巴蜀英才】2016年秋七年级英语上册 unit 7 how much are these socks(第3课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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巴蜀英才】2016年秋七年级英语上册 unit 7 how much are these socks(第3课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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巴蜀英才】2016年秋七年级英语上册 unit 7 how much are these socks(第3课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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巴蜀英才】2016年秋七年级英语上册 unit 7 how much are these socks(第3课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 7,How much are these socks?,Section A,(Grammar Focus 3c),How much is the hat ?,Its five dollars.,Its=It is,How much is this T-shirt?,Its seven dollars.,How much is that brown sweater?,Its eight dollars.,How much are these socks?,Theyre two dollars.,Theyre=They are,How much are those black trousers?,Theyre nine dollars.,Grammar Focus,3a Make sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes.,How much is?,How much are?,the yellow T-shirt,these green shorts,1. How much is the hat?_,2. How much is the bag?_,3. How much is the T-shirt?_,4,.,Theyre three dollars.,5,.,Its nine dollars.,6,.,Its eight dollars.,3b Look at the pictures and write the questions and answers.,1.Its five dollars.,2. Its ten dollars.,3. Its six dollars.,4.How much are these socks?,5.How much is the sweater?,6.How much is the skirt?,Answers :,3c Students A, look at the pictures in 3b for a minute and then close your book. Student B, ask questions.,$10.00,$6.00,$3.00,$9.00,语法聚焦,(参照巴蜀英才p74内容。),1.如何询问价格及其回答,询问物品价格的句型:How much is/are ?,1.How much is?常用来询问单数名词或不可数名词的价格,回答时常用句型“Its+价格”。, How much is the T-shirt?,这件T恤衫多少钱?, Its 68 yuan.,68元。, How much is the milk?,牛奶多少钱?, Its 10 dollars.,10美元。,2.How much are ?常用来询问复数名词的价格,回答时常用句型“Theyre+价格”。, How much are these shoes?,这些鞋子多少钱?, Theyre eight dollars.,8美元。, How much are the trousers?,裤子多少钱?, They are 100 yuan.,100元。,语法聚焦,(参照巴蜀英才p75内容。),2.表服装的名词的修饰词,1.thethisthat+单数名词,How much is the yellow T-shirt?,黄色T恤衫多少钱?,This skirt is 6 dollars.,那条裙子6美元。,That brown jacket looks nice.,那件棕色夹克看起来漂亮。,2.thethesethose+复数名词,How much are the red socks?,红色袜子多少钱?,These trousers are mine.,这些裤子是我的。,Those shoes are red.,那些鞋是红色的。, 趣味英语,英语中常见的货币,美元符号,英语单词是 dollar(美元),另外还有cent(美分)。,英镑符号,英语单词是 pound (英镑),另外还有penny(便士)。,¥人民币符号,使用汉语拼音yuan的读音,另外还有fen(分)。, 欧元符号,英文单词是euro(欧元),另外还有cent(欧分)。,所有的符号书写都没有单数和复数的区别,但在口语中读出来时,要读其英文单词的读音,而且要有单复数的区别。以上四个货币名词中,只有中国的人民币yuan和fen没有单复数。,Homework,请同学们完成巴蜀英才英语七年级上,P74-P75 第三课时的相应练习。,


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