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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,时态和语态动词的时态,CONTENTS,英语的基本句型,01,动词的时态,02,被动语态,03,一般时态,进展时态,完成时态,完成进展时态,Homework Checking, + 主谓, + + +主谓宾宾补, + +IO +主谓间宾直 宾, + + 主系表, + +IO +,主谓间宾直 宾, + + +主谓宾宾补, + + +主谓宾宾补, + + +主谓宾宾补, + + +,主谓宾宾补, + +IO +主谓间宾直 宾,说明物质的一个性质,主语是一句话的中心,,系动词本身有一定的意义,不能单独使用,表语是用来修饰的。,例句:,主系表构造,Verb Tenses,时态,1. The Simple Present Tense,一般现在时,1.,一般现在时,经常、反复,发生的,动作、行为,或存在的,状况,。,习惯性、,现实性、,客观性,根本构造: 主语+动词原形,时间状语:,always,,,usually,,,often,,,sometimes,,,every week (day,,,year,,,month),,,once a week,,,on Sundays,He often takes a walk in the evening.,He doesnt speak French.,Water boils at 100C.,The next train leaves at 3 oclock this afternoon.,在时间或条件状语从句中,用,一般现在时,代替,将来时态,。,Ill tell her when she comes tomorrow.,Youll surely succeed if you try your best.,1.,一般现在时,考点,例句:,习惯性、,现实性、,客观性,经典例题,If you _ smoking and drinking, your health will improve soon.,gave up B. give up,C. had given up D. will give up,1) Both men speak loudly and clearly.,S + V,主,+,谓,+,状,经典例题,If you _ smoking and drinking, your health will improve soon.,gave up B. give up,C. had given up D. will give up,解析:,B,。,在条件或者时间状语从句中,常用一般时现在时表示将来,S + V,主,+,谓,+,状,2.The Simple Past Tense,一般过去时,2.,一般过去时,过去,某个,时间,里发生的,动作或状态,;,过去习惯性、经常性,的,动作、行为。,时间状语:,ago,,,yesterday,,,last week,,,last(year,,,night,,,month),,,in 1989,,,one day,,,long long ago,,,once upon a time,,,etc.,根本构造: 主语+动词过去式,She bought a new car last week.,I wasnt there last night.,You looked pretty upset just now.,He never smoked.,2.,一般过去时,22,例句:,3. The Simple Future Tense,一般将来时,3.,一般将来时,行为动词的过去式表示,将要发生的动作,或存在的,状态,及,打算、计划,或准备做某事。,2,时间状语:,tomorrow,,,next day(week,,,month,,,year),,,soon,,,in a few minutes,,,by,,,the day after tomorrow,,,etc.,主语,+am/is/are+ going to + do,;主语,+ will/shall + do,.,We wont be free tonight.,We shall leave for London next Monday.,He is going to meet the manager at the airport,Look at the cloud! Its going to rain.,The girls,are to,go to school next week.,We,are about to,leave, so there is no time to visit her now.,Wait a minute. Im coming.,3.,一般将来时,22,例句:,“祈使句+and/or +句子构造中,前面的祈使句表条件, and/or 后面的句子用一般将来时,Give me one more hour, and Ill get the work finished.,Close the window, or youll catch a cold.,3.,一般将来时,22,考点,例句:,经典例题,Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _ advertisement showing happy, balanced families.,are often seeing B. will often see,C. often saw D. have often seen,S + V,主,+,谓,+,状,经典例题,Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _ advertisement showing happy, balanced families.,are often seeing B. will often see,C. often saw D. have often seen,S + V,主,+,谓,+,状,解析: B,“祈使句+and/or +句子构造中,前面的祈使句表条件, and/or 后面的句子用一般将来时,4. The Present Continuous Tense,现在进展时,4.,现在进行时,表示现阶段或说话时,正在进行,的,动作,及,行为。,2,时间状语:,now,,,at this time,,,these days,,,etc. look . listen,根本构造:主语+ be+doing,Im watching TV now.,All the people in the world are seeking happiness.,He is meeting the manager tomorrow.,The boss is,always,crabbing about my work.,4.,现在进行时,22,例句:,5. The Past Continuous Tense,过去进展时,5.,过去进行时,表示,过去某段时间,或某一时刻,正在发生,或进行的,行为或动作,。,2,时间状语:,at this time yesterday,,,at that time,或以,when,引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等。,根本构造 :主语+was/were+doing,When I saw her, she was working on the computer.,He was making a long distance phone call from ten to eleven last night.,5.,过去进行时,22,例句:,6. The Future Continuous Tense,将来进展时,6.,将来进行时,表示,将来,某一时间,正在进行,的动作。,2,时间状语:,this time next week, in a minute,根本构造 :,主语+shall/will be 现在分词,What will you be doing this time tomorrow?,We shall be having a business talk with Mr. Brown in a minute.,6.,将来进行时,22,例句:,7. The Present Prefect Tense,现在完成时,7.,现在完成时,“过去发生的动作对现在造成了影响”而且“过去的动作或状态持续到现在并且已经完成”,。,2,根本构造: 主语+have/has+过去分词,时间状语:,yet,,,already,,,just, before, recently, once, lately, ever, never, twice, so far, up to now, since, for a long time, for the past few years,I have met him before.,I have been to the Great Wall twice.,I have worked here for twenty years.,Weve been good friends,since we were very young.,Up to now,we have received no news from her.,7.,现在完成时,22,例句:,考点,经典例题,Year ago we didnt know this, but recent science _ that people who dont sleep well soon get ill.,showed B. has shown,C. will show D. is showing,1) Both men speak loudly and clearly.,S + V,主,+,谓,+,状,经典例题,Year ago we didnt know this, but recent science _ that people who dont sleep well soon get ill.,showed B. has shown,C. will show D. is showing,1) Both men speak loudly and clearly.,S + V,主,+,谓,+,状,解析: B,recent 与现在完成时连用,,表从过去某个时间开场,延续到现在,8. The Past Prefect Tense,过去完成时,8.,过去完成时,以过去某个时间为标准,在此以前发生的动作或行为,或在过去某动作之前完成的行为,即“,过去的过去,”。,2,根本构造: 主语+had + done,时间状语:before (yesterday ,从句,by the end of last year(term,month),etc.,They had got everything ready before I came.,By the end of last week he had written two papers.,I waited until he had finished his work yesterday.,8.,过去完成时,22,例句:,9. The Future Prefect Tense,将来完成时,9.,将来完成时,表示在将来某一时间之前完成的动作,往往对将来某一时间产生影响。,2,根本构造: 主语+shall/will+ have + done,时间状语:“by+将来时间,by the time, before 或when 引导的时间状语从句,By the end of next month, he will have traveled 1000 miles on foot.,By the time you reach the station, the train will have left.,I shall have finished it next Friday .,The birds will have moved to the south before winter sets in.,9.,将来完成时,22,例句:,经典例题,By the time the sun sets, they _ on the project for twelve hours.,shall work B. have worked,C. will have worked D. have been working,S + V,主,+,谓,+,状,经典例题,By the time the sun sets, they _ on the project for twelve hours.,shall work B. have worked,C. will have worked D. have been working,S + V,主,+,谓,+,状,解析:,C,By the time,引导表将来的时间,表示到那个时间点已经完成了某事,因此用将来完成时。,10. The Present Prefect Continuous Tense,现在完成进展时,10.,现在完成进行时,表示,从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在,的动作。这一动作可能刚刚开始,也可能仍在继续,并可能延续到将来。,2,根本构造:,主语+have/has +been + doing,时间状语:,“since+时间点“ , “ for+时间段 etc.,How long have you been doing this work?,Youve been losing things all the time.,They have been watching TV for a long time .,10.,现在完成进行时,22,例句:,11. The Past Perfect Progressive Tense,过去完成进展时,11.,过去完成进行时,表示,到过去某时前,一直在进行,的动作,对现在有直接,影响,并且还在进行的动作。,2,根本构造: 主语+had been+现在分词,时间状语:“by the end of 过去时间点,by the time, before 或when 引导的表过去的时间状语从句 etc.,She said that she had been typing a paper before I came in.,He had been studying English before entering the college.,I had been waiting for her for one hour when she came in.,11.,过去完成进行时,22,例句:,12. The Past Future,过去将来时,12.,过去将来时,表示,在过去某时看来,将要发生,的动作或者存在的状态,2,根本构造:,主语+should/ would +do,主语+was/were going to +do,主语+was/were to do,主语+was/were about to,I rang up to tell my father that I should go home next Monday.,She hoped that they would meet again someday.,She was sixty-six. In three years,,,she would be sixty-nine.,Last Sunday we were going to visit the Great Wall, but it rained.,She told me she was coming to see me.,12.,过去将来时,22,例句:,Thank You !,不尽之处,恳请指正!,


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