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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,LOGO,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,LOGO,Unit3 Robots,Reading,My dear son,Congratulations! You won another flying machine competition.,I know you are always creative and imaginative. Im so proud of you. But at the same time, I have some words from the bottom of my heart.,Every morning, I have to get up to make breakfast,iron your business suit smoothly,and prepare your lunch box.,Look at your bedroom,coins,bills,and,your private papers,are not in order. They,re spread,everywhere. And when I return home from work, they,re,still,in a mess,.,You,knock,things,over,and dont put them back. You never throw rubbish into,rubbish bin,. Nobody opens the window to air the room,it smells so bad! I dont know why your computer often catches a,virus,. When it goes wrong, it wont work,properly,.,Pre-reading,in a correct way,I,m,not,happy with,these. Youre busy with your schoolwork. Youre busy with your hobbies. Youre busy with everything. I have no way out but to help you do some cleaning. And I no,longer know when I should,do some own things. I wonder when you yourself can make your room,look as good as new.,Im really tired. I want to make a great difference to,my everyday life. Im still that pretty woman you know. In order,to make my dream come true, I need your help!,Love you always.,Mum,be satisfied with,Can you give her suggestions?,Whats her problem?,Do you want to have a kind of home robot?,Brainstrom:,What can a robot do?,a robot,Explore dangerous places,Play the music,How can a robot do?,take photos,work on high buildings,serve the customer,a home robot,do the laundry,make the bed,tidy up,iron clothes,cook meals,do shopping,How can a home robot help us?,Which one do you need most?,help with homework,Mr. Jiang,manager,He is too busy to have,any,time to relax.,order a robot from a robot shop,Task1 predicting,What will be the main idea of the article?,Good changes,Bad changes,Good changes and bad ones,The home robot,Parts,Main ideas,Part 1(,),Part 2( ),Part 3( ),Part 4( ),Why did Mr Jiang order a robot?,The robot made stupid mistakes.,How did Mr Jiang deal with the robot?,The robot made Mr Jiangs life much easier.,1,),Try to divide the article into 4 parts and,match,the main idea,with,each part.,Task2 skimming,Task,2,Skimming,1.What kind of robot is it?,3.,Why did the robot cause a lot of problems?,4.,Was Mr Jiang satisfied with the robot at last?,2.What happened to Mr Jiang after he bought the robot?,Its a home robot.,It made his life much easier.,Because it caught a virus.,No, he wasnt.,2,),Read the passage quickly and answer the questions,1,)Read,P,art 2 and find out good changes,Good changes,in the morning,made,breakfast,ironed his business suit smoothly,prepared a lunch box,Task,3,Scanning,Good changes,while,at work,do all the housework,go shopping at the supermarket,in the evening,cook dinner,tidy up,He would f,in,d his flat,in a complete mess.,2,)Read,Part 3,and,a,nswer the question:,What would Mr Jiang find when he got home?,food:,milk:,coins:,was on the bed,was stored in the rubbish bin,were spread all over the floor,3,) Read,Part 4 and choose,the right answer.,How did Mr Jiang deal with the problem at last?,A. He threw it away.,B. He fixed it by himself.,C. He returned it to the robot shop.,Ex:,Challenge yourself. (Fill in the blanks.),Mr Jiang is a manager. He o_1_ a robot from a robot shop. The robot could do many things for him, for example, he could iron his business suit s_2_. In general the robot s_3_,_,_ Mr Jiang,s n_4_. But later the robot c_5_ a virus and no longer worked,p,_,_,_6_,_,_. Sometimes, he found his flat in a c_7_ mess: food was l_8_ on the bed; milk was s_9_ in the rubbish bin; coins, bills and his p_10_ papers were spread all over the floor. He had to return it to the shop at last.,ordered,smoothly,satisfied,needs,properly,complete,caught,laid,stored,private,Do you think the robot is always good in our life?,Work in pairs to discuss the,advantages,and,disadvantages,of having a robot.,Discussion,:,What do you think of Mr Jiangs robot?Why?,Team racing,Activity,Work in groups to have a debate:,Is it good or bad for us to have a robot?,Ready?,Useful expressions:,Talking about the advantages of robots,Robots are good because,Robots can help us,Some things that robots can do but we can,t are,I,d like to own a robot because,Useful expressions:,Talking about the disadvantages of robots,Robots aren,t good because,Robots can,t do everything right because,I wouldn,t like to own a robot because,Advantages of having a robot:,can do housework for us,can let us have more free time,can clean the rooms,can make the bed,can go shopping at the supermarket,can iron our shirts,can do the laundry,Disadvantages of having a robot:,might be easy to catch a virus,might forget to cook breakfast,might cause a lot of problems,might wake us up too early,might put our breakfast and clean,shirts in the wrong place,might move around the house and,knock things over,might make our flats a mess,Just as a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides. We should choose the right one.,Summary,:,Writing,Write an argumentative essay about the advantages and disadvantages of robots,Homework,1.Read the article fluently.,2.Go on finishing the,writing,.,Thanks for listening,9,下,Unit,3,Robots Reading,Learning aims:,1.To understand some new words and phr,a,ses,about robots.,2.To learn to talk about the good points and bad,points of owning a robot.,3.To learn about that every coin has two sides.,


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