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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Expressions of the time,一、整点 :,整点钟,oclock,eg:,ten oclock,十点钟,二、含有小时和分钟:,1.,顺读法:,直接说数字,先说小时数,后说分钟数。,eg:,eight ten,(,8,:,10,),八点十分,2.,时间未过半 :,分钟,past,点钟,eg: 9:10=ten past nine,时间刚好一半 :,half past, 点钟,eg: 9:30= half past nine,4.,时间已过半 :,( 60,分钟,),to,(,点钟,+1),eg: 8:50=(60 50)+to+(8+1)=ten to nine,行为动词(一般现在时),一、什么是行为动词,行为动词指除动词,be,和情态动词以外,一切可以单独作谓语的动词,也叫做实义动词。行为动词大都用来表示动作,如,work,,,study,,,swim,等。,二、行为动词一般现在时的基本用法,1,)表示现在经常发生或习惯性的动作或状态:,I usually walk to school.,They work here.,My grandfather watches TV every evening.,He goes to school by bus.,2,)表示客观事实或普遍真理:,The sun rises in the east.,The earth moves round the sun.,Two plus two makes four.,3,)表示主语的特征、性格、能力等:,She sings well.,John and I love sports.,We work hard.,They all like me.,注意:英语中的人称代词有主格和宾格之分。主格人称代词在句中作主语;宾格人称代词作动词或介词宾语。一般现在时还常用在下列句子中:,Here comes the bus.,Here he comes.,There goes the bell.,三、行为动词一般现在时的构成,行为动词一般现在时须用动词原形表示,但当主语是第三人称单数时,词尾须加,-s,或,-,es,,其构成方法与名词复数构成方法相同,现以动词,work,为例:,I,You,(你),He,She,It,We,You,(你们),They,work.,works.,work.,肯定句,:,(,1),主语(非单三),+,动词原形,+,其他,(,2),主语(单三),+,动词,(,单三,)+,其他,四、行为动词一般现在时第三人称,单数形式的构成,行为动词一般现在时的第三人称单数形式的构成,方法和名词复数的构成方法完全一样。,1,)一般在动词原形后加,s,:,work works,run runs,live lives,2,)以,s,x,sh,ch,结尾的动词加,es,:,finish finishes,teach teaches,watch watches,guess guesses,fix fixes,mix mixes,4,)如词末为,o,,,o,前为辅音字母,加,es,:,go ,goes,do does,3,)以辅音字母加,y,结尾的动词变,y,为,i,再加,es,:,carry carries,fly flies,但,play plays,的,y,之前是元音字母,只加,s,。,写出下列动词第三人称单数形式,drink_make_stay_look_have_ come_,pass_,watch_wash_brush,_,carry_,study_fly,_,have_,go_do,_,写出下列动词在句中的适当形式:,1,),The boy _ (love) sports.,2,),She _ (sing) well.,3,),Tom and _ (watch) TV every evening.,4,),My son _ (go) to school by bike.,5,),Their teacher usually _ (walk) to school.,6,),Five plus two _ (make) seven.,7,),They all _ (like) him.,8,),The sun _ (fall) in the west.,Practice,loves,sings,watches,goes,walks,makes,like,falls,第5 讲 行为动词,要点,6,一般现在时的否定式,一般现在时的否定式是在动词原形前加助动词,do not (dont ),;,主语是第三人称单数时在动词原形前加助动词,does not (doesn,t),,其结构为:,1,)主语,+ don,t+,动词原形,They,don,t,work here.,I,don,t,go to school on Sundays.,2,)主语,(,第三人称单数,)+ doesn,t+,动词原形,She,doesn,t,like sports.,The boy,doesn,t,study hard.,第5 讲 行为动词,*,如句中用了,never,(从不),,hardly,(很少、几乎不)等词来表示否定意义,就不能再使用助动词,don,t,或,doesn,t ,试比较:,I,don,t,know you.,I,hardly,know you.,I don,t hardly know you.,(F),第5 讲 行为动词,一般现在时用,never , hardly,表示否定意义时,如主语为第三人称单数,行为动词要加,-s,或,-,es,。试比较:,He,never,get,s,up early.,He,hardly,get,s,up early.,He,doesn,t get,up early on Sundays.,The girl,hardly,go,es,to school by bus.,The girl,doesn,t,go,to school by bus.,另外,为了加强否定意义可在否定句中加,at all,如,I,don,t,like the book,at all,.,第5 讲 行为动词,要点,7,行为动词一般现在时的疑问式和回答,一般现在时的疑问式在句首加助动词,do,主语为第三人称单数时在句首加,does,其结构是:,Do +,主语,+,动词原形,?,They live near our school.,Do,they live near our school?,The students like learning English.,Do,the students like learning English?,第5 讲 行为动词,2)Does +,主语(第三人称单数),+,动词原形,?,He watch,es,TV every evening.,Does,he watch TV every evening?,My father teach,es,Chinese.,Does,your father teach Chinese?,简略回答用助动词,do/does,和,don,t/doesn,t,代替行为动词,.,Do you often go shopping with your mother?,-Yes, I,do,. / -No, I,don,t,.,Does his mother work in that factory?,-Yes,she,does,. / -No,she,doesn,t,.(,回答时须用人称代词,),第5 讲 行为动词,要点,8,用作助动词的,do,与用作行为动词的,do,在英语中,,do,既是一个助动词,又是一个行为动词。,1)do,用作行为动词一般表示,“,做,”,、,“,干,”,等意思,,We,do,morning exercises every day.,Jack often,does,some washing on Sundays.,She never,does,her homework in the evening.,2)do,用作助动词主要用来帮助构成疑问句、否定句或用于替代等。,Do,you drive to work every day ?(,帮助构成疑问句,),He,doesn,t,work on Sundays.(,帮助构成否定句,),Does,he like the job?,Yes, he,does,.(,用于替代,),Complete the sentences. Use the proper verb forms in brackets,1. Jordan _(play) basketball.,He _(not play) football.,2. I _(go) swimming on Sunday.,But I_ (not go) shopping.,3. My cousins _(enjoy) computer games.,But they _(not enjoy) ball games.,4. You _(like) fish.,But he _(not like) fish.,plays,doesnt play,go,dont go,enjoy,dont enjoy,like,doesnt like,12,4,),His father and mother like watching TV.,5,),She does her homework in the evening.,6,),The students do morning exercises every day.,将下列句子改为否定句和疑问句:,1,),They work in a factory.,2,),Mary likes sports.,3,),The boys go to school on foot.,第5 讲 行为动词,*,区别,do,在以下句子中的不同功能,Do,you,do,your lessons every day?,The students,don,t,do,their homework on Saturdays.,五、常与一般现在时搭配使用的时间状语,1,)表示时间频度的词语:,always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly,never,2,)与,every,一起用的状语词组:,every,day,week,month,spring,year,Monday,every other day (=every two days),every three hours,once every two months,3,)次数,once twice three times,once a week,two days a week,4,)其他,in,the morning,the afternoon,the evening,1. I want to buy,a big green bag,. (,变特殊疑问句,),_ _ you want to buy,?,2. Mary does not have any books . (,变肯定句,),Mary _ _ books .,3. She likes the black bag. (,变为否定句,),She doesnt like the black bag.,What do,has some,4. I buy the pants for only 50 Yuan. (,用,she,改写句子,),_ _ the pants for only 50 Yuan.,She buys,5. He often has hamburgers and apples for dinner .,(,变为一般疑问句,),He doesnt often have,hamburgers and apples for dinner.,对下列句子画线部分提问:,I get up,at six oclock,.,They usually,go to the park,on Sunday.,The elephants like eating,fruits,.,He sends,two,emails every week.,5. I often,make travel plans,on the Internet.,6. He has lunch,at school,.,When do you get up?,What do they usually do on Sunday?,What do the elephants like eating?,How many emails does he send every week?,What do you often do on the Internet?,Where does he have lunch?,我每天,6:30,起床。,我们每个星期天都去游泳。,他们总是,9:00,上床睡觉。,Lily,通常走着上学。,Marys brother,often,plays football after school.,有时,我们老师在学校吃午饭。,他从不和我谈论游戏。,I get up at six,every day,.,We go swimming,on Sundays,.,They,always,go to bed at 9:00.,Lily,usually,walks to school.,玛丽的哥哥经常放学后踢足球。,Our teacher,sometimes,has lunch at school.,He,never,talks about games with me.,猫喜欢吃鱼。,The cat,likes,eating fish.,Lets talk about Toms school day:,He,get up,have breakfast,go to school,have a break and talk to friends,have a chemistry lesson,have lunch,go home,do his homework,go to bed,at,The boy,Tom,s,ha,s,es,ha,s,s,ha,s,ha,s,es,es,es,Lets talk about your school day:,I,起床,吃早饭,上学,休息并和同学谈话,上化学课,吃午饭,回家,写作业,上床睡觉,get up,have breakfast,go to school,have a break and talk to friends,have a chemistry lesson,have lunch,go home,do my homework,go to bed,at,We,They,


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