2017高中英语 Unit 13 People Section Ⅲ Lesson 4Communication WorkshopCulture Corner课件 北师大版必修5

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2017高中英语 Unit 13 People Section Ⅲ Lesson 4Communication WorkshopCulture Corner课件 北师大版必修5_第1页
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栏目导引,知能演练,轻松闯关,要点透析,讲练互动,自学导引,语篇理解,Unit 13 People,Section,Lesson 4,,,Communication Workshop &Culture Corner,Unit 13 People,重点单词,1,_,n,忧虑,,,担心,2,_,v,i,.,怒视,,,瞪,3,_,v,i,.,瞥一眼,4,_,v,.,证实,5,_,v,i,.,叹息,,,叹气,6,_,adj,.,感激的,,,感谢的,7,_,v,t,.,评判,anxiety,glare,glance,confirm,sigh,grateful,judge,8,_,adj,.,过敏的,9,_,n,.,部分,10,_,n,. (,银行,),账户,11,_,n,.,大厦;街区,allergic,section,account,block,12,_,n,复习,_,v,t,.,复习,revision,review,13,_,adj,.,不安的;有罪的,_,n,负罪感,guilty,guilt,14,_,n,同伴,,,伴侣,_,n,&,v,陪伴,companion,company,重点短语,1,_,查,(,单词、号码等,),2,_,禁不住要做某事,3,_,转身,4,_,捡起,5,_,说实话,6,_,多亏了,7,_,弄清楚,8,_,导致,look,up,can,t,help,doing,sth.,turn,around,pick,up,to,be,honest,thanks,to,figure,out,lead,to,重点句型,1,The first time.,第一次,_(,我第一次见到汤姆时,),,,he seemed to be allergic to everything.,2,with,宾语宾语补足语,,,作定语或状语,She was standing _,(,她手里拿着一本书,) near the“English Literature”section.,The,first,time,I,met,Tom,with,a,book,in,her,hands,3,as long as,只要,_,(,只要不把民族类型看得太认真,), it,s fun trying to guess a person,s nationality from their personality.,4,no matter where.,无论哪里,.people are themselves, _,(,无论他们来自哪里,),As,long,as,national,types,are,not,taken,too,seriously,no,matter,where,they,come,from,Read the text on Page 14 and choose the best answer.,1,What was Jane doing in the library the first time she met with Jenny?,A,She was looking up some information in the books.,B,She was studying for an important oral exam.,C,She was waiting for her best friend.,D,She was reading some magazines there.,B,2,What did Jane think of Jenny when she left the library?,A,She thought the girl was inconsiderate and selfish.,B,She thought the girl was just the friend she liked.,C,She thought the girl was so sensitive and friendly.,D,She thought the girl liked Tennyson,s poems.,3,From the story,,,what do you think of Jenny?,A,She is an inconsiderate and sensitive girl.,B,She is a girl who likes music very much.,C,She is a girl who thinks much of herself.,D,She is a helpful and warm,hearted girl.,A,D,1.anxiety,n,忧虑;担心,(,教材,P,14,)The day that I met my best friend for the first time,,,I was full of anxiety.,第一次见到我最好的朋友的那天,,我心里充满了焦虑。,(1)anxious,adj,.,焦虑的,,,不安的,,,担心的,be anxious about/for,担心,;渴望,be anxious to do sth.,急切地想做某事,be anxious that.(should) do sth.,急于让别人做某事,(2)anxiously,ad,v,.,焦急地,The little girl showed a natural anxiety to please her parents.,这个女孩表现出讨好父母的自然的急切心情。,She is anxious _(go) to college now, but anxious _not passing the College Entrance Examination.,她现在渴望上大学,但又担心不能通过高考。,to,go,about/for,The woman was anxious that her son (should) get rid of the bad habit.,这个女人很渴望儿子能改掉坏习惯。,When I entered the room, she was waiting _ (anxious) by the phone.,我进入房间时,她正在 旁焦急地等待着。,We are anxious that he_ (do) his bit.,我们非常希望他能尽到自己的本分。,anxiously,(should),do,单句语法填空,(1)My mother always gets a bit _ if we dont arrive when we say we will. We can even feel her _,(anxious),(2)(2014,天津高考单项填空,)_,(anxious), she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only to find it didnt fit.,Anxiously,anxious,anxiety,2. turn around/round,转身,(,教材,P,14,)I turned around and glared at the person who was singing.,我转过身,,,怒视着唱歌的人。,turn to.,向,求助,/,求救,turn on,打开,(,煤气、自来水、电灯等,),turn up,出现;调大,(,音量等,),turn in,交还;上交;归还;把,交给,(,警方,),turn off,关掉,(,自来水、电灯、收音机等,),turn out,结果是,,,证明是,turn over (,使,),翻过来,,,(,使,),翻倒;考虑,,,思索,turn down,减弱;降低,,,压低,(,力量、声音等,),;拒绝,When I turned around, I saw a man sitting on the ground.,我转过身时,看见一个人坐在地上。,I always turn _ her for help when I am in trouble.,当我处于困境时,我总是向她求助。,It is already nine, but she hasnt turned _,已经九点了,但是她还没有出现。,to,up,My wallet was turned _ to the police two days after it was stolen.,我的钱包在失窃两天后被交给了警察。,Make sure that you turn _all the lights when you leave the room.,确保你离开房间时关掉所有的灯。,Don,t worry. Im sure it will turn out fine.,不要担心,我敢肯定一切都会好起来的。,in,off,3.glance,v,i.,一瞥;匆匆一看;浏览,(,教材,P,14,)I glanced at the books cover.,我瞥了一眼书的封面。,(1)glance at/over/through,浏览;,匆匆地看一眼,(2)at a glance,一瞥;看一眼,take a glance at.,瞥一眼,at first glance,乍一看,He glanced at the watch on the wall and left.,他瞥了一眼墙上的表,然后离开了。,Can you glance _these figures and tell me what you think of them?,你能粗略看一下这些数字,然后把意见告诉我吗?,He took _glance at her as she walked into the room.,她进入房间时,他看了她一眼。,At first glance the place seemed deserted.,乍一看,这地方似乎被废弃了。,a,through,glare,侧重于怒视,,,暗含敌对或威胁的态度,stare,指由于生气、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视着某人或某物,,,stare at,“,凝视,,,目不转睛地看,”,glance,指快速地看或瞥一眼,选词填空,(glare,,,stare,,,glance),(1)She _ shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.,(2)The two boys _ at each other before they fought.,(3)My father _ at the stranger for a long time as if they had known each other before.,glanced,glared,stared,4.pick up,拿起,,,捡起;收听;用车接某人;,(,偶然,),学会;好转,,,改善;,(,廉价,),买到;收拾,,,整理;加快,(,速度,),;恢复,(,教材,P,14,)I picked up my books,,,glared at her and whispered angrily.,我拿起自己的书,,,怒气冲冲地盯着她,,,生气地低声说,写出下列句中,pick up,的含义,(1)She rushed to pick him/her up as soon as the baby began to cry._,(2)I have already asked her to pick her toys up._,(3)Will you pick me up at the airport tomorrow,?,_,(4)I dont think this thing can pick up foreign stations._,抱起,收拾,接,收听,pick out挑选出; 辨别出; 领会,pick ones pocket 扒窃, 掏包,I picked up some Greek when I lived in Greece.,我在希腊生活时无意间学了些希腊语。,The phone rang and I picked it up.,响起,我拿起了话筒。,My husband will pick me _ in the car.,我丈夫会开车来接我。,Having read the passage many times, I finally picked out its main idea.,这段文章我读了许多遍,最终领会了它的主要意思。,up,5.thanks to,多亏;由于,(,教材,P,14,),“,Thanks to your noise,,,I,ve been unable to study.You,re so selfish,!,”,“,由于你的噪音,,,我没法学习了。你真是太自私了!,”,because of,因为,,,由于,(,作状语,),result from,起因于,,,由,造成,(,作谓语,),owing to,由于,(,作表语或状语,),due to,由于,(,作表语或状语,),Thanks to electronic mail, today you can send a letter halfway around the world in seconds simply by pressing a button.,幸亏有了电子邮件,现在你只要按一下按钮就能在几秒内把一封信寄出半个世界了。,The concert has been cancelled owing to lack of support.,由于缺乏资助,音乐会被取消了。,I was late because _ the traffic jam.,由于交通堵塞我迟到了。,of,Due to popular demand,,,a writing project will be started for eager beginners.,由于大众的需求,将为有意愿的初学者开办一个培训写作的课程。,Thanks to your encouragement,,,I made continuous progress in math,,,and finally made up my mind to study it in the university.,多亏你的鼓励,我在数学上不断进步,最后下决心上大学就学数学专业。,6.confirm,v,t.,证实,,,确认;使巩固,,,加强;批准,,,认可,,,使有效,(,教材,P,14,)After confirming that I was,,,Jenny said that she had noticed I,d left my book in the library.,在确认是我后,,,詹妮说她注意到我把书忘在了图书馆,(1)confirm sth./that.,确认,,,证实,It has been confirmed that.,已经确定,(2)confirmation,n,.,证实;证明,To confirm when the flight would take off, you know, I made three calls to the airport but in vain.,为了确认飞机什么时候起飞,你知道吗,我给机场打了三通 ,但是都白费力气。,He looked around to confirm _ he was alone.,他四处张望来确定周围没人。,It has been confirmed that the haze does harm to our health.已经证实了,雾霾对我们的健康有害。,There is no official _ (confirm) of the report.这种传闻仍未得到官方的证实。,that,confirmation,7. cant help doing sth.,禁不住做某事,(,教材,P,14,)I couldnt help laughing at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea.,我禁不住笑了起来,,,并邀请她到我的公寓里来喝杯茶。,can,t help it,没有办法;控制不了,can,t (help) but do sth.,不能不;只好,can,t help (to) do sth.,不能帮助做某事,Hearing the story, I couldnt help laughing.,听了这个故事,我禁不住哈哈大笑。,We can,t help _if he doesn,t appear.,他不来我们也没办法。,You can,t (help) but _(admire) him after,you read his story.,你读了他的故事后不能不对他肃然起敬。,I cant help (to ) clean the house, because I am too tired.,我不能帮助,(,你,),打扫房子,,因为我太累了。,it,admire,8.judge,v,t.,评判,,,断定;评价,n,裁判,,,鉴定家;法官,,,审判官;裁判员,(,教材,P,16,)Its difficult to judge but we thought they might be in the same class and that they were discussing a problem.,这难以判定但我们认为他们可能在同一个班里而且他们当时正在讨论一个问题。,(1)judging by/from.,依据,(,所见、所闻或所学,),来判断,as far as I can judge,据我判断,(,用来说明相信自己,的话没错,,,但没有十足把握,),(2)judgment,n,.,判断,,,判断力;意见,,,看法,,,评价;审判,,,判决,make a judgment,做出评判,/,判断,It seems a good idea, but without all the facts it,s hard to judge.,看起来是个好主意,但在没有掌握所有事实的情况下,难以作出判断。,As far as I can judge, he will win the final match.,据我判断,他会赢得最后的比赛。,_ (judge) by the look on his face, the news must have been terrible.,从他脸上的表情看,肯定是糟糕的消息。,On the one hand I admire his gifts, but on the other hand I distrust his _,(judge),一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。,Judging,judgment,单句语法填空,(1)_ by the video,,,the _ made a right _ in the match.(judge),(2)_ from what he said, he must be an honest man. On the contrary, the _ is not correct. He often steals things, so the _ pointed out that we shouldn,t _ a man by his looks. (judge),Judging,judge,judgment,Judging,judgment,judge,judge,9. devote,v,t.,专心致志于,,,献身于,(,教材,P,17,)She devotes a lot of her time to caring the neighbours.,她把许多时间都用来帮助邻居。,(1)devote.to.,把,奉献于,(2)devotion,n,.,奉献;忠心;深爱,,,挚爱,(3)devoted,adj,.,挚爱的;忠诚的,,,忠实的;,专用于,的,be devoted to,致力于,I,m devoting all my time and energy to being a mom right now.,目前我把所有时间和精力都放在当妈这件事上。,The woman showed _ (devote) to her children.,这个女人一直非常钟爱她的孩子们。,devote,的宾语常使用,attention,,,effort,,,energy,,,life,,,time,或反身代词等;与,devote,连用的,to,是介词,,,后跟名词、代词或动名词。,He always devotes himself to _ (help) the homeless children.,他总是致力于帮助那些无家可归的孩子。,devotion,helping,单句语法填空,(1)The old teacher _ all his life to educating his _ students and he was admired for his _ to his education cause.(devote),(2)Few people are able to _themselves fully to their careers.Once they are _to them, their _must bring them a big success.(devote),(3)_(devote) to teaching the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.,devoted,devoted,devotion,devote,devoted,devotion,Devoted,10.lead to,导致;通到;通向;通往,(,教材,P,18,)This has led to the idea of national types.,这就形成了民族意识。,lead sb. to do/sb.,s doing sth.,导致某人做某事,lead sb. to someplace,领着某人去某地,lead/live a,.life,过,样的生活,lead.into.,把,领进,lead the way,引路;,带路,Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.,食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。,As we all know, all roads lead to Rome.,众所周知,,条条大路通罗马。,The discovery of new evidence led to the thiefs _,(catch),新证据的发现使得小偷被抓住。,being,caught,An official led me along the path _ a large office.,一位官员领着我沿着小路走到一间大办公室。,I want to know what led you _,(take) up acting as a career?,我想知道是什么使你开始从事演艺事业的?,lead to,中的,to,为介词,,,后接名词、,代词或,v,.,ing,形式。,to,to,take,1. (,教材,P,14,)The first time I met Tom,,,he seemed to be allergic to everything.,我第一次见到汤姆的时候,,,他看起来对一切都反感。,(1)the first/second/./last time,本是名词短语,,,但有时可用作连词,,,引导时间状语从句,,,意为,“,第一,(,二、,最后,),次,”,。,He liked the painting the first time he saw it.,他第一次见到这幅画就喜欢上了它。,The last time she saw Tom,,,he was lying in bed.,上次她看见汤姆时,他正躺在床上。,It was a fine country and _we went out,,,it was fun.,乡村很好,我们每次出去,都很有趣。,These changes will take effect _you connect your mobile device.,这些变化会在下次你连接你的移动设备时生效。,Every time you eat dessert,,,you,d better drink green tea.,每次你吃甜点的时候,最好喝点绿茶。,every,time,the,next,time,单句改错,(1)Every time when he comes to see me, he always brings me some books._,(2)The girl fell in love with the city for the first time she came here._,去掉,when,去掉,for,2. (,教材,P,18,)As long as national types are not taken too seriously,,,it,s fun trying to guess a persons nationality from their personality.,只要不把民族类型看得太认真,,,通过他们的个性去猜测一个人的国籍是很有意思的。,as long as,so long as,意为,“,只要;如果;长达,;和,一样长,”,。,(1),有类似结构的短语有:,as far as,远至,;至于,as well as,和,一样;既,又,as soon as,一,就,(2),有相近意义的短语有:,on condition that.,只要,only if.,只要,The old man said that this river was as long as that one.,老人说,这条河和那条河一样长。,You can borrow my bike as long _ you take good care of it.,只要你好好保管,我可以借给你自行车。,Tom, as well as his parents, often _ (go) to the park.,汤姆经常和他的父母一起去公园。,You can leave school earlier on condition that you can get your teachers permission.,只要你能得到老师的许可,你就可以提前离开学校。,as,goes,一句多译,我的父母不在乎我做什么工作,,,只要我快乐就行。,(1)My parents dont care about my job,_,(2)My parents dont care about my job,_,as,long,as,I,am,happy,on,condition,that,I,am,happy,3. (,教材,P,18,)Nationalities may influence personalities,,,but at the end of the day,,,people are themselves,,,no matter where they come from.,国籍可能会影响性格,,,但是归根结底,,,无论他们来自哪儿,,,他们都是他们自己。,(1),这是一个并列复合句。句中,but,连接两个并列句,,,表示转折;,but,后的句子中包含一个由,no matter where,引导的让步状语从句,,,表示地点。,(2)no matter,“,无论,,,不管,”,,,后面常跟,how,,,what,,,who,(whom),,,when,,,where,,,which,等疑问词,,,意为,“,无论如何;无论什么;无论谁;无论何时;无论何处;无论哪一个,”,。引导让步状语从句时,,,可分别与,however,,,whatever,,,whoever(whomever),,,whenever,,,wherever,,,whichever,等引导的让步状语从句互换。,No matter where you go,,,you should let your parents,know.,Wherever you go,,,you should let your parents know.,无论你去哪儿,你都应该让你的父母知道。,_ you may go,,,you will not find a better place,than your home.,No matter _ you may go,,,you will not find a,better place than your home.,无论你去哪里,你都不会找到一个比家还好的地方。,Wherever,where,No matter _ the season is,,,it,s very,important to protect your eyes.,不管什么季节,保护眼睛是极其重要的。,However hard you try,,,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.,无论你多么努力,如果不减少饮食,那么减肥是很难做到的。,what,


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