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Mikes parents,1.Mike and Zhang Peng have a few fun things in spring. What are they,Sports meet, Easter party and,school trip.,2. When is the sports meet,Its in April.,3. When is the Easter party,Its in April, too.,4. When is the school trip,Its in May.,a sports meet,an Easter party,a school trip,March,When is _,Its in _.,April,April,sports meet,English / Chinese test,April,When is _,Its in _.,school trip,绿色圃中学资源网 :/cz.Lspjy,绿色圃中学资源网 :/cz.Lspjy,When is the school trip,Its in May.,May Day,When is Mothers Day,_.,When,is,the_?,Its in .,Group work:,Lets talk,Mike:We have a few fun thins in spring.,After the sports meet,we have an Easter party.,Zhang Peng:When is the party,Mike:Its in April.We have a school trip,too.,Zhang Peng:When is that,Mike:Its in May.,Zhang Peng:Cool!,a few,+ 可数名词复数,s,表示一些。,a few book,s,a few apple,s,after,.之后,before,.之前,after the sports,after class,after dinner,a school,trip,旅行,Lets talk,Mike:We have a few fun thins in spring.,After the sports meet,we have an Easter party.,Zhang Peng:When is the party,Mike:Its in April.We have a school trip,too.,Zhang Peng:When is that,Mike:Its in May.,Zhang Peng:Cool!,We have,a few,fun thins in spring.,After the sports meet,we have an,Easter party,.,When is the party,Its in April.,We have a school,trip,too.,When is that,Its in May.,Cool!,Task3: Fill in the blanks,Mike: We have _ fun things in spring.,After the _, we have an,Easter party.,Zhang: _ is the party,Mike: Its _ April. We have a _ ,too.,Zhang : _ is that,Mike: Its in _.,Zhang: Cool!,a few,sports meet,When,in,school trip,When,May,Task4: Listen and repeat,Task5: pair work,Mike: We have a few things in spring.,After ,we have _.,Zhang Peng: _,Mike: Its in _.,We have _, too.,Zhang Peng:_is that,Mike:_.,Zhang Peng: Cool!,the sports meet,an Easter party,When is the party,May,a school trip,When,Its in May.,Read and say,( ) 1. Tree Planting Day is in February.,( ) 2. Winter vacation is in February and March.,( ) 3. Mothers Day is in May.,( ) 4. Easter is in April.,( ) 5. Childrens Day is in January.,X,March,X,January,V,V,X,June,Group work,Read the dialogue in groups and play the roles,小组读对话,理解对话大意。角色扮演。,评出组内读得最好的一对伙伴或者评出组内“背书小冠军。,Mike: We have a few fun things in spring.,After the sports meet, we have an Easter party.,Zhang : When is the party,Mike: Its in April. We have a school trip, too.,Zhang : When is that,Mike: Its in May.,Zhang : Cool!,Mike: We have a few things in spring.,After ,we have _.,Zhang Peng: _,Mike: Its in _.,We have _, too.,Zhang Peng:_is that,Mike:_.,Zhang Peng: Cool!,the sports meet,an Easter party,When is the party,May,a school trip,When,Its in May.,Write and talk (pair work),根据,Lets talk,内容,完成任务单的填写。,然后同桌根据句型对话。,school trip,sports meet,Chinese/ maths/test,singing contest,A: When is the ,B: Its usually in ,pair work,在,不同的季节,还有什么,节日和有趣的事,可以做呢?根据,主情景图,,和你的同桌编一个新对话吧!,S1:We have a few fun things in _. We have _ and _.,S2: When is _,S1: Its in _. We have _ in _.,S2: When is that,S1: Its in _.,1.英汉连线,并读一读。,1in March a.运动会,2school trip b.唱歌比赛,3Sports meet c.在三月,4Easter party d.复活节晚会,5singing contest e.学校郊游,2.选一选,读一读。,( )1. _ is Tree Planting Day Its in March. A. What B. When,( )2.Winter vacation is _ February.,A. in B. on,( )3.We have a few fun things _ spring. A. in B. on,( )4. When is May Day Its in _. A. June B. May,3. 学生小结:这节课我学到了_。,达标检测,A,B,B,A,Goup work,在,不同的季节,还有什么节日和有趣的事可以做呢?根据主情景图,三人一个小组编一个新对话吧!,We have a few fun things in _.,We have _ and _.,When is _,Its in _.,What do you usually do in_,When is that,Its in _.,供选择的句子:,A: When is the Easter party. B: Its in April.,A: When is school trip B: Its in May.,a few一些,Easter party 复活节,询问某活动日期的句型:,When is +活动 ?,答复:Its in +月份.,注意:in 后面接月份。,Homework,听读背诵Lets talk,默一遍。,根据主情境图中的校历,和同桌说一说感兴趣的月份安排,


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