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She is in _.,care helmetnoticesafepollute,pollution,notice,Careless,helmets,safety,Complete the sentences with the phrases.,1. Both drivers and pedestrians should _ the traffic on the road.,2. _. The trucks coming! Get out of the way.,3. You should never use the elevator,(,电梯,),_ a fire accident.,4. If you are not careful on the road, you may be _.,5. _, to stay safe is the most important thing to us all.,in danger, in case of, in a word, pay attention to, look out,pay attention to,Look out,in case of,in danger,In a word,Is it safe to do that,Sb. Should (not) .,What may happen if we do it like this,Discuss,What do people use bicycles for,They use them for work, for sport or just for fun.,What bicycle sports do you know about,Bicycle road races, BMX,road cycling,mountain bike,track cycling,BMX,1.Read the two passages and mark Q for the sentences that describe the Tour of Qinghai Lake and F for the Tour de France.,1. The race started in 2002. ( ),2. Today the race covers 2 000 miles. ( ),3. The race began in Paris. ( ),4. It is the largest bicycle road race in Asia. ( ),5. There are 21 timed stages over three weeks,with one or two days to rest. ( ),Q,Q,F,F,F,Tour of Qinghai Lake,Tour de France,the largest bicycle road race in Asia,began in Pairs, in 1903,the highest altitude,began in China, in 2002,2000 miles long now, 21 timed stages over three weeks,the most famous bicycle race in the world,Fill in the features of the Tour of Qinghai Lake and the Tour de France.,Learn the new words.,Asia,France,stream,altitude,stage,n.,阶段;舞台,1609.3 meters,one mile,Learn the new words.,central,adj.,中心的,中央的,center,n.,winner,n.,优胜者,win,v.,stage,舞台,He won the game. He is the winner.,the Alps,n.,阿尔卑斯山脉,Learn the new words.,the Massif Central,中央高原,the Pyrenees Mountains,比利牛斯山脉,among,between,Learn the new words.,Describe the Tour of Qinghai Lake,largest, rivers and streams,2002, largest, highest,most famous, 1903, 1500, 2000, 21, the Alps, Massif Central Pyrenees Mountains,2,Write a passage according to the accident report form.,Accident Report Form,Time: _ Date: _,Place: _,Accident:_,_,_,4:40 p.m.,April 3rd, 2021,the gate of Sifang Supermarket,A motorcycle hit a student cyclist.,The students right leg was badly hurt and his bike was broken.,(when, where, who, what, why, how),An example:,Cycling is very popular in our life. However, sometimes it may cause some accidents if the cyclist isnt careful enough.,At 4:40 p.m., April 3rd, 2021, a student cyclist was riding his bike passing the gate of Sifang Supermarket. Suddenly a truck came from his right. The student rode too fast to stop, and the truck hit him terribly. The students right leg was badly hurt and his bike was broken. As soon as the driver saw what happened, he called 120. The student was sent to the hospital at once.,We should always be careful and follow the traffic rules when we cycle, or we will be in danger.,Grammar,Adverbial Clauses of Condition,If,people,obey,the traffic rules, there,will be,fewer accidents.,If,we,ride,at night, we,should have,lights on the bicycle or wear light - colored clothes.,If,we,break,the traffic rules, we,may get,a fine and even be in danger.,如果人们都遵守交通规那么,事故就会变少。,如果我们晚上骑车,必须有车灯或者穿浅色衣服。,如果我们违反交通规那么,就可能受罚甚至有危险。,Functions,I agree.,Its easy to,park bikes, too.,I,disagree with,you. I think,Look out,and always,be careful,.,The accident happened early this morning. I was waiting for the bus 1._ it happened. A young woman was driving a red car very 2._. While she was driving, she 3. _ over her mobile phone. At that moment, a man was driving an orange truck 4. _ North Street very slowly. While he was driving, he was 5. _ a bottle of water and eating something. When they got to the crossing, the woman in the red car didnt 6. _ at the traffic lights. As a result, the car 7._ the truck. Both the woman and the man were very 8. _ and they shouted at each other. Soon the police came. Thank 9. _, they were not badly hurt. And they each got a 10. _ for breaking the traffic rules.,Exercise,angry, fast, eat, fine, goodness, talk, drink, when, along, hit, stop,Complete the passage with the,proper forms of the words.,when,fast,was talking,along,drinking,stop,hit,angry,goodness,fine,Summary,We learn,New words and phrases:,Asia, among, France, mile, central, winner,Two of the world-famous bicycle races:,The Tour of Qinhai Lake,Tour de France.,How to avoid traffic accidents.,Summary,We can,Fill in accident report forms.,Tell about traffic accidents around us.,Talk about the traffic rules.,Tell about a traffic accident you have seen.,2. Talk about the traffic rules you know.,3. Discuss how to avoid traffic accidents, then write a report.,Being Careful to Be Safe,Project,1. Review the new words, phrases and useful expressions in this topic.,2. Collect information about traffic rules, traffic accidents around you and talk about them.,3. Write your own passages to talk about how to keep safe on the road.,Homework,The end.,Thank you!,


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