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But _,its cheap.,3,We met ten years ago and _ we have been good friends.,4,Does what he said _ you,?,No idea.,5,He has been _ the machine all the day. Whats wrong with it?,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,little by little,on the other hand,ever since,refer to,working on,.,单项填空,1,2010,湖北卷, This restaurant has become popular for its wide _ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.,A,division B,area C,range D,circle,【解析】,C,考查名词词义辨析。,range,名词,这里表示,“,一系列,”,,表示食物种类繁多。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,2,Jack is considerate while his wife is just the _ .,A,difference B,disagreement,C,opposite D,inconsiderate,【解析】,C,just the opposite,恰恰相反。句意为:杰克很体贴,而他妻子则恰恰相反。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,3,I would like a job which pays more, but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.,A,in other words B,on the other hand,C,for one thing D,as a matter of fact,【解析】,B,句意:我喜欢酬劳更多的工作,但是从另一方面来说,我很满意我现在正在做的工作。,in other words,换句话说;,on the other hand,另一方面;,for one thing,首先;,as a matter of fact,事实上。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,4,He suddenly saw Sue _ the room. He pushed his way _ the crowded people to get to her.,A,across; across B,over; through,C,over; into D,across; through,【解析】,D,across,在,的对面;,through,从,内部穿过。,Sue,在房间的对面应用,across,,穿过人群应用,through,。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,5,John hadnt been able to stop smoking suddenly; he had to control his smoking desire _ .,A,by and by,B,sooner or later,C,little by little,D,from time to time,【解析】,C,by and by,不久以后,不一会儿;,sooner or later,迟早;,little by little(,相当于,step by step),渐渐地;,from time to time,时常地。句意:约翰不能立即把烟戒掉,他得慢慢地控制烟瘾。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,6,Beautifully _ in a quiet spot near the river, the hotel attracts a lot of people to stay.,A,locating B,lies,C,situated D,sat,【解析】,C,考查动词辨析及非谓语动词。从句子结构看,此处需要非谓语作状语,表示,“(,建筑物等,),位于,坐落于,”,,要用短语,be situated in/be located in/lie in/sit in,其非谓语形式则为,situated/located in/lying in/sitting in,。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,7,As we know, Beethoven is the greatest musician _ .,A,for all the time B,of all time,C,by all times D,at all times,【解析】,B of all time,意为,“,有史以来,”,,常跟最高级搭配。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,8,Scientists have found no _ of life on Mars so far.,A,symbols B,signs,C,marks D,signals,【解析】,B,考查名词词义辨析。,symbol,符号,标志,象征;,sign,招牌,迹象;,mark,痕迹,记号,分数;,signal,信号,标志。句意:科学家到现在为止没有发现火星上有生命的迹象。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,9. _ a tough job market, fresh graduates are dreaming of running their own business instead.,A,Facing with B,Faced with,C,Faced up with D,Facing to,【解析】,B,本题考查非谓语动词。,be faced with,意为,“,面临,,要对付,”,,由于用作状语,故只保留了,faced with,,选,B,。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,10,2011,江西卷, You cant predict everything. Often things dont _ as you expect.,A,run out B,break out,C,work out D,put out,【解析】,C,work out,按某种方式发展,结果;,run out,用完,耗尽;,break out,突然发生;,put out,熄灭。句意为:通常事情并不会像我们预料的那样发展。,第,13,讲,跟踪训练,第,14,讲,Module 2 Developing,第,14,讲,Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries,基础梳理,.,单词荟萃,1. _,n,.,饥饿, hungry,adj,.,饥饿的,2. _,n,.,贫穷, poor,adj,.,穷的,3,develop,v,.,发展;成长;开发;冲洗照片, _,n,.,发展, _,adj,.,发展中的, _,adj,.,发达的,4,educate,v,.,教育, _,n,.,教育,5. _,adj,.,无家可归的, home,n,.,家,第,14,讲,基础梳理,hunger,poverty,development,developing,developed,education,homeless,6,similarity,n,.,类似, _,adj,.,类似的, _,adv,.,类似地,7. _,adj,.,拥挤的,crowd,v,. &,n,.,拥挤;人群, 群众,8. _,adj,.,不幸的, 可惜的,fortunate,adj,.,幸运的, _,adv,.,不幸地;可惜地, _,n,.,运气, 财富,9. _,n,.,运输, 交通工具,v,运输,transportation,n,.,运输, 交通工具;运输业,10. _,adj,.,污染的,pollute,v,.,污染, _,n,.,污染,第,14,讲,基础梳理,similar,similarly,crowded,unfortunate,unfortunately,fortune,transport,polluted,pollution,.,短语检测,1,同意做,2,在,顶端,3,在,底部,4,减至;减少到,5,以,幅度增加,6,取得进步,7,努力做某事,8,靠近;接近,9,大小和年龄相似,10,鼓励某人做某事,第,14,讲,基础梳理,agree to do,at the top of,at the bottom of,reduce to,increase by,make progress,make efforts to do,be close to,of similar size and age,encourage sb. to do sth.,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,跟踪训练,.,单词拼写,1,The lake is seriously p_. As a result, many fish has died.,2,T_ goods by train can reduce pollution.,3. _ (,可惜的是,), I wont be able to attend the meeting.,4,Its hard to m_ his ability when we havent seen his work.,5,Friendship takes time and effort to _ (,培养,),olluted,ransporting,Unfortunately,easure,develop,.,选词填空,agree to (do),,,make efforts,,,increase by,,,be close to,,,encourage us to (do),1,We have made great progress but we need to _ more _.,2,Peter, my English teacher, never fails to _ study hard.,3,He didnt allow me to use his computer, but he _ type the report for me.,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,make,efforts,encourage us to,agreed to,4,I dont mind where we go on vacation as long as it _ a beach.,5,They are trying to _ profits _ 10 percent.,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,is close to,increase,by,.,单项填空,1,2010,陕西卷, You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _you, I suppose.,A. agree with B. agree to,C. agree on D. agree about,【解析】,A,考查动词短语。句意为,“,你看起来气色很好,我想三亚的空气和海鲜食品肯定适合你,”,。,agree with,适宜于,的健康和体质。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,2,I wonder how much you charge for your services.,The first two are free _ the third costs $30.,A,while B,until C,when D,before,【解析】,A,考查连词辨析。,while,在这里表示对比。答语意为:前两种服务免费,而第三种服务要,30,美元。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,3,Great attention must be paid _ welfare, especially in the poor area.,A,develop B,to develop,C,to developing D,developing,【解析】,C,考查非谓语动词形式和常用搭配。,pay attention to,中的,to,为介词,其后跟动名词,且,to,不能省略。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,4,Well make some suits for you to your own _ .,A,height B,size,C,measure D,weight,【解析】,C,考查词语辨析和常用搭配。,maketo ones measure,为固定短语,意为,“,按某人的尺寸定做,”,。其他不符合搭配习惯。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,5,In recent years, China and the USA have had a lot of _ of views about the same problem.,A,replacements B,transformations,C,changes D,exchanges,【解析】,D,句意:近几年中美两国在相同的问题上交流了很多观点。,exchange,用作可数名词,意为,“,交换;交流;互换,”,,,exchange of views,交流观点。,replacement,代替,取代,更换;,transformation,变化,转变,变形。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,6,The result of the test shows that most of the students have made much _ .,A,progress B,increase,C,movement D,attempt,【解析】,A,考查名词辨析。根据题意可知考查,make progress,这个短语。,increase,增加;,movement,运动,移动;,attempt,尝试。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,7,They had to stand for hours without changing _ .,A,position B,state,C,situation D,location,【解析】,A,考查名词辨析。,position,位置,姿势,姿态;,state,情形,情况;,situation,地点,场所;,location,位置,场所。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,8,2011,安徽卷, As the story_,,,the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered.,A. begins B,happens,C. ends D. develops,【解析】,D,考查动词辨析。句意:随着故事的发展,关于那个奇怪的人物的真相慢慢地被发现了。空白处应填,develop,,表示,“,发展,”,。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,9,Last night he saw two dark _ enter the building, and then there was the explosion.,A,features B,shapes,C,figures D,images,【解析】,C,feature,特征;,shape,形状,外形;,figure,人影;,image,图像,形象。根据语境,C,项合适。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,10,One advantage of playing the guitar is _ it can give you a great deal of pleasure.,A,how B,why C,that D,when,【解析】,C,本题考查表语从句。,that,引导表语从句,在从句中只起连接作用,不作任何成分,一般不能省略。,it can give you a great deal of pleasure,是一个完整的句子,所以要用,that,引导。,第,14,讲,跟踪训练,Dear Tommy,I am really feeling bad that you are being troubled by overweight these days.,_,Yours,Li Hua,阅读写作,(,七,),词句模板,Also, dont forget to take more exercise. You know, every afternoon after class I play basketball together with my classmates.,Hope you feel better and look forward to good news about you.,Yours,Li Hua,阅读写作,(,七,),词句模板,Also, dont forget to take more exercise. You know, every afternoon after class I play basketball together with my classmates.,Hope you feel better and look forward to good news about you.,Yours,Li Hua,阅读写作,(,七,),词句模板,第,15,讲,Module 3 The Violence,第,15,讲,Module 3 The Violence of Nature,基础梳理,.,单词荟萃,1,experience,n,.,经验;经历,v,.,经历, 体验,_,adj,.,有经验的,2. _,adj,.,暴力的 ,violence,n,.,暴力,3,eruption,n,.,喷发 ,_,v,.,喷发,4. _,n,.,可能 ,possible,adj,.,可能的 ,_,adv,.,可能地,_,adj,.,不可能的,5. _,adj,.,令人可怕的 ,terrify,v,.,使害怕 ,_,adj,.,害怕的,第,15,讲,基础梳理,experienced,violent,erupt,possibility,possibly,terrifying,terrified,impossible,6. _,adv,.,幸运地 ,lucky,adj,.,幸运的 ,_,n,.,幸运,7,active,adj,.,积极的 ,_,adv,.,积极地 ,_,n,.,积极, 活动,8,occur,v,.,发生,_,过去式,_,过去分词,occurrence,n,.,发生的事情;发生, 出现,9,strike,v,.,袭击 ,_,过去式,_,过去分词,10. _,adv,.,感激地,thankful,adj,.,感激的,11. _,adv,.,满怀希望地, 有希望地,hopeful,adj,.,满怀希望的,第,15,讲,基础梳理,luckily,luck,actively,activity,occurred,occurred,struck,struck,thankfully,hopefully,12. _,adv,.,伤心地, 难过地,sad,adj,.,伤心的, 难过的,_,n,.,伤心, 难过,第,15,讲,基础梳理,sadness,sadly,.,短语检测,1,拿起;拾起;搭载;学会;收听,2,平均,3,有史以来,4,到,时为止,5,结束;告终,6,扑灭,7,放火烧,8,总共,9,带来损害,10,使某人无家可归,第,15,讲,基础梳理,pick up,on average,of all time,by the time,end up,put out,set fire to,in all,do/cause damage,make sb. homeless,.,佳句再现,1,They can destroy houses, but,leave,the furniture inside exactly _.,他们,(,龙卷风,),能够毁坏房子, 但是房子里的家具却留在原地。,2. _,there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1, 500 injured.,平均来说, 美国每年发生,800,次龙卷风, 造成大约,80,人死亡,,1500,人受伤。,第,15,讲,基础梳理,where it was,On average,【,活学活用,】,1.,根据语境判断,strike,在下列句中的含义,(1)The plan strikes me as ridiculous. _,(2)His knee struck against the chair. _,(3)It was dark in the room so he struck a match. _,(4)An earthquake struck this area last year. _,(5)A good idea struck me and I decided to go abroad.,_,第,15,讲,单词点睛,让,(,某人,),觉得,碰撞,划,(,火柴,),袭击,突然想到,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,跟踪训练,.,单词拼写,1,The fire r_ the books in the library.,2,There is a _ (,可能性,) of rain tonight.,3,An earthquake sometimes causes great d_.,4,Shes over 80, but is still very a_ in many things.,5,Its known that smoking can c_ lung cancer.,uined,possibility,amage,ctive,ause,.,选词填空,in all,,,set fire to,,,by the time,,,pick up,,,on average,1. _ you arrive, I will have left.,2. _,I spend two hours doing my homework every day.,3,Sorry, I have to go to _ my son from school.,4,How much money does he owe you _,?,5,Have the police found out who _ the building?,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,By the time,On average,pick up,in all,set fire to,.,单项填空,1,2010,天津卷, It rained heavily in the south,,,_ serious flooding in several provinces.,A. caused B. having caused,C. causing D. to cause,【,解析,】 C,现在分词作状语,起补充说明的作用。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,2,2010,天津卷, Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and _ as a manager.,A. ended up B. dropped out,C. came back D. started off,【,解析,】 A,考查动词短语。,end up,as a result,it turns out to be,结果是,以,为结局。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,3,2011,安徽卷, _,,,I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.,A. Hopefully B,Normally,C. Thankfully D,Conveniently,【,解析,】 C,考查副词。,hopefully,怀有希望地;,normally,通常地;,thankfully,感激地,感谢地;,conveniently,方便地。句意:谢天谢地我最终成功地完成了比赛,所受的痛苦都是值得的。根据句意,,C,为正确答案。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,4,Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to _ them too hard.,A,draw B,strike C,rush D,push,【,解析,】 D,考查动词辨析。句意:鼓励你的孩子去尝试新事物,但不要把他们逼得太紧了。,push,推,挤,逼迫;,strike,打,罢工,划燃;,rush,冲进,匆促行事,催;,draw,拉,拖,挨近,提取,画,绘制。根据句意,应选,D,。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,5,By the time he realizes he _ into a trap, itll be too late for him to do anything about it.,A,walks B,walked,C,has walked D,had walked,【,解析,】 C,考查时态。句意:等到他意识到他已经掉进了一个陷阱的时候,对他来说做什么补救措施都为时已晚。在表时间、条件、让步的状语从句中,现在完成时可用来表示将来某时以前已完成的动作。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,6,I got caught in the rain and my suit _ .,A,has ruined B,had ruined,C,has been ruined D,had been ruined,【,解析,】 C,考查动词的时态和语态。很显然,主语,my suit,和谓语动词,ruin,之间是被动关系,但,had been ruined,又不符合时间关系,所以只有选,C,。当然此题如果用,was ruined,也是可以的。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,7,Some of these books are _ . Please put them in right order.,A,out of order B,out of place,C,out of control D,out of the question,【,解析,】 B,out of place (,in the wrong place or at the wrong time; not suitable; improper)(,作表语用,),在错误的位置;不适宜, 不得体。句意:有些书位置不对, 请把它们按顺序放好。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,8,It _ that she was out when we called.,A,struck B,came about,C,occurred D,happened,【,解析,】 D,It happens that,碰巧发生某事。句意:我们打电话时她碰巧出去了。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,9,The flood this summer caused serious _ to the crops in Northeast China.,A,damage B,harm C,hurt D,injury,【,解析,】 A,damage,意为“损坏,毁坏”;,harm,指精神上或物质上的危害;,hurt,多指精神或感情方面的伤害;,injury,着重指偶然事故对人的“损害”。,damage,符合句意。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,10,He felt rather _ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the dinner party.,A,in place B,in the way,C,by the way D,out of place,【,解析,】 D,out of place,的意思是“位置不当,不得体,不适当”。,in place,在适当的位置,适当;,in the way,以某种方式;,by the way,顺便。由句意可知应选,D,。,第,15,讲,跟踪训练,第,16,讲,Module 4 Sandstorms,第,16,讲,Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia,基础梳理,.,单词荟萃,1. _,adj,.,吓人的, 可怕的,_,adj,.,害怕的,_,vt,.,使害怕,fright,n,.,惊吓,2. _,n,力气, 力量; 长处,_,v,.,加强,strong,adj,.,强壮的,3. _,n,.,环境, 围绕, 外界,environmental,adj,.,环境的; 有关环境的,4,pollute,v,污染,_,adj,.,受污染的,_,n,.,污染,第,16,讲,基础梳理,frightening,frightened,frighten,strength,strengthen,environment,polluted,pollution,5,major,adj,.,主要的, 较大的,_,n,大多数,6. _,adj,.,关心的, 担心的 ,concern,n,.,关心, 担心,7. _,adj,.,急迫的, 紧急的,urgency,n,.,紧急;紧急的事,8,complain,v,.,抱怨, 投诉 ,_,n,.,抱怨, 投诉,9. _,adv,.,绝对地, 完全地,absolute,adj,.,绝对的, 完全的,10,protection,n,.,保护,_,v,.,保护, 防护,第,16,讲,基础梳理,majority,concerned,urgent,complaint,absolutely,protect,.,短语检测,1,受困于, 遭遇,2,砍倒,3,作为,的结果;由于,4,建议某人做某事,5,阻止某人做某事,6,接受;理解;吸收,7,分发;发出;用完;耗尽,8,忍不住做某事,9,简言之;概括地讲,10,改善环境,第,16,讲,基础梳理,be caught in,cut down,as a result of,advise sb. to do,prevent/stop sb. (from) doing sth.,take in,give out,help but do/cant but do,nutshell/in short,improve the environment,.,选词填空,preventfrom, in a nutshell, give out, cant help but, take in,1. _,the customers insisted they get their money back.,2,What _ their plans _ being carried out?,3,I want to go out to _ some fresh air.,4,Make sure all the papers _ to the students before 9 oclock.,5,Looking at the night sky, one _ wonder if there are other forms of intelligence out there.,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,In a nutshell,prevented,from,take in,are given out,cant help but,.,单项填空,1,Has Games arrived?,Not yet. He might be _,in a traffic jam.,A,sticking,B,caught,C,trapping,D,held,【,解析,】 B,be caught in,受困于,遭遇;,A,、,C,项正确的表达是,be stuck/trapped in,。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,2,What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _ ?,A,given out B,put out,C,held up D,used up,【,解析,】 A,考查动词短语辨析。句意:当世界上所有石油用光之后我们该使用什么能源?,give out,run out,,意为“用完,用光”,不能用于被动句式;,put out,意为“扑灭”;,hold up,意为“举起,使,停顿”;,use up,意为“用光”,在本题应使用被动形式。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,3,Mary didnt _ what I read because her mind was on something else.,A,hold on B,catch on,C,take in D,get over,【,解析,】 C,take in(,understand),理解。,hold on(,打电话时,),不要挂断;,catch on,明白,(,作不及物动词用,),;,get over,克服。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,4,Our English teacher is ill, and we are all _ her health.,A,concerned about B,careful about,C,grateful for D,anxious of,【,解析,】 A,考查短语辨析。句意:我们英语老师病了,我们很关心她的健康。,be concerned about,意为“关心,挂念”,符合题意。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,5,He seemed _ the news, for there was not any surprise on his face when I told him about it.,A,to learn B,to have learned,C,to be learning D,students,【,解析,】 B,考查不定式。根据语境可知,他好像已经知道那个消息了,因此要用不定式的完成时。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,6,To make the students perform well, the teacher first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses.,A,strong B,strengths,C,strength D,stronger,【,解析,】 B,此题的关键是,weaknesses,。与,weaknesses,相对,此处应选,strengths,。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,7,When I was very young, I was terribly _ of school, but I soon _ it.,A,frightening; got off,B,frightened; got across,C,frightening; got away,D,frightened; got over,【,解析,】 D,考查,ed,形式和,ing,形式的形容词用法和短语的辨析。,be frightened of,害怕;,get over,克服,摆脱,(,某种情绪,),。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,8,During the opening ceremony, “Miss Smile” has won the hearts of Chinese Internet users after being caught _ the same smile for nearly 20 minutes.,A,fixed B,to be fixed,C,to fix D,fixing,【,解析,】 D,选项作主语补足语,与主语,Miss Smile,有逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用现在分词。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,9,Do you let your kids travel alone at night?, _ They are still young.,A,Absolutely not! B,It depends.,C,Why not? D,It is up to them.,【,解析,】 A,根据语境可知,说话者认为孩子们还小,不让他们晚上独自外出。因此选,A,。,第,16,讲,跟踪训练,10,Another problem is that while smarter child can _ information more exactly and faster than any human, he lacks common sense.,A,invent B,create,C,process D,produce,【,解析,】 C,考查动词辨析。句意:另一个问题是虽然较聪明的儿童能够更准确、更快地加工信息,但是他缺少常识。,invent,发明;,create,创造;,process,加工;,produce,生产。,第,16,讲,


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