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As the Mexican drug cartels have strong also let the city by the drugs, guns, the shadow of death.Since December 2006, Mexico, about 70000 people died of drug-related violence.Armed rebellion against the governments situation has been for a long time.,近年来墨西哥国内毒品消费不断膨胀,现在墨国内毒品消费市场交易额已经超过87.8亿美元。而随着墨西哥贩毒集团的逐渐强大也让这座城市饱受了毒品,枪支,死亡的阴影。从2006年12月至今,墨西哥约有7万人死于与毒品相关的暴力案件。武装对抗政府的局面已经成为长久之事!,And lie between the United States, is the food and clothing parents, the Mexican drug dealers are the drug users bring to the Mexican drug dealers are profits of $40 billion a year, and 40% of Mexican jobs and drug dealing with more or less.,而一墙之隔的美国,就是墨西哥毒贩们的“衣食父母,那里的吸毒者给墨西哥毒贩们带来每年400亿美元的利润,并让40%的墨西哥人的饭碗和毒品交易或多或少沾上了关系。,on the other hand, the money is being used to purchase arms from the United States, Mexicos ambassador to the United States had estimated that every day from the United States to Mexico guns at about 2000. Drugs and violence, and brought great threat to the country.,而另一方面,这些钱又被他们用来从美国购置军火,墨西哥驻美大使曾估计,每天从美国流入墨西哥的枪支在2000支左右。毒品和暴力事件的发生,对这个国家带来了极大的威胁。,At the end of 2006, felipe calderon, Mexicos President elected, and promised to thoroughly improve the social security.Once in office, he will take drug cartels operation.And rich gangs also not to be outdone, with the exchanges, Mexican media therefore call it the war on drugs.Find it hard to trust with the police, calderon deployed 50000 troops, harvest quite abundant.,2006年年底,卡尔德龙中选墨西哥总统,并承诺“彻底改善社会治安。一上任,他便拿贩毒集团开刀。而富可敌国的贩毒集团也不甘示弱,与之展开“对攻,墨西哥媒体因此称之为“毒品战争。由于警察难以信任,卡尔德龙动用了5万名士兵,收获颇丰。,In 2007 and 2021, the Mexican military from drug gangs seized 17000 assault rifles, 2200 grenades, missile and rocket, the sniper rifle (50), 90% of whom are from the United States.In the army of drug at the same time, Mr Calderon also corrupt of police and judicial departments clean.,Mexican prosecutors had once arrested 93 officials implicated the trafficking.,2007年和2021年,墨西哥军方从贩毒集团共缴获1.7万支突击步枪,2200枚手榴弹、导弹和火箭弹,50支狙击步枪,其中90%来自美国。在用军队缉毒的同时,卡尔德龙也对警察和司法部门的腐败分子展开“清洗。墨西哥检察机关曾经一次逮捕了与贩毒集团有牵连的93名官员。,In 2021, the Mexican government is fired by the trust test of 3200 police officers suspected of corruption and crime.In the army, under the onslaught of Mexico several big loss to a lot of drug cartel leader, Mr Calderon has achieved certain results.However, due to the drug cartels launched a series of retaliatory action, violence flood Mexican society, Mexicos deteriorating social security.,2021年,墨西哥政府还辞退了未通过“信任测试的3200名涉嫌腐败和犯罪的警察。在政府军的猛烈攻势下,墨西哥几大贩毒集团的头目损失不少,卡尔德龙取得了一定战果。然而,由于贩毒集团展开了一系列报复行动,暴力事件泛滥墨西哥社会,墨西哥的社会治安逐渐恶化。,In 2021, nearly 2021 people died in Mexicos drug war, more than in 2007.Drug in 2021, a total of 7724 people died in violence, 21 killings on average every 24 hours, monthly 111 kidnappings.Drug violence make Mexicos economy minister, worries ruiz said, if you dont win the war on drugs, Mexicos next President is going to be a drug.,2021年,近6300人死于墨西哥反毒之战,比2007年多出一倍。2021年,毒品暴力事件共造成7724人死亡,平均每24小时发生21起凶杀案,每月发生111起绑架案。毒品暴力事件使墨西哥经济部长鲁伊斯担忧地说,如果这场“毒品战争打不赢,“墨西哥下任总统将是毒枭。,Drug cartels cruel revenge you kill me, I will kill you ten.Mexicos drug cartels is array, the gulf and sinaloa only two main drug group has more than 100000, weapons and equipment is very excellent, and the Mexican army only 130000 people.So after opening fire on the felipe calderon, on the drug trafficking armed retaliation.Assassination, beheaded, and so on is cruel and outrageous behavior occur repeatedly, and the victims from the soldiers, agents, relatives, and then, municipal officials and journalists, etc., have also become a targeted drug traffickers revenge.贩毒集团残忍报复“你杀我一个,我就杀你十个。墨西哥的贩毒集团可谓“兵强马壮,仅“海和“锡那罗亚两大贩毒集团就有10万之多,武器装备十分精良,而墨西哥军队才13万人。所以在卡尔德龙开火后,贩毒武装展开了疯狂的报复。暗杀,斩首,等等残忍而令人发指的行为不断发生,而受害者从士兵,探员,亲属,到后来,市政人员和新闻记者等,也相继成为毒贩报复打击的目标。,2021 to September 2021, Mexico has 19 mayor was murdered by drug cartels, two Mexican interior minister died in a plane crash, a 42 journalists killed by reports the drug lords madness!Even President felipe calderon, are almost in August 20 years assassinated by sinaloa drug cartel.,2021年到2021年9月,墨西哥有19名市长被贩毒集团谋杀,两任墨西哥内政部长都因坠机而死,更有42名记者因为报道了毒枭的疯狂行为而惨遭杀害!甚至是总统卡尔德龙,也差点在20年8月被“锡那罗亚贩毒集团暗杀,二影响,成为全球最受困扰暴力的国家之一。,Become one of the countries of the worlds most troubled violence,Due to the government to crack down on, many drug cartels as supplement, began to recruit 12 23, child soldier and girl killer.According to official estimates, the number of employed by drug gangs child soldiers probably around 2500,由于受到政府军的严厉打击,许多贩毒集团为补充人手,开场招募12岁23岁的“娃娃兵和“少女杀手。据不少官方组织估计,被贩毒集团雇佣的“娃娃兵人数大概在2.5万人左右。,According to Mexicos national womens association of research results, from the beginning of 2021 by the end of 2021, the number of female criminals for drug offences has quadrupled.The government action has squeezed the survival space of the drug cartels, offensive and thus intensified between drug cartels.Continuous large-scale battles!,另据墨西哥全国妇女协会的研究结果,从2021年初到2021年底,因贩毒入狱的女性罪犯数量翻了两番。政府军的行动还挤压了贩毒集团的生存空间,贩毒集团之间的火并因此愈演愈烈。不断开展大规模的火拼!,In view of the violence in Mexico, in 2021, Germany Heidelberg university institute of international conflicts from Mexico crisis countries up to the level of war, become with somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan along one of the countries of the worlds most troubled by the violence.,鉴于墨西哥的暴力情况,2021年,德国海德堡大学国际冲突研究所将墨西哥从“危机国家提升至“战争国家级别,成为与索马里、伊拉克、阿富汗、巴基斯坦、苏丹齐名的全球最受暴力困扰的国家之一。,Researchers in Mexico, according to the national survey of fruit 61% of respondents said they dont go out at night;30% said because of concerns that a drug violence, no longer driving way states HeGuoDao;22% said they do not participate in public activities, such as concerts or sporting events.Visible, drug violence, let people also are in the tension of there!,墨西哥研究人员的全国调查果显示,61%的受调查者说自己晚上不出门;30%的人说由于担忧遭遇贩毒暴力,开车不再走州道和国道;22%的人说自己不参加公共活动,比方音乐会或体育比赛。可见,毒品暴力,让民众也处在人人自危的紧张状态之中!,三、禁毒战略,The Mexican government to control drug abuse, across the country launched a large-scale anti-drug struggle at the same time, strengthens with the United Nations and international organizations such as the organization of American states.,墨西哥政府为控制毒品泛滥,在全国范围内发起了大规模扫毒斗争的同时,加强了同联合国、美洲国家组织等国际组织的联系。,Mexico since 1980, with the United States signed the United States drug-fighting cooperation agreement, extradition treaty, judicial assistance treaty and on currency trading information exchange of financial institutions, crack down on illegal activities of mutual cooperation agreement.,自1980年以来,墨西哥同美国签署了“墨美扫毒合作协议,“引渡条约,“司法互助条约和“关于交换金融机构货币交易情报、打击违法活动的互助合作协定。,In 1994, the Mexican government cracked down as one of the first tasks of government work, formulate the outline of 1995-2000 national drug, specific guidance and coordination of the national anti-drug struggle。Has promulgated the organized crimes and money laundering prevention and punishment special law, special to prevent the illegal use of chemical drugs and other relevant laws.,1994年墨西哥政府把扫毒列为政府工作的首要任务之一,制订了“1995-2000国家缉毒大纲,具体指导、协调全国的扫毒斗争。先后公布了“有组织犯罪法、“预防和惩办洗钱特别法、“预防非法使用化学药物特别法等有关法律。,In March 1996, the United States President decided to set up between the two countries advanced contact group drug control, maintain high-level contact, promote cooperation drug.In May 1997, the President and the two countries signed the mexican-american drug joint declaration, further strengthening of bilateral anti-drug cooperation between the two countries.Mexico also with Latin American and Caribbean countries signed the 21 items of anti-drug cooperation agreement.,1996年3月,墨美两国总统决定成立“控制毒品高级联络小组,保持高层接触,促进缉毒合作。1997年5月,两国总统又签署了“墨美缉毒联合声明,两国的双边扫毒合作得到进一步加强。墨西哥还同拉美和加勒比各国签署了21项缉毒合作协定。,四、禁毒措施,Mexico used for drug and increasing cost of treatment for drug addicts, become a great burden.,Take corresponding measures.,墨西哥国内用于戒毒和为吸毒者治疗费用不断增加,成为一个很大的负担。为此采取相应的措施,一经济支持,Mexico this government took office in more than five years, for the cost of the rehabilitation and treatment has been more than 6 billion pesos ($470 million). 墨西哥本届政府上台5年多来,用于戒毒和治疗的费用就已经超过60亿比索约合4.7亿美元。,二综合治理,In order to curb the expansion of the domestic drug absorption crowd, the Mexican government has changed the past relied on the fight against drug producing practice can achieve the goal of drug control, began to take comprehensive measures to control drug problems, in order to reduce social the demand for drugs and drug harm to people.,为了遏制国内吸毒品人群的膨胀,墨西哥政府改变了以往主要靠打击毒品制售来到达禁毒目的的做法,开场采取综合措施治理毒品问题,以减少社会对毒品的需求以及毒品对人们的危害。,三加强宣传教育,Actively carry out that drugs are out of life as the theme of the national anti-drug campaign, raise the awareness of the harm, consciously resist drugs.,积极开展以“让毒品离开生活为主题的全国扫毒宣传运动,提高全民对毒品危害的认识,自觉抵抗毒品,四控制毒源,加强国际合作。,Mexico will continue to fight against drug trafficking group, from the source to stifle sources of drugs, and through such as merida plan equal to the United States and the international community to strengthen cooperation in the field.,并将继续打击贩毒集团,从源头扼杀毒品来源,并通过如“梅里达方案等同美国以及国际社会在这一领域加强合作。,谢谢观赏!,2020/11/5,27,


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