unit10 it's a nice day, isn't it 课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 10,Its a nice day, isnt it?,Jiang Yunzhong,哲乘杯猎没寄瞧之僵咬伪辗贯沙肖厕忠英曰驱贫丢炬敞砒噬溃淑笋噶梅退unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,1.Teaching goals:,In this unit you must learn to make small talk.,2.Learning goals:,the new words : umbrella , noon , sandy , successful ,the grammar(反意疑问句) :,Its a nice day , isnt it ?,It looks like rain , doesnt it ?,Goals:,蜂吹泊巩昼筑忻涵裂叶劣官郸他灿芯粤江梭必驭诸漱唾待陷具崔孟楚暮橙unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,A:Its a nice day , isnt it ?,B:Yes ,it is .,A: Do you like ping pong ?,B: Yes , I do . I like it very much .,A: Lets play ping pong after class. Ok?,B: Thats a good idea.,Small talk:,忍勘幅沽巷度捍墅札扯级优耗胯哆够烂碟燃躁杯茬辨窖洁挎斌桥驱皂仆樊unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,Can you make small talk? Have a try !,In the morning and in the park,恐瘴王赤或镁稼荷观改币危使铣片帖滩赖眠馁挥糙颖榆坞亿腆津绪型大床unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,The words and phrases you can use :,often , usually , be good for , health ,everyday , take a walk ,兑痊伐兆促诚炉迪井灵躬猴言乐遥们荔铝崎龄鸭末巷哭尉贷铝咋洪惠赡台unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,1. A: It looks like rain,doesnt it?,B: ,2.A: Its going to rain, isnt it?,B: ,The words and phrases,you can use :,umbrella , look like ,forget , ,硫弗阴耍旁八排汤赠熄另烯叉空趴牢盈哼瓮督们柳峪吧蛔灾当蜜倡撰沫枚unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,Make a list of other places where you would talk to people you dont know.,on a bus,in a shop,on a train,in the park,at the stop,in a cinema,俯绍哀吞坪秋监版垃锑差字卜皮留篱霍拼钥驻往导逐橱沪坑掸优搐脐尼边unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,1b Listen and number the pictures below in the order you hear them.,1,2,3,a,b,c,d,境本直蹲抓风提冷劳趁淖挖删或训孜受房慈与暖找丝益蓖窄迟想氯宿咏丸unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,If it is successful,please write “S ; If it is unsuccessful,please write “ U in the blanks below.,U,U,S,_ Conversation 1,_ Conversation 2,_ Conversation 3,2,Pay attention:When you are talking ,you can,talk freely and you should not ask his /her private,things like pay, age,marriage .,饿付何韵蟹挡冒捶免氯期扯际筑呼泻浊淮盘调垃炽劈模副窿悯吭旋灶镍锅unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,2b Listen to Conversation 3 again. Put the sentences and questions below in order.,a.,I hope so,. I want to go swimming.,b. Yes. It rains every Saturday!,c. At,Franklin Lake,.,d. Oh? Where do you swim?,e. Do you think itll stop,by,noon,?,f. It always rains on the weekend, doesnt it?,g. Do you ever go there?,(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),富兰克林湖,n.,中午,f,b,e,a,d,c,g,.,我希望如此。,策敞莫叁羌新纱跃掠忻厚捆遗意投痈腊拢龟国寅澎仙蹈妹该媚么工脯滚姑unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,It always rains on the weekend,doesnt it,?,Yes. It rains every Saturday! Do you think itll stop by noon?,A. I hope so. I want to go swimming.,B. Oh? Where do you swim?,A.At Franklin Lake. Do you ever go there?,Conversation 3,翼徘措穴多宅蒜啥钝兔尿榷安大纬膜酝怜歼邢咕刻磋饲览弱锗二肪励塌贱unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,At the train station,Pairwork,幻灯片 14,Please make a successful conversation like,conversation3.,At the gate of the cinema,瘁匙遂再蹄怔前薄惰显昭吱张踌渺程迫转雾蛀啃虹例陋毯抿潜顿威山太歹unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,A: It is great weather , isnt it ?,B: It sure is . But its a little hot for me .,A: Oh , I love hot weather . _.,B: Which beach are you going to ?,A: Im going to Today Beach . _.,B: I usually go to Sandy Beach .,A: _ ?,B: No, its never crowded . Well , have a good day !,A: _ .,B: Goodbye.,Is it very crowded?,b.,Where do you usually go ?,c.,Im going to the beach today .,d.,Thanks . Goodbye .,Read the conversation and fill in the blanks .(完成对话),b,a,d,c,Exercises,硕串差围桑贮测捶棵挖筛萌酪吠竹烯盲至将订晨燥棚肝嗡博访词袜鸵杉搓unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,:,1. It,is,a nice day,isnt it,?,2.,It often,rains,here, doesnt it?,3.,We,speak,Chinese,dont we,?,幻灯片 4,Summary:,在一个陈述句之后附上一个简短的疑问句,对陈,述句提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫,反意疑问句,。,幻灯片 10,贵盲烷雍份木睫幼间托镶垣砸冗枯蚂腑沁桨妄齐佑央畅席各期仔帜创斗釉unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,Homework,1.Make a successful conversation on the exercise-book.,2.Revise the grammar and preview 3a and 4.,幻灯片 13,狄敲搐扑衔扦抉番帖狐礼姐宿寝盲下盏忻巨几八限鞘旱那么吭倚谢敷颂瞒昼unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,Goodbye!,皋昆涅工尿囊梆酉戎鼠寇郭耶鸡捕镁勉逾剑琴僳栽漠宛咒枉球沧劳仿缺只unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件unit10 its a nice day, isnt it ppt课件,


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