:,We should always cook our meat on the fire.,We can drilled wood to make a fire(,钻木取火),.,We can use,flint,s to make a fire(,火石,取火),.,How can we make a fire,?,F,ire is beautiful.,fireworks,a campfire,candle lights,Sum up,Fire is useful.,People use fire to _,Fire is beautiful.,People use fire to _,Homework,1. Try to make a story.,2.Try to use fire to cook meat.,


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