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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 1 How often do you exercise,Section A,Weekend activities,do homework,exercise,Work in pairs and ask your partners what do they usually do on weekends.,go to the movies,play football,reading,watching TV,shopping,swimming,listening,Listen and fill in the blanks:,always(100%)_,usually _,often_,sometimes_,hardly ever_,never(0%)_,go shopping,exercise,go skateboarding,watch TV,watch TV,go shopping,Match the activities of Chung,Activities,How often,go to the movies,every day,watch TV,once a week,shop,twice a week,exercise,three times a week,read,once a month,twice a month,Oral practice,How often do you do these activities Make conversations with your partner.,do homework,everyday,A: How often do you do your homework,B: Everyday.,exercise,three times a week,A: How often do you exercise,B: Three times a week.,eat junk food,once a month,A: How often do you eat junk food,B: Once a month.,surf the Internet,once a week,A: How often do you surf the Internet,B: Once a week.,Practice,Fill in the blanks with the information in the “Activity Survey and “Vocabulary Key .,Hilltop high school: Activity Survey,Activity,everyday,once or twice a week,three or four times a week,Exercise,15%,10%,75%,Do homework,95%,0%,5%,Watch TV,85%,2%,13%,Vocabulary Key,All students=,100,% Most students=,51%-99%,Some students=,1%-50%,No students=,0%,What Do Students Do at Hilltop High School,Here are the results of the student activity at Hilltop high school. _ students exercise three or four times a week. Some students exercise once or twice a week. _ students exercise every day.,As for homework, _ students do homework every day. _students do homework three or four times a week. _ students do homework once or twice a week.,The results for “watch TV are interesting. _ students watch TV once or twice a week, some students watch TV _ _ _ a week, but most students watch _ .,Most,Some,most,Some,No,Some,three or four times,every day,Discussion,Discuss with your partners your daily activities. How often do you do them Why do you like them,eg. A: What do you usually do at weekends,B: I like going shopping.,A: How often do you go shopping,B: Twice a month.,A: Why do you like it,B: Its exciting.,Thanks,


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