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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 The United Kingdom,1.To learn para1-3.,2.To find out the main idea.,3.To improve the reading ability.,Learning aims,READING,Puzzles in Geography,Fast-reading,How many countries make up the United Kingdom,B. Explain how England is divided into three zones,C. The reason why London became the cultural capital of England.,D. A brief introduction to the UK about its foundation and development based on geography, history and culture.,1.The text is mainly about _.,1.,Match the main idea of each paragraph.,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,B.,States the topic of the,passage.,C.,Explains the differences of the four countries.,A.,How the United Kingdom came into being.,Careful-reading,Which countries make up the UK,England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland.,3.,People may wonder why different words,are used to,describe these four countries.,辨析以下短语:,be used to do sth.,be used for,used to do sth.,be used to sth./doing sth.,被用来做,被用来做,过去常常做与现在作比较,习惯做,2. Which countries form Great Britain,England, Wales, Scotland.,1. When was Wales linked to England,In the thirteenth century.,3. When were England and Wales joined,to Scotland,4. When did Southern Ireland break away,and Northern Ireland join with England,Scotland and Wales to form the UK,In the seventeenth century.,In the early twentieth century.,In the 13,th,Century,_ was linked to,England,.,In the 17,th,Century,England,and Wales were joined to _.,In the early 20,th,Century,_ Ireland broke away and _ Ireland joined with _, Wales and _,to become _.,Scotland,Wales,Southern,Northern,England,Scotland,the United Kingdom,Read Para 2, complete the form.,4,、,Now when people,refer to,England you,find,Wales,included,as well.,refer to,指的是;谈到;参阅;参考,翻译以下句子:,In his speech ,he didnt refer to the problem at all.,His name was referred to in the meeting.,When you reading , you dont have to refer to,your dictionary immediately.,过去分词作宾语补足语,5.,break away,挣脱,;,逃脱,;,脱离,(3) We must,break away,from conventions.,我们应破除陈规。,(1) It was no use, he could not,break,away, so he gave up.,这是枉费力气,,他挣脱不了,所以只好作罢。,(2) The prisoner,broke away,from his,guards.,囚犯从看守者手中逃脱了。,translate,Nowadays many farmers want to _ from rural life and make a living in cities.,现在许多农民都想离开农村到城里谋生。,Mongolia _ China.,蒙古脱离了中国。,You should _ the bad habit.,你应该改掉这个坏习惯。,break away,broke,away,from,break,away,from,break away from,break _ 挣脱, 逃脱; 脱离, 背叛break _ 抛锚, 出故障, 身体垮了 break _ 破门而入break _ (战争、瘟疫、火灾) 爆发 break _ 折断; 中断; 断绝,break _ 崩溃; 别离; 解散; 终止 break_突破,away,down,into,out,off,up,through,1.The car he bought last year broke down.,2.The thieves broke into the bank and stole a lot of money.,3.When did the First World War break out,4.Our soldiers had little difficulty in breaking through the enemy lines.,5.After midnight,the party broke up.,1. Which areas do the four countries,work together,The currency and international relations.,2. What are the four countries differences,Different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup.,I didnt give _ to his story.,我不,相信,她的故事。,She earned enough _ for her degree.,她为获得学位取得了足够的,学分,。,She was given the _ for what I had done.,事情是我做的, 她却受到,称赞,。,This bank refused further _ to her company.,银行拒绝再,贷款,给她的公司。,To his credit,he is brave enough to save the boy.,It is greatly to your credit that,you gave back the,money you found.,What he has done for the company is,to his credit.,credit,credits,credit,credits,6.,Credit,Scotland,Wales,Cardiff,Belfast,Republic of Ireland,Dublin,England,London,Northern Ireland,Edinburgh,England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland,the UK =,+,+,+,Part 1-Geography,The United Kingdom consist of the four countries.,Para 1,Summary,first only England,the 13th century, England + Wales.,the17th century , England + Wales + Scotland,Great,Britain,the early 20,th,century, Great Britain,+,Northern Ireland,England,the United Kingdom,Union Jack,1.be used to do sth,be used to doing sth,2.refer to,3.break away/break away from,4.to ones credit,Language points,Homework,1. Discuss the question in pairs:,Can you work out why London is the capital,of England, Great Britain and the UK,2. Read the passage again,Thank you!,


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