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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,北师大版,高一 必修1,Unit 2,英语课件,Lesson 2,History Maker,Guess and Talk,First read these sentences then match,these descriptions with the photos.,fought for the rights of black people,in the USA.,2. led the 1911 revolution and founded,the first republic of China.,4. worked to help poor people in India.,3. invented the light bulb, the moving,picture camera and many other things.,He led the 1911 revolution and founded the first Republic of China. And we call the city “the city of Zhongshan in honor of him.,He is a history maker.,How much do you know about them,Sun Yat-sen,He invented the light bulb, the moving picture camera and many other things.,Thomas Edison,She worked to help poor people in India.,She is one of the most successful women in the world.,She won the Noble Peace Prize in 1979, said:“ I touch the poor as touch the Jesus”.,Mother Teresa,He is a black man. He was born in 1929.,He fought for the rights,of black people in the,USA.,He devoted his life to the,equality of the black.,He won the prize of,Nobel Peace.,Martin Luther King , Jr.,Yes, their actions did much to advance the society. They made things so important that it will be recorded in the history book. They set examples to us.,Are they history makers Why,heroes,Listen to learn,How to express agree and,disagree,Lets speak,agree, think, youre right, dont,agree, in my opinion, personally,First, please listen to the tape, fill in the blanks with the key words.,Key words,Well, I (1) _Mother Teresa is important, because she spent her whole life working with poor and sick people.,Im sorry, but I (2) _.,(3) _, Dr Sun Yat-sen,is very important.,think,dont agree,In my opinion,He led the 1911 revolution and founded the first republic of China.,Yes, (4)_, but I think Tomas,youre right,Edison is important, too. He created so many machines and inventions that we still use today.,I (5) _with you, but (6) _ ,I think Martin Luther King is also,quite important, because he fought against racism and his actions,changed American society.,agree,personally,You are going to listen to a radio programme about Martin Luther King. Make sure you understand the Key words.,experience,racism,equal,influence,victory,protest,march,经历,种族主义,平等的,影响,斗争,胜利,抗议,游行,struggle,Listening Strategies,1. Before listening, make sure you,understand the task.,So now please have a try, predict,the answers of sentences T or F.,2. If possible, try to guess the,answer.,Listen to the radio programme.,Use the Listening Strategies to,help you.,3.When you listen the first time, dont,panic! You will not understand,everything-just try to get the,general idea.,T,F,T,Martin Luther King was,from the United States.,2. Martins first experience of racism was with a bus driver.,3. His first victory was to win the equal rights for blacks to sit on buses.,F,4. He went to prison sixteen times for organising protests.,5. He organised a march to,Washington in 1963.,T,T,F,T,6. He made a famous speech,there beginning with the,words : “I have a dream,7. He received the Nobel Peace,Prize in 1965.,8. A white man killed him in 1968.,Pronunciation: Stress,Listen to the sentences and underline the stressed words.,1. He was born in Atlanta in 1929.,2. Martin liked Gandhis ideas,about peaceful protest.,3. He organised a march to,Washington.,4. A white man killed him.,Speaking,Work in pairs. Read the paragraphs below and take turns to choose a hero. Ask and answer the following questions.,What did/does your hero fight for,2. Who did/does your hero help,3. Where did/ does your hero work,Homework,What can you learn from the heroes introduced in this unit,Write down your views and explain them to your partner.,


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