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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Made by Lu Liuling,Qiu Aoyu,Yang Linfan,Leonardo da Vinci,Catalogue,Lifetime,Art,Other achievements,(,14521519,),Leonardo Da Vinci,s life,He was born and raised in Vinci, Italy.,His father was a famous notary and his mother was a poor peasant woman.,Hes a bastard.,Shortly after he was born, his father abandoned his mother and married a woman of high social status.,When he was 5 years old,because his stepmother can not bear, his father took him back to raise.,In 1465 he entered Vee Lo Keoghs studio as an introductory disciple.,In 1473, he created the holy prayer map.,(,圣告图,),In 1476, he was accused of homosexuality(,同性恋,),,,but he denied.,Finally he was released.,1482 to 1499 he stayed in France, in addition to serving the Duke of Milan, he engaged in other artistic and scientific activities.,In 1482 he painted,“,the worship of the three King,“,(,三贤王的膜拜,).,When he was 43,he began to painted the last supper,“,.,In1502 1503 he returned to Florence, began to draw Monalisa (age 50),In 1516, he was invited by the king of France, then went to France, Amber Vaz. (64 years old),In May 2, 1519, he died in Amber Vaz, at the age of 67.,art achievement,s,Leonardo is the symbol of human wisdom, he has a spiritual infinite ideal, trying to re-create the beauty of the world, to measure the vast expanse of the world and explain the mystery of the world。,Leonardo,s,a,rt works can not only mirror,things like mirror, but also guide the creation, observe and select beauty from nature.,The last supper, Virgin of the Rocks and,Mona Lisa,are thre,e,masterpieces of his life. These three works are the treasure of Leonardo as the treasure of the world art,Physics,He found out liquid pressure, and propose principle of Connected Device (,连通器,). In one Connected Device,,,the same liquid have the same liquid level , different liquid have different liquid level, the liquid height and density is inversely proportional,(成反比),.,Engineering,For much of his life, Leonardo was fascinated by the phenomenon offlight, producing many studies of the flight of birds, including plans for several flying machines, including a lighthang gliderand a machine resembling ahelicopter.,He made important discoveries in anatomy, civil engineering, optics, and hydrodynamics, but he did not publish his findings and they had no direct influence on later science,Further,THANKS,


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