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*,*,*,*,本课件为基于准确校对的word书稿制作的“逐字编辑课件,使用时欲修改课件,请双击对应内容,进入可编辑状态。,课件编辑说明,目录,第,13,讲,Module1,Europe,第,14,讲,Module2 Developing and Developed Countries,第,15,讲,Module,3 The Violence of Nature,第,16,讲,Module,4,Sandstorms in Asia,第,17,讲,Module,5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China,第,18,讲,Module,6 Old and New,高中英语第三册,(,必修,3),新课标,外研版,高中英语第三册,(,必修,3),第,13,讲,Module 1 Europe,第,13,讲,Module 1 Europe,第,13,讲,美文欣赏,美文欣赏,2021课标全国卷 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按以下要点写一封信:,1本人简介;,2求助内容;,3约定时间;,4你的联系方式(Email:;Phone:12345678)。,注意:,1词数100左右;,2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;,3完毕语已为你写好。,_,Look forward to your reply.,Yours,,Li Hua,第,13,讲, 美文欣赏,【,精彩美文,】,Dear Sir/Madam,,,Im Li Hua,,,a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university.,Im writing to,ask for,help. I came here last month and found my courses interesting.,But,I have some difficulties with notetaking,and,I,have no idea of,how to use the library.,I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and Im anxious to get help from you,. I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons.,Please let me know which day is OK with you.,You may email or phone me.,第,13,讲, 美文欣赏,Here are my email address and phone number,:;,12345678.,Look forward to your reply.,Yours,,,Li Hua,第,13,讲, 美文欣赏,【全品点睛】,行文逻辑:本人简介求助内容约定时间及联系方式。较好地使用了连接词语,如:but,and等。,词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇。如:ask for,provide, have no idea of, be anxious to等。,句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法构造。如:祈使句,宾语从句:Please let me know which day is OK with you;并列句、宾语从句、被动语态:I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and Im anxious to get help from you;同位语,现在分词短语作后置定语:a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university.,第,13,讲, 美文欣赏,基础梳理,.,单词荟萃,1.,_,adj,.,位于,situate,vt,.,使位于,_,n,.,位置;情形;境遇,2.,_,adj,.,位于,locate,vt,.,使坐落于;找出,的位置,_,n,.,地方, 位置,3.,_,n,象征;符号,_,adj,.,象征的,symbolize,v,象征,4.,_n,协议, 契约,agree,v,同意, 一致,_,v,不同意,第13讲 根底梳理,situated,situation,located,location,symbol,symbolic,agreement,disagree,5,representative,n,代表,_,v,代表,6.,_,n,产品, 农产品,v,.,生产,product,n,(,工业,),产品,_,n,产量, 生产,7.,_,vt,.,签署, 签名,signature,n,.,签名,8.,_,vt,.,统治, 治理,governor,n,州长, 统治者,_,n,政府,第13讲 根底梳理,represent,produce,production,sign,govern,government,.短语检测,1离海岸不远的,2在岸边,3坐落在,4从事;忙于,5自古以来;有史以来,6自此;自从一直,7谈及;说起;涉及;查阅,8与比较起来,9就而言;从的角度,第13讲 根底梳理,off the coast,on the coast of,be situated/located in/on,work on,of all time,ever since,refer to,compared with,in terms of,10,(,一方面,,,),另一方面,11,对,控制,12,一点点地;逐渐地,第13讲 根底梳理,(on the one hand,,,)on the other hand,have control over,little by little,.,佳句再现,1,France is Europes,_,country and,_,the United Kingdom,_,the English Channel.,法国是欧洲第三大国, 隔英吉利海峡和英国相望。,2,Paris is the capital and largest city of France,_,the River Seine.,巴黎是法国的首都, 也是法国最大的城市, 坐落在塞纳河畔。,3,Their work,_,other writers,_,.,自那以后他们的作品就影响了其他的作家。,第13讲 根底梳理,third largest,faces,across,situated on,has influenced,ever since,4.,_,size and population, how big is the European Union,_,China?,在面积和人口上, 欧盟和中国相比哪个更大?,5,The expanded European Union,_,more than half a billion people,_,the population of the USA.,扩大了的欧盟人口超过,5,亿, 相当于美国人口的两倍。,.,单元语法,Passive voice: present and past forms; Subject and verb agreement,第13讲 根底梳理,In terms of,compared with,has a population of,twice as big as,第,13,讲,单词点睛,单词点睛,1acrossprep. &adv. (from one side of sth. to the other)横过, 穿过;从一边到另一边;(on the opposite side of sth.)在对面,(1) across the street在街道的对面,10 meters across 宽10米,(2) come across 偶然遇到,get (sth.) across 使被理解;解释清楚,3draw a line across a sheet of paper 在一张纸上画一条横线,(4 ) the only bridge across the river 横跨这条河的唯一一座桥,5across from 在.的对面,【易混辨析】,across, through和 over,across表示从一定范围的一边到另一边, 且在物体的外表上或沿着某一条线的方向而进展的动作, 其含义常与on有关;through表示动作在空间内进展, 其含义常与in有关;over表示“越过, 指越过较高物体(如墙、篱笆或山脉等), 从一侧到另一侧。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,【,情景记忆,】,第,13,讲,单词点睛,【,活学活用,】,(1)The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,_,the deserts,_,the mountains,_,the valleys, until at last it reaches the sea.,长城从西向东, 跨过沙漠, 越过高山, 穿过峡谷, 蜿蜒而行, 最后直达海边。,(2)He couldnt,_,his meaning,_,to us.,他无法向我们表达清楚他的意思。,(3) I,_,a group of children playing in the garden.,我遇到一群孩子在花园里玩耍。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,across,over,through,get,across,came across,2facen. 脸;外表;(物体的)正面, 外表,v面向, 面朝;面临, 面对,(1) make a face 做鬼脸,face to face 面对面,in the face of 面对;不顾,save/lose face 保全/失去面子,(2) face south 面向南方,be faced _ 面临;面对(困难、问题等),face up to 正视, 勇敢地面对,face the fact/truth 面对事实,face ones music 面对现实,第,13,讲,单词点睛,with,【,活学活用,】,(1),_,difficulties, she didnt choose to give up.,面对困难, 她没有选择放弃。,(2)He must,_,the fact that he is no longer young.,他必须勇于正视自己不再年轻这一事实。,(3) I want to find a house with the window,_,.,我想找一个窗子朝南的房子。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,Faced with/In the face of,face up to/face,facing south,3,range,n,山脉;,(,变化等的,),幅度;范围,区域,射程,v,. (vary or extend between specified limits) (,在一定范围内,),变化, 变动,涉及,(1) be in/within range,在范围以内,be beyond/out of range,超出范围;在范围以外,a wide/broad range of,范围广泛的,(2) range fromto/betweenand,在,到,之间变动,range . in rows,把,.,排成排,第,13,讲,单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1)The hotel offers _ facilities and services.,酒店提供一系列的设施和效劳。,(2)The books cover a variety of ubjects _ current affairs.,这些书包含话题很广, 从体育到当前事务都有涉及。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,a wide range of,ranging from sports to,4,opposite,prep,.,在,对面,adj,.,相对的;对面的;对立的;相反的,n,.,对立面; 反面,just/quite the opposite,恰恰相反,the man opposite,对面的那个人,第,13,讲,单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1) He sat down in the chair _.,他在对面的椅子上坐了下来。,(2)I thought the medicine would work, but it had the _.,我以为这个药会起作用, 但是却产生了相反的效果。,(3) Is it better now?, _, I am afraid.,“现在好点了吗?,“恐怕正相反。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,opposite,opposite effect,Just/Quite the opposite,5,sign,v,.,签署, 签字, 签约;做手势,(,示意,),n,.,迹象, 征兆;手势, 信号;标志, 指示牌;符号,(1)sign to sb. to do sth.,打手势示意某人做某事,sign up,报名参加,sign in/out (,在宾馆、机场等,),签上名字以示到达或离去,sign an agreement,签署协议,(2)road signs,路标,a sign of storm,有暴雨的迹象,第,13,讲,单词点睛,【易混辨析】,sign, signal, mark和symbol,(1)sign表示“标识, 标记时指具体的用于识别或指示的标志, 如指标牌。也可指事件发生的先兆、迹象。,Very often dark clouds are a sign of rain.,通常乌云是要下雨的征兆。,Sir, you are not to walk your pet on the lawn. Dont you see the sign: “Keep off the grass?,先生, 你不可以在草坪上遛狗, 你没瞧见牌子上写着“请勿践踏草坪吗?,第,13,讲,单词点睛,(2)signal信号, 常指约定俗成, 用于传达某些信息的信号, 也指灯光、声音或信号标志。,A red light is a signal of danger, which is even known to a fiveyearold child.,红灯是危险的信号, 这一点就连五岁的孩子都知道。,(3)mark “痕迹, 标记, 指为某一目的有意做的标记, 也指无意留下或自然形成的痕迹。,His feet left dirty marks all over the floor.,他的脚在地板上留下了脏痕迹。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,(4)symbol “象征, 符号, 指被人们选出的物体或图案, 用来代表另一事物, 并作为该事物的标记或象征。,Doves are universally viewed as a symbol of peace all over the world.,世界各地把鸽子看作是和平的象征。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,【活学活用】,1. 根据汉语意思完成句子,(1)Please _ at reception first.,请先到效劳台签到。,(2)Im thinking of _ for a yoga course.,我正在考虑报名学习瑜伽。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,sign in,signing up,2. 单项填空,Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a _ to the HefeiNanjing Expressway.,Asign Bmark Csignal Dboard,【解析】 A根据语境,此句中提到的是“一个通往合肥南京高速的指示牌。sign标识;mark痕迹,标记;signal信号;board板子,牌子,布告牌。,第,13,讲,单词点睛,6. Located a. 位于 1be located in/by/near etc. 位于【坐落在】./.边上/.附近等 2locate vt. 找出【确定】.的位置 3locate in/at etc. 把.设置/建立在某处 特别提示:located和situated 均可作形容词,表示“位于某处的,坐落某处的,且用法一样。,1work on (to spend time working in order to produce or repair something)从事, 忙于,(1)work at研究, 努力学习,work _ 算出;解决, 找到答案;制订出;锻炼;按某种方式开展, 结果,work as 作为工作,(2)at work 在上班,第,13,讲,短语储存,短语储存,out,【易混辨析】,work on和work at,work on往往指做某种具体的工作, 翻译起来比较灵活;而work at更倾向于“钻研或“努力学习。如:,He is working on a new novel.,他正在写一本新的小说。,The little boy was working on a branch with a knife to make a toy gun.,小男孩正在用刀子削树枝做玩具手枪。,He is working at English grammar.,他正在努力学习英语语法。,第,13,讲,短语储存,【活学活用】,1.根据语境选择work 相关短语的适当形式填空,(1)Im tired to death. Ive been _ the wall the whole morning.,我累得要死, 整个上午一直在粉刷墙壁。,(2)Learning a language isnt easy. You have to _ it.,学一门语言不容易, 你需要努力学习。,(3)She _ a consultant for a design company.,她在一家设计公司做参谋。,第,13,讲,短语储存,working on,work at,works as,2.,根据语境选择,work out,恰当的英语释义,a,to calculate sth.,b,to train the body by physical exercise,c,to develop in a particular way; to turn out,d,to find the answer to sth.; to solve sth.,e,to plan or think of sth.,(1)Well have to work out how much food well need for the party.,(2)Financially, things have worked out well for us.,(3)I work out regularly to keep fit.,(4)I am trying to work out the problem.,(5)Ive worked out a new way of doing it.,第,13,讲,短语储存,a,c,b,d,e,2,have control over,对,加以控制,take control over/of,取得,/,得到对,的控制,bring/get/keepunder control,使,得到控制,lose control of,失去对,的控制,be/get out of control,失去控制,be in control of,控制;掌管,be in the control of,受,控制,第,13,讲,短语储存,【活学活用】,(1)His son is being trained to _ the family business.,他儿子正在承受培训以掌管家族企业。,(2)Whos _ the project?,谁是这个工程的负责人?,(3)A head teacher must _ all his students, or some of them may break the school rules.,班主任必须对所有学生加以管理, 否那么有些学生会违反 学校的规章制度。,第,13,讲,短语储存,take control of,in control of,have control over,3in terms of就而言;从的观点;从角度,in the long term长期内 in the short term 短期内,be on good/bad terms with sb. 与某人交情好/不好,come to terms (with sb.) 与某人达成协议,与某人和好,in sb.s terms 在某人看来,根据某人的观点,【活学活用】,(1) We must aim for world peace _.,我们要争取持久的世界和平。,(2)The house is ideal _, but it is too expensive.,从面积上看, 这房子很理想, 但价格太贵。,第,13,讲,短语储存,in the long term,in terms of size,Italy is in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.,意大利位于欧洲南部, 濒临地中海。,句型公式,in,在范围之内,on,在范围之外;接壤,to,在范围之外;可接壤也可不接壤,第,13,讲,句型透视,句型透视,be/lie,【相关拓展】,South ofbe/lie,位于,的南部。,(,属于倒装句句式, 主谓一致要根据后面的名词来决定。,),【活学活用】,(1)Spain is _ France.,西班牙在法国南部。,(2)North of the town _,where many people like eating.,在小镇的北边有两家有名的饭店, 很多人喜欢在那里吃,饭。,第,13,讲,句型透视,on/to the south of,are/lie two wellknown restaurants,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,跟踪训练,.,单词拼写,1,His reading covers a wide r_ of subjects.,2,In the picture the tree is the _,标志, 象征,)of life.,3,The three sides reached an a_ to stop the war.,4,The destination of our journey is a farm _ (,位于,) in the valley.,5,The grocery store was on the o_ side of the street years ago.,ange,symbol,greement,situated/located,pposite,.,选词填空,work on,,,refer to,,,on the other hand,,,ever since,,,little by little,1,Working very hard, he is making progress _.,2,Its not a very nice flat. But _,its cheap.,3,We met ten years ago and _ we have been good friends.,4,Does what he said _ you,?,No idea.,5,He has been _ the machine all the day. Whats wrong with it?,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,little by little,on the other hand,ever since,refer to,working on,.单项填空,12021湖北卷 This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.,Adivision Barea Crange Dcircle,【解析】 C考察名词词义辨析。range名词,这里表示“一系列,表示食物种类繁多。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,2Jack is considerate while his wife is just the _ .,Adifference Bdisagreement,Copposite Dinconsiderate,【解析】 Cjust the opposite恰恰相反。句意为:杰克很体贴,而他妻子那么恰恰相反。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,3,I would like a job which pays more, but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.,A,in other words B,on the other hand,C,for one thing D,as a matter of fact,【解析】,B,句意:我喜欢酬劳更多的工作,但是从另一方面来说,我很满意我现在正在做的工作。,in other words,换句话说;,on the other hand,另一方面;,for one thing,首先;,as a matter of fact,事实上。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,4,He suddenly saw Sue _ the room. He pushed his way _ the crowded people to get to her.,A,across; across B,over; through,C,over; into D,across; through,【解析】,D,across,在,的对面;,through,从,内部穿过。,Sue,在房间的对面应用,across,,穿过人群应用,through,。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,5,John hadnt been able to stop smoking suddenly; he had to control his smoking desire _ .,A,by and by,B,sooner or later,C,little by little,D,from time to time,【解析】,C,by and by,不久以后,不一会儿;,sooner or later,迟早;,little by little(,相当于,step by step),渐渐地;,from time to time,时常地。句意:约翰不能立即把烟戒掉,他得慢慢地控制烟瘾。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,6Beautifully _ in a quiet spot near the river, the hotel attracts a lot of people to stay.,Alocating Blies,Csituated Dsat,【解析】 C考察动词辨析及非谓语动词。从句子构造看,此处需要非谓语作状语,表示“(建筑物等)位于,坐落于,要用短语be situated in/be located in/lie in/sit in, 其非谓语形式那么为situated/located in/lying in/sitting in。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,7As we know, Beethoven is the greatest musician _ .,Afor all the time Bof all time,Cby all times Dat all times,【解析】 B of all time意为“有史以来,常跟最高级搭配。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,8Scientists have found no _ of life on Mars so far.,Asymbols Bsigns,Cmarks Dsignals,【解析】 B考察名词词义辨析。symbol符号,标志,象征; sign招牌,迹象; mark痕迹,记号,分数;signal信号,标志。句意:科学家到现在为止没有发现火星上有生命的迹象。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,9. _ a tough job market, fresh graduates are dreaming of running their own business instead.,AFacing with BFaced with,CFaced up with DFacing to,【解析】 B此题考察非谓语动词。be faced with意为“面临,要对付,由于用作状语,故只保存了faced with,选B。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,102021江西卷 You cant predict everything. Often things dont _ as you expect.,Arun out Bbreak out,Cwork out Dput out,【解析】 Cwork out 按某种方式开展,结果; run out用完,耗尽;break out突然发生; put out熄灭。句意为:通常事情并不会像我们预料的那样开展。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,第,14,讲,Module 2 Developing,第,14,讲,Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries,基础梳理,.单词荟萃,1. _ n. 饥饿 hungry adj. 饥饿的,2. _ n. 贫穷 poor adj. 穷的,3develop v. 开展;成长;开发;冲洗照片 _ n. 开展 _ adj. 开展中的 _ adj. 兴旺的,4educate v. 教育 _ n. 教育,5. _ adj. 无家可归的 home n. 家,第14讲 根底梳理,hunger,poverty,development,developing,developed,education,homeless,6,similarity,n,.,类似, _,adj,.,类似的, _,adv,.,类似地,7. _,adj,.,拥挤的,crowd,v,. &,n,.,拥挤;人群, 群众,8. _,adj,.,不幸的, 可惜的,fortunate,adj,.,幸运的, _,adv,.,不幸地;可惜地, _,n,.,运气, 财富,9. _,n,.,运输, 交通工具,v,运输,transportation,n,.,运输, 交通工具;运输业,10. _,adj,.,污染的,pollute,v,.,污染, _,n,.,污染,第14讲 根底梳理,similar,similarly,crowded,unfortunate,unfortunately,fortune,transport,polluted,pollution,.,短语检测,1,同意做,2,在,顶端,3,在,底部,4,减至;减少到,5,以,幅度增加,6,取得进步,7,努力做某事,8,靠近;接近,9,大小和年龄相似,10,鼓励某人做某事,第14讲 根底梳理,agree to do,at the top of,at the bottom of,reduce to,increase by,make progress,make efforts to do,be close to,of similar size and age,encourage sb. to do sth.,.佳句再现,1Norway is _the list, _ the US is at number 7.挪威高居榜首, 而美国位列第七。,2The report shows that we are _ but that we need to _. 报告显示:我们正在进步, 但是我们必须做出更大的努力。,3Town twinning is not a new idea, but it _ more popular in recent years because its now easier _ about and visit other countries and towns.,姊妹城并不是个新主意, 但是在最近的几年里它变得更受欢送了, 因为现在要了解和参观其他的国家和城市更容易了。,第14讲 根底梳理,at the top of,while,making some progress,make greater efforts,has become,to find out,4,This is _ with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language, and _ you improve fast.,这是因为和外国家庭成员生活一两周意味着你必须说他们的语言, 这样你会进步很快。,.,单元语法,Link words,第14讲 根底梳理,because living,as a result,第,14,讲,单词点睛,单词点睛,1measurev. 测量;衡量, 判定;(长、宽、高等)是n. 尺 寸;措施,衡量,大小,度量单位,,adopt/take measures to do 采取措施做某事,maketo ones own measure 依照某人的尺寸做,measure sb. for sth. 给某人量体裁衣,measure sth. by sth. 用.来衡量,【易错警示】,measure表示“(长、宽、高等)是时是系动词, 没有被动语态;measure作名词, 表示“措施时, 是可数名词, 常用复数形式。,【活学活用】,(1)The government _ to bring down the prices of houses.,政府正在采取措施降低房价。,(2)How can we _,?,我们怎样才能衡量它的价值呢?,(3)The lake _ 130 by 80 kilometers.,这条湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。,第,14,讲,单词点睛,is taking measures,measure its value,measures,2,position,n,.,位置;姿势;职位;地位;处境,v,.,安装;安置,in ones position/place,处在某人的处境,/,地位,put sb. in a difficult position,使某人陷入困难的处境,in/out of position/place,在,/,不在适当的位置,hold a position,拥有一个职位,hold the position of,担任,.,的职务,take up (ones ) position,就任,第,14,讲,单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1)The chairs are all _.,椅子全都放得不是地方。,(2)He _ in the government.,他在政府里担任着要职。,(3)What would you do _,?,你处在我的位置会怎样做呢?,第,14,讲,单词点睛,out of position/place,holds an important position,in my position/place,3figuren数字;(someone who is important or famous in some way)(重要)人物;(the shape of a womans body)身材;肖像, 塑像;人影v. 计算;认为, 估计,画像,figure sth. in将某物算在内,figure _ 理解;弄明白;想出, 算出,看透,推断,figure that 认为, 以为,keep ones figure 保持身材,figure on 方案,打算,预料到,第,14,讲,单词点睛,out,【活学活用】,(1)I cant _ why he is always late.,我不明白他为什么总是迟到。,(2)Have you _ how much the trip will cost?,你有没有算出旅行要花掉多少钱?,(3)_ if I take the night train, I can be in Scotland by morning.,我想如果我坐晚上的火车, 早上就能到达苏格兰。,第,14,讲,单词点睛,figure out,figured out,I figure (that),4,crowded,adj,.,拥挤的,(1)crowd,n,.,人群;群众,v,.,挤满, 塞满;使,拥挤,(2)crowds of/a crowd of,许多,be crowded,_,挤满,crowd into,大批涌入,follow the crowd,随大流,第,14,讲,单词点睛,with,【活学活用】,(1)The hall _ people.,大厅里挤满了人。,(2)Thousands of people _ the narrow streets.,成千上万的人把狭窄的街道挤得水泄不通。,第,14,讲,单词点睛,was crowded with,crowded into,1agree to do sth.同意做某事,agree to sth.同意(方案、安排等),agree _ 赞同某人的意见;和一致;适合,agree _ 在方面达成一致,【易错警示】,agree只能用于表示“主语同意自己去做某事, 而要表示“同意别人去做某事要用allow/permit sb. to do/let sb. do(即“允许某人做某事)。,第,14,讲,短语储存,短语储存,with,on,【活学活用】,(1)We _ meet again the following Monday.,我们同意下周一再见。,(2)I _ you. You should move back to the south for the climate here doesnt _ you.,我赞同你的意见。你应该搬回到南方去, 因为这儿的气候不适合你。,(3)Not all _ the plan. But they _ the date for the meeting at last.,并非所有的人都赞同这个方案, 但最后他们就会议日期达成了一致。,第,14,讲,短语储存,agreed to,agree with,agree with,agreed to,agreed on,(4)Your story doesnt _ what the police have told us. 你讲的和警察告诉我们的不一致。,第,14,讲,短语储存,agree with,2,make progress,取得进步,in progress,在进展中,【易错警示】,progress,是不可数名词, 可以用,much, great,修饰。,第,14,讲,短语储存,【活学活用】,Im glad to see that youve _.,我很快乐看到你取得那么大的进步。,第,14,讲,短语储存,made such great progress,3make efforts/every effort (to do sth.)努力(做某事),make an effort做出努力,make every effort 尽一切努力,spare no effort (to do) 不遗余力;全力以赴,through ones efforts 通过某人的努力,without effort 毫不费力地,with aneffort 努力地,困难地,第,14,讲,短语储存,4. be/get close to (在空间上)靠近地;时间上,数字上或数量上 接近,可能发生,第,14,讲,短语储存,close to,靠近,几乎,close up/to,离,.,很近,在近处,5. up to 直到;到.为止;多至;高达数目;到达程度,第,14,讲,短语储存,be up to 打算做/正在做不好的事胜任,close up/to 离.很近,在近处,Its up to sb. to do sth. 由某人决定.,Its up to you.,由你定。,6. Norway is at the top of the list,while,the US is at No. 7.,第,14,讲,短语储存,while n. 一会儿 for a while,1. 在.时,while conj. (附属连词)


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