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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Part Three,Text Appreciation,ENTER,B,T,L,E,W,Text Appreciation,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text analysis,1.,Theme,2.,Structure,3.,Further discussion,II.,Writing devices,Parallelism,III.,Sentence paraphrase,Contents,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,For Mandela, gardening is the source of spiritual fulfillment. Gardening gives Mandela inspiration for his revolutionary cause. Political leaders are like gardeners.,Theme of the text,The theme is summed up at the very end.,The end of Theme.,B,T,L,E,W,Part 1 (,para. 1- ),about:,Part 2 (,para.9- ),about:,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,Structure of the text,8,11,It describes Mandelas gardening experience. It shows how Mandela takes this hobby as a survival strategy.,It goes further to explain the significance of his gardening experience, which has become a metaphor and gives him inspiration on how to be a good revolutionary leader and how to nourish important human relationship.,The end of Structure.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,Question 1: What can we know from Para. 1,Mandela introduces readers to the topic of his writing, that is, gardening but at the same time, he also discusses how he spent the day. He spent the day talking with his comrades about his political cause. So readers can see that his political cause accounts for a lot in Mandelas life in prison. And thats why Mandela could get inspirations from his hobbygardening in prison.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,Question 2: What role does Para. 2 play in the first part,In this paragraph, Mandela tells readers he has well adapted himself to the life in prison. And the small things inside prison are also a source of his pride. Thus readers can see that gardening has already become a kind of survival strategy. Gardening gives him satisfaction, offers a taste of freedom, and makes him strong physically and mentally. It is a way to defy the enemys attempt to crush him spiritually.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,Question 3: What is the role of Para. 8 in the first part,From para. 3 to para. 7, Mandela illustrates gardening in detail. In para. 8, Mandela comes to a conclusion as to the role gardening plays in his life in prison. Thus this paragraph corresponds with para. 2.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,Question 4: In some way, I saw the garden as a metaphor for certain aspects of my life. What is being compared How does “the garden enter into the comparison (Para. 9),Mandela compares the garden with leaders political cause. In particular, he is here comparing his gardening with his responsibility in the revolutionary cause. Like in gardening, in his struggle as a revolutionary leader, he also has to plant seeds, cultivate, take care of the fruit trees he has planted, until in the end he harvests the result. Both of them need care, cultivation, eradication if necessary, and harvest. The only difference is that they have different soil. For gardeners, they work on soil, whereas for leaders, the soil is the political cause.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,Mandela seems to be talking about his relations with his followers in general, and his relations with his wife in particular. When differences occur, a leader should always try to resolve these differences. However, if these differences concern matters of principle and cannot be reconciled, a leader must resolutely part with those people, as one has to eliminate the weeds in ones garden.,To be continued on the next page.,Question 5: Like gardeners, leaders must take responsibility for what they cultivateand eliminate what cannot succeed. (Para. 9) What does Mandela imply by saying it,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,Here Mandela obviously alludes to his relationship with his wife. If not properly looked after and nourished, it would perish.,To be continued on the next page.,Question 6: Why does Mandela write to Winnie two letters about a particularly beautiful tomato plant (Para. 10),B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Text Analysis,On the one hand, Mandela wants to have a harmonious relationship with his wife. He does not want to see what has happened to the beautiful tomato plant happens to his marriage. But on the other hand, he feels powerless to nourish his relationship with his wife. Here many of the most important relationships refer specifically to his relationship with his wife.,To be continued on the next page.,Question 7: I dont know what she read into that letter, but when I wrote it I had a mixture of feelings (Para. 11),B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,What did Mandela say one should do if he wanted to survive in prison What made him feel fulfilled,How did he keep his mind active and his body fit,What did he usually do to amuse himself,Had Mandela ever owned a garden before What was his first experience at gardening Did he enjoy it Why or why not,Was he able to cut out a big garden What was the soil like Was it easy to start a garden in the courtyard What did Mandela have to do to find enough room for growing plants,Text Analysis,Further discussion about the story,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,What did Mandela plant at first Why did he choose those hardy plants Where did he get the seeds Why do you think the authorities were so kind to him,Did he have good harvests at first Did they improve later How did Mandela make his garden flourish,Did Mandela do his gardening according to the books Why or why not How did he do it then Did he always succeed,Retell the story in your own words.,Text Analysis,Further discussion about the story,The end of Further Discussion.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism,I could now spend the day,reading,writing,letters,discussing,issues with my comrades, or,preparing,legal documents. (1),Similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses,Four gerund phrases are coordinated used as the prepositional object.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism,One can feel fulfilled,by washing,ones clothes so that they are particularly clean,by sweeping,a hallway so that it is empty of dust,by organizing,ones cell to save as much space as possible. (2),Three prepositional phrases introduced by “by are coordinated used as adverbial of manner,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism,To plant,a seed,watch,it grow,to tend,it and then,harvest,it, offered a simple but enduring satisfaction. (8),In this sentence, four infinitive phrases are used together as the subject of the sentence to describe the work involved in gardening so as to impress readers.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism,They must,mind,their work,try,to drive back enemies,save,what can be saved, and,eliminate,what cannot succeed. (9),Four verbs are coordinated as the predicate of the sentence to illustrate what leaders need to do.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism,Please compare the following two sentences. Are there any differences In which sentence is the meaning well-conveyed,When it finally died, I removed the roots from the soil, washed them, and buried them in a corner of the garden.,When it finally died, I buried them in a corner of the garden.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism,When it finally died, I,removed,the roots from the soil,washed,them, and,buried,them in a corner of the garden. (10),Three verbs are coordinated as the predicate of the main clause to show what Mandela did after the tomato plant died. Thus it can show Mandelas feelings toward the death of the plantsad. Because the story is an allusion to his relationship with his wife, we can see his feeling and attitude toward their relationship.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism,parallelism of words:,She tried to make her pastry fluffy, sweet, and delicate.,parallelism of phrases:,Singing a song or writing a poem is joyous.,parallelism of clauses:,Perch are inexpensive; cod are cheap; trout are abundant; but salmon are best.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism: more examples,Please revise the following sentences into parallel structures.,1. I enjoy biking and to walk down by the pier.,I enjoy,biking and walking,down by the pier.,2. Boy Scouts at the camp can learn cooking, canoeing, swimming, or how to make ropes.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism: more examples,Boy Scouts at the camp can learn,cooking,canoeing,swimming, or,rope-making,.,3. Non-traditional students often study long hours, get limited sleep, and up again with the sunrise.,Non-traditional students often,study,long hours,get,limited sleep, and,are,up again with the sunrise.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism: more examples,4. The hurricane not only destroyed the fishing fleet but also the homes of the fishermen.,The hurricane destroyed not only,the fishing fleet,but also,the homes,of the fishermen.,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Writing Devices,Parallelism: more examples,5. Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed.,Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now,it is taught by,the laboratory method.,6. Its a time not for words, but action.,Its a time not,for,words, but,for,action.,The end of Writing Devices.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,1,In early 1977, the authorities announced the end of manual labor and arrange some type of work for us to do in the courtyard, so we could spend our days in our section. (1),the part of prison where Mandela stayed,go to 2,the people in charge, referring to the prison authorities,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,2,The end of manual labor was liberating. (1),Mandela is talking about forced labor. He felt liberated after the manual labor had been ended.,The present participle of the verb is used as an adjective to express the idea of “making sb feel liberated. Here the word can not be replaced by “liberated,go to 3,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,2,Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given.,I was _ to hear the story of his travels in South Africa. (fascinate),The book offers a _glimpse of the lives of the rich and famous. (fascinate),I was _ by all the cards my friends sent me when I was in hospital. (touch),The way she looked after her little sister was really _. (touch),back to 2,1. fascinated,2. fascinating,3. touched,4. touching,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,3,I could now spend the day reading, writing letters, discussing issues with my comrades, or preparing legal documents. (1),Mandela did not ask for a lawyer. He had decided to be his own lawyer.,Note the phrase “spend some time on sth/(in) doing sth,go to 4,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,4,To survive in prison, one must develop ways to take satisfaction in ones daily life. (2),to learn to enjoy (doing) sth,take pride/delight in sth.,not to die in an accident or war, or from an illness, or under extremely harsh conditions,In order not to die and go on living in prison, prisoners must cultivate ways to learn to enjoy themselves in their daily life.,go to 5,general reference referring to no one in particular. Its a formal usage. In informal writing or speech, “you is used.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,5,But eventually they gave in, and we were able to cut out a small garden on a narrow patch of earth against the far wall. (3),mark out/off,But finally they agreed unwillingly, and we were able to mark out a small garden on a strip of earth against the wall in the distance.,go to 6,unwilling agreed,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,6,The courtyard had been constructed over a garbage dump, and in order to start my garden, I had to remove a great many rocks to allow the plants room to grow. (4),A place where garbage is unloaded and left,used as adverbial of purpose,go to 7,to take away,space (U),B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,7,At the time, some of my comrades joked that I was a miner at heart, for I spent my days in a wasteland and my free time digging in the courtyard. (4),At that time, some of my comrades said jokingly that I was really a miner since I spent my days in a land which had been deserted for a long time and my spare time digging in the courtyard.,Here “for is a conjunction used to introduce adverbial clause of reason, the comma before “for can not be deleted.,go to 8,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,8,The authorities did not regret giving permission, for once the garden began to flourish, I often provided the warders with some of my best tomatoes and onions. (5),The person in charge didnt feel regretful that they had allowed me to have a garden because as soon as the garden began to grow well, I often gave the warders some of my best tomatoes and onions.,go to 9,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,9,While I have always enjoyed gardening, it was not until I was behind bars that I was able to tend my own gardens. (6),to look after,in prison,go to 10,Its a conjunction used to introduce adverbial clause of concession, which is put before the main clause,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,10,Once I was in Johannesburg studying and then working, I had neither the time nor the space to start a garden. (6),used to introduce adverbial clause of time,go to 11,“neither.noris used when two facts, states or actions, etc. are mentioned and both are not true or not possible.,Here they are two present participle phrases used as adverbial to describe something which is happening right at the same time.,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,11,I did not have many of the materials that the books discussed, but I learned through trial and error. (7),by testing different methods in order to find the best one,go to 12,It is a relative pronoun used to introduce attributive clause to modify the materials to function as the object of “discussed,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,12,I told her this small story at great length. I do not know what she read into that letter, (11),I told her this small story in detail. I do not know whether she understood the meaning of the letter more than it did.,in detail,go to 13,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Sentence Paraphrase,13,Sometimes there is nothing one can do to save something that must die. (11),general reference,In the first clause the relative pronoun “that has been omitted. Both of them are attributive clauses. When attributive clauses are used to modify pronouns like “something, anything, nothing, the relative pronoun is “that,The end of Sentence Paraphrase,B,T,L,E,W,Lesson 7 - Mandelas Garden,Part Three,Text Appreciation,This is the end of Part Three. Please click,HOME,to visit other parts.,B,T,L,E,W,To be continued on the next page.,B,T,L,E,W,


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