广东英语选修7 Unit 4单元复习

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,Unit 4 Sharing,.,单词盘点,核心速记,1. _(,n,. ),两星期,2. _ (,n,. ),观念;概念,3. _ (,adj,. ),有关的;切题的,4. _ (,adj,. ),遥远的;偏僻的,5. _(,conj,. ),否则;不然,(,adv,. ),用别的方法;其他方面,fortnight,concept,relevant,remote,otherwise,6. _ (,vt,. &n,. ),买;购买,7. _ (,n.,),周年纪念,(,日,),联想串记,8. _(,vi,.,&,vt,.,),调整;,(,使,),适合,_(,adj,. ),可调整的,_(,n,. ),调整,调节,适应,9. _ (,vi,. ),参与;参加,_ (,n,. ),参加,参与,_ (,n,. ),参与者,10. _(,vt,.,),捐赠,_ (,n,. ),捐赠,_ (,n,. ),捐赠者,purchase,anniversary,adjust,adjustable,adjustment,participate,participation,participant,donate,donation,donator,11. _ (,adj.,),自愿的;志愿的;无偿的,_ (,n,.,&vi,. ),自愿者,志愿者;自愿做,12. _ (,vt,. ),分配;分发,_ (,n,. ),分配;分发;分布状态,13. _ (,vi,. ),工作;运转,(,vt,. ),操作,_ (,n,. ),手术,运转,_ (,n,. ),操作人员,voluntary,volunteer,distribute,distribution,operate,operation,operator,.,短语互译,1.,接到,的信,_,2.,极想;渴望,_,3.,不久前的一天,_,4.,和,有关,_,5.,参与,;参加,_,6. dry out _,7. dry up _,hear from,(be) dying to,the other day,be relevant to. . .,participate in,(,使浸水等之物,),完全变干,;,干透,(,指河流、井等,),干涸,8. in need _,9. make any (a) difference to _,10. stick out _,11. be up to. . . _,在困难中;在危急中,对,有影响;起作用,伸出,多达,,取决于,.,句型透视,1. make any (a) difference to,对,有影响;起作用,To be honest, I doubt whether Im _ (,对,产生影响,)these boys lives at all.,2.,助动词,do/does/did+,动词原形构成强调句,But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I _ _ (,确实拜访了一个村庄,)which is the home of one of the boys,Tombe,.,making any difference to,did visit a,village,3. from where,引导的定语从句,We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge _(,从那儿我们看到了奇妙的风景,)and then down a steep path to the valley below.,4. once,引导的时间状语从句,_(,火一着起来,),,,he laid stones on it.,5. what if. . .,倘若,怎么办,She was dying to see him again but _ _ (,如果他不想见她怎么办,),?,what if he didnt want to,see her,Once the fire was going,from where we had fantastic views,.,语篇完形,Dear Rosemary,1. _ was wonderful to hear from you. I know you are,2. _ (,die)to,know my life in PNG. The classrooms are,made 3. _ bamboo and the roofs of grass. It takes some boys,two hours or more to get to school. Students have no concept,of doing experiments 4. _ there is no equipment, either.,Sometimes, I wonder 5. _ relevant chemistry is to these,students, most of 6. _ will be going back to their villages,after 7. _(graduate).,It,dying,of,and,how,whom,graduation,I visited a remote village. The huts there were round and there were no windows. So it took time for my eyes 8. _ (adjust) to the dark inside. I could not participate in the conversation, for I couldnt speak much of the local English dialect. It was 9. _ a privilege to have spent a day with,Tombes,family. I really enjoy the work 10. _ a volunteer teacher in PNG.,to adjust,such,as,1.,根据汉语提示完成句子,(1)You cant see through the telescope until it is _(,适应,) to your eyes.,(2)I _(,参加,) in your suffering and joy.,(3)The doctors were _(,做手术,) on the wounded soldier.,(4)Seize the chance, _(,否则,) you will regret it.,(5)Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil _(,干透,).,adjusted,participate,operating,otherwise,dry out,2.,选用句型透视中的句式仿写句子,(1),身为教师,你们必须坚信你们能够影响学生。,_ _,(2),他昨天确实完成作业了。,_,(3),一旦你开始了,就不要放弃。,_,As teachers, you must believe that you can make a difference,to your students.,He did finish his homework yesterday.,Once you start, you will never give up.,核,心,考,点,otherwise,3,年,5,考,operate,3,年,3,考,what if. . .,3,年,1,考,1. participate,vi.,参与,参加;分享,分担,(1)participate in,参加,participate with sb. in,sth,.,与某人分担某事,(2)participant,n,.,参加者,参与的人,participation,n,.,参与;分享,Everyone in class is expected to,participate in,these discussions.,希望全班同学都能参与这些讨论。,She is an active,participant,in this activity.,她积极参与这项活动。,Some of the magic tricks call for audience,participation,.,有些魔术要求有观众的参与。,(,语境填词,),There will be some games to _ _. And all the _ can have chances to win the game. We would be grateful for your _.,participate,in,participants,participation,【,想一想,】,参加活动的表达方法还有哪些?它们有何区别?,【,参考答案,】,participate,in,正式用语,表示参加,参与,;,强调与他人共同参加某一活动,暗示以一种积极的态度参加,可以和,take part in, join in,互换,attend,正式用语,一般用于指参加会议,出席典礼或招待会等,也可以指上学、听课、听演讲或讲座等,join,常用词,作及物动词;通常指参加某组织或团体,并成为其中的一员,其宾语往往是,the army/party/team/club,等,join in,参加正在进行的活动,其宾语一般是竞赛、娱乐、谈话、讨论、聚会、游戏等名词,可以用于,join in (doing),sth,. /join sb. in (doing),sth,.,结构中,例如:,They all,participated in/took part in,the debate.,At the age of eighteen, he,joined,the party.,The children,joined in/took part in,the English Evening and had a good time.,He didnt,attend,school yesterday because of his illness.,Zhou,Enlai,took part in/participated in,the student movements actively when he was at school.,2. otherwise,conj.,否则,不然,adv.,用别的方法,;,其他方面,adj.,别的,另外的,;,不同的,and otherwise,等等,;,及其他,or otherwise,或相反,;,或其反面,Well go early,otherwise,we may not get a seat.,我们得早点去,要不然就没有座位了。,The rent is,high,but,otherwise,the house is satisfactory.,房租是贵,可这房子在别的方面倒令人满意。,Fine _ _, we shall have to go.,不管天气好不好,我们非去不可。,In the kindergarten, children learn to sing, dance, draw _ _.,在幼儿园里,孩子们学习唱歌、跳舞、画画及其他,(,东西,),。,【,点津,】,otherwise,意为“否则,不然的话”时,句子可用虚拟语气表假设。例如:,I was ill that day, otherwise I,would have taken part,in the sports meeting.,那天我病了,否则我会去参加运动会的。,or,otherwise,and,otherwise,3. donate,vt,.,捐赠,赠送,(1)donate,sth,. to sb.,把某物捐赠给某人,(2)make/give/present a donation to sb.,捐赠给某人,send a donation to,把捐款寄至,promise a donation,应允捐赠,She died and _ her cornea to a blind boy.,她去世了,并把眼角膜捐给了一个盲童。,I _ _ _ _ the organization immediately after the dinner.,宴会一结束,我便为该组织捐款。,donated,made,a,donation,to,4. distribute,vt,.,分配,;,分发,The teacher in the kindergarten is,distributing,the gifts,to,the children.,幼儿园的老师正在给小朋友们派发礼物。,The prizes were,distributed among,five winners.,奖品分发给五位优胜者。,The,distribution,of the rescuing goods is under discussion.,救援物资的发放依然在讨论中。,【,归纳,】,填写下列短语,/,单词,distribute,sth,. _,把某物分配,/,分发给,distribute,sth,. _,在,中分发某物,_,n,.,分配;分发,;,被分配状态,to,among,distribution,5. operate,vt,.,运转,;,操作;经营,管理,营业,vi.,工作;运转;起作用,奏效;动手术,根据语境猜词义,The doctor had to,operate on,his daughter that day,.,( ),The machine is,operating,continuously,. ( ),The old man,operates,several companies,. ( ),The sleeping pill,operated,at once,. ( ),给,动手术,运转,运行,经营,管理,奏效,起作用,【,拓展,】,填写适当的介词,operate _ sb.,给某人做手术,_ operation,在运转中的,操作中的,bring/put,sth,. _ operation,使,实施;使,运转,on,in,into,6. make any (a) difference to,对,有任何关系或影响;对,起作用,It,makes a great difference,which you choose.,你选择哪一个,事关重大。,Your support will certainly,make a difference,in our cause.,你的支持当然会在我们的事业中发挥作用。,It doesnt make any difference whether to go there or not.,译:,_,去不去那里没有什么影响。,【,拓展,】,翻译以下短语,make no/a little/much/some difference,_,tell the difference between _,make a difference between _,没有,/,有一点,/,有很大的,/,有一些影响,说出,的差别,区分,7. in need,在困难中,在危急中,A friend,in need,is a friend indeed.,患难见真情。,The difficulty that faces us is the number of those,in need,.,我们面临的困难是需要帮助的人数太多。,The new regulation is,in need of,more support.,新的规定需要更多的支持。,There is no need for,such caution.,不必如此小心谨慎。,There is no need to,keep arguing about such things.,没必要为这样的事情争论不休。,【,归纳,】,写出下列短语,_,需要,_,不需要某物,_,没有必要做某事,in need of,There is no need for,sth,.,There is no need to do,sth,.,8.,What if,he didnt want to see her?,如果他不想见她怎么办?,what if “,如,果,将会怎样;即使,又有什么关系”,为省略结构,相当于,What shall we/I do if. . . ? what if,中,what,可看作是,what should sb. do (,某人该怎么办,),或,what does it matter (,有什么要紧,),或,what would happen (,将会如何,),的省略。,_ _ he _ agree?,如果他不同意该怎么办呢?,_ _ anything _ _ _ the child?,万一这孩子出了差错怎么办,?,What,if,doesnt,What,if,should,happen,to,【,拓展,】,翻译下列句式,What for? _,So what? _,What about. . . ? _,Guess what. . . ?,_,Whats up? _,How come? _,“,为什么?”,(,相当于,Why? ),那有什么了不起,/,那又怎么样呢?,怎么样;,怎么办,?,你知道,吗,?,怎么了?,(,相当于,Whats the matter? ),怎么会这样?,1. relevant,adj.,有关的;切题的,The meeting,is relevant to,the matter in hand.,这次会议与正在进行的事情有关。,In the exams, make sure that everything you write,is relevant to,the questions you have been asked.,在考试时一定要确保你写的所有内容都要切合题意。,What you say,has no relevance to,the subject.,你所说的与主题无关。,【,归纳,】,用适当的词填空,be relevant _= have,sth,. to do with,与,有关,have relevance _,与,有关,have no relevance _=have nothing to do with,与,无关,to,to,to,2. adjust,vi.,vt,.,调整,; (,使,),适合,(1)adjust,sth,. to,sth,.,调整以适应,adjust to,sth,. /doing,sth,.,适应于,(,做,),某事,adjust oneself to,使自己适应于,(2)adjustment,n,.,调整,调节,适应,make an adjustment,作出调整,(3)adjustable,adj,.,可调整的,It took a while for her eyes to,adjust to,the darkness.,她用一小会儿的时间来让眼睛适应黑暗。,This kind of desk can,be adjusted to,the height you need.,这种课桌可以调整到你需要的高度。,Shes in new surroundings, and she has to,make an adjustment,.,她现在在新环境里,需要调整。,(,语境填词,)The desks and chairs are _, and you can _ them _ the height of the students. The _ is not difficult to _.,adjustable,adjust,to,adjustment,make,3. privilege,n.,特权;特别待遇,;,特别优待,vt,.,给予,特权,(1)enjoy privileges,享受特权,have the privilege of doing,sth,. /to do,sth,.,有幸做某事,(2)privileged,adj,.,有特权的,be privileged to do,sth,.,荣幸地去做某事,You can,enjoy,all the benefits and,privileges,of club membership.,你可以享受俱乐部成员的一切福利和特权。,I hope to _ _ _ _ working with them again.,但愿有幸和他们再度合作。,We _ _ _ welcome you as our speaker this evening.,我们荣幸地欢迎你今晚来给我们做演讲。,have,the,privilege,of,are,privileged,to,4. purchase,vt,. & n.,购买;购买的物品,purchase,sth,. from sb.,从某人那里买到某物,make a purchase,采购,I _ the old bike for 100,yuan,_ one of my friends.,我从一个朋友那里以,100,元买了这辆旧自行车。,The WWF asked people not to,purchase,Chinese medicine like “tiger bones”.,世界自然基金会要求人们不要购买像“虎骨”那样的中药。,purchased,from,Ill bring the price down to $30 a piece, if you,make a big purchase,.,如果您大量购买,我就把价格降到每件,30,美元。,【,拓展,】,翻译下列短语,leave sb. to his purchase _,live on ones purchase _,purchase and sale _,【,点津,】,purchase,比,buy,正式,作不可数名词时意为“购买,采购”;作可数名词时意为“购买的物品”。,让某人自谋生路,自谋生计,自找活路,买卖,5. (be) dying to,极想;渴望,The students,are dying to,know the result of the exam.,学生们渴望知道考试结果。,These children in the mountainous area,are dying for,knowledge.,这些山区的孩子们渴求知识。,【,拓展,】,补全下列“,die +,副词或介词”短语,die _,逐渐消失,die _,灭绝,消失,die _,相继死去,die _,平息,die _,死于,【,助记,】,口诀记忆,die,短语,提到“,die ”,短语多,病饿冻死用“,of”,,,相继死亡“,off”,拖,绝种绝迹跟“,out”,,,逐渐消失选“,away”,,急切渴望常用进行时。,away,out,off,down,of/from,【,想一想,】,高考书面表达中常用到表示“渴望”的表达方式,你还能想起哪些?,【,参考答案,】,表示“渴望”的相关短语,be dying for,sth,.,be dying to do,sth,.,be thirsty for,sth,.,be eager to do,sth,.,desire to do,sth,.,have a strong desire for,sth,.,long to do,sth,. /for,sth,.,starve for,sth,.,have an urge to do,sth,.,be keen to do,sth,. /be keen on doing,sth,.,6. (be) up to. . .,多达,;取决于,It,s up to,you whether we accept the present or not.,我们要不要这份礼物由你决定。,He practices playing the piano every day, sometimes,up to,three hours.,他每天都练习弹钢琴,有时达到了,3,小时。,His work,is not up to,the required standard.,他的工作未能达到要求的标准。,【,拓展,】,翻译下列短语,It is up to sb. to do,sth,. _,up to now _,live up to _,go/come up to _,由某人决定做某事,直到现在,达到标准,遵守,走到;走上前,7. We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge,from where,we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.,我们走了两个半小时才到了那儿,先爬了一座山的山顶,从那儿我们欣赏到了奇妙的风景,然后又沿着陡峭的山路到了下面的山谷。,from where,引导的定语从句修饰,a ridge,,在“介词,+,关系词”型定语从句中,关系词常为,which,和,whom,,关系副词,where,和,when,之前一般不加介词,比较特殊的有,from where,和,since when,。,He hid himself in a tree,from where,he could see the enemy in the distance.,他躲在一棵树上,从那儿他可以看到远处的敌人。,She climbed up to the top of the hill, _ she could have a good view of the whole town.,她登上山顶,从那里她可以一览全城风光。,My brother graduated from Beijing Normal University in 2008, _ he worked as a teacher in a middle school.,我哥哥于,2008,年从北京师范大学毕业,从那时起他一直在一所中学当老师。,from where,since when,【,点津,】,在,from which,中,,which,指代的是某个名词或代词;在,from where,中,,where,指代的是副词或介词短语。 例如:,We stood by the window, from where we could see what was happening in the distance.,我们站在窗户边,从那儿我们可以看到远处发生的事情。,There is a small wood near our village, from which we can pick many mushrooms.,我们村子附近有一个小树林,我们可以从那儿采许多蘑菇。,.,用所给词的适当形式填空,1. The worker is annoyed at the machine which is not _ (operate) properly.,2. You cant see things clearly through a telescope unless it is _ (adjust) correctly to your sight.,3. The rest of the money we get is from _ (donate).,4. At present, the _ (,distribute)of,profits cannot satisfy most of the people.,operating,adjusted,donations,distribution,5. Work hard when you are young, _ (otherwise) you will regret it.,otherwise,.,完成句子,1. It took her a long while to _ the new life in high school.,她花了很长一段时间才适应高中的新生活。,2. My back injury prevented me from _ too active sports.,我的背疼使我不能参加剧烈运动。,3. _we are late?,要是我们迟到了该怎么办?,adjust herself to,participating in,What if,4. It doesnt _ whether he comes or not.,他来不来没有什么影响。,5. She is willing to _ a worthy cause.,她愿为高尚的事业捐款。,make any difference,donate money to,.,话题写作,先将下面,5,个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一段小短文。,1.,王华到一个偏僻的小山村做志愿者工作已经两个月了。,2.,她的父母急切盼望收到她的来信,但是信要过两个星期才能到。,3.,王华正忙于适应那里的生活,要不然早就写信了。,4.,王华打算说服她的朋友为那里需要帮助的人捐一些钱。,5.,最后她的父母和朋友都伸出了援助之手。,_,_,_,_,_,_,【,参考范文,】,Wang,Hua,has gone to a,remote,village to do some,voluntary,work for two months. Her parents,are dying to hear from,her, but it will take a,fortnight,to arrive. Wang,Hua,is,adjusting herself to,the life there,otherwise,she has sent a letter to her parents. She plans to persuade her friends to,donate,some money,to,those,in need,. At last, her parents and friends all come to give her a hand.,


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