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The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2).,可口可乐软饮料产品就是依照典型的供给链来移动的,其零售价更高,是因为当产品经过供给链的每个节点时增加了价值图2。,Manufacturer,厂,家,Distributor,配送商,Wholesaler,批,发,商,Retailer,(Supermarket),零售商(超市),End c,onsumer,最终,客,户,Figure 2,A presumptive value-added model,图,2,推定增值模型,1.5,1.6,1.7,2.5,What is logistics,什么是物流?,Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.,狭义上讲,物流是商品的高效流动与存储。,However, the Council of Logistics Management of USA has given an authoritative definition which is widely accepted by the logistics professionals.,然而,美国物流管理协会给出了一个权威的定义,该定义受到物流专业人士的广泛承受。,“Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers requirements.,“物流是供给链的一局部,它对产品、效劳和相关信息从原产地到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动及存储进展规划、实施和控制,以满足客户的要求。,What are the scopes of logistics activities,物流活动的范围是什么,?,As shown in the Figure 3, logistics activities are extensive and consist of various components.,如图,3,所示,物流活动是广泛的并且包括了多种构成成份。,Logistics,activities,Sourcing,采 办,Purchasing,采购,Warehousing,仓储,Transport,运输,Inventory,Management,库存管理,Financing,Support,融资支持,Customer,Support,客户支持,Figure 3,Scope of logistics activities,图,3,物流活动的范围,物流活动,All facets of logistics,物流面面观,From a wider perspective, we can conclude that logistics is or is about:,从更加广泛的视角来看,我们可以得出结论,物流是或者是关于,the flow and storage of goods, people, finance, services and related information,physical distribution or distribution of physical goods,an integral part of the supply chain,商品、人员、资金、效劳和相关信息的流动与存储,实体配送或实体物资的配送,供给链的整体局部,integration and optimization of resources,a value-added process,efficiency increase and cost reduction,Innovation,资源的整合与优化,一个增值过程,提高效率与降低本钱,创新,It is worth noting that there is a wide-spread misleading concept about logistics, especially among amateurs, that logistics is transport. True, transport is the core component of logistics and without it nothing can move. Nevertheless logistics means far more than transport alone can convey.,值得注意的是,人们,尤其是非专业人士,对物流有一种广泛的误导性概念,即认为物流就是运输。确实,运输是物流的核心构成局部,没有运输什么也动不起来。即使如此,物流仍然比单独的运输所能传达的意义要深远得多。,以上内容为,第一学时,内所应完成的内容,课堂教学之,Step 5 阅读材料,提示:这局部内容由教师指导,学生自学。以提高学生的自主学能力。,Production,vs,distribution,生产,vs,流通,There are two types of primary activities concerning the production of products: production and distribution.,关于产品的生产,有两类根本的活动:生产与流通。,Production is the act or process of converting raw materials into semi-finished goods or finished goods ready for sale/delivery. For instance, a flour mill buys wheat (raw materials) from farmers, processes it into flour (semi-finished products) and sells it to a bakery, who then turns it into bread (finished products) ready for sale to end consumers (Figure 4).,生产是把原材料转换成半成品或成品供销售或交货的行为或过程。譬如,一家面粉厂从农民处购置小麦原材料、加工成面粉半成品并将面粉出售给面包店,面包店用面粉做成面包成品,用于出售给最终消费者图4。,Figure 4,Conversion of raw materials into semi-finished products or finished products.,图,4,原材料转换成半成品或成品,Wheat,(,Raw Material,),小麦,(,原料,),Flour,(semi-finished product),面粉,(,半成品,),Bread,(finished product),面包(成品),Distribution is the act or process of moving goods/product (semi-finished or finished) to various locations/customers. Usually manufacturers focus on production, while logistics companies engage in distribution of goods.,流通是把商品/产品半成品或成品移动到不同地点或客户的行为或过程。通常来说,制造厂商把重心放在生产上,而物流公司那么从事商品的流通。,Ideally an organization may engage in both production and distribution. However, owing to the complexity and substantiality of distribution, few companies perform well if they engage in both.,理想情况下,一家公司可以既从事生产,也从事流通。然而,由于流通的复杂性和艰巨性,两样都做的公司很少能有良好的表现。,There is now a new trend of outsourcing the distribution business to specialized companies, namely third-party logistics (3PL) companies, so that the manufacturers can concentrate more on core production operation while the logistics companies can handle distribution more deftly and professionally.,现在有一种新趋势,就是把流通业务外包给专业化的公司,即第三方物流公司3PL,这样制造厂商就可以更好地集中精力于核心的生产运作,而物流公司也可以更娴熟、更专业地处理好流通业务。,课堂教学之,Step 6 课堂练习,提示:这局部内容由教师指导,学生自学。以提高学生的自主学能力。,1. Answer the following questions in English:,What is the definition of logistics,Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.,According to the Council of Logistics Management of USA , “Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers requirements.,2. Will an individual consumer choose to go straight to a manufacturer and buy the items by himself Why not,An individual consumer rarely go straight to the manufacturer because the total logistics cost of direct purchase from the manufacturer is prohibitive for any individual (2.6 times as much as the retail price in the above case), though its purchase price is much lower than the retail price.,3. Why do most individual consumers go to a retail outlet instead of going to the manufacturer if they want to buy something,The reason that most individual consumers go to a retail outlet instead of going to the manufacturer is that the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for ease of shopping and exemption of the time-consuming travel to the manufacturer, in addition to a lower total cost.,4. Why is the retail price higher than the ex-factory price,The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain.,5. What are the scope of logistics activities,Logistics activities are extensive and consist of various components such as transport, inventory management, customer support, purchasing, warehousing, financing support and so on.,2. Put the following words or phrases into Chinese:,Manufacturer,ex-factory price,retail price,direct purchase,ease of shopping,exemption of the time-consuming travel,movements of goods/product,supply chain,each node in the supply chain,flow and storage of goods,logistics professionals,plan, implement and control,point of origin,point of consumption,to meet customers requirements,生产厂家,出厂价,零售价,直接采购,轻松购物,免除耗时的旅行,商品/产品的流转,供给链,供给链中的每个节点,商品的流动及储存,物流专业人士,规划、实施及控制,原产地,消费地,满足客户要求,3. Put the following words or phrases into English:,运输,库存管理,客户支持,融资支持,仓储,采购,实体配送,实体物资的配送,资源的整合与优化,提高效率,降低本钱,增值过程,transport,inventory management,customer support,financing support,warehousing,purchase,physical distribution,distribution of physical goods,integration and optimization of resources,efficiency increase,cost reduction,a value-added process,4. Subject for self-study: A logistics function chart,物流功能图,Logistics analysis,Proposed options,System design,Transportation,Distribution,Warehousing,Administrative,Services,Tracking/,Reporting,Logistics analysis,Proposed options,System design,Transportation,Distribution,Warehousing,Administrative,Services,Tracking/,Reporting,分析,开展,效劳及整合,物流分析,所提议的选择方案,系统设计,运输,配送,仓储,行政效劳,跟踪/报告,以上内容为,第二学时,内所应完成的内容,The End,


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