语用学PPT deixis 指示代词

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,单击此处编辑母版标题,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Powerpoint Templates,Page,1,单击此处编辑母版标题,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Deixis,1.,Time deixis,2.,Person deixis,Deicticusages,Non-deictic usages,Pre-emptivenessofDeicticWords,Factors Influencing Choices between,Deictic and Non-deictic Usages,First person deixis,Second person deixis,Third,p,erson,d,eixis,By,陈静宜 柳晨曦 杨沁玉 余昕钰 袁邑婷,张金 张秦 张玉梅 张扬红,TimeDeixis,Timeexpressionscanbeused,deicticly,whenthespeakeruses,hisowntimeofspeakingasthe,referencetime,or,nondeicticly,whenthefixedtimeofanimportanteventisusedasthereferencepoint,oftime.,DeicticUsages,Thefollowingisanillustrationofthetimedeixisindeicticuses,thatis,thetimeofspeakingis,usedasthereferencepoint:,A.,Time,adverbials,B.,Deicticmodifier+Non-deicticname(measureword),C.,Tenseofverbs(agrammaticalcategory),A. Timeadverbials,nowthetimepointofspeakingtoday,yesterdaythedaybeforethatofspeaking,tomorrowthedayafterthatofspeaking,(twodays)ago(twodays)beforethetimeofspeaking,Examples:now,then,today,yesterday,tomorrow,soon,recently,twodaysago,inthreeminutes,fromnowon,rightaway,BACK,Examples:,this/thatmorning/afternoon/week/month/year,next/lastMonday/January/February/decade/century,B.,Deicticmodifier+Non-deicticname(measureword),子页,A,B,C,主页,MAIN,C.,Tenseofverbs,(agrammaticalcategory),A,B,C,MAIN,Examples:,Maryisreadingonthelakeside.,(Happeningatthetimeofspeaking),Iwrotealettertohim.,(Happeningbeforethetimeofspeaking),Imgoingtoseethemovie.,(Happeningafterthetimeofspeaking),BACK,C.,Tenseofverbs,(agrammaticalcategory),A,B,C,MAIN,As a rule, in deictic use of tense, the time of speaking is used as the deictic center. So,present tense,is used for the event happening at/during the time of speaking,past tense,for the event happening before the time of speaking.,However, this rule is sometimes violated in order to achieve pragmatic effect.,The following are two typical examples of deictic projection or functional variation of tenses,.,BACK,C.,Tenseofverbs,(agrammaticalcategory),A,B,C,MAIN,(a) Historical Present:,using present tense to refer to past events, bringing the historical event closer to the addressee and vivid to life.,(b) Subjunctive Mood:,Use past tense to refer to the events that are impossible to be realized or far away from the reality. Examples:,If I were you, I,Had I arrived a little earlier at the airport,BACK,Non-DeicticUsages,When the reference point of time deixis is a fixed time origin rather than the time of speaking, it is used non-deicticly.,Calendric usages,are examples of non-deictic usages.,The following are some examples of non-deictic time expressions:,Sept. 15th, 2005 Calendric use (No matter by whom it is,said, it refers to the same year),on Thursday It might refer to the same time period when,spoken by different speakers at different,points of time of a week;,post-war (construction) after the World War II;,Pre-emptivenessofDeicticWords,(,指示语的先用性,),1.Levinson puts forward this viewpoint in 1983.,2.Levinsonpointsout,thedeictictermsyesterday,todayandtomorrowpre-emptthecalendricalorabsolute (non-deictic) expressions,(e.g. on Thursday) whenreferringtothesametimeentities. That is, when yesterday,todayandtomorrow can be used the calendrical expression on Monday, on Tuesdaywill not be chosen.,e.g. Today is Tuesday, onewouldnotusuallysay(1) (2) (3) to respectively refer to the day before, on or after the CT (coding timethe moment of utterance):,(1) He went to the supermarket,on Monday,. (,yesterday,is more preferred than,on Monday.,),(2) He is in the supermarket,on Tuesday,. (,today,is more preferred than,on Tuesday,.),(3) Hell go to the supermarket,on Wednesday,. (,tomorrow,is more preferred than,on Wednesday,.),When uttered on Tuesday,last Monday,refers to “the Monday of last week” (Otherwise,yesterday,is used);,next Wednesday,refers to “the Wednesday of next week” (Otherwise,tomorrow,is used);,next Thursday, Friday,or,Saturday,is ambiguous, which might refer to the,Thursday, Friday or Saturday of the same week or the next week.,Similarly, when uttered on Friday,last Monday, Tuesday,or,Wednesday,is ambiguous, which might refer to the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of the same week or the last week.,Levinson says that “this pre-emptive nature of pure deictic words is a general tendency: itwould be strange to say,Do it at 10:36,instead of,Do it now, when,now,is 10:36.” Levinson does not define the term “pure deictic word”. Presumably, it refers to words like,I,you,now,today,yesterday,tomorrow, the reference of which entirely depends on the speech situation. But Levinson notes that,here,seems to be an exception, which does not have the pre-emptive force though it is a pure deictic word. One can say,Wuhan,instead of,here,if one is in Wuhan.,Factors Influencing Choices between Deictic and Non-deictic Usages,子页,1.Whether to choose deictic or non-deictic expressions of time depends largely,on the distance between the coding time and the expressed time,. Generally speaking, the shorter the distance, the more possible the choice of deictic terms, and vice versa. For example, if the coding time is Thursday, and,(1). the expressed time is the next day, then,tomorrow,is more preferable to,on Friday,;,(2). the expressed time is two days later than the coding time, then,the day after tomorrow,and,on Saturday,may be equally preferred;,(3). the expressed time is three days later than the coding time, then the non-deictic term,on Sunday,will be more frequently chosen.,2. Whether to choose deictic or non-deictic expressions of time also depends,on formality of the speech,. The more formal the speech, the greater the possibility to use the non-deictic expressions of time, and vice versa.,Person Deixis,Person deixis,concerns the encoding of the role of participants in the speech event in which the utterance in question is delivered: the category first person is the grammaticalization of the speakers reference to himself, second person is the encoding of the speakers reference to one or more addressees, and third person the encoding of the reference to persons and entities which are neither speakers nor addressees of the utterance.,Briefly, first person is speaker inclusion (+ S),,,second person is addressee inclusion (+ A), and third person is speaker and addressee exclusion (- S, - A).,From above analysis, we can see third person is quite distinct from first or second person, in that it does not refer to any specific participant-role in the speech event.,In many languages, there are two variants of first person “plural” pronouns, corresponding to,“we-inclusive-of-addressee” and “we-exclusive-of-addressee”.,This distinction can be seen in Chinese first person plural variants “,我们”,and “,咱们”,. For examples:,(,a,),你的动作太慢,我们先走了。,(exclusive of the addressee)(,b,),动作快点,不然我们,/,咱们又要迟到了。,(inclusive of the addressee),The Chinese northern dialect “,咱们”,is usually used to include both the speaker and the addressee; “,我们”, however, may be used to include or exclude the addressee, depending on the context.,First Person Deixis,The above distinction is not manifested in English directly, but it is perhaps indirectly. For example,us,in,let us,may or may not be addressee-inclusive, as in (,a,),and (,b,);,us,in the contraction form,let,s, however, must be understood as addressee-inclusive, as in (,c,),that is why (,d,) is considered as unacceptable.,(,a,) Let us do it together.,(inclusive of the addressee),(,b,) Let us,know the time of your arrival.,(exclusive of the addressee),(,c,) Let,s go to the,cinema.,(inclusive of the addressee),(,d,) Let,s go to see you tomorrow.,(unacceptable),In English,we,is the only form of the first person plural pronoun in nominative case, so whether it is addressee-inclusive or exclusive depends much on the context. The same utterance might be interpreted in different ways in different contexts:,eg.,We haven,t received from John for a long time.,We,would be understood as inclusive of the addressee in case a mother is talking with her husband about their son whose name is John, exclusive of the addressee in case a mother is talking with her friend about her own son.,1st person,dei,xis,with functional variation:,(a) (Mother to children),咱们别闹了,我带你们出去玩。,(1st person shifted to express the addressee:,to,show intimacy,),(b),我们说话得讲良心。,(1st person shifted to express the addressee:,to make the criticism less direct,),(c) (Doctor to patient) How are,we,feeling today?,(,We,used to refer to the addressee:,to bring the distance closer & make the patient less nervous,).,Second Person Deixis,In modern English, the second person pronoun has only one form,you, for both the singular and plural.,You,might be used deicticly, referring to one or more specific addressees whose identification relies much on the context in which the deixis occurs, as in (,a),it might also be used non-deicticly (,“,generic you,”,) with a general reference, which does not rely so much on the concrete context for its interpretation, as in (,b,).,(,a,),You, you, you, come to the teacher,s office, please.,(deictic, with specific reference),(,b,),You,cannot count your chickens before they are hatched.,(non-deictic, with a general reference),However, in many other languages there is a distinction between the informal and formal (honorific) forms of the second person deixis. One example is the distinction between,“,你,”,and,“,您,”,in Chinese. The informal,“,你,”,is preferred when addressing,somebody equal or lower in status or rank, or addressing somebody more important on informal occasion,. However,on formal occasion, especially when the addressee is somebody older or superior in status, the more formal and,honorific,form,“,您,”,is a better choice.,This formal (honoric) / informal distinction can also be seen in the second person deixis of some other languages like,vous,&,tu,in French (The plural form,vous,is used as an,honorific substitute for the singular,tu,),Sie,&,du,in German,Lei,&,tu,in Italian,vous,&,tu,in Spanish,Ye,&,thou,in archaic English.,A special use of the second person deixis is the use of,vocatives,(,呼语,), which are noun phrases that refer to the addressee. Vocatives can be further divided into,“,calls,”,(or,“,summonses,”,) (,呼唤语,) and,“,addresses,”,(,称呼语,) according to their respective gestural and symbolic use. The gestural,“,calls,”,or,“,summonses,”,are noun phrases used,to arouse the attention of the addressee(s) to what is to be said by the speaker,.,So they naturally occur in the initial position of an utterance or a conversation, and function as independent speech acts, such as:,(,a,),Mary, there is a long distance call for you.,(,b,),Hey you, you just stepped on my foot!,The symbolic,“,addresses,”, by contrast, are noun phrases used,to keep the attention or interest of the addressee who has already been ready for or involved in the conversation with the speaker, so they often occur in middle or final position of an utterance as a parenthesis, as in:,(,c,) The problem is,Sir, we have no more room for you.,.(,d,) What I want to say is,my child, mum will always be supporting you,It seems that all addresses can be used as summonses, but not all summonses can be used as addresses. Take (,b,) and (,c,) as examples,Sir,can replace,Hey you,to say,Sir, you just stepped on my foot,”,whereas,hey you,cannot replace,Sir,to say,“,The problem is,hey you,we have no more room for you.,”,Third Person Deixis,It is generally understood that third person is distinct from first or second person in that it does not refer to any specific participant-role involved in the speech event, or in Burling,s words, it is,“,speaker and addressee exclusion (- S, - A),”,.,But in specific contexts, third person deixis can also encode the reference to person and entity which is either the speaker or addressee of the utterance.,This contextual reference and function of the third person deixis is the concern of pragmatics.,In some communication situations, the third person deixis, which is,a nominal phrase, might be employed to,refer to the,speaker himself / herself or the addressee, for example:,Mother to her little son:,“,Come here, Bill, tell,Mummy,what made,my baby,cry.,”,In the setence, the third person deictics,Mummy,and,my baby, in substitution for the first person,me,and the second person,you, refer to the speaker and addressee respectively. Such use of third person is commonly found in verbal exchanges between parents and children to,express the speaker,s tender feeling for the addressee as well as their intimate relationship (intimacy & care).,This functional variation of the third person deixis may also be found in telephone conversation. Instead of,“,I,m X,”, as is habitually said in face-to-face introduction, the telephone interlocutors are supposed to start their conversation by saying,“,This,is X,”,or,“,X,is speaking,”, to,indicate the existence of a distance (physical or psychological) between the speaker and the unknown hearer.,More examples of third person deictics with functional variation:,(a) (Wife to husband) Would,his highness,like some coffee?,(Third person shifted to express the addressee:,To be humorous, to make complaint, to indicate distance, to show respect, etc,.),(b) (Mother to her son),Somebody,didn,t clean up after himself.,(Third person shifted to express the addressee:,to make potential accusation less direct,),(c),Each person,has to clean up after himself.,(Third person shifted to express the addressee:,to make potentially personal issue seem like an impersonal one,),b.,赵,宏伟,尹立鑫,.,指示语先用现象的可及性阐释,.,北方工业大学学报,,2007,(,6,),c.Levinson,1983:Chapter2:Deixis,陈治安,彭宣维,.,人称指示语研究,J.,外国语,1994,(3).,张权,.,试论指示词语的先用现象,J.,现代外语,1994,(2).,d. you !,


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