虚拟语气问句活动英语What if

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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,2012-06-20,#,What if.?,If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?,If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?,What if your,smart-phone,fell in the toilet, what would you do?,If you could be a super hero, which super hero would you be?,If you could be invisible for a day what would you do and why?,If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would you do?,If you had time machine, where would you go and why?,If you could be another man or woman for a day, who would you choose?,If you could change one thing about,Korea,what would it be?,If you saw and photographed an alien, would you tell anybody?,If you could relive any moment in your life which moment would it be and why?,If you could,Write about one topic and draw a simple picture.,Tell the class what you wrote about!,


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