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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,dumplings,porridge,rice,bean curd,raw fish,bread,yoghurt,Coca Cola,barbecue,oven,butter,salad,ingredient,(烹饪)配料,Task-presenting,Task,To introduce “Food in,Weihai,” to an Australian,delegation (,代表团,)who are visiting our school.,What shall we do ?,Firstly,Then,Meanwhile,we should,have a cooperation,with each other,in our class activities to,realize the importance of teamwork,we will,read “Food in Australia”,to learn the structure and language,for our task.,we will,finish our task by using the,structure and language we learn,in,groups.,Australian cuisine (,菜肴),has been,_ by its multicultural immigration.,2. The long coastline makes the _,remain its staple food(,主食,) of its people.,influenced,seafood,Find out the main ideas of each paragraph.,Paragraph1:,Paragraph2:,Paragraph3:,Paragraph4:,Helpful words,traditional,2.change,3. modern,4. grocery(,食品杂货店),5. equipment,6. barbecue,(,烧烤;烧烤架),Skimming:,Traditional food of Australia,and its changes,Modern Australian cooking,Grocery stores in Australia,Cooking equipment of an,Australian home and its,barbecue,Read paragraph1 to say something about,the traditional food of Australia by using,the following structures.,Not so long ago, food in Australia meant,Australians,consumed,so,much,that,many people were,Scanning,Read paragraph2. Find two important,supporting sentences to support the idea,“ But recently, we have seen a gradual trend,towards healthier food.”,1.Modern Australian cooking is often,refer,red,to as,fusion cuisine, and,the,recipes include ingredients and cooking,styles from the East to the West,.,2.,There are few or no artificial ingredients,in fusion cooking, only the purest and,freshest of,produce.,(,n.,农产品),Scanning,Read paragraph3 and answer the questions.,1.How many sentences are there in this,paragraph?,2.What does the word “Even” imply (,暗含),at the beginning ?,(,Deep Thinking),Only one sentence.,The main part is,“,Even in the suburbs,there are,Oriental,grocery stores,(,where).,”,It implies,its certain that,there are,Oriental grocery stores in the cities.,B. It implies,its unknown that,there are,Oriental grocery stores in the cities.,Scanning,定语从句,Read paragraph4 and answer the question.,Scanning,What is a barbecue?,1.A barbecue is a piece of equipment which,you use for cooking on in the open air.,2.It is a popular way of entertaining friends.,They have a,barbecue,in the open air.,n.,烧烤野餐,Task,Task-completing,Now the Australian delegation(,代表团,) are,visiting our school, you are the representative,(,代表),to introduce “Food in,Weihai,to them.,Homework,Accumulate the words and expressions,in the passage “Food in Australia”;,2.Add more details to your passage “ Food,in,Weihai,”, and contribute it to the 21,st,Century Teens.,Susan & Kevin,Act the barbecue scene out,with your partner creatively.,Work in Pairs,


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