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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,段落写作,段落的基本结构和写法,段落一般由主题句(,topic sentence,),扩展句(,supporting sentence,),结论句(,concluding sentence,)组成。,一,.,主题句,主题句是对段落中心思想的概括,是作者主要意图的反映,是段落的核心,其余部分要围绕它展开论述,因此,主题句是整个段落的纲领。,例如:,Private cars benefit both individuals and nation. It is very convenient for people to drive to work, study and do many other things. By encouraging people to buy cars, the nation can stimulate consumption and the domestic demand, and enhance the national economy.,2.,主题句的特点,1.,)主题句一般位于句首,(,开门见山,),,这与汉语写作中的 总结性论述常常谓语段落结尾处不同。,2.),主题句一般是简单句。,e.g. Peoples view on the holiday varies from person to person.,e.g. It is well known that holiday are important for us and concerning the holiday economy, different people have different opinions.,3.),主题句一般是议论句,表达自己的观点。要有,point topic.,这样我们后面的扩展句才能够展开。,1.Private cars benefit both individuals and nation.,2.Peoples view on the holiday economy varies from person to person.,3.It is well known that holiday are important for us and concerning the holiday economy, different people have different opinions.,对比下面两个句子:,1.Twenty students attended the schools Christmas party.,2.The schools Christmas party is as bore as usual.,4.),主题句除了要有,topic,以外,还要有,controlling idea,也就是说要具体,不要大而空。,e.g. Bikes are very important.,e.g. Bikes have brought a lot of convenience to our daily life.,5.),分段式主题句。没有具体的,controlling idea.,e.g. People have been trying to solve this problem in the following three ways:,英语提纲式作文,中文提纲作文,:分析推敲提纲与题目的关系,明确命题要求,Eg. The Changing Criteria for Good Students,过去,人们对好学生的看法是,现在人们的看法已经发生改变,总的来说,该变化是,提纲作文,Analysis:,通过提纲分析可见,既要说明人们在过去和现在对好学生的看法是什么,有些什么变化,而且要明确这种变化是随社会的进步而朝好的方向发展,否则就没有使标题升华。, 要写出每段的,主题句,-,要能说明段落中心思想,确定全段内容重心、范围和叙述、说明的角度,-,要有体现中心思想的关键词(包括体现主题意义或范围的核心词或短语,),-,要简洁明了,直截了当,In the past, a good student refers to one who was only good at studies.(,举例说明,: study-centered both at home & in school),Now the criteria for good sts are changing.(,详细叙述,:,学习好,兴趣广,能力强,身体棒。,),Generally speaking, criteria for good sts are changing for the better. (,举例说明变化的必要和好处,),二、扩展句,1.,扩展句是以主题句为中心,逐步展开段落,它一般由一组意思连贯的句子组成。扩展句要内容翔实而简明扼要,表达清楚而有较强的说服力。,扩展句,Major Supporting Sentence,Minor Supporting Sentence,2.,扩展句的特点,1.,)扩展句一般多为长句,e.g. Private cars benefits both individuals and the nation. (,Topic sentence),It is very convenient for people to drive to work, study and do many other things. By encouraging people to buy cars, the nation can stimulate consumption and the domestic demand, and enhance the national economy.,(Supporting Sentences),2.,)扩展句要能支持主题句的观点,因此要有具体的,facts,我们可以运用理论论证、事实论证、举例论证、数据论证或解释说明等各种方式来写扩展句。做到“有话可说”。,学生范例“,Practice Makes Perfect,”,It is well known that “Practice Makes Perfect”. So if you do not practice a lot, how can you grasp a skill? We have to practice if we want to do something perfectly.,这三个扩展句没有对论点展开具体的阐述。只是翻来覆去地重复表达自己观点,是典型空洞无物的句子。,参考范例,Practice Makes Perfect,It is widely accepted that “Practice Makes Perfect”, which means that if you practice more, and then you can be more skillful and excellent. (,提出观点并加以解释,),Therefore, we have to keep practicing a lot if we want to be successful.,(,强调作者的观点,),Sex Education,1.,现在人们越来越重视性教育,2.,开展性教育的意义,3.,家庭、学校、社会应该怎么做,作文实例,学生范例,Sex Education,Now, people think highly of the education about sex. As we all know, the teenagers are curious about everything especially the sex. If we dont let the teenagers know the knowledge of sex, they may do something dangerous to make themselves clear. So, it is necessary to do sex education.,空洞无物,My version,As is known to all, the Confucius theory that strongly emphasizes “good manners”, which implies that ideas and behaviors related to sex should be considered as obscene and evil, has been a thousand-year ruler of the Chinese mental world. Although todays Chinese people are much more open, sex still remains a sensitive topic in our daily life. Sex education has always been a low priority in schools, and parents are often reluctant to talk about the still-taboo issue.,正面范例,2002,年,6,月,”Student Use of Computers”,since 1990, there has been a tremendous growth in student use of computers. And in many schools the average number of hours a student spends using computers grew to 20 hours per week in 2000.,3.,)扩展句在补充说明主题句时要直接,单刀直入,任何与主题无关的句子都应删去,Harmfulness of Fake Commodities,3.,)扩展句在补充说明主题句时要直接,单刀直入,任何与主题无关的句子都应删去。,学生作文,修改作文,1.,There are many causes for this social problem, but I think there are some main reasons.,2.,This does not mean other reasons are not very important.,3.,However, the main reasons lead to this issue.,4.,For one thing, producers can profit a lot by making fake commodities because the cost of producing fake commodities is much lower than the genuine articles.,5.,This is very harmful.,6.,For another, salesmen and stores can also profit a lot by selling fake commodities.,There are many causes for this social problem, but as for me , there are some main reasons. For one thing, producers can profit a lot by making fake commodities because the cost of producing fake commodities is much lower than the genuine articles. For another, salesmen and stores can also profit a lot by selling fake commodities.,4.),要正确地使用连接词,做好扩展句和主题句之间的过度和衔接,使句子之间有逻辑性和连贯性。,例如:,1999,年,6,月真题,“Reading Selectively or Extensively?”,Some may proclaim that selective reading is the best way to attain high efficiency.(,主要扩展句,1,),They maintain such an idea because students precious time for reading is quite limited,.(,次要扩展句,),In contrast, the objectors think that students cannot get a general view about the world without extensive reading.(,主要扩展句,2),They argue that students should absorb all kinds of knowledge.,(,次要扩展句,),三、结尾句,结尾句的定义,段落的结尾句一般用来总结段落的中心思想,同事在段落中起着段落收尾的工作。,例如:,As far as Im concerned, love is the most valuable and beautiful thing in the world. Without it, the world is just like a desert. Therefore, we should love each other and make the world a better place.,2.,结尾句的特点,1.,)总结全文的作用,“How to Succeed in a Job Interview”,结尾句:“,Above all, we should make painstaking efforts to be truthful about our personal information.,”,2.),首尾呼应,Practice Makes Perfect,It is widely accepted that “Practice Makes Perfect”, which means that if you practice more, and then you can be more skillful and excellent. (,提出观点并加以解释,),therefore, we have to keep practicing a lot if we want to be successful.,(,强调作者的观点,),结尾句:,In fact, not only in theoretical study but also in practical learning, we have to practice as many times as we can to achieve our aims.,3.),一般来说,结尾句有两种写法:,a. restatement,b. summary,In summary, to summarize, in short, in a word, in brief, in conclusion, to conclude, all in all, as has been said, to sum up. To put it differently, in other words, namely, in simpler terms.,2001,年,1,月四级题,“How to succeed in a Job Interview”,1.),面试在求职过程中的作用,2.,)取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、,专业知识、自信、实事求是,Nowadays, whenever we want to get employed, we will have to go through a job interview.,(主题句),It is really important to everyone of us. (,扩展句,1)So we must take steps to do something in preparation.,(扩展句,2,),Many steps can be taken to be successful in a job interview.(,主题句,)First of all, we should be neatly dressed, for the right clothes worn at the right time can gain the respect of as well as leave a favorable impression on the interviewer.(,扩展句,1)In addition, we should be prepared to talk readily about the requirements of the position.(,扩展句,2) Finally, it is clear that, to be really impressive, we must show some self-confidence and interest in the job we are applying for.(,扩展句,3),Above all, we should make,painstaking efforts,to be truthful about our personal information.(,主题句,) And we should be careful neither to show too much concern for salary nor to criticize our former employer.(,扩展句,),文章结尾简洁明了,再次强调了主题,整篇文章一气呵成。,Exercise,填出下列句子中所缺的主题句,扩展句和结尾句,1._.,First, you need to have enough time to request and then submit all the necessary academic records. Second, the admissions office must have enough time to look at your academic records and decide if you will be accepted. Finally, many universities have a quota, or special number, of students who may enter every semester.,There are three important steps to follow if you want to enter a university.,2. Some people think that sports benefits us in many respects.,- -,When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts,of our body. Furthermore, sports can also enrich our life and maintain,our psychological health, which teaches us about consideration, cooperation,and optimism, and how to cope with difficulties.,e.g.,There are many benefits of doing physical exercise.,As we known,d,oing excise can lead our body produce lots of,abulence benefited to our health,GR,we can resist the disease to protect our,body,so we doing a lot of excise,GR,we could have a strong,body,and we willnever have some disease such as headache,fever and cold,else,we can protect ourselves and the poeple who we care about if we have a strong body.,Nowadays,more and more poeple become pay attention to doing excise,GR,in particular,ly,the old,t,hey maybe,didnt see the importence to excise when younge,GR,but when theybecome older andolder feel they cant do many thing because of their bedhealth,GR,so,we should start doing excise from now on,t,hen,w,e will not feel regret when we are old.,范例,There are many benefits of doing physical exercise.,Apparently, it can strengthen muscles throughout the body, and make our heart pump efficiently, which reduce the rate of,getting,heart disease. As many women know, aerobic exercise burns fat in their body and keep them slender. Besides, it increases the total number of red blood cells, facilitating transport of oxygen. Aside from these benefits above, therere many other advantages that most people dont know. It can reduce blood pressure, improve mental health.,In a word, aerobic exercise has many benefits.,So do some exercise to build a strong body.,3. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the former opinion. Finally, reading selectively is not equal to reading with discrimination. Secondly, students would have less time reading relevant books. Last but no least, reading irrelevant books only wastes our time. In a word, _.,reading selectively is the best policy in study.,写一个段落,阐述你对于,School Uniforms(,校服,),的观点,段落写作的一致性和凝聚力,段落的,coherence and cohesion,是指段落的一致性和凝聚力。只有当主题句、扩展句和结论句之间有其内在的凝聚力时,文章的结构才能紧凑有效。,一、段落写作的一致性(,coherence,),1.,文章内容要围绕一个主题展开,要具有一致性,2.,句子要保持时态、人称、数的一致性;,3.,在使用平行结构时要保持语法结构的一致性。,I,文章内容的一致性,However, we have figured out many ways to reduce the pollution from cars,.(,主题句,),Firstly, non-polluting fuel cars can be used.,(主要扩展句,1,),So long as we can make use of cheap non-polluting fuel, pollution will be gradually decreased.,(次要扩展句,2,),Secondly, people had better use cars as little as possible.,(主要扩展句,2,),Thirdly, scientists are conducting research to improve the engine.,(主要扩展句,3,),注意逻辑的一致性,不要自相矛盾。,II,在一个句子或紧邻的两三个句子里要保持时态、人称、数等地一致性。,1.Whether one likes the Internet or not, we are actually bombarded by it every day.,whether,we,like the Internet or not,we,are actually bombarded by it every day.,2.Now vegetables and fruit can be seen everywhere when it is in season.,Now vegetable,s,and fruit can be seen everywhere when,they are,in season.,3.Some thought it is not as important as before.,Some thought it,was,not as important as,before,.,不要因为混乱的时态打破文章应有的平滑性。,III.,在一个句子或紧邻的几个句子中,在表达相同、或相近的几个意思时,所用的语法要保持一致性。,1.In a word, everyone must take responsibility and air pollution,will gradually be eliminated.,In a word, everyone must take responsibility to eliminate air pollution.,2.It will not only,become convenient, but will also be much cheaper.,It will not only become more convenient, but will also be much cheaper.,在,not onlybut also, bothand, whetheror, eitheror, neithernor, as well as,等连接两个成分的连词中,其中两个成分要尽量保持结构上的一致。,3.Making cities greener has a lot of advantages, such as the improvement of the environment, contributions to industry, and,making cities more beautiful.,Making cities greener has a lot of advantages, such as the improvement of the environment, contributions to industry, and beautification of cities.,4.Reading extensively is good for our mental health, and,through it we can also train our character,.,Reading extensively is good for our mental health, and it is also beneficial to the training of our character.,同样的道理,在指同一件事情时, 要尽量保持结构的平行,尤其是在列举多想内容时。,5.Education problems are currently of great concern to nations,the world, and human beings individually,.,Education problems are currently of great concern to nations, to the world, and to human beings individually.,6.But other people argue that everyone has the responsibility to protect fresh water,and wed better,entitle laws to regulate it.,But other people argue that everyone has the responsibility to protect fresh water and that wed better entitle laws to regulate it.,上面两个例子分别缺失了,to,和,that,不仅在语法结构上不完整,也破坏了平行结构。,二、段落写作的的连贯性(,cohesion,),写作时,句子的逻辑安排要具有连贯性,而连贯性就是指句子的前后衔接平滑、流畅、自然、连贯,并且是按逻辑顺序排列。,Good books, on the other hand, teach and help children to do good things. Good books are childrens real companions, and they are both instructive and inspiring. Children learn past events from history books, study communication by language books, and learn space and numbers through mathematics books. In a word, different kinds of good books can give a large amount of ideas and knowledge.,连接词,1.,表转折:,although, despite, at the same time, even though, however, in spite of, regardless of, on the contrary,2.,举例关系:,as follows, for example, for instance, including,3.,表因果:,as a result, accordingly, because of, due to, thanks to, nowthat, since, hence, therefore,4.,表递进:,additionally, in addition, besides, that is to say, in other words, whats more, last but not least,II.,同义词或近义词,段落中句子的表述需要同义词和近义词来解释说明,以避免重复。,It seems so infuse strength into my limbs, and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without efforts, when I am filled with music.,III. “,起,承,转 合,”,1.,On the whole, there are many reasons to explain it.,起,2.,The main reason is that more and more people come to large cities to hunt for jobs, which result in the overpopulation in these cities.,承,3.,Whats more, the cost of the houses rise rapidly.,承,4.,Though there are many vacant houses, some people with low salaries still have no place to live.,转,5.,Thirdly, these large cities develop their own business and industry.,承,6.,So the land for building houses is limited.,合,1,句引起话题:造成房屋紧张的很多原因;,2,3,句承接逐句,解释了两个原因;,4,句画风一转,提出尽管空房很多,但是低收入的人住不起;,5,句承接主句,解释第三个造成房屋紧缺的原因;,6,句总结本段,与收据呼应。,Exercise,1._, I support to the latter idea. _, tourism also needs to develop wth the times, _ it needs to communicate with the outside world. _, _ the development of tourism, the government will earn more money to develop the local economy.,3. _, I will conclude that universities should provide basic theoretical courses and focus on teaching practical courses _ professional skills will benefit the studentss future careers, _ simple theories can help them be more successful. _, very few great inventors can be organized through classroom teaching _ complicated theories via individual studies.,2. For another, housing reform can be helpful to the development of the countrys economy. More demands of housing stimulate the real estate market. More investment will be attracted, _, other relevant industries _ construction and manufacture of construction materials and machinery will _ make profit. _, the construction work _ creates many job opportunities.,Moreover, such as, also, Besides, also,The Big is the Little,Nothing can be done except little by little, the French poet Baudelaire Charles once sai,d m,ost people often ignore such a truth. So does the little boy shown in the picture. He expresses his worries to his father about disposing of nuclear waste, but is told that he can achieve nothing if he doesnt empty the dustbin first.,The importance of learning basic skills,We can see that in this picture, a teacher is teaching her pupils to deal with arithmetic questions, but some of them think that learning these mathematical skills is useless. They argue that by the time they are in the job market, these skills will be outdated. As to whether it is important to learn basic skills, people hold different views.,Which Is More Important,As can be seen from the picture above, there is a conversation between a son and afather. The father told his son that it is more important to empty the dustbin than to worry about disposing of nuclear waste, that is to say, small things go first when dealing with big things. Im definitely on the fathers side in this and Im sure Im not alone.,The importance of learning basic skills,In the face of various and complicated requirements of employment market, some students begin to question the significance of learning basic knowledge and skills, just as what is exposed in the cartoon above.,Thanks,


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