外研版八年级英语下册Module 5 Unit 2课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 5,Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.,Unit 2,3,Nemo,Nemo a cute orange-and white fish.,4,Shrek an ugly green man.,Monkey King,Havoc of heaven,大闹天宫,6,Tintin,7,Snoopy,schoolbag,n,.,书包,New words,mess,n,.,脏乱,;,凌乱,artist,n,.,艺术家,;,画家,create,a work of art,v,.,创造,invent,v,.,发明,;,创造,black-and-white,adj,.,黑白的,own,adj,.,自己的,e.g. This is my,own,home.,这是我自己的家。,private,adj,.,私人的,;,个人的,private,car,私家车,默读,理解文章大意。,Cartoon heroes are popular all over the world, and some are more than eighty years old.,The most popular cartoons come out as books and not as films.,Many children read cartoons today.,Many foreign cartoons have become very popular in China.,Silent Reading.,Fast Reading,。,一、本课以卡通为话题,介绍了,5,个著名的卡通形象,它们分别是,_ _,。,二、课文共有,4,个自然段,请归纳出各段的大意,并把字母编号填写在横线上。,Read the passage quickly again and finish the following three tasks.,Shrek, Monkey King, Tintin, Snoopy,Nemo,A. a cute dog that lives in his private world,B. a favourite cartoon hero, and he works for a newspaper,C. he is the hero of Havoc in Heaven,D. two cartoon heroes are popular with,young people all over the world,1.,第一段,: _ 2.,第二段,: _,3.,第三段,: _ 4.,第四段,: _,A,D,C,B,三、请根据课文内容判断正,(T),误,(F),。,( )1. Nemo and Shrek are green animals.,( )2. The Monkey King has celebrated his 60th birthday.,( )3. The Monkey King is brave, humorous and clever.,( )4. An artist invented Tintin in the 1980s.,( )5. Snoopy and his friends satisfy older,people and children.,细读,欣赏文章内容。,Complete the notes.,Nemo and Shrek,Nemo is a _ orange-and-white fish and Shrek is an _ green animal.,2 Both Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of _ people all over the world.,cute,ugly,young,Monkey King,3 He is the _ of a story called,Havoc in Heaven,.,4 He leads a group of _ against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.,hero,monkeys,Tintin,5 He has _ hair and a small _ dog.,6 He works for a _ and has lots of _ experiences.,red,white,newspaper,exciting,Snoopy,7 He lives in his own _ world,and finds real life _ to understand.,8 Charles Schulz drew the cartoons to satisfy _ people as well as children.,private,hard,older,1. Nemo is a cute,orange-and-white,fish.,orange-and-white,意为“,橙白相间的,”,是复合形容词,中间用连字符连接,用来修饰后面的名词。复合形容词没有复数。,e.g. He is a,ten-year-old,boy,now.,2. But both of them have,won the hearts of young people,all over the world.,win the heart of sb. /win sbs heart,意为,“赢得某人的喜欢”,。,e.g. The play,won the hearts of the,audience,.,这部戏剧赢得了观众的心。,3. He,leads,a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.,lead,v,. (led, led),领导,;,率领,lead sb. against ,表示“带领某人反对,”,。,e.g. Mr Clare,leads,his workmates,against,the cruel boss.,4.They always,expect,to see more the,Monkey King cartoons.,expect,v,.,期盼;等待,expect +,n. / pron,.,期待某人或某物”,expect + to do sth.,期待去做某事,expect + sb. to do sth.,期望某人做某事,e.g. Ill,expect your idea,.,I,expect to find,you there.,Do you,expect me to stay,after the,holiday?,5.,Parents and children laugh together,as,the Monkey King makes a terrible mess in heaven.,(1). as,conj,.,当,时,后接句子。,e.g. I lived with my grandmother,as,I,was a little child.,(2).,mess,意为,杂,乱,混,乱,,,make a mess,把,搞糟;把,弄乱,表,示“太乱了”,感叹句常用:,What a mess!,II.,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。,1.,最后他赢得了那个女孩的心。,At last he _ _ _ _ that girl.,2.,昨天他带领工友们反对工厂的不公平制度。,He,workers,he unfair rules of the factory yesterday.,won the,heart of,led,against,3.,孩子们期盼明天去野餐。,The children _ _ _a picnic tomorrow.,4.,这条橙白相间的鱼是这个故事的主人公。,The _ fish is the _ of the story.,5.,杰克,你把客厅弄得乱七八糟的。收拾一下!,Jack , you,in the living room. Tidy it up!,make a mess,have,expect to,orange-and-white,hero,I.,短文填词。,The Chinese home-made cartoon film Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf has become one of the hottest cartoon films. It,1,older people as well as children.,satisfy,快乐达标,The film has the same name and characters as the TV(,电视剧,),。,But the film tells a new,2,. In the TV series, Big Big Wolf wants to eat the goats, but the goats,3,themselves successfully.,story,protect,In the movie, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf,4,together.,5,hard work, they beat their common enemy (,敌人,) in the end.,After,work,Its so popular that the tickets are often,6,out in hours. Many people have to,7,in a line for the next days tickets. Its box office(,票房,) has,8,3,000,000 yuan. The film is is very,9,and you can go to see it,10,your parents.,sold,快乐达标,stand,reached,interesting,with,1) What is it about?,2 )Who is in it?,3 )Why do you like it?,Write down the name of your favorite cartoon. Then answer the questions.,


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