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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 1 Characteristic Featuresof Surfactants,外表活性剂概述,杏弗窒隘堂揣熊绢肢椒须撕渝橱乡耐历兑疙啄守芯饭屋寂呕盘粒样抖扩菌外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,1、外表活性剂的分类,一、以外表活性剂的疏水基分类,1、主要有三大类:,1碳氢链 R一般C8-C20,a烷基(Alkyl),常见的例如:,十二烷基月桂基dodecyl lauric ,十四烷基肉豆蔻基tetradecyl myristic,十六烷基棕榈基cetyl palmitic ,十八烷基硬脂基octadecylstearic ,CH3-(CH2)n-COOMe,逸黍骂莎殆贫酌耻炙惹阜扎漠斯疏自跪掠撒废文囤映彼岩机铭挖蹄骄得昧外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,b链稀基Alkenyl)有双键,易诱导极化。亲水性高于同碳原子数的烷基。,例如,硬脂酸与 油酸9-十八烯酸 oleic acid,,CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOMe,亚油酸9,12-十八二烯酸linoleic acid,CH3(CH2)4CH=CHCH2CH=CH(CH2)7COOMe,亲水性逐个增加。,又例如,6个碳的苯环的疏水性只相当于3.5个亚甲基。CH3(CH2)11-C6H4-SO3Na,R=C,频莫躇荆书蓉痕屠闺戏坦抨睦故烛伎腰河成酬惧嫂奖俺忘赡宣慕随情眺察外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,c含极性基烃同上,亲水性高于同碳原子数的烷基。,例如,蓖麻油酸(ricinoleic acid),12-羟基-9-十八烯酸的亲水性高于油酸。,CH,3,(CH,2,),5,CHCH,2,CH=CH(CH,2,),7,COOMe,OH,扔仁薯英砍吭站赁皇哼唾境玄祈熟您近视渐汹蒲坞见掺质疵贼隆啡舌骇咀外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,(2) 疏水链对外表活性剂的影响,(a) 疏水基的链长Length of the Hydrophobic Group,If increase in the length of the hydrophobic group then,溶解度Decreases the solubility of the surfactant in water and increases its solubility in organic so1vents,坐左般耿衣祁钧咳年智焙贩捉企最淘霄敌恃齿地簿酒枫嫉止稀层翔蔗得炳外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,b)引起,紧密聚集,Causes,closer packing,of the surfactant molecules at the interface,c) 增加吸附与胶束化倾向,Increases the tendency,of the surfactant to,adsorb,at an interface or to form,micelles,d) 提高熔点Increases the,melting point,of the surfactant and of the adsorbed film,e) 增加对反离子的敏感性Increases the,sensitivity,of the surfactant, if it is ionic, to precipitation from water by counter-ions.,剔密拉中篮钟掸攘镶拥搓铭骤役冲莎咆扬诀梗须俞籍卡挑脓蛛螟队兽毫类外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,(b) 支链与不饱和度的影响Branching and Un-saturation,The introduction of branching or un-saturation into the hydrophobic group,溶解度Increases the solubility of the surfactant in water or in organic solvents (compared to the straight-chain, saturated isomer),降低熔点Decreases the melting point of the surfactant and of the adsorbed film.,散碧洋牺死凰阁易雕崎运完焉条破蔫痞柿俱邮曼铺唾闽用藕懈巢汗绕恶兰外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,c)引起疏松聚集与抑制液晶形成Causes,looser packing,of the surfactant molecules at the interface and inhibits liquid-crystal formation in solution,d),不饱和组分,易氧化和变色May cause,oxidation,and,color,formation in,unsaturated compounds,e)有支链组分生物降解性下降May decrease,biodegradability,in,branched -chain compounds,.,蜒盈敢甘撰践踊哺侦俺叶志姿倡澄毁藕傻汤寺丢烩寨箭改旅训蕾谱峰联叫外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,(c) 芳环的影响Aromatic Nucleus,The presence of an aromatic nucleus in the hydrophobic group may,Increase the,adsorption,of the surfactant onto polar surfaces,Decrease its,biodegradability,Cause,looser packing,of the surfactant molecules at the interface. Cycloaliphatic nuclei, such as those in rosin derivatives, are even more loose1y packed.,唁口娠炮崔遍展绢藩凿蚌慰谣森饵驭坞叶吴矫佯罕忿式嘎评奋明枝钨菲颅外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,(d) 聚氧丙烯链Polyoxypropylene Chain H(OC,3,H,6,),x,-,The presence of this in the hydrophobic group,Increases,adsorption,of the surfactant onto polar surfaces via the hydrophobic group,Increases the,solubility,of the surfactant in organic so1vents.,忘碍慨参卧冶首党苛侦雷椰鉴恒真妒楷链梢驭花妻谓好哉葛罗摊呆刑衣扭外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,2、 含硅烷silane 常见的是硅氧烷siloxane。 一般含硅烷的疏水性强于碳氢链。,The presence of either of these groups as the hydrophobic group in the surfactant permits reduction of the surface tension of water to lower values that those attainable with a hydrocarbon- based hydrophobic group,砧清丽巢伪询刁诸食打迸丑躇揖线否洞腋擒界汲矮棉俩矫洒树乖算商辫阔外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,3、含氟碳链碳氢链的氢局部或全部被氟取代。例如,CF3(CH2)6CH2- 和CF3(CF2)6CF2- 。全氟碳链的疏水性最强,不仅疏水,而且疏油。,Presence of Partially fluorinated chains and Perfluorocarbon chains.,Perfluoroalkyl groups are both water- and hydrocarbon-repel1ent(拒水、拒油.,拷鱼睬绽尉瑚妇降齐配艘韧垮凡成钞证科志绅靠腆彦睬瘫涣黎署巳娇歌箍外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,4、常见的疏水基 Hydrophobic Grougs,(1) Straight-chain, long alkyl groups (C8-C20),(2) Branched-chain, long alkyl groups (C8-C20),(3) Long-chain (C8-C15) alkylbenzene residues(R-C6H4-),(4) Alky1naphthalene residues (C3 and greater-length alkyl groups)(R-C10H8-),(5) Rosin(松香) derivatives(脂肪环,(6) High-molecular-weight propylene oxide polymers,(7) Lignin(木质素) derivatives,(8) Poly-siloxane groups,(9) Perfluorocarbon and partially fluorinated chains,翼赐淋逃四此庭讲绚屏矩偿池藐擦办皮昨瓜环成块恬扳豪释珐使挺狂爹昧外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,二、以外表活性剂的亲水基分类,喂止拾窗爽裙句赘既河商列臻孜滞婆秃去曰臀豫奉乌挪啼尉饮渭型剪焚付外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,外表活性剂,离子型外表活性剂,非离子外表活性剂,阴离子型外表活性剂,Anionics,两性离子型外表活性剂,Zwitterionics,阳离子型外表活性剂,Cationics,复合型外表活性剂,Double-Hydrophilic,Group Surfactants,多元醇外表活性剂,Polyalcohol Nonionics,聚氧乙烯醚外表活性剂,Polyoxyethylenated,Nonionics,其它,Other,surfactants,Continue,跑丧换纷叫产谊药囱愚陵缨澎紊犊史遗椒咀蜒讫别屠皱屿支鹅肩妥畔溺立外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,IONIC SURFACTANTS 离子型外表活性剂The surface-active portion of the molecule is a ion,测浩缠娱诲艾牛围逆尉时借钩浸抄某推涉陛玉象墩讥樟颁倚蛀掉拘扼酋水外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,2 ANIONICS 阴离子型外表活性剂The surface-active portion of the molecule bears a negative charge for example,RCOO- Na+ (soap).,RC6H4SO3- Na+ (alkylbenzene sulfonate).,Carboxylic Acid Salts,Sulfonic Acid Salts,Sulfuric Acid Ester Salts,Phosphoric and Poly-phosphoric Acid Esters,鼓尾弦厨岂跋软止捏淹替条堤汐咕巴忘灌祸凶簇拱顿栽揣杰解挛黍笨忘谈外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Carboxylic Acid Salts(羧酸盐),CH3(CH2)nCOO-Me+,1、肥皂Soaps: Sodium and Potassium Salts of,Straight-Chain Fatty Acid. Below 10carbons too,soluble, above 20 carbons (straight chain), too,insoluble or use in aqueous medium, but usable for,nonaqueous systems (e.g., detergents in lubricating,oils or dry-cleaning solvents).,十二烷基酸月桂酸dodecanic (lauric acid),十四烷基酸肉豆蔻酸tetradecanoic (myristic acid),十六烷基酸棕榈酸hexadecoic (palmitic acid ),十八烷基酸硬脂酸octadecanoic (stearic acid ),政撰栽哎韩绅簿簿撤垃氓臣雕絮岂九禹属给偶亩四俭牌桑铬漳阴糟爪同们外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Advantages:,Easily prepared,and e,xcellent physical properties for use in toilet soap bars.,Disadvantages:,Form water-insoluble soaps with divalent and trivalent metallic ions,Insolubilized readily by electrolytes, such as NaC1,Unstable at pH below 7, yielding water-insoluble, free fatty acid.,旧弦跌岂硫牧按劲术夏目宙阑崇淌辐乓豢沛过懊蕾的钓撵悬瓢磨陇瘩鸯谍外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Major types and their uses:,(1) Sodium salts of tallow (牛脂,animal fat) acids.(Tallow acids are oleic, 40-45%; palmitic, 25-30%, stearic, l5-20%.)Used in toilet soap bars and for de-gumming of silk, where alkaline solution is required. For industrial use in hard water, 1ime soap(钙皂)dispersing agents (sulfonates and sulrates) are added to prevent precipitation of insoluble lime soaps.,俗邢预明孰警阅龋当辊纱久胺蚁让荡干哉戚滋俭缄厦胆俩踢歉酵干冕二冀外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,(2) Sodium and Potassium Salts of Coconut Oil(椰子油) Fatty Acids,(Coconut fatty acids are C,12, 45-50%, C,l4,16-20%, C,16,8-10%; oleic, 5-6%, C,12, 10-l5%). Used as electrolyte-resistant soaps (seawater washing) and in liquid soaps, especially as the potassium soaps.,(3)Sodium and Potassium Salts of Tall Oil Acids(妥尔油酸),(Tall oil, a by-product of paper manufacture is a mixture of fatty acids and rosin acids (松香酸) from wood; 50-70% fatty acid, mainly oleic and,拾胀楼孪锋氰宰禽畴惭饰甥呈江督伎恰篡吝扰傻嘛守戚绎敲贞砂劈竣炭紧外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,linoleic, 3050% rosin acids related to abietic acid, the main constituent of rosin.) Mainly captive use or in situ preparation for various industrial cleaning operations.,Advantages:,Inexpensive. More water-soluble and hard-water resistant than tallow soaps. Lower viscosity solutions than tallow soaps at high concentrations, better wetting soaps of synthetic long-chain fatty acids are produced in Europe, but not in the United States at present.,栏孵满干多邮半晃毅豢铁侩菌乘黑司幼狼肋扶券饭源剁述叠薄诽遗判诣墩外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,(4)铵盐Amine Salts,三乙醇胺盐Triethanolamine HN(C2 H4OH)3 sa1ts are used in nonaqueous so1vents and in situ preparation as an emulsifying agent (free fatty acid in oil phase, triethanolamine in aqueous phase).,吗啉盐MorpholineHN(CH2CH2)2O , and other volatile amine挥发性胺 salts-used in polishes, where evaporation of the amine following hydrolysis of the salt leaves only water-resistant material in film.,今片颜末正难肛情红腻孜冶琵包数码臆缴藏赠于渠甲炽澈兑牧翌酌邱乓利外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,2、Other Types,(1) N-Lauroyl sarcoside, (N-月桂酰肌氨酸钠,RCON(CH3)CH2COO-Na+.,Toothpaste(牙膏) ingredient, since nontoxic, strongly foaming, and enzyme-inhibiting. Good detergency (like soap) and has advantage of being less sensitive to hard water and acids than the usual soap. Nonirritating to skin. N-Oleyl(油酰) sarcoside is a po1yester fiber lubricant(油剂).,配手函踢宰衙泽寅跃移养阂涎吝哎缆奋仑招蛮莆声孟垣能值盛第连乡苔蜀外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,(2) Acylated Polypeptides乙酰化多酞 (From partially hydro1yzed protein from scrap leather and other waste protein.),Used,in hair preparations and shampoos, alkaline cleaning preparations, wax strippers. Good detergency and resistance to hard water.,Advantages:,Soluble in concentrated aqueous solutions of alkaline salts.,Nonirritating to skin;,段都兰逼银蚜豢被壤的巢滩民奠蹄瓜验息桔硕日惧蛾极逞得曰锡淆险刀水外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,reduces skin irritation produced by other surfactants (e.g., sodium 1auryl sulfate).,Substantive to hair. Imparts soft hand to textiles.,Disadvantages:,Precipitated by high concentrations of Ca,2+,or Mg,2+, acids (below pH 5).,Lower foaming than laurylsulfates (月桂醇硫酸酯).,Requires foam booster (e.g., alkanolamides) when foaming is important.,耸跟术级奢炊阎玉者训睡笔霓诀拉疚冻大瞳龚打秃畏粉砰拓府友筷窿牌邢外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,(3) Perfluorinated 全氟化Anionics,Perfluorocarboxylic acids are much more completely ionized than fatty acids. They show good resistance to strong acids and bases, reducing and oxidizing agents, and heat (in excess of 316C in some cases).,They are much more surface active than the corresponding carboxylic acids and can reduce the surface tension of water to much lower values than are obtainable with surfactants containing hydrocarbon groups.,They are also surface active in organic solvents. Perfluoroalkyl sulfonates, too, have outstanding chemical and thermal stability.,晒柄姥野辈浪砸的物腥砂掳胡泛靶沂埃慨强酿毯绩痕挡篡又妥疤畜颂阶队外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Uses.,Emulsifiers for aqueous lattices of fluorinated monomers. Suppression of chromic acid mist and spray from chromium plating baths. Light water control of oil and gasoline fires. Formation of surfaces that are both,hydrophobic,and,oleophobic,on textiles, paper, and leather. Inhibition of evaporation of volatile organic solvents.,Disadvantages.,Much more,expensive,than other types of surfactants, resistant to biodegradation even when straight-chain.,箭留怠先键堂涯暂玄赌山松镑姐师沫搓魏犯鲍阉洪逸热证柿狸裕唬叶狮胃外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Sulfonic Acid Salts 磺酸盐,CH,3,(CH,2,),n,C,6,H,4,SO,3,Me,1、Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulfonates,(LAS直链烷基苯磺酸盐),Advantages,:,Comp1etely ionized, water-soluble, solubility is not arfectcd by low pH and hard water.,Sodium salt is sufficiently soluble in the presence of e1ectrolyte (NaCl, NaSO,4,) for most uses.,Resistant to hydrolysis in hot acid or a1kali.,禄图酱红挞誉壬量激獭各捏曼蚜芽菜曙圈厘岩甜孰逞斯己逻甫窃悟涯决峙外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Disadvantages,:,Sodium salt is not soluble in organic solvents, except alcohols.,Linear dodecyl benzene sulfonate(,十二烷基苯磺酸纳),is resistant to biodegradation under anaerobic conditions, but is degradable under aerobic conditions.,May cause skin irritation(,刺激),.,慧曹痢殿凌愁狸使面哭黎骸假铭史配卜篆对队肾端拨弛床撵鞍逞睛捡谋恫外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,2、 Higher Alkyl benzene sulfonates(烷基苯磺酸盐) C13C15 homologs are more oil-soluble, and are useful as lubricating oil additives(润滑油添加剂).,3、Benzene-, Toluene-, Xylene-(二甲苯), and Cumene-sulfonates (异丙基苯磺酸盐);,Are used as hydrotropes水溶助长剂, e.g., for increasing the solubility of LAS and other ingredients in aqueous formulations, for thinning soap gels and detergent slurries.,子剖倔渤哪陶维盈欣下箩后葵牛掂瘪踪豢射侩样绵慧替呐逃组醇坚鼻渐诧外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,4、Ligninsulfonates (木质素磺酸盐),These are a by-product of paper manufacture, prepared mainly as sodium and ca1cium salts, also as ammonium salts. They are used as dispersing agents for solids and as O/W emulsion stabilizers. They are sulfonated po1ymers of,molecular weight 1000-20,000,of complex structure containing free phenolic, primary and secondary alcoho1ic, and carboxylate groupings. The sulfonate groups are at the,- and,-positions of C,3,alky1 groups joining the phenolic structures. They reduce the viscosity of and stabilize aqueous slurries of,dyestuffs,pesticides, and,cement,.,寺挠啤铸肾嫌悬颁牛顺企窃诅沽循趁业表洪譬漂烃姆鹅吱矮盼琼嘻盆乌堆外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Advantages:,They are among the most inexpensive surfactants and are availab1e in very large quantities. They produce very 1itt1e foam during use.,Disadvantages:,Very dark color, soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvents. including alcohol. They produce no significant surface tension lowering. (Chemically modified derivatives, of lighter color, are available.),哑寿粘灵纶汕蹲辫墒剧袋雅煞苯轨晋按丢普娱煞慎冶什蚤纯骨狂坪轴董胚外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,5、Petroleum Sulfonates(石油磺酸盐),Products of the refining of selected petroleum fractions with concentrated sulfuric acid or oleum (发烟硫酸), in the production of white oils. Metal or ammonium salts of sulfonated complex cyc1oaliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.,Uses:,Tertiary oil recovery (三次采油);,Sodium salts of lower molecular weight (435-450) are used as,O/W,emulsifying agents in soluble metal cutting oils(切割金属油), frothing agents(发泡剂) in ore flotation(矿石浮选), components of dry-cleaning soaps;,会历砾法瀑打槛盘邱客恕藤薪沤遣认听杀毋锡扦屋灰泡托醇挺坠猪但眶妹外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Sodium salts of higher molecular weight (465-500) are used as rust preventatives (防锈剂) and pigment dispersants(颜料分散剂) in organic solvents.,Ammonium salts are used as ash1ess rust inhibitors and soluble dispersants in,fuel oils and gasoline,.,Mg, Ca, and Ba salts are used as siudge dispersants for fuel oils and as corrosion inhibitors for,diesel lubricating oils,(柴油机润滑油).,Advantages:,Inexpensive.,Disadvantages:,Dark in color. Contain unsulfonated hydrocarbon.,舟独宦蓑称虞恭蓟熙屁忱无懊跟七轻牌蔬敬九蟹噶读滨尿较角卉蚁仅舵既外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,6、N-Acyl-n-Alkyltaurates(N-乙酰基牛磺酸盐),RCON(R)CH,2,CH,2,SO,3,-,M,+,The solubility, foaming, detergency, and dispersing powers of the N-methyl derivatives are similar to those of the corresponding fatty acid soaps in soft water;,These materials are effective both in hard and soft water, are not sensitive to 1ow pH, and are better wetting agents;,They show good stability to hydrolysis by acids and alkali, good skin compatibility, and good lime soap-dispersing power.,写筹垒哉疟猴灯眠浇骡吉经矗序犹恭臻披捍民蛛职邓奶斑起悔淬饮兔绚狮外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Uses:,They show no decrease in foaming or lathering in combination with soap (in contrast with other anionics) in toilet bars and bubble baths .,In alkaline bottle washing compounds and for seawater laundering, since their Ca and Mg salts are soluble.,Impart soft feel (hand) to fibers and fabrics (simi1ar to soaps and fatty alcohol sulfates, in contrast with nonionics and alkylarylsulfonates).,Used as wetting and dispersing agents in wettable pesticide powders.,沾月矣拉胸陀党宗爬业幽峡暑醇卢傍大给飘韧菏扁抑七吱研端分磷摔连殊外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,7、Paraffin Sulfonates, Secondary n-Alkanesulfonates (SAS仲烷基磺酸盐),R,1,(R,2,)CH-SO,3,Me,Produced by sulfoxidation(磺化) of n-paraffin hydrocarbons separated from refinery product streams (e.g., by molecu1ar sieves) with SO,2,and O,2,in the presence of ultraviolet 1ight.,琼拦爪撑团质僵联核脚谎芜宿狞轮杯狭处稻琐咨侮苗噶底淆虾捆茬瓶片瞻外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Uses.,In detergents, similar to LAS. Unpurified paraffin su1fonates, containing about 50% paraffin, arc used in fat liquoring of leather(皮革,上油),.,Advantages:,Solubility in water is somewhat better,viscosity of aqueous solutions somewhat lower,skin compatabi1ity somewhat better,biodegradability at low temperature somewhat better than that of LAS of comparable chain 1ength.,斤省峙著稳李妄氟涟羊惜窖咋捌温抉馁赁车剧绅该邑姬勤优沪亢卯馋菊非外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,8、,-Olefin Sulfonates (AOS,-烯烃磺酸盐),Produced by reaction of SO,3,with linear,-o1efins. Product is a mixture of alkenesulfonates and hydroxyalkanesulfonates (mainly 3 - and 4-hydroxy).,Advantages.,Reported to be somewhat more biodegradable than LAS, less irritating to the skin. Show excellent foaming and detergency in hard water. High solubility in water allows products with high concentrations of actives.,灿集乓掖烯锅饮闪往挟曼扑腐耳堤咖薯祭话磨吾浅兴酪缅渡亭摘逐张决怖外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,9、Sulfosuccinate Esters 磺基丁二酸酯,ROOCC H,2,CH (SO,3,-,M,+,)COOR,Used:,Wetting agents for paints, printing inks, textiles, agricultural emulsions.,The dioctyl(辛基) (2-ethylhexyl),(,2-乙基已基,),ester is soluble in both water and organic solvents, including hydrocarbons, and is therefore used in dry-cleaning solvents.,Monoesters used in cosmetics.,瘫氦示藏灵块磕设哇虑机杰掖旧腑署筛棉纺冶手作杀特副淑赁遍衍匪舟炯外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Advantages.,Can be produced electrolyte-free, and is thus completely soluble in organic solvents and usable where electrolyte must be avoided.,Amide monoesters are among least eye-irritating of anionic surfactants.,Disadvantages.,Hydrolyzed by hot alkaline and acidic so1utions.,Dialkyl esters are irritating to skin (monoesters are not).,从惮育锹位弯彰邹瞄弗螟傈镐性盖弗搞耀辟硕冉庄钥形饰直靠斜蛋员叮读外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,10、Alkylnaphthalenesulfonates,(烷基萘磺酸盐),Mainly butyl- and isopropyl-naphthalene-sulfonates, for use as,wetting agents,for powders (agricultura1 wettables, powdered pesticides).,Also used as wetting agents in paint formulations(配方).,Advantages:,Available in non-hygroscopic(不吸湿的) powder form for mixing into formulated powders.,册母皿属楚帘辗蝉永愉陇属逾烛搜仓递扯兄祖学城虞辊储伙瞪樱臂眷噪钢外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,11、Naphthalenesulfonic acid-formaldehyde condensates,(萘磺酸盐的甲醛缩合物),Uses.,Similar to those for lignin(木质素) sulfonates (dispersing agents for solids in aqueous media, grinding aids for solids).,Advantages:,over the usual lignin sulfonates are lighter color, even less foam.,阵苯讹忱将幽崭胺搂梧苟龄艇繁覆樱矣谩萨凸怔盲叛畴拳斤币姐辆屁肾蛋外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,12、Isethionates脂肪酸亚乙基磺酸盐,RCOOCH2CH2SO3-M+,Used in cosmetic preparations, synthetic toilet soap bars, shampoos, bubble baths.,Advantages.,Excellent detergency and wetting power,Good lime soap dispersing power,Good foaming power.,Less irritating to skin than AS (below).,Disadvantages. Hydrolyzed by hot alkali.,跪那巍纫较图推范啄僻绚卓搁平窟娶锌朽班摆捻脑悉芝悼锤溅讲影羹驴颠外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Sulfuric Acid Ester Salts,for example: lauryl sodium sulfate十二烷基硫酸盐CH3(CH2)11OSO3Me,1、Sulfated Linear Primary Alcohols (AS),Sulfated “coconut alcohol(椰子醇) from hydrogenation(加氢) of coconut oil,Mainly C12 or sulfated “tallow alcohols(牛脂醇),Mainly oleyl(油醇), or sulfated synthetic alcohols from linear olefins to match these two types.,杖疥忻宰凡幻逛销蛔闭仪冠恭辉犹俄壹疫孵蛮倔垄蔚讥臭酬仪挠蜂沛陈隋外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Advantages:,Easily produced from alcohol and ClSO,3,H in neighborhood of room temperature in relatively simple equipment to yield very light-colored product.,Excellent foaming properties, especially if some unsulfated alcohol is retained in product.,Sulfated lauryl alcohol retains its excellent foaming properties even in hard water.,Coconut alcohol derivative is suitable for food or pharmaceutical use.,Disadvantages:,Hydrolyzed readily in hot acidic medium. May cause,skin irritation,.,渝虑切咕窥脾攀瓢行顶泼书鬃巷拢恫曙圣普萝畴移媒噬趣氟丢葱测傈唐崖外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,2、硫酸化油脂Sulfated Triglyceride Oils,Produced by sulfation of,hydroxy group and/or double boud,in fatty acid portion of the triglyceride (Iodine values碘值:40-140).,Mainly,castor oil 蓖麻油,used(,12-hydroxyoleic acid,), but also,fish oils,tallow,牛脂,sperm oils,鲸油.,Mainly used as textile wetting, cleaning, and finisfing agents. Also used as emulsifying agents in textile finishing in metal cutting oils, and so on.,Advantage,: Cheap, easy to produce near room temp. by mixing oil and concentrated H,2,SO,4,.,Disadvantage,: Readily hydrolyzed in hot acidic or hot alkaline solution.,胳慨竣彬仰碾瓣虏骸茁箕龟虹垦垄货涪叫赎铸她胜亮又颤戎越业瀑榆裳款外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Phosphoric and Poly-phosphoric Acid Esters,Mainly phosphated alcohols and phenols, some sodium alkyl phosphates.,Advantages.,The free acids have good solubility in both water and organic solvents, including some hydrocarbon solvents, and can be used in free acid form since acidity is comparable to that of phosphoric acid.,Low foaming.,Not hydrolyzed by hot alkali; color unaffected.,甫跋堑驴卸浅硅毋琅冶铣此颇中琼琴好朵适县难嘉任纸毛哪为娶照沾胡威外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,Disadvantages.,Only moderate(中等) surface activity as wetting, foaming, or washing agents.,Somewhat more expensive than sulfonates.,Na salts usually not soluble in hydrocarbon solvents.,Uses.,Emulsifying agents in agricultural emulsions (pesticides杀虫剂, herbicides除草剂), especial1y those blended with concentrated liquid fertilizer(液体肥料) solutions, where emulsion stabi1ity in presence of high electrolyte concentration is required;,Dry-cleaning detergents; metal cleaning and processing. Hydrotropes (short-chain products).,雀玄拾汀睡尊记琅恫寥轮耪祝伪爪佩崖磅拧倒注省累圾局撩横偿谈踪空败外表活性剂概述外表活性剂概述,3 CATIONICS阳离子型外表活性


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