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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,名词性从句,在句子中起名词作用。,功能相当于名词词组,在复合句中担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语,名词性从句可分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句。,Related Conception (,相关概念,),1.,名词,:,表示人或事物的名称的词叫名词。,2.,名词在句子当中一般可以作什么成分,?,名词在句中主要作主语、宾语、表语和同位语。,The boy is,li,Ming.,主语,表语,Mr. Liang , a 24-year-old boy, teaches us English .,主语,同位语,宾语,在英语的句子结构中,本来该由名词充当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语,由一个句子来充当,这个句子就叫名词性从句。,什么是名词性从句,?,名词性从句,主语从句,( The Subject Clause),宾语从句,( The Object Clause),表语从句,( The Predicative Clause),同位语从句,( The Appositive Clause),一、主语从句,定义:在句子中起主语作用的从句称为主语从句。,连接主语从句的连接词主要有三类:,连接词:,that,、,whether,连接代词:,what,、,who,、,whose,、,whatever,、,whichever,、,whoever,连接副词:,when,、,where,、,why,、,how,1.,连接词引导:,that,、,whether,例:,That the college will take in more new students this year,is true.,今年这所大学将招收更多新生是真的。,That the whether becomes warmer is the result of pollution.,天气变暖是污染的结果。,Whether he can finish his task on time,is of great importance.,他是否能按时完成任务非常重要。,Whether you can succeed or not depends on how hard you work at it.,你是否能成功取决于你努力地程度。,2.,连接代词引导,例:,What we cant get,seems better than what we already have.,我们得不到的东西似乎比我们拥有的东西更好。,Who the letter was from,is still unknown.,这封信是谁邮寄的还不清楚。,Whichever of you gets here first,will get the prize.,你们当中第一个达到这里的人将获得奖项。,_ we are sure about is the need to prevent children from being spoiled.,What B. Which C. whether D. That,What,一方面引导主语从句;,另一方面在句中做,about,的宾语。,3.,连接副词引导,例:,How medicine reduces and relieves pain,is unclear.,药物是如何减轻和解除疼痛的还不清楚。,Why they suddenly disappeared,still remains a mystery.,它们为什么突然消失还是个迷。,Exercise 1,_ she said puzzled him.,_ she said such a thing puzzled him.,_ we should send to take part in the party is to be discussed.,_ they dont want to drop the plan is clear.,_ he finished the work in so short time remains a question.,_ it is going to snow this evening is not certain.,What,Why,Whom/who,That,How,Whether,Exercise 2,_,(,月球上没有生命,) is known to all.,2. _ (,我在会议上说的,) must be kept secret.,3. _ (,是否这件事是真的,) remains a question.,4. _ (,我们什么时候开会,) is to be discussed.,That there is no life on the moon,What I said at the meeting,Whether it is true,When we will have the meeting,形式主语,it,替代主语从句:,It,是形式主语,,that,引导的从句是真正的主语。,it +,系动词,+,形容词,+ that,从句,It is necessary that,有必要,It is important that .,重要的是,It is obvious that,很明显,It is quite clear,that the whole project is doomed to failure,.,很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。,it +,系动词,+,名词,+ that,从句,It is common knowledge that ,是常识,It is a surprise that .,令人惊奇的是,It is a fact that,事实是,It is our hope,that the two sides will work towards peace,.,我们的希望是双方能朝着和平的方向发展。,it + be +,动词的,-,ed,形式,+ that,从句,It is believed that,人们相信,It is known to us/all that .,众所周知,It has been decided that,已经决定,It is announced,that the plan had been successfully carried out,.,据宣布,计划正在顺利实施。,It +,不及物动词 ,that,从句,It appears that,似乎,It happens that .,碰巧,It occurred to me that,我突然想起,Exercise 1,It is a wonder _ you werent injured.,It is still unknown _ and _ this took place.,It makes no difference to me _ he is rich or poor.,It is not yet decided _ is to take her place as secretary.,It is said _ this plaza has 15 cinemas.,It doesnt matter _ you are going to do it.,that,when,where,whether,who,that,whether,Exercise 2,你昨天错过了这部新的电影,真是太遗憾了。,他们将要在这里建一个新的医院是真的吗?,据说我们清明节要放三天假。,4.,他是否挣很多很多钱对我来说并不重要。,It is a pity that you missed the new movie yesterday.,Is it true that they are going to set up a new hospital here?,It is said that well take three days off on,Tomb Sweeping Day.,It isnt important to me whether he can make a lot of money.,二、宾语从句,定义:在句子中起宾语作用的从句称为宾语从句。,引导宾语从句的连接词主要有三类:,连接词:,that,、,whether,、,if,连接代词:,what,、,who,、,whose,、,whatever,、,whichever,、,whoever,连接副词:,when,、,where,、,why,、,how,1.,连接词引导,例:,I think,(that) you should turn to the teacher for help,.,我认为你应该向老师寻求帮助。,I still dont know,if/whether he still lives here after so many years,.,我不知道这么多年后他是否还住在这儿。,Tina was hesitating about the job offer as she didnt know _ the company was an established one.,蒂娜对那份工作有点迟疑,因为她不知道那是否是一家被认定的公司。,Whether/if,都意为“是否”,一般情况下可互换。口语中常用,if,。,但是以下情况只能用,whether,:, 与,or not,连用时。,Let me know,whether or not you can come,.,请让我知道你是否能来。,引导介词宾语从句时。,We are,interested in,whether you will attend the meeting or not,.,2.,连接代词引导,例:,She asked me,whose handwriting was the best in the class,.,她问我班上谁的书法最好。,Ill just say,whatever comes into my mind,.,3.,连接副词引导,例:,Do you know,when the ancient games began,?,你知道古代的奥运会是什么时候开始的吗?,Ive been thinking about,how we can make the newspaper more interesting,.,我一直在考虑如何使我们的报纸更有趣。,注,1,:宾语从句的语序,在宾语从句中需用陈述句语序。,例:,He asked me,when,we could,leave the next day,. (when could we leave the next day?),Did you find out,where she lost her car?,(where does she lost her car?),注,2,:宾语从句的时态,主句,的谓语动词是,一般现在时,,其,宾语从句,的时态可以是,任何适当的时态,,所以宾语从句的时态应更具实际情况而定。,例:,She says (that) she,works,from Monday to Friday. (,从,-,一般现在,),She says (that) she,will leave,a message on his desk.,(从,-,一般将来),She says (that) she,has never been,to Mount,Emei,.,(从,-,现在完成时), 主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,其宾语从句的时态一般要用适当的过去时态。,例:,He said there,were,no classes yesterday afternoon. (,从,-,一般过去时,),He said that he,was going to,take care of the baby. (,从,-,过去将来时,),He said that they,were having,a meeting all that night. (,从,-,过去进行时,), 当宾语从句是表达客观真理和规律的句子时,其时态仍旧用一般现在时。,例:,The teacher told us that nothing,is,difficult if we put our hearts into it.,老师告诉我们世上无难事,只怕有心人。,He said that light,travels,much faster than sound.,宾语从句的时态和语序,Could you tell me if it _ tomorrow? A. rains B. is raining,C. will rain D. rain,2. The teacher told his students the sun_,in the east. A. rise B. rises,C. rose D. risen,3. Peter knew _. A. whether he has finished reading the book B. why the boy had so many questions C. there were 12 months in a year D. when they will leave for Paris,4. Could you tell me _? A. where is the nearest railway station B. where the nearest railway station was C. where the nearest railway station is D. where was the nearest railway station,5. I really dont know if she _ it when she _.,A. finds/ arrives,B. finds/ will arrive,C. will find/ will arrive,D. will find/ arrives,6. Where do you think _ he _ the TV set? Sorry, Ive no idea.,A./, bought,B. has, bought,C. did, buy,D. did bought,7. Can you tell me _? A. whats the matter with him,B. what the matter with him is C. what happened with him,D. what with him happened,使用宾语从句时需注意以下几点,1.,动词,find,、,feel,、,think,、,consider,、,make,、,believe,、,guess,、,suppose,、,assume,等后有宾语补足语时,则需要用,it,做形式宾语,而将,that,宾语从句后置。,例:,I think,it,necessary that we take plenty of boiled water every day.,我认为每天多喝开水是有必要的。,I have made,it,a rule that I keep diaries.,我每天写日记成了习惯。,2.,宾语从句的否定转移,将,think,、,believe,、,suppose,、,expect,、,fancy,、,imagine,等动词后面宾语从句的否定,转移到主句中。,-,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。,例:,I think I dont know you.,(,F,),I dont think I know you.,(,T,),我想我并不认识你。,我相信他不会来。,I dont believe he will come.,在句中充当主语的从句叫做主语从句。,他星期三来这里是肯定的。,he will come here on Wednesday is certain.,他星期三是否来这里还不肯定的。,he will come here on Wednesday is,not certain.,That,主语从句,Whether,What he said is not true.,Who broke the window has not been found out.,How he escaped is still a mystery.,Whom she borrowed money from still puzzled him.,Exercise 1,_ she said puzzled him.,_ she said such a thing puzzled him.,_ we should send to take part in the party is to be discussed.,_ they dont want to drop the plan is clear.,_ he finished the work in so short time remains a question.,_ it is going to snow this evening is not certain.,What,Why,Whom/who,That,How,Whether,That he cant attend the party is a pity.,It is a pity that he cant attend the party.,How much money is needed is hard to say.,It is hard to say how much money is needed.,That the moon moves around the earth is known to all.,It is known to all that the moon moves around the earth.,it,做形式主语,She said (that) she is going to learn English.,I want to know whether/if she still lives there.,I dont know who all these people are.,She wants to know which film I like best.,Please tell me where she lives.,I am not interested in what he is doing.,I am certain that he is at home now.,I am afraid he wont come on time.,宾语从句,在句中充当,及物动词,介词或某些形容词,宾语的句子叫做宾语从句。,三、表语从句,定义:在复合句中做表语(即放在,be,动词后面)的从句叫做表语从句。,从句的语序用陈述句语序。,连接主语从句的连接词主要有三类:,连接词:,that,、,whether,连接代词:,who,、,whom,、,whose,、,which,、,what,、,whoever,、,whomever,、,whichever,、,whatever,连接副词:,when,、,where,、,why,、,how,1.,连接词引导,例:,The reason for his absence is,that he hasnt been informed,.,他缺席的原因是他没接到通知。,The question remains,whether they will be able to help us,.,问题还是他们能否帮我们。,Another important difference is,whether schools are state schools or private schools,.,另一个重要的不同之处是学校是公立的还是私立的。,2.,连接代词,/,副词引导,例:,The problem is,who will take charge of this shop,.,问题是谁将接管这家店铺。,That is,when I realized the importance of journalism,.,那时我才意识到新闻工作的重要性。,This is,why I think my happiest days will be in the future,.,这就是我认为自己最快乐的日子会在将来的原因。,as/ as if / as though,引导的表语从句, 此类表语从句常跟在特定动词后面,如,seem,,,appear,,,look,,,taste,,,sound,,,feel,等。,例:,It sounds,as if someone is knocking at the door,.,听上去好像有人在敲门。,At that time, it seemed,as though I couldnt think of the right word,.,当时我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。,当主句的主语是,reason,时,表语从句一般由,that,引导。此用法常见于句型“,the reason whyis that”,例:,The reason why he came late was that he got up late.,他来的晚是因为起床晚了。,我们的目的是他能认识到错误。,Our purpose is that he can realize his faults.,问题是它是否值得做。,The question is whether it is worth doing.,注意:表语从句表示“是否” 只用“,whether”,而不用“,if”,试区分以下句子,Is this museum what you visited?,This museum is what you visited.,Is this the museum that you visited?,This is the museum that you visited.,Is this museum the one that you visited?,This museum is the one that you visited.,把句子变换成陈述句,接着判断句子是属于哪种从句再完成。,(,表从,),(,定从,),(,定从,),That house is _ the garden tools are stored.,The reason I dont want to go there is _ Ive just got a new job here.,That was _ they had made the mistake.,Everything in the room is _ it was ten years ago.,The dream Jack has in mind is _ he will become a scientist in the future.,where,that,how,what,that,6. What we care about is _ it will be a fine day tomorrow.,7. That was _ they didnt pay much attention to the teacher in class.,8. My opinion is _ everyone of us takes out $5 for Janes birthday present.,9. The problem is _ we can be allowed to stay out at such a late hour.,10. Her explanation is _ she used to live in the country and she knows it better than us.,whether,why,that,whether,that,问题是谁能帮我学英语,.,这就是她不愿意出国留学的原因,.,那就是我要告诉你的,.,问题是他是否会同意这个建议,.,The question is who can help me with my English.,That is why she is unwilling to study abroad.,That is what I will tell you.,The question is whether he will agree with the suggestion.,定语从句:修饰一个名词,关系词在从句中做一个成分。,This is the,boy,who,gave me help yesterday,.,主语从句:做句子的主语,在谓语(动词)前面。,What,he said,is,not true.,宾语从句:做句子的宾语,在谓语(动词)后面。,He,told,me,that,he is from China,.,表语从句:做句子的表语,在,be,动词后面。,The question,is,whether,he is from China or not,.,看到一个句子,首先分析主语,谓语,宾语,/,表语,,关系词在谓语前,则该从句为主语从句;,关系词在谓语后,则该从句为宾语从句;,关系词在,be,动词后,则该从句为表语从句;,关系词在名词后,修饰名词,则该从句为定语从句;,关系词在名词后,说明解释名词,则为,然后看从句表达的是什么意思,根据意思选择相应的关系词。同位语从句,.,(是否,谁,为什么,怎么样,什么,谁的 。,that,适应于从句结构完整,不缺少成分,.,),四、同位语从句,在句子中作某一名词的同位语,一般位于该名词之后,,解释和说明该名词的具体内容,。这些名词常见的有:,idea/ fact/ news/ hope/ belief/ thought/ doubt/ promise/ suggestion/ order,等。,用,that,引导同位语从句。,that,无词义,也不做句子成分,不能省略,从句用陈述句语序。,They expressed the,hope,that,we would go and visit Shanghai again,.,他们表示希望我们再去访问上海。,I have no,idea,that,she has quit her present job,.,我不知道他已经辞职了。,Give me your,promise,that,you will come to our party this evening,.,答应我,你今天晚上回来参加我们的晚会。,There is no obvious,evidence,that,there is life on any other planet in the solar system,.,没有明显的证据表明太阳系的其他行星上有生命。,同位语从句还可以用,whether,,,when,,,where,,,why,,,how,等引导。,The student asked me the,question,whether,the book was worth reading,.,I have no,idea,why,he was excided that time,.,定语从句与同位语从句的区别,定语从句是从句对其先行词的,修饰或限制,。,同位语从句是从句对前面抽象名词的进一步的,解释和说明,。,The,news,that,our team has won the game,was true.,(同位语从句,补充说明,news,到底是一个说明消息),The,news,that,he told me yesterday,was true.,(定语从句,,news,在从句中做,told,的宾语),I made a promise that if anyone set me free I would make him very rich.,The mother made a promise that pleased all her children.,Exercise,At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see_ it got any better.,A. when B. how C. why D. if,D:,宾语从句,从句中不缺少时间、地点、原因,,D,项意为“是否”。,It is not immediately clear_ the financial crisis will soon be over.,Since B. what C. when D. whether,D:,名词性从句中的主语从句,,it,做形式主语。,whether the financial crisis will soon be over is not immediately clear.,As a new diplomat, he often thinks of_ he can react more appropriately on such occasions.,What B. which C. that D. how,D:,宾语从句,作为新上任的外交官, 他经常考虑如何在这样的场合做出更恰当的反应。,We should consider the students request_ the school library provide more books on popular science.,That B. when C. which D. where,A:,同位语从句,名词,request,,从句结构完整,不缺成分。,She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do_ it takes to save her life.,Whichever B. however C. whatever,D. Who ever,C:,宾语从句,,whatever,同时做,takes,的宾语。,The fact has worried many scientists _ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.,What b. which c. that d. though,C:,同位语从句,名词,fact,Many young people in the West are expected to leave_ could be lifes most important decision-marriage almost entirely up to luck.,As b. that c. which d. what,D:,宾语从句,,what,同时在从句中充当主语。,许多西方年轻人都把人生中最重要的决定,婚姻,几乎都归因于运气。,Whenever I met her, _ was very often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.,Who b. which c. when d. that,B:,主语从句,,which,指代,whenever I met her,。,The how to book can be of help to _ wants to do the job.,Who b. whomever c. no matter who,d. Whoever,D: how to book.,指南类的书,宾语从句, 关系词同时在从句中做主语。,Tomorrow is Toms birthday. Have you got any idea _ the party is to be held?,What b. which c. that d. where,D:,同位语从句,,where,在从句中做地点状语。,_ wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.,Anyone b. the one c. whoever,d. who,C:,主语从句,,any one who/ the one who,亦可,People in Chongqing are proud of _ they have achieved in the past ten years.,A. what b. that c. which d. how,A,It is none of your business _ other people think about you. Believe yourself.,How b. what c. which d. when,B:,主语从句,,it,做形式主语。,Choosing the right dictionary depends on _ you want to use it for.,Why b. how c. whether d. what,D:,Could I speak to _ is in charge of international sales, please?,_ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.,The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands make _ it is.,


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