长沙市长郡卫星远程学校高中英语《Module3 Unit1 welcome to the unit project》课件 牛津译林版必修3

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长沙市长郡卫星远程学校高中英语《Module3 Unit1 welcome to the unit project》课件 牛津译林版必修3_第1页
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长沙市长郡卫星远程学校高中英语《Module3 Unit1 welcome to the unit project》课件 牛津译林版必修3_第2页
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长沙市长郡卫星远程学校高中英语《Module3 Unit1 welcome to the unit project》课件 牛津译林版必修3_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,湖南长郡卫星远程学校,2014,年上学期,制作,13,We do,with,the sense,see,eyes,hear,taste,smell,touch/feel,ears,hearing,tongue/taste buds,taste,nose,smell,hands/feet/skin,touch,Fill in the table,sight,What would happen if you lost one or two of your senses?,A person who cannot see is_ and someone who cannot hear is _.,blind,deaf,Read the short passage on page 1,Do you believe?,Sometimes senses may cheat us and they may affect one another.,What do you see in the picture?,How many people can you see in the picture?,Move or not?,Some great people who have lost one or two of his senses,Hellen,Keller,(,18801968,),American writer,Disabilities,:,blind,deaf,dumb,They cant talk.,They are,dumb,.,Kwan-yin of 1,000 Hands,The dancing is performed by 20 deaf girls at the Spring Festival Evening Party in 2005. It is shocking China and the world.,Do animals have the five senses?,workbook P96,Do plants have the five senses?,workbook P93,Project,Unit,1,Producing a TV show,Shark attacks,What do you know about sharks?,Most of them have a weak sense of _ but a strong sense of _.,Sharks must keep swimming so that they will sink.,sight,smell,Fast Reading,Why is the number of shark attacks increasing?,To reduce the risk of a shark attack, what should you do?,What should you do if a shark attacks you?,Para 1 Name the three fierce sharks,Great white shark,Tiger shark,Bull shark,Para. 2,Para.2-3,Sharks seldom attack humans.,Three types of shark attacks,Mistake you for a fish,Push and bite,Wait for you to swim by and attack suddenly,Four tips,on how to avoid being attacked by sharks.,Para.4,Para.5,An increase in water sports has led to an increase in shark attacks.,Three tips,on what to do if a shark attacks.,Do not be frightened by sharks.,The wonderful world of pigeons,Read and discuss,Why did the officer write a message in the story?,By what means was the message sent?,How do pigeons find their way?,Why does the officer write a message in the story?,Because hundreds of enemy soldiers rush towards them and he wants to get help.,2.,By what means is the message sent?,The officer writes a message on a piece of paper. He rolls up the paper and puts it into a small case and then reaches into a cage and gets a bird. Attaching the message to its leg, he sets the bird loose. The bird is a pigeon.,3. How do pigeons find their way?,Pigeons appear to have a compass inside them that tells them which way is north. They also appear to use their sight and even their sense of smell to tell them which way they should go.,Producing a TV show about how an animal uses its senses.,Planning,Work in groups of four to discuss and choose which animal you would like to focus on, and then write down the name of the animal and one of its unique senses. Each of you can be responsible for researching information about one aspect of the animal.,Aspects you can cover,Food,Habitat,Size,Unique sense,Animal,behaviour,Preparing,You may go to a zoo, watch an animal documentary, read some books or surf the Internet to get the information you need. While you are doing such things, you need to take notes. You will get together to discuss what should included in your show. You will make a list which focuses on how the animal uses its senses and think about how to present the information.,Producing,You each work on a different part of the TV show. When the different parts are put together, read the writing carefully, correct the mistakes and add some new ideas.,Three tips,to help if a shark attack you,Keep calm. Do not panic.,Hit the shark on the nose with your fist.,Stick your finger in the sharks eye.,Four pieces of advice,to avoid shark attacks:,Dont swim in the dark.,Dont go swimming in the ocean if you have a fresh wound.,Dont wear bright clothing or,jewellery,.,Stay in groups.,Presenting,Each group will take turns presenting your TV show to the class by showing your work and narrating. Have a discussion to decide which groups TV show is the best, and who is the best storyteller.,路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。,屈原,读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。,郭沫若,学习必须与实干相结合。,泰戈尔,学而时习之,不亦说乎?,孔子,鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。,李苦禅,求学的三个条件是:多观察、多吃苦、多研究。,加菲劳,学习从来无捷径,循序渐进登高峰。,高永祚,活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。,培根,立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。,阮元,读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。,富兰克林,精品课件,!,


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