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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,*,Unit 2 Clonig,How much do you know about cloning 导,Dolly the sheep,Dolly and the Father of Dolly Ianwilmut,In 1996, the famous sheep “Dolly was cloned successfully,Dolly the sheep,Its the most famous sheep in the world.,She was c_ while the others were born n_. It is the c_ of another sheep.,man-made clone,loned,aturally,opy,Now we are going to read a passage about cloning. How much do you know about cloningIs it a good thing or a bad thing,What is the main idea of the passage,The passage tells us that animal cloning,raised,_ and scientists are not sure about its_.,arguments,future,思,2. What is the writing style,A. Expositive (说明性的) B. Descriptive (描述性的),C. Argumentative (议论性的) D. Narrative(叙事性的),Para 1 A. The problems of Dolly,Para 2 B. The two major uses of,cloning,Para 3 C. The attitudes towards,cloning,Para 4 D. The definition of cloning,Para 5 E. The effect of cloning in,society,Skimming略读:match the main idea with each paragraph,1). The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because_,A. its easier to clone a sheep than other animals.,B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience.,C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money.,D many other attempts to clone mammals failed.,2). Dolly the sheep_.,A.looked exactly like the sheep that provides the egg.,B.was the exact copy of the sheep that provides the nucleus.,C. looked like the sheep that gave birth to it.,D. had the characteristics of all three sheep.,B,B,3).The writers attitude towards cloning is_,Positive 积极的 B. Negative 消极的,C.objective 客观的 D.favorable 支持的,C,Discussion,Is cloning good or bad for us,Advantages Disadvantages,Group 1 and 2 Group 3 and 4,Fill in the chart,议展,Problems or dangers of cloning,Advantages of cloning,Fill in the chart.,Problems or dangers of cloning,Advantages of cloning,1.Get the illnesses _older animals.,Which were appropriate to,议展,Gardeners use cloning,to produce,_,commercial quantities of plants,2. Animal clones may,live,_ than the,original,animals.,It is valuable for research,_,3. _ may want to clone themselves to,attain their ambitions,.,It is valuable for,_,on animals.,4. Religious leaders _ about cloning human beings.,It is possible to cure,_,and even to_,shorter,on new plant species,leader,s,Evil,raised moral questions,Medical research,serious illnesses,produce human beings,Cloning people is a good thing ,or a bad thing,克隆人是福音, 还是恶兆?,Thinking,意大利狂人医生,:,安蒂诺里,冒死也要克隆人的科学家,:,布瓦瑟利耶,1.,克隆技术现在还不成熟,克隆人可能有很多先天性生理缺陷。,2.,克隆人的身份难以认定,他们与被克隆者之间的关系无法纳入现有的伦理体系。,反对克隆人,3. 克隆技术有可能被滥用,成为恐惧分子的工具。,4. 从生物多样性上来说,大量基因构造完全一样的克隆人,可能诱发新型疾病的广泛传播,对人类的生存不利。,1. “不让我们克隆人,就是不让我们修正我们的错误,人类 历史难道能够这样构造吗?纽约时报书评,2. “当然应该克隆人,如果谁第一个掌握了这个技术,他就是我真正的、也是唯一的竞争对手。比尔盖茨,支持克隆人,3. “克隆人绝对是科学上了不起的进步,克隆技术必将创造21世纪的辉煌。 麻省理工学院生命工程教授约翰布洛克,4. “人体商业化是人类经济活动中无与伦比的成就,毫无疑问,克隆技术的出现将为世人创造一个最为广泛和深远的市场。 英国经济学家杂志。,Summary,检,Cloning is a way of making an,_copy,of another animal or plant. Cloning has two,major,uses. Firstly ,gardeners use it to produce,_,quantities of plants.Secondly,it is,valuable,for research.Cloning plants is,_,while cloning animals is very,_,.The procedure is difficult to,_,.,In 1996,scientists succeeded in,_,Dolly the sheep.The scientific world,followed,the progress of the first successful clone.Then came the,_,news that Dolly was ill and then died.Dollys appearance,_,a storm of objections.Governments became nervous and some,_,research into human cloning.Scientists still,wonder,whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is,_,us.,exact,commercial,straightforward,cloning,disturbing,raised,leading,complicated,undertake,forbade,THANK YOU!,


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