对大学英语课程目标的再思考 - 高等英语教学网

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,1,“输出驱动假设与教学实践,中国外语教育研究中心,文秋芳,全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,2021年8月3日,2,发言提纲,输出驱动假设与教学实践,“输出驱动的内容及其理据,“输出驱动的根本教学流程,输出驱动假设的教学体系与教学方法创新,“输出驱动的课程体系,“输出驱动的教学方法,3,1.1 “输出驱动的内容,2021年?外语界?第2期 2-9页,输出驱动假设与英语专业技能课程改革,4,1.1 “输出驱动的内容,所针对的人群,中级外语学习者,中高级外语学习者,高级英语,学习者,不适合初级学习者,假设的根本理念,输出是目标,又是手段,以输出驱动,既能够促进产出能力的提高,又能够改进吸收输入的效率,1.1 “输出驱动的内容,6,1.1 对“输出驱动的内容,经济学术语:以需求促供给,任务1,请举例说明如何在说、写、译任务的驱动下,开展听、读活动?1分钟,“输出驱动假设教学活动举例,Task 1,Output: To compare the Chinese spring festival with the westerners Christmas when you talk to the overseas students in your university,Input: One or more passages about the Spring festival, one or more passages about the Christmas and one passage about how to make a comparison,“输出驱动假设教学活动举例,Task 2,Output: To explain how to make,Jiaozi,in English to your international friends,Input: One passage about how to explain a process and the other one about the production of,Jiaozi,“输出驱动假设教学活动举例,Task 3,Output: To talk about your favorite American song with your American friends,Input: One passage about how to talk about one of your favorite things and the other one about the American songs,11,1.1 对“输出驱动的内容,How is Output-driven hypothesis different from,Krashens,input hypothesis and,Swains output hypothesis?,输出驱动假设与其它相关假设的区别,输出驱动,教学假设,不是习得假设,挑战先输入,再输出的教学程序,主张先输出,以输出促进输入接受的积极性和效率,不反对输入,但输入必须要为输出效劳,13,课程论的三个依据,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,学生需求,社会需求,学科需求,学生开展的需求,社会开展的需求,学科开展的需求,14,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,15,学生需求,学业需求,心理需求,1.2提出“输出驱动的理论依据,16,学业需求,2021年入校大学生全部接受了新课标训练,课程目标全面,课型多样化,课程要求高,17,新课标的三维度目标,认知,维度,情感与价值维度,方法维度,“全人教育思想,突出课程的工具性与人文性,18,新课标课程体系的特点,7,级,8,级,9,级,课型,多样化,19,高中阶段,语言要求高,单词3300,短语400-500,24个话题,66个功能概念工程,每个单元;听说读写都有要求,比原大纲增加了8个话题、23个功能概念工程和1500个词汇,20,新课标实施成效的根本估计,全国高中生的平均英语水平有了明显提高,全国开展极不平衡,差异很大,不能盲目乐观,大学入学的新生中大约有10%-15%英语水平比较好,不少学生反响大学英语教学不如中学英语教学,大学英语教学必须改革创新,新课标实施成效的根本估计,22,学生需求,心理需求,成人学习:问题驱动;目标驱动,中高级学习者需要有“饥饿感 、“新鲜感、“挑战感,相当一局部大学生得了大学英语“厌食症,1.2 提出“输出驱动的理论依据,23,表达性知识,接受性知识,表达性知识,接受性知识,24,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,任务2,在职场中人们以何种英语技能听、读、说、写、译完成工作任务?1分钟,26,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,外资公司雇员,政府公务员,媒体工作者,驻外人员,旅馆工作人员,饭店工作人员,教师,工程师,27,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,28,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,29,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,在职场上表达英语交际成效的终结手段是说、写、译的能力,而不是听和读。,30,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,31,学科需求,二语习得理论的开展,从输入假设(Krashen, 1985)到输出假设(Swain, 1985),上个世纪90年代中期二语习得的社会转向(Ortego, 2021: 167),32,从输入假设到输出假设,1.,提高注意程度,2.,检验假设、反思元,语言功能,3.,提高流利度与自动,化程度,二语习得过程中输出的作用Izumi 2003:188,二语习得的社会转向,认知派强调二语习得的,acquisition/learning,而不是,language use,社会文化派认为二语学习应该是学用一体,边学边用,边用边学,学中用,用中学,社会文化派认为二语学习的过程需要,collective scaffolding,1.2 “输出驱动的理论依据,理据总结,新入校的大学生要求大学英语教学要与高中衔接,同时要有所不同,从未来就业的需要,大学生急需要培养产出能力,中高级学习者需要用产出促输入,需要边用边学,以克服“厌食症,35,发言提纲,输出驱动假设与教学实践,“输出驱动的内容及其理据,“输出驱动的根本教学流程,37,3. “输出驱动的教学案例,EGP,一般级:口头表达,新标准综合教程第,1,课,Active Reading One: Diary of a fresher,谁能用中文概述本课的内容?,一般教学程序,Warm-up: predicting, or asking questions related to their personal experiences,Skimming and scanning,Explain the meaning of some phrases or expressions,.,学生反响,Why should we read this text?,This text is much easier than the texts we learned in middle school.,教师任务,设计真实且符合学生水平的任务,提供完成交际任务的输入材料并帮助学生理解,对学生的输出提供帮助,对学生的输出结果提出有针对性反响,Diary of a fresher,:,口头表达,Warm-up activities,How about your food at canteen?,How about your living conditions in your dorm?,Do you miss your parents?,Do you think the freshmen in other countries have totally different experiences?,Well, next week, a group of freshers from the University of Oxford will come to visit our university. Theyd very much like to know your university life as freshmen and you are also eager to know their life experience. They will come next Friday. In order to have effective communication, you must have a good preparation for your speech.,We will hold a meeting next week at which some of you will play the role of oxford university students and some of you will be Chinese students. You will play the both roles by turn.,Diary of a fresher,:,口头表达,Teaching objectives,Be able to talk about Oxford freshmens life including,living conditions, library facilities, dining service, courses, study habits, after-class activities, etc.,Be able to talk about your own experience and feelings about your university life,Time allocation,Oxford students life (40 min),Chinese students life (30 min),How to talk about Oxford university and Chinese university students life (30 min),Hold a simulated meeting at which Chinese students and students from Oxford university (20 min),Diary of a fresher,:,口头表达,Task 1,Step 1: Divide the students into six groups and give one group one days diary(3 min),Diary of a fresher,:,口头表达,Step 3: Check the answers (12 min,Step 3: Read the whole text and see whether the information they got from their students is right or wrong. 10 min,Step 4: The students answer the questions raised by the teacher,15 min),Diary of a fresher,:,口头表达,Describe your own experience and feelings in the first week when you arrived at university in a group,(10 min) (Specify what cannot be expressed in English),Task 2,Sunday,Where,What,How (feel),With whom,Comments,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Discuss in class how to express what cannot be described in English (20 min),Provide necessary help by the teacher,The students own life,:口头表达,Task 3,Discuss the outline of the next weeks talk,(30,minu,),After-class assignment,Prepare two paragraphs according to the outline, one about the Oxford university students life and one about the Chinese university students life (writing first and then speaking),Ask the students to submit their transcripts to the teacher in advance and give some of them feedback,Task 4,Hold a simulated meeting,Talk in pairs,Performance in class,54,谢谢大家!,Are you able to identify who robbed you?,They robbed me of my purse.,Who stole your money?,I lost my passport and my wallet,You need to describe what is in your wallet.,Credit card,Driving license,Stored value card,


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