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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Project,Module 7 Unit 3,brainstorming,In what ways can we get information,We can get information from:,reading books,newspapers,and,magazines,watching TV,listening to the radio,communicating with others,surfing the Internet,surfing the Internet,Project,Researching on the Internet,What are the three steps we,should keep in mind when we use the Internet to do research,Step one: choosing a search service,(before),Step two: searching for,information,(while,),Step three: using your information,(after),Fast reading:,Step one:,choosing a search service,(before),What are the two services aiding you in your search,2. What are their respective(各自的) features of the two services,Search engines and subject directories.,搜索引擎,主题目录搜索,Careful reading:,Search engines,Subject directories,a type of _,based on _ you type in,choose pages for you which _,_,present,_,contents,go to _,_,built _,selected by a person and,_,_,get_, sometimes _,_,present_,_ but not _,the key word(s),contain the word(s),you ask for,unevaluated,full articles or,pages,a bunch of titles,of articles or pages,evaluated,relevant and correct,by,humans,computer program,into specific,subject categories,summary,up to date,a short,information,divided,Step two:,how to search (while),read and answer this question:,What things should you take into consideration when you are searching,Do not use information that is_.,Check the _ of the information.,The way you _makes a difference.,too,old,source,type your key words,Personal web pages,Government pages,Pages managed by organizations and companies you trust,What kind of web pages are better for doing research,Step three:,using your information(after),What can you do when using the information that others wrote,Write an outline,Write the report using your own words and making your own decisions,Attach a list of websites you got our information from,Respect the authors copyright (,版权,),!,Follow these,_,and your time,spent doing research will be much,more,_.,Happy searching!,conclusion,tips,worthwhile,Be civilized.,Be reasonable,.,Planning,Preparing,Producing,Presenting,Internet:,more advantages or disadvantages,Have a debate,Planning,Work in small groups and choose a topic which your group will search information for on the Internet. All the group members should agree on the topic you choose.,Preparing,Now that you have chosen your topic, your group will need to discuss and agree on an answer to each of the following questions:,What information will you try to find,How can you find the information,What each group member will be responsible for to finish each task.,Producing,Some group members write down the topic to be searched on the Internet.,Some search the information on the Internet.,Some write down the final conclusions.,Presenting,Now its time to present your findings to the class in an oral report and prepare to answer any questions your classmates have about your searching or result.,Internet:,more advantages or disadvantages,Have a debate,1. (do) research on (title),2. the fastest growing source of information(L1),3. keep in mind (L2),4. a computer terminal (L3),5. in the best way possible (L4),6. be classified by subject (L12),7. type in (L12),8. without qualifications (L16),9. the solid facts (L15),10. require you to be patient (L17),Important phrases:,11. is linked to (L17),12. comb through (L22),13. be divided into (L24),14. a bunch of titles (L25),15. up to date (L29),16. take into consideration (L31),17. just as (L32),18. at the bottom of (L34),19. make a difference (L43),20. follow these few tips (L60),B. Key words:,1. keep in mind (= remember sth firmly),Its a good idea. I will keep it in mind.,你要牢记你是否努力会影响你的成绩。,You must keep it in mind that whether you work hard or not will affect your grades.,1., You must keep it in mind that whether you work hard or not will affect your grades., A,2.,The activities organized by the travel agency you like will attract more teenagers.,3,Follow these few tips, and your time spent doing,research on the Internet will be much more,rewarding.,如果遵循这些建议,你在因特网上做研,究所花的时间将会给你带来更多的回报。,祈使句,and/or,陈述句,(,一般将来时,),句型公式,【,句型解读,】,这种句型可转换成“if引导的条件句主句构造,这时要去掉or或and。如:,Work hard, or you wont pass the exam. (If you dont work hard, you wont pass the exam.),努力学习,否那么你将考试不及格。,Hurry up, and well catch the early bus. (If we hurry up, well catch the early bus.),快一点儿,我们就能赶上早班车。,One more word, and you will get fired.,你再多说一句话,就会被辞退。,【,活学活用,】,(1)Use your head,_,youll have an idea.,A,or,B,and,C,but,D,so,(2),_,the road,,,and youll find the building,soon.,A,Follow B,Following,C,Followed D,To follow,(3),_,your radio down, or youll wake the others.,A,Turning B,To turn,C,Turned D,Turn,(4),_,a bit closer,,,and youll be able to see,better.,A,To come B,Coming,C,Came D,Come,(5)Make sure it is not too hot,_,itll burn your,mouth.,A,and,B,or,C,yet,D,so,【,答案,】,(1),(5),BADDB,3.,Work hard, and you will make great progress.,Go straight along, and you will find the bookstore.,vt,.,与,商量;找,(,医生,),看病,请教;,consultant,n,.,顾问; 商议者; 咨询者,consult with sb about sth,和某人一起商量某事,consult for,为,当参谋,look up a word in the dictionary,在词典里查词,consult a dictionary,查词典,refer to a dictionary,查词典,turn to a dictionary,查词典,查阅(词典、参考书等) vi. 商议,磋商;当参谋,【,例 句,】,Ill do nothing without consulting you.,我采取行动之前一定和你商量。,He went to town to consult his doctor.,他进城去看医生。,He consulted his notebook repeatedly during his speech.,他演讲时不断地看他的笔记本。,We will consult together about her education.,我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。,The retired executive consults for several large companies. 那位退休的总裁在好几家大公司当参谋。,Of all the consultants, only Mr Wang gave us some proposals in point. 所有的参谋当中,只有王先生提了一些中肯的建议。,【,活学活用,】,1,单项填空,I dont know the exact meaning of the word, so Id better,_,a dictionary.,A,refer B,consult,C,search D,look up,【,答案,】,B,2,根据汉语意思完成句子,(1),你最好先跟你妻子商量。,Youd better,your wife first.,(2),关于这个案件我已咨询过律师。,I have,the lawyer,the case.,consult,with,consulted,about,vt,.,附上; 系上; 贴上; 使依恋,attach sth to sth,将某物系在或附在另一物上,attach oneself to sb,依附,缠着某人,be attached to,依恋、爱慕、留恋,;附属于,attach importance/value/weight to,认为,有重要性,/,有价值,/,有分量,【,活学活用,】,(1)This research center,(,附属于,)Beijing,University.,(2)She,(,贴上,)a stamp to the envelope and,mailed it.,(3)They,(,看得很重,) things that,are of no consequence.,is,attached to,attached,attach importance to,【,检测训练,】(page 92),【,课堂目标达成,】,I.,1.outline,2.relevant,3.acknowledge,4.terminal,5.classified,6.categories,7.bother,8.directory,II,is divided into,be taken into consideration,keep in mind,are based on,assist; in,has combed through,a bunch of,III. AADCBCBC,【课后稳固提升】,ADCCD CBCDA DC,brand,abundant,assumption; assume,diverse; diversity,evaluate; evaluation,educator; education; educate,correction; correct,qualification; qualified,accuracy; accurate,reference; refer,11 inventor; invention; invent,12 classify; classification,13 withdraw,14 category,1 turn to 2 at ones command 3 whats more,4 up to date 5 drop out 6 comb through,7 a bunch of 8 web page,9 an amount of+,不可数,N,10 in favour of 11 around the globe,12 be addicted to doing,13 keep/stay in touch with,14 lack of 15 set good examples to sb,16 power off 17 assist sb in doing/to do,18 takeinto consideration /account,1 make/conduct a survey about 就做调查,2 As the survey shows/As is shown in the survey正如调查说明的那样, 58 % of the students ,3 Here are the results/The results are as follows.下面是结果,4 turn to/ask sb for help/advice 向某人求助,5 be of the same age 年龄相仿,6 It be + easy/difficult for sb to do.,7 experienced 有经历的 trust/believe in sb 信任某我,8 be unwilling to do /dislike doing/hate to do, 不愿做,9 have difficulty in doing, 做 有困难,10 communicate/deal with 与打交道,11 in trouble/need 有麻烦,12 make/conduct a survey about 就做调查,13 however/but/on the other hand 但是,14 get on/along well with sb 与相处得好,15 As far as I am concerned/ as far as I know, 据我所知,16 The reason whyis that 的原因是,17 had better (not) do 最好不做,18 suggest that should do,19 Why not do为什么不,Period 12 Review,【检测训练】page 96,【课堂目标达成】,DDBBABCA,II,1. They make the assumption that children spend,too much time chatting and playing games instead of,focusing on their school work.,2. In,fact, some young people spend so much time,playing computer games on the Internet that they have,become addicted to them.,3. This study shows that people who spend too much,time on the Internet tend to withdraw from the people,and the world round them.,4. Should you ever find something you want to save on,your computer, you can download it.,5. Before you sit down at a computer terminal, read,this brief guide to make sure that you use the Internet,in the best way possible.,III.(2021年湖南高考),an/two/next/why/one/but/I/to,IV.,He does not mind how much he has,topay for the right things.,2. They welcome suggestions from,anyone.,3. He usually does not buy anything.,4. The time they take over buying,clothes.,P 90,1 Search engines搜索引擎 and subject directories主题目录.,2 Direct links直接的链接.,3 Google, Yahoo and Baidu.,Activity 3,1 outline 提纲,2 words,3 decisions 决定,4 attach 附上,5 websites,P 91,1 Subject directories 主题目录,2 based on 基于,3 containing / which contains 包含,4 search,5 divided into 被分为,6 a short summary 简短的摘要,7 up to date 最新的,2. takeinto consideration,(= consider sth),We must take safety into consideration first when climbing the mountain.,make up some sentences:,sentences,1 The more you know about Internet research, the faster you will find what you are looking for, and the better your information will be.,The +比较级,the +比较级: 表示越,就越。,The more you practice, the better you speak.,More haste, less speed.,2 This requires you to be patient as you have to read the information to decide whether it is related to what you are researching.(L18-19),1. require,2. as clause,3. whether clause,4. what clause,5. be related to,3 Being relevant and correct, though, does not equal being up to date.(L28)4 Just as you might look at when a book was published, you must also check the dates of the websites you find.(L32)5 The way you type your key words makes a difference.(L43)6 To copy the words just as you found them is not only cheating, but also illegal.(L54),7. But not every person bothers to read over their own writing and make corrections.(L38-39),但并不是每个人都会费心的校对他们所写的东西并做修改。,8. Follow these tips, and your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile.(L60),祈使句,+ and +,陈述句,Personal web pages,Government pages,Pages managed by organizations and companies you trust,What kind of web pages are better for doing research,Consult,other web pages to,confirm,the information.,cross-checking,What can you do if you are not sure about some information?,Step three:,using your information(after),Can you copy the words found on the Internet and use them directly in your articles Why not,No, we cant. To copy the words is not only cheating but also not legal.,2. What can you do when using the information that others wrote,Write an outline,Write the report using your own words and making your own decisions,Attach a list of sites you got our information from,Respect the authors copyright (,版权,),!,


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