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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,外研,七年级 下册,Module 10,Language in use,Unit 3,To learn to use the simple past,tense in wh-questions,Objective,语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规那么和语法规律。,【,本单元例句,(Unit 1)】,How long did it take to get there,Who was with you,What did you do,How did Betty get to Los Angeles,Why was Betty excited at Disneyland,Where did she go swimming,When did Betty go to Los Angeles,Have A L k,【,本单元例句,(Unit 2)】,8. Who met Betty at the airport,9. What did she see in the Louvre Museum,10. Where did she go this morning,11. When did they go to the Eiffel Tower,12. How did they get to the Eiffel Tower,Have A L k,We use,Wh- questions,to ask for information about someone or something.,Wh- word,Use in questions,What,To find out sth.,Who,To find out about person,When,To ask about time,Where,To ask about place,Why,To ask about the reason,How,To find out “in what way,How long,To talk about “the degree”,what-Activity or thing (对行为和事物提问)。,- What were you talking about then,你们那时在谈什么?,- We were talking about our family.,我们在谈论我们的家庭情况。,- What did you see in Beijing,你在北京看到了什么?,- The Tiananmen Square.,天安门广场。,who-Person (对人提问),- “Who will visit you tomorrow,“明天谁来看你?,- “My father. “我爸爸。,- Who was with you in Los Angeles,在洛杉矶你和谁在一起?,- My parents.,我的父母。,when-Time (对时间提问),- “When will you finish your homework,“你什么时候能完成作业?,- “Tomorrow. “明天。,where-Place (对地点提问),- Where did you go last Sunday,上周日你去哪了?,- Shanghai. 去了上海。,why-Reason (对原因提问),- “Why are you late,“你为什么迟到?,- “Because I missed the bus.,“因为我没赶上公共汽车。,how-Manner (对方式提问),- How did you go to Shanghai,你怎么去的上海?,- I went there by highway.,我乘高铁去。,how long - Degree (多久,多长),- How long did it take to get there,你花了多长时间到达那儿?,- About nine hours.,大概花了9小时。,- How long did you stay in Shanghai,你在上海呆了多久?,- I stayed there for 5 days.,我在那儿呆了五天。,课堂练习答案,Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your holidays. Use the expressions from the box to help you.,Where/go,Where did you go on holiday,I went to,1,by plane/train, do shopping,meetat the airport/station, spend all day,who / go with,Who did you go with,2. when / go,When did you go,3. how / go,How did you go there,4. who / meet,Who met you at the airport/station,5. what / do,What did you do,6. how long / stay,How long did you stay there,Write the questions and your partners,answers., Where did you go on holiday, I went to Hainan.,Work with a new partner. Ask and,answer questions about your first partner., Where did go on holiday, He/She went to Hainan.,2,3,Complete the postcard with the correct form of the words from the box.,4,go, have, swim, take, visit, write,Hi Mum,Im _ a really good time. Im _ this postcard at the airport.,We were at the hotel for four days. We _ in the sea, _ some museums and _ lots of photos. We also _ shopping.,See you soon.,Lots of love,Betty,having,writing,swam,visited,took,went,5,Choose the correct answer.,Today is Wednesday, so,yesterday / tomorrow,was Tuesday.,I was there,last / next,week.,Im going to travel around the world,many years ago / in the future,.,Theyre eating at a great restaurant,right now / soon,.,The palace was not open in,1995 / 2103,.,Write six things you did on last holiday.,On my last holiday, I bought some,presents for my friends.,On my last holiday, I arrived in,Beijing by plane.,On my last holiday, I,6,Write an email to your friend about your holiday.,Dear,On my last holiday, I,went,there,with, I,got,there by, I,did,lots,of things there, I ,9,Dear Madonna,I hope youre well. I was on holiday in Greece with my parents last week. We got there by plane. We lived in the small hotel. The hotels were very beautiful, comfortable and clean. We visited some museums. We saw a lot of fish in the Sea. The island of Santorini were so wonderful! We stayed there 2 days. I took lots of photos. I will send some of my photos with this email to you!,Love from Betty,Possible version:,Additional,Materials,Lets go to the New 7 Wonders of the World!,1st-The Great Wall of China, China,2nd-The Roman Colosseum Rome, Italy,3rd-Taj Mahal, India,4th-Petra, Jordan,5th-Machu Picchu, Peru,6th-The Statue of Christ Redeemer, Brazil,7th-The Pyramid at Chichn Itz Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico,课堂小测验,Individual activity,点击图标查看,word,链接,1. I _ (take) a taxi to school,yesterday.,2. I _ (go) for a walk but my,mother didnt come with me.,3. Lucy _ (write) a letter to her,friend three days ago.,4. Last Sunday, Peter _ (see) Big,Ben and Buckingham Palace.,took,went,wrote,saw,I.,用所给单词的正确形式填空。,Questions:,1. _ is she,She is my sister.,2. _ does she do,She is a teacher.,3. _ does she work,She works in Nantong.,Who,What,Where,II.,用,wh-question,填空。,Questions:,4. _ does she work in a school,Because she likes children.,5. _ does she go to work,By bus.,6. _ does she go to work,At 7 oclock.,Why,How,When,1. 6,月,3,号下午,4,点,他们到了那儿。,2.,昨天上午你购物了吗?,They got there at 4:00 in the afternoon on June 3.,Did you do some shopping yesterday morning,III. 翻译以下句子。,3. 上周六我给朋友买了些了礼物。,_,_,4. 你什么时候去的机场?,_,5. 他去哪里了,_,I bought some presents for my friends last Saturday.,When did you go to the airport,Where did he go,IV.,用所给单词的正确形式填空。,It _ (snow) yesterday. Tony and his friends _ (go) to the park. They _ (see) the white trees, white houses and white road. They _ (begin) to _ (make) a big snowman on the road. They _ (put) a carrot in the snowmans head. That _ (is) the snowmans nose. They _ (put) two small black balls in his face. They _ (are) the snowmans eyes. They _ (begin) to _ (sing) and _ (dance) round the snowman. They _ (feel) very happy.,snowed,went,saw,began,make,put,was,put,were,began,sing,dance,felt,1. Jenny saw a film last night.,对划线局部提问,_ _ Jenny _ last night,2. Tony bought something in that store,yesterday. (改为同义句),Tony _ _ _ in that,store yesterday.,What did,do,did some shopping,V.,按要求变化下面的句子,每空一词。,4. She did her homework at home,yesterday evening. (改为否认句),She _ _ her homework,at home yesterday evening.,5. He had to stay here for two hours.,(对划线局部提问),_ _ did he have to stay here,didnt,do,How,long,3. We visited Beijing last summer.,(对划线局部提问),_ did you visit last summer,Where,6. I went to the hotel by taxi.,改为同义句,I _ _ _ to the hotel.,7. Tom walked in the park this morning.,改为同义句,Tom _ _ _ _ this morning.,took a taxi,went for a walk,8. I wrote some postcards and sent some emails. 改为否认句,I _ _ _ postcards,_ _ _ emails.,didnt write any,or send any,Write a passage about your winter holiday last year.,Homework,Byebye!,


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