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Meanwhile, take-out food delivery services are also popular among people born after 1995.,Young people are willing to spend money on such products because they want to enjoy hard-earned leisure time after a busy and stressful day at work or school, reported Global Times. Because they need to focus on their studies or jobs, these so-called lazy people tend to use their leisure time more efficiently. For example, Wei Duo, a 21-year-old college student, is a frequent user of take-out food delivery services. “I once had a birthday cake delivered to my friend who lives far from my home. It cost me 50 yuan but it saved me almost half a day that would have been needed to deliver it myself. My friend was also happy because she got to eat the cake instantly,” Wei toldthe Global Times.,While the “lazy economy” might be convenient for young people, it might also create problems. The lazy economy on campus is expressed in things like people buying food or other things without leaving the dormitory. As a result, they stay in their dormitories all day long, playing on computers and smartphones. According to Jinan Daily, this situation could lead to young people becoming less sociable and even developing problems of communicating with others. Young people should be alert (,警觉的,) to it.,Nowadays, an increasing number of young Chinese spend money because they are “lazy”. According to a report issued in December by Chinas e-commerce platform Taobao on Chinas “lazy economy”, Chinese people spent 16 billion yuan on products and services online in 2018. The post-1995 generation was the “laziest” as its consumption increased by 82 percent, compared with that in 2017.,A report indicates,that more young Chinese,especially,the post-1995 generation,tend to,spend money,due to their laziness,.,研究表明越来越多的中国年轻人,尤其是,95,后,由于懒惰倾向于消费。,The so-called lazy economy refers to a new type of consumption of products and services which are designed to save time and labor. According to the report, many people of the post-1995 generation buy high-tech electronic devices such as floor mopping robots and automatic window cleaners, which save the trouble of doing household chores. Meanwhile, take-out food delivery services are also popular among people born after 1995.,The so-called “lazy economy”,features,the purchase of time, labor-saving products and services.,所谓的,“,懒人经济,”,以购买省时、省力的产品和服务为特色。,Young people are willing to spend money on such products because they want to enjoy hard-earned leisure time after a busy and stressful day at work or school, reported Global Times. Because they need to focus on their studies or jobs, these so-called lazy people tend to use their leisure time more efficiently. For example, Wei Duo, a 21-year-old college student, is a frequent user of take-out food delivery services. “I once had a birthday cake delivered to my friend who lives far from my home. It cost me 50 yuan but it saved me almost half a day that would have been needed to deliver it myself. My friend was also happy because she got to eat the cake instantly,” Wei toldthe Global Times.,In this way,those occupied,with study and work,can make the best of,the limited leisure time.,通过这样的方式,那些忙于学习和工作的可以充分享受有限的闲暇时光。,While the “lazy economy” might be convenient for young people, it might also create problems. The lazy economy on campus is expressed in things like people buying food or other things without leaving the dormitory. As a result, they stay in their dormitories all day long, playing on computers and smartphones. According to Jinan Daily, this situation could lead to young people becoming less sociable and even developing problems of communicating with others. Young people should be alert (,警觉的,) to it.,Convenience as,the “lazy economy” may bring, the young should,be aware that,it can also,result in,their lack of social contact.,虽然,“,懒人经济,”,可能会带来便利,年轻人要意识到它也可能会导致社会交往的缺乏。,A report indicates,that more young Chinese,especially,the post-1995 generation,tend to,spend money,due to their laziness,. (,要点,1,) The so-called “lazy economy”,features,the,purchase of time and labor-saving products and services.,(要点,2,),In this way,those occupied,with study and work can,make the best of,the limited leisure time.,(要点,3,),Convenience as,the “lazy economy” may bring, the young should,be aware that,it can also,result in,their lack of social contact.,(要点,4,),A report,indicates that more young Chinese, especially the post-1995 generation tend to spend money due to their laziness. (,要点,1,),The so-called “lazy economy”,features the purchase of time and labor-saving products and services.,(要点,2,),In this way,those,occupied with study and work can make the best of the limited leisure time.,(要点,3,),Convenience as the “lazy economy” may bring,the young,should be aware that it can also result in their lack of social contact.,(要点,4,),


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