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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Festivals in foreign countries,This festival is,at the beginning of the spring,.,Most,young people,are happy on this day.,They,send,flowers and chocolate or some,other,gifts to the one they love,.,Valentines Day,Valentines,February 14th,Valentines Day,(情人节) is on February 14,th.,It is a time to give little gifts,like roses, chocolates, etc. to ones lover.,In the 3rd century in Rome, there was a man named St. Valentine. He loved his girlfriend deeply and he wrote one love letter to her every day with the signature签名 “Valentine.,It started with a love letter from a boy named Valentine.,color eggs made of chololate,Easter,The Easter bunny (rabbit), Easter eggs, and Easter baskets are popular symbols of Easter.,In April,It is the time when Jesus Christ died and came back to life.,Eat chocolate eggs,Easter,Read the following descriptions about western festivals and guess which festival it is.,This festival happens in spring.,On this day most people are happy.,People can tell lies and play tricks on others,without being blamed.,Some people may be fooled but they can not,be angry.,April Fools Day,Read the following descriptions about western festivals and guess which festival it is.,Most children are excited on this day.,They would like to dress up as frightening,and ugly ghosts or witches.,They wear black costumes or masks.,They would like to knock at others doors,and say “Trick or treat.,Halloween,pumpkin light,A fancy dress ball,(化装舞会),Halloween Parade,Halloween,(万圣节) is on the evening,of October 31 in Europe.,Pumpkins with candles insides (Pumpkin lights) is so popular in Halloween decorations.,Children dress in strange clothes to frighten people.,They may also ask people for sweets by saying “Trick or Treat!,December,December 25th,Something about Christmas,1. buy gifts for each other,2. send Christmas card,3. decorate the Christmas tree,4. greet your relatives and your friends,5. have family reunion dinner,Thanksgiving Day in America is a time of family gatherings and holiday meals.,Thanksgiving is celebrated on the,4th Thursday of November,.,Valentines Day,Easter,Halloween,Thanksgiving,Christmas,14,th,February,12,th,April,31,st,October,26,th,November,25,th,December,Do you know,Special days in foreign countries.,Work in pairs. Compare a Chinese festival with one from another country.,Festival,Spring Festival,Christmas Day,When is it celebrated?,Who celebrates it?,How do people celebrate it?,Why do people celebrate it?,What are important themes?,How old is the festival?,Jan.1. (lunar calendar),Chinese people mainly,clean the house.,welcome the new year,get together,over 1,000,Dec.25,Christians mainly,decorating Christmas,trees,get together,over 350,Memory the Chris,Unit 1 Reading,Festivals and Celebrations,丰收,n& v,饿死,v.,起源,由来,n.,祖先,祖宗,n.,信仰,信任,n.,6.,宗教上的,信奉宗教的,adj.,7.,纪念,追念,(,phr,),8.,搞恶作剧,开玩笑,(,phr,),9. to get or achieve,sth,you want or need,v.,10.to look at,sth,and think how beautiful it is,v.,11. be active and full of energy,adj.,12. to be excited and pleased about,sth,that is going to happen,(,phr,),:,13. to wear special clothes for fun,(,phr,),:,challenge your memory:,harvest,starve,origin,ancestor,belief,religious,in memory of,play a trick on ,gain,admire,energetic,look forward to ,dress up,Whats the main idea of the passage Give one sentence to describe it.,The passage is mainly about _and the ways of _and also the reasons _ all over the world.,different festivals,celebrations,why people celebrate them,Festivals of all kinds have many_:,some _,some _,some for special _.,origins,religious,seasonal,The passage lists _ kinds of modern festivals,four,Festivals,for the Dead,Festivals,to Honor People,Harvest Festivals,Spring Festivals,namely,:,(即),Skimming(略读,浏览),Para 1 and sub-heading,(副标题),people or events,Kinds of festivals,Names of Festivals,countries,Festivals of,the Dead,Festivals to Honour,People,Harvest,Festivals,Spring,Festivals,Obon,Japan,Day of the Dead,Mexico,Halloween,some,w,estern,c,ountries,Dragon Boat Festival,China,Colu,m,bus Day,the,USA,F,estival to,h,onor,Gandhi,India,Thanksgiving,festivals,European,countries,M,id-,A,utumn,F,estivals,China and Japan,The,Spring Festival,China,Easte,r,Christian,c,ountries,Cherry Blossom,Festival,Japan,Para2,Festivals of the Dead,1. What are festivals of the dead usually for,Festivals of the dead are usually for,honoring the dead or satisfying the ancestors, who (some people believe) might return either to help or to,do harm,.,2. Of the three festivals of the dead, Halloween,has,a lot,in common with,the Chinese festival:,Tomb-sweeping Festival. (T/F),Obon,Day of the Dead,Halloween,F,Obon,(盂兰盆节,),-is an,annual,Buddhist (佛教徒) festival, which takes place in,July or August in Japan,. People hang,lanterns,in front of their houses and,f,loat paper lanterns,on the river in order to guide their,ancestors,spirits,.,It is a traditional festival in,Mexico to,honor,the dead. People light,candle,s,at a,tomb,covered with,flowers and food.,Sugar Skeleton,the Day of the Dead,Are harvest festivals always happy events,Why or why not,Para4,Harvest festivals are always happy events because,How do people celebrate the festivals (key verbs),people are _ (,thankful,) that food is,gather,ed,for the winter and _ (农活) is over .,Harvest Festivals,grateful,the agricultural work,thanksgiving festivals,mid-autumn festivals,decoratewith,get together to ,win awards for ,admire enjoy,Spring Festivals,Para5,Spring festival,Easter,Cherry Blossom Festival,What do these spring festivals celebrate,The return of Jesus from the dead.,The end of winter and the coming of spring and new life.,The getting together of the families.,looks _ (as if ) it is covered with,_,as though,pink snow,True of False,Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in summer.( ),The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in memory of the heroes. ( ),October 2 is an Indian national festival to honor Gandhi.( ),Thanksgiving is a happy event, for people regard it as a beginning of agricultural work. ( ),At the spring festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat. ( ),In some western countries there are very exciting carnivals, which take place fourteen days before Easter. ( ),F,F,T,F,T,F,1. What do people do in Spring Festival in China,Eat dumplings, fish and meat,B. Give children lucky money in red paper,C. Watch dragon dance and carnivals,D. All the above.,2.What does Easter celebrate,It celebrates the birth of Jesus .,It celebrates the death of Jesus.,It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life .,It celebrates peoples harvest .,To choose the right answer,3 Why do people love festivals according to the passage,A. Because festivals let us enjoy life.,B. Because festivals make us proud of our customs.,C. Because festivals can make us have fun with each other.,D. Above all .,4. What can we learn from the passage,A. All festivals have been lasting for a long period.,B. People like festivals just because they can eat a lot then.,C. Different countries have different customs.,D. People celebrate festivals in the same way.,C,C,5. Which of the following is not the reason why people love festivals according to the passage,A. Because festivals let us enjoy life.,B. Because festivals make us proud of our customs.,C. Because festivals can make us have fun with each other.,D. Because festivals can let us get money from the government.,D,6 Which of the following festivals is not celebrated in Japan,A Easter B. Obon C. Cherry Blossom Festival,D. Mid-autumn Festival,Discussion,Is it important to have festivals and celebrations,Give your reasons. (group discussion,to enjoy life,to,be proud of,our customs,to forget our work for a little while,to get relaxed,to get educated,to enrich culture,to develop tourism,to promote economy,Should we, Chinese students, celebrate western festivals like Christmas Why or why not,Discussion :,Nowadays,Western festivals such as Christmas and Valentines Day are gaining increasing popularity in China, especially among college students. But whether we should celebrate these festivals has become a subject of heated discussion.,Some believe celebrating Western festivals is a sign of,globalization,. They argue that China needs to take in various foreign cultures so as to,blend into,the modern world. And celebrating Western festivals is a good opportunity for the Chinese to knowmore about other cultures.,However, others believe that the Western festivals threaten a kind of cultural,aggression,. Therefore, we should drive them out lest they should undermine our traditional culture.,In my opinion, as college students, we should,preserve,the traditional Chinese culture as well as stay open to Western ones. Therefore, while,layingemphasis on,Chinese festivals, we could also,absorb,foreign elements.,the Spring Festival in China,My favorite festival is the Spring Festival.,Its the most _(,富有生气的,) and,important festival in China, which,fall,s on,the f_ day of the lunar year. Before the,festival, houses are cleaned and,d,_.,At the festival , people eat _ and fish,and give children _ _,in red paper (red,packets),. On the eve, people watch,CCTV New,Year Gala,and often set off _.There are,_ dances and _ (,狂欢节,) in the streets.,energetic,ecorated,dumplings,lucky,money,fireworks,dragon,carnivals,irst,Group work:,Work in groups. Imagine that your class and yourself are going to set and celebrate a new festival together:,1. What kind of day will you set to celebrate,2. When and why do you decide to celebrate the day,3.what will you do on that day,1.Peace Day,no,fighting,or,conflicts,are allowed. People learn and talk about peace.,2.Happiness Day,People must only do things that will,make others happy,.,People Learn about happiness.,3.Friendship Day,No,arguments,or,fights,are allowed. People learn about friendship.,4.Nature Day,No,pollution,or,destruction,of nature is allowed. People learn and talk about nature.,Examples:,I think that the new holiday should be a,Peace Day,. On this day,no fighting or conflicts,are allowed. People will,learn and talk about peace,.,The holiday will celebrates on,_,and people will celebrate it by,_,. I think this is the best idea because,_,.,Example,Which festival do you think is the most fun Why,Which festival are you most interested in Why,Homework:,Write a passage to introduce a festival,you are interested in or you think most fun.,(when, where, how to celebrate),2. Read the passage to understand it better,and find out the problems if any.,3. Remember the new words.,A quiz,3. the 7th day of the 7th month,Chongyang Festival,the Double Ninth Festival,2. The 5th day of the 5th month,-,1. The 15th day of the 1st month-,the Lantern Festival (元宵节),4.The 15th day of the 8th month,-,the Mid-autumn Festival,the Dragon-boat festival (端午节),(of Chinese,lunar,calendar,),(农历),5. the 9th day of the 9th month,-,Qiqiao Festival,(the Chinese Valentines day),Some Chinese traditional festivals,April 5th -,Tomb-sweeping Festival (清明节),


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