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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,Unit 5,Theme parks,Period 1,Warming up & Pre-reading,Are you familiar with,these parks in Tian,Shui,Warming up,Discussion,1.What is a park What is a park for,2. What kind of activities can people do in a park,relax,parks,listen to music,enjoy the beautiful,sceneries,have fun,have a picnic,play games,chat with friends,Brainstorming:,What can we do in a park,Discussion,take photos,fly kites,have,picnics,play chess,do exercises,enjoy the beautiful sceneries,What is a park for,Parks have many,attraction,s. They provide people with a place to do,various,kinds of,deed,s to amuse themselves and escape their busy lives for a while.,What do you think a theme park is,Can you list some of them,Pre-reading,Theme Park,It is a kind of,amusement,park which has,a certain theme,that the whole park is based,on.,There are many kinds of theme parks in the world with themes such as,food,culture,cartoons,science,history,Look at the pictures,of 3 world-famous,theme,parks below,and try to get the theme of,each park,.,Disneyland,take giant,swinging,ships.,watch the,parade,You can meet,your favourite,fairy tale,or,Disney,cartoon,characters,.,Free-fall drops,roller-coaster rides,country music,performances,in indoor and outdoor,theatres,carpenter,and wood productions,candy shops,steam-,engine,train,bald eagle,preserve,wooden roller coaster,Dollywood,is famous for,one of the best old wooden roller coasters, Thunderhead, which has the most,length,in the smallest space.,Thunderhead,Camelot Park,King Arthur with his,sword,Knights,of the Round Table,Merlin the wizard,jousting area,farm area,What is the difference between a traditional park and a theme park,A tr,a,ditional,park is a public,place,with grass,trees,etc, where people,can,relax and have fun.,A,theme park is a large area which is designed,around,one subject,such,as,water, food, culture , science or history,.,In these parks there are lots of things to see and do.,They,have big rides or games to play. They have restaurants or even hotels. People,especiall,y children, enjoy,v,isiting these,places.,Also we should get to know that theme parks can offer us not only amusement, but also kinds of,knowledge,and,exciting experiences,.,How many parks are mentioned in the text What are they,Unit 5,Theme,parks,Reading,THEME PARKS FUN AND MORE THAN FUN,1. Skim the passage and quickly find out the answers.,2. Read,the passage quickly and try to find out,the,main idea,of the whole passage and,each,paragraph,.,Para.1,:,Para.2,:,Para.3,:,Para.,4,:,Various kinds,of theme p,arks.,Camelot,Park,Disneyland.,Dollywood,The text mainly introduces _, which include different themes, and then it gives _ examples.,theme parks,three,There are various kinds of _.,If you want to have fun and more,than fun, come to _.,Come to _ to have fun,learning all about Americas _ southeastern culture.,To enter a world of _ about,ancient England, come to _.,Dollywood,Disneyland,Camelot Park,theme parks,historical,fantasy,Para.2,Para.3,Para.4,Para.1,3. Find,the,topic sentence,of each paragraph and fill in the blanks.,Homework,1、精读课文,找出文中的生词和短语,查阅字典或辅导资料,弄清它们的用法并造句,可以摘抄例句。eg: famous(fame); various(vary/variety); familiar;,no wonder.; run the farm;,.,2、完成课文后面阅读理解局部2、3P35两题。,


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