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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,课前自主学习,课堂互动探究,话题美文欣赏,Unit 4,Global Warming,People and the sources of air,pollution are found in the same,places. This means that cities,with large populations have the,biggest problem of dirty air.,Air pollution is caused by many different things. A major source of air pollution is the gas fumes from cars. Statistics show that 93 percent of all auto trips are within cities. Another major source of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energy. This energy is needed to make electricity. Of course, much more electricity is used in the city than in the country.,On the average, we throw away more trash and garbage than the year before.,The burning of garbage contributes to air pollution.,Many major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around cities. The fumes from iron, steel, chemical, and petroleum production add particles to the air.,The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to death.,The levels of pollution found in heavy for traffic may cause headaches for loss of clear vision. Wherever coal and oil are used for fuel, fumes may kill trees and plants and,cause metal to corrode. In some of the larger cities, these fumes endanger the live of human beings by contributing to lung diseases and causing early death.,.,阅读短文,判断正,(T),误,(F),1,The purpose of this passage is to persuade people to stop polluting the air. (,),2,Air pollution is more grave in the city than in the country because there are much more gas fumes from cars and burning of coal and oil for energy in the city than in the country. (,),3,The fumes from coal and oil may cause metal to turn black. (,) 4.In larger cities, the fumes from coal and oil may contribute to heart disease. (,),答案,.,佳句仿写,1,诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。,Honesty and hard work _ _ _ _ _.,2,这个汽车旅馆的房价每天从三十美元到五十美元不等。,The room rate at this motel _ _ _ _ _ per day.,contribute to success,and happiness,ranges from $30,to $50,Period 1,Warming Up, Pre,reading & Reading,.,单词识记,1,_,v,. to pay money, usually once a year, to have copies of a newspaper or magazine sent to you, or to have some other service,2,_,v,to use sth up,,,especially fuel,,,energy or time,;,to eat or drink sth,3,_,n,a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing,subscribe,consume,trend,4,_,n,a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy,5,_,v,to look quickly at sth/sb,6,_,n,. a number of people or things that are all different, but are all of the same general type,7,_,adj,.happening or chosen without any definite plan,,,aim or pattern,8,_,n,a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction or many people are injured or die,9,_,adj,. continuing or developing gradually or without stopping, and not likely to change,10,_,v,to disagree with something,fuel,glance,range,random,catastrophe,steady,oppose,.,短语天地,1,_,上升;增长;升起,2,_,即使,3,_,发生;造成,4,_,在,范围内,5,_(,粗略地,),看一下;扫视,6,subscribe to_,7,keep on_,8,be opposed to_,9,quantities of_,10,result in_,go up,even if,come about,in the range of,glance at,同意;赞成;订购,继续,反对,大量的,导致,.,句型搜索,1,There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.,信息提取,There is no doubt that.,,毫无疑问,。,例句仿写,毫无疑问,我们能把这项工程设计出来。,_ _ _ _ _ we will succeed in designing the project.,There is no doubt that,2,It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up.,信息提取,causing the global temperature to go up,是现在分词短语作状语,表示结果。,例句仿写,他把杯子掉了,结果摔得粉碎。,He dropped the glass, _ _ _ _.,breaking it into,pieces,3,Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,,,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.,信息提取,even if,even though,“,即使,尽管,”,(,引导让步状语从句,),例句仿写,即使我这次失败了,我还要再试试。,_ _ _ _ _ _,,,I would try again.,Even if I fail this,time,.,预读理解,1,Fast Reading,:,Scan the text and choose the best answers according to the text.,Who among the four is the author?,A,Sophie Armstrong. B,Charles Keeling.,C,Dr Foster. D,George Hambley.,Who found out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997?,A,Sophie Armstrong. B,Charles Keeling.,C,Dr Foster. D,George Hambley.,What are the graphs and quotes for?,A,To attract readers attention.,B,To introduce the topic of global warming.,C,To give some examples.,D,To support the opinion and make it more convincing.,What is the purpose of the last paragraph?,A,To make readers disappointed with the problem.,B,To make readers think about the problem.,C,To show the authors opinion on the problem.,D,To begin some discussion about the future.,What is mainly discussed in the text?,A,Carbon dioxide.,B,Water vapour.,CGases in the atmosphere.,DThe warming of the earth.,答案,A,B,D,B,D,2,Careful Reading: Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions.,What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?,_,Dr Janice Foster,,,Charles Keeling,,,George Hambley.,What do they think about global warming,?,Do they agree with one another?,_,There are some very different attitudes among scientists towards this issue.Some think the effects will be terrible,,,while some others believe that we should not worry about it.,_,_,What are the effects of global warming?,_,_,There may be a rise of several metres in the sea level.There may be more severe storms,,,floods,,,droughts,,,famines,,,the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species.,_,_,1,consume v,消费,消耗;吃完;喝光,Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the worlds energy.,每年美国人都消耗掉世界能源的很大比例。,This will consume his health, destroy his temper.,这将损害他的健康,毁坏他的情绪。,How many rice did you consume last year?,去年你们吃了多少大米?,consumer,n, 消费者,用户,消费品,consumer goods (,家用,),消费品,consumers association,消费者协会,consumption,n,.,消费,(,量,),,消耗,(,量,),timeconsuming,adj,.,耗费时间的,consuming,adj,.,消费的;强烈的,The ancient consumer city was now turned into a modern industrial base.,这个古老的消费城市今天已经变成了一个现代化的工业基地。,Its vital to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign.,进行广告宣传,使消费者熟悉产品,是至关重要的。,He has to cut down on the consumption of meat.,他不得不减少吃肉。,Basketball is his consuming passion.,篮球令他着迷。,用,consume,的适当形式填空,We should adopt the _ suggestion.,Industrialized countries are _ 70% of the worlds energy.,We have measured the cars fuel _.,She _ the big cake.,consumers,consuming,consumption,consumed,2,subscribe vt.&vi.,(1),捐助;捐赠,He subscribed a large sum of money to charities.,他向慈善团体捐赠了一大笔钱。,(2),签署,(,文件,),;签,(,名,),He subscribed his name to the contract.,他在合同上签了名。,(3),同意,No one but mad people would subscribe to such views.,只有疯子才会同意这样的观点。,(4),订阅,If you subscribe to the newspaper, itll be delivered to your door.,如果你订阅报纸,它会直接给你送到门上的。,subscribe to.,订阅,(,报纸或杂志,),;同意,,赞同,;向,捐款,subscribe for.,认购,(,股票,),subscription,n,.,订阅费 ;订购款;订购,subscriber,n,.,订阅人,订户,订购者,【完成句子】,I _ _ a monthly magazine.,我订阅了一份月刊杂志。,The magazine is trying to get more readers _ _.,该杂志正大力发展新订户。,The number of _ _ increased last month.,上个月 用户数增加了。,subscribed to,to,subscribe,phone subscribers,We _ _ an animal protection society.,我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基金会。,Chengdu firms will also _ _ 4,500 shares, with the financial concept.,公司还将认购成都商行,4 500,万股股份,具备金融概念。,subscribe to,subscribe for,3,quantity n,量,数量,数额,数目,He prefers quantity to quality when food is concerned.,就食物而言,他讲究量不讲究质。,Quantities of food and tents were sent to Japan from China.,大量的食品和帐篷被从中国运到日本。,in quantity,大量地,quantities of,不可数名词,/,可数名词复数复数谓语动词,a quantity of,不可数名词,/,可数名词复数单数谓语动词,Quantities of water were wasted in our daily life.,大量的水在我们的日常生活中被浪费。,A large quantity of bear is needed urgently here.,这儿急需大量的啤酒。,【,单项填空,】,_increases every year as natural habitats disappear.,A,The amount of endangered species,B,The quantity of endangering species,C,The number of endangered species,D,The majority of endangering species,解析,句意:随着自然界动物居所的消失,濒危物种的数量每年也在增加。,endangered species,意为,“,濒危物种,”,,,endangered,表示被动,不能换成,endangering,因为,ing,形式表示主动。,the amount of,修饰不可数名词,所以,A,项不对;,the quantity of,和,the majority of,虽可修饰可数名词,但其中的,endangering,不合语法,所以选,C,项。,答案,C,_food are stored in the tunnel in winter.,A,Large quantities of B,A great many,C,A large number of D,Quite a few,解析,large quantities of,后面既可跟可数名词的复数又可跟不可数名词。句意:冬天大量的食物储藏在坑道里。,答案,A,4,tend,(1)vi.,趋向;易于;往往会,Fares tend to go down in the autumn and rise again at Christmas.,交通票价秋季时趋于下降,而圣诞节期间又开始回升。,My family tend to be quite long,lived.,我家族的人大都相当长寿。,(2)vt.&vi.,照顾;照料,Tend to your own affairs.,去管你自己的事吧。,Mom was usually busy tending (to) my younger sisters.,妈妈通常要忙于照顾我的妹妹们。,tend to do sth,往往,;趋向于,tend ( to) sb/sth,照顾,;看护,tend towards,有,倾向,tendency,n,.,倾向;趋势,His views tend towards the extreme.,他的观点趋于偏激。,【,完成句子,】,She _ _ get angry when others disagree with her.,别人不同意她的看法时,她很容易生气。,A shepherd _ _the sheep.,牧羊人照顾羊群。,There is a growing _ for people to work at home instead of in offices.,人们在家里而不是在办公室里工作的趋势日益增长。,tends to,tended to,tendency,Modern furniture design _ _ simplicity.,现代家具设计越来越简单。,He _ _ selfishness.,他有自私自利的倾向。,tends to,tends towards,5,consequence n,C,结果;后果;影响,Dont be uneasy about the consequences.,不必为后果忧虑不安。,He is a man of consequence in the Labour Party.,他是工党中举足轻重的人物。,(1)as a consequence,in consequence,结果,因此,in consequence of,as a consequence of,由于;因为,的缘故,be of much/any/little/no consequence,很/有点,/,不大/不重要,answer for the consequences 对后果负责,take the consequences of 承担,责任,(2)consequent,adj,. 作为结果的;随之发生的,consequently,adv,. 因而;所以,We hadnt enough money to pay our bus fare,,,and in consequence we had to walk.,我们没有足够的钱买车票,所以只能步行。,More than 200 people in Thailand lost their lives in consequence of/as a consequence of flood.,由于洪水,在泰国有,200,多人失去了生命。,Your opinion is of little consequence to me.,你的意见对我而言不重要。,You have to take the consequences of the accident.,你必须承担这次事故的责任。,He had been ill for a long time and consequently he was behind in his work.,他病了很久,因此耽误了功课。,【,完成句子,】,_ _ _ your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.,你工作不好,我只能解雇你。,A severe flood struck the city and there was a _ shortage of food.,该市遭到严重水灾,结果造成食物匮乏。,If you go on doing this, we wont _ _ _ _.,如果你们继续这样干,后果我们将不负责。,the consequence,In consequence of,consequent,answer for,Im quite willing to accept the _.,我完全愿意承担后果。,It rained yesterday and in _ the match was canceled.,昨天下雨了,结果比赛被取消。,_ _ _ _ _,,,my father coughs frequently.,因为吸烟的缘故,我父亲经常咳嗽。,consequences,consequence,As a consequence of smoking,6,state v,陈述,说明,阐明,Chairman Hu Jintao stated that China and Russia were developing a strong relationship.,国家主席胡锦涛宣布中俄正在发展一个稳定的关系。,He didnt state whether the information was true.,他没有说明信息是否属实。,“,Jemma is going back with me,,,”,George stated firmly.,乔治坚定地说:,“,Jemma,要和我一起回去。,”,(1)state a fact,/an opinion,陈述事实,/,观点,state the obvious,陈述显而易见的事,It is/was stated that.,据称,(2)state,n,.,状态,状况,情形;,政府;州,邦,in a bad,/good state,处于坏的,/,好的状况中,statement,n,.,陈述,声明,make a statement,声明,It was stated that standards at the hospital were dropping.,据称,那家医院的医疗水准在不断下降。,Economically, the country is in a very healthy state.,从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。,He is reading a report of the state of the roads.,他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。,Should industry be controlled by the state?,工业应该由国家控制吗?,The minister at first declined to make a statement, but later she agreed.,部长起初拒绝发表声明,但后来她同意了。,【,完成句子,】,Having witnessed the accident I thought it was my duty to _ _ _ _ _ _.,由于我亲眼目睹了那次事故,我觉得向警察陈述是义不容辞的。,police,make a statement to,the,She wept to see him _ _ _ _.,她一见他那种情形簌簌泪下。,in such a,state,Alaska is _ _ _ ample size.,阿拉斯加是个大州。,a state of,_ _ _ and address.,请说出你的姓名和地址。,State your name,7,range n,种类,范围;一系列;变化的幅度;级别; 界限;射程,The library has ranges of books in perfect order.,这个图书馆的书一排一排放得井井有条。,The price of the house is well beyond our range.,房子的价格远远超出了我们能承受的范围。,The elegant lady came within my range of vision.,这位优雅的女士进入了我的视野。,(1)in /within range(of sth ),(,的,),范围之内,out of range (of sth) (,的,),范围之外,(2)range,v,.,变化;变动;排列,range from.to.,range between.and.,在,到,范围内变化,卡片以字母顺序排列。,The frontier range from the northern hill to the southern coast.,边界从北部山地一直延伸到南部海岸。,His interests ranged from chess to canoeing.,他的爱好从下国际象棋到划独木舟,范围很广。,【,图解助记,】,【,完成句子,】,The temperature _ _ _ _ _ degrees centigrade.,温度在摄氏三十度与四十度之间。,This shop sells _ _ _ _ _,,,all of which are the choicest .,这家商店卖的手表都是精品,而且种类还特别多。,ranges between 30,and 40,a wide range of,watch,8,glance,(1)vi.,瞥一眼;匆匆一看;扫视,She glanced shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.,她羞怯地偷看了他一下,随即垂下眼帘。,She glanced into the looking,glass before leaving her bedroom.,她在离开卧室前匆匆照了一下镜子。,(2)n.,一瞥;扫视,Tom glanced at/took a glance at the newspaper headlines.,汤姆匆匆看了一眼报纸的大标题。,At first glance the problem seemed easy.,乍一看问题似乎很容易解决。,glance at,/down/,over/through,浏览;粗略地看,have/take a glance at,匆匆一看;一瞥;扫视,at a glance,立刻,一眼,at first glance,乍一看;乍看之下,她匆匆看了一下表走了。,He glanced over the morning paper and went out.,他匆匆地浏览了晨报然后出去了。,He could tell at a glance what was wrong with the car.,他一眼就能看出汽车有什么毛病。,【,比较网站,】,stare at/glance at/glimpse at/glare at,stare at,长时间的盯着。有羡慕或惊奇的意思。,glance at,匆匆一看,瞥视。看的时间短暂,强调动作。,glimpse at,无意识的一瞥。强调结果。,glare at,怒目而视。有敌对情绪。,【,单项填空,】,He_the envelope and recognized his fathers handwriting.,A,stared at B,glared at,C,looked at D,glanced at,解析,考查动词短语辨析。句意:他瞥了信封一眼,认出是父亲的笔迹。,stare at,“,盯着看,”,;,glare at,“,怒目而视,”,;,look at,“,看,”,;,glance at,“,瞥一眼,”,。 由句意可知选,D,项。,答案,D,1,come about,发生;造成,Her mouth open and shut, but no sound comes out.,她的嘴张开又闭上了,没有发出声音。,Can you tell me how the accident came about?,你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?,come across,偶遇;穿越,come along,进展,进行,come back,回来;重新流行,come down,进来;到达,come out,出来;开花;出版;结果是,come up,上来;,(,问题等,),被提出;发芽,(,无被动式,),come up with,追上,赶上,不落后;提出,提供,come to,达到;到达;共计,I came across the children sleeping under the bridge.,我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。,When is her new novel coming out?,她的新小说何时出版?,I never expected those few items to come to so much.,我根本没想到就那么几件东西合计起来竟要花这么多钱。,【,比较网站,】,happen/break out/take place/come about/occur,happen,普通用语。指偶然、意外的,未能预见事情的发生或出现。其后接不定式或用在,It happens/happened that.,句型中。,break out,指,“,(,战争、火灾、疾病等,),突然发生,爆发,”,。,take place,指,“,按计划、安排做,”,;可引申为,“,进行,举行,”,。,come about,表示,“,发生,产生,”,,多指事情已经发生了但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句。,occur,可指,“,偶然发生,”,,也指,“,计划发生某事,”,;,occur,还表示,“,突然想到,”,,常用于,It occurs to sb that.,结构。,The 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London.,2012,年奥运会将在伦敦举行。,It suddenly occurred to me that there would be a basketball match between China and South Korea the next evening.,我突然想到第二天晚上将有一场中国队和韩国队的篮球比赛。,【,完成句子,】,A fire _ _ during the night.,夜间突然发生了火灾。,Ill never understand how it _ _ that you made such a mistake.,我真不明白你居然犯了这么个错误。,_ _ _ _ _ that he was lying?,你当时没想到他在撒谎吗?,Didnt it occur to you,came about,broke out,Luckily the earthquake didnt _ in the center of the city.,幸亏地震没有发生在市中心。,_ _ _ I had no money on me.,我刚好没钱了。,Great changes _ _ _ in China since then.,自从那时中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。,happen,It happened that,have taken place,2,go up,上升,增长;升起,The financial times share index went up five points yesterday. ,金融时报,的股票指数昨天上升了五点。,The import of cotton goods went up sharply in those years.,那几年,棉织品的进口猛增。,We watched the national flag go up slowly with pride.,我们自豪地注视着国旗慢慢升起。,【,温馨提示,】,go up,为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态。,go against sb,对某人不利,go against sth,违反;与,不符,go ahead,走在前面;先走,go over,仔细检查,go through,经历;遭受;穿过;通过;完成;浏览,go in for,爱好;从事;参加;赞成,Dont go against your parents wishes.,不要违背父母的意愿。,Be sure you are right, then go ahead.,确信正确,切莫畏缩。,It will be wise to go over your test paper again.,还是把您的考卷再检查一遍的好。,The country has gone through too many wars.,这个国家经历了太多的战争。,Go through those doors, and youll see it on the right.,穿过那些门,你在右边看到的就是了。,He thought it his duty to go through the papers.,他认为自己有责任检查这些文件。,【,单项填空,】,Things are getting more expensive now.,Its_that prices will continue to_.,A,sure,;,go up B,certain,;,go up,C,sure,;,raise up D,certain,;,raise up,解析,句意:,如今东西变得越来越贵了。,价格一定还会继续涨。,sure,的主语必须是人,,certain,的主语可以是人也可以是物;,raise,是及物动词,后面不能跟,up,。故选,B,项。,答案,B,Do you think that housing price will keep_in the years to come?,Sorry,,,I have no idea.,A,lifting up B,going up,C,bringing up D,growing up,解析,问句句意:你认为接下来几年房价还会上涨吗?,go up,“,(,河水、价格,),等的上涨,”,,符合句意。,lift up,鼓舞;,bring up,抚养;,grow up,成长。,答案,B,3,result in,导致,The fire resulted in eleven people being killed and the destruction of the factory.,火灾造成了十一人死亡,工厂被烧毁。,The fresh policy results in economic development of the European Union.,那项新政策促进了欧盟的经济发展。,His careless speech resulted in much argument.,他发言过于草率,因而引来许多争议。,【,比较网站,】,result in/ result from/ as a result/as a result of,result in,表示,“,引起某种结果,”,,句子的主语是原因,,in,的宾语是结果。,result from,意为,“,因,而发生,”,,主语为结果,宾语为起因。,as a result,意为,“,结果,因此,”,,在句中作状语,常置于句首,并用逗号和句子隔开。,as a result of,意为,“,作为,的结果,”,,在句中特指引起某种结果的原因时,用定冠词代替不定冠词。,The terrible accident resulted from his carelessness.,那起可怕的意外事件因他的疏忽大意而引起。,Tom broke his legs,,,as a result, he was taken to hospital.,汤姆的腿骨折了,因此被送进了医院。,As a result


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