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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 11,What time do you go to school?,get up,eat breakfast,take a bus,go to school,have a class,have lunch,play sports,go home,5:30,do homework,watch TV,take a shower,go to bed,get up,eat breakfast,take a bus,go to school,have a class,have lunch,play sports,go home,do homework,watch TV,take a shower,go to bed,have,dinner,起床,吃早饭,乘车,去上学,上课,吃午饭,做运动/进行体育活动,回家,吃晚饭,做作业,看电视,洗澡,睡觉,Phraces:,;,Revise 1 to 60:,one two three four five six seven,eight nine ten eleven twelve,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen,seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty,twenty-one thirty forty fifty sixty,What is it?,What can a clock do ?,It can help you know the,time,.,It can,tell,you the time.,Time is money.,Time is life.,Its,two o five,.,What time is it , please?,Its,three ten,.,What time is it , please?,Its,seven fifteen,.,What time is it , please?,Its,seven twenty,.,What time is it , please?,Its,nine twenty-five,.,What time is it , please?,Its,seven thirty,.,What time is it , please?,Its,eight thirty-five,.,What time is it , please?,Its,eight forty,.,What time is it , please?,Its,three forty-five,.,What time is it , please?,Its,ten fifty,.,What time is it , please?,Its,ten fifty-five,.,What time is it , please?,What time is it , please?,Its,twelve oclock,.,30分钟以内,past,刚好30分钟,half past,30分钟以后,to,正点,oclock,1._ oclock,点钟数,3. half past _,点钟数,2. _ past _,分钟数,点钟数,4. _ to _,差分钟数,下一点钟数,时间表达法,5.,15,分钟,a quarter past,_,点钟数,6.,45分钟,a quarter to,_,下一点钟数,Its two o five .,What time is it , please?,Its five,past,two .,Its three ten .,What time is it , please?,Its ten,past,three .,Its seven fifteen .,What time is it , please?,Its,a quarter past,seven .,Its seven twenty .,What time is it , please?,Its twenty,past,seven.,Its seven thirty .,What time is it , please?,Its,half past,seven .,Its eight thirty-five .,What time is it , please?,Its twenty-five,to,nine.,Its eight forty .,What time is it , please?,Its twenty,to,nine .,Its three forty-five .,What time is it , please?,Its,a quarter to,four .,What time is it , please?,Its one fifty-eight .,Its two,to,two .,pairwork,Whats the time?,What time is it?,Its.,1. 点钟数 + 分钟数,eg: 6: 15,7: 29,2. 分钟数 +,past,+点钟数,(分钟数不超过30分),eg: 6: 15,7: 29,8: 30,3. 差分钟数 +,to,+下一点钟数,(分钟数超过30分),eg: 5: 45,9: 39,six fifteen,seven twenty-nine,a quarter,past,six,twenty-nine,past,seven,half past,eight,a quarter,to,six,twenty-one,to,ten,Three ways,to express the same time,Two ways of telling the time :,7:00,7:05,7:10,7:15,7:25,7:30,7:35,7:40,7:45,7:50,seven/seven,oclock,seven o five/five,past,seven,seven ten/ten,past,seven,seven fifteen/,a quarter,past,seven,seven twenty-five/twenty-five,past,seven,seven thirty/,half,past,seven,seven thirty-five/twenty-five,to,eight,seven forty/ twenty,to,eight,seven forty-five/,a quarter,to,eight,seven fifty/ten,to,eight,go to school,get up,run,eat breakfast,take a shower,a,d,b,e,c,1a/b,I: What time do you usually get up, Rick?,R: Um, I usually get up,at five oclock,.,I: Five oclock. Wow! And what time do you run?,R: Un.,At six oclock,.,I: Hmm. And breakfast?,R:,Seven oclock,.,I: What time do you usually shower?,R: Un,eight oclock,.,I: What time do you usually go to school?,R: I usually go to school,at nine oclock.,pairwork,What time do you usually.?,I usually . at.,get up 6:30,eat breakfast 6:45,go to school 7:00,begin your class 7:20,have lunch 12:15,play sports 4:50,go home 5:05,do your homework 6:00,go to bed 10:30,pairwork,What time does he usually.?,He usually . at.,get up 6:30,eat breakfast 6:45,go to school 7:00,begin his class 7:20,have lunch 12:15,play sports 4:50,go home 5:05,do his homework 6:00,go to bed 10:30,V-s,watch TV 7:45,What time does Wang Hai usually ?,He usually goes to bed at 9:00.,He goes home for supper at about 5:30.,At 12:00 he has lunch.,At 8:00 he begins his classes.,H,e usually gets up at 6:30.,At 7:10 he goes to school.,At 7:00 he has his breakfast.,2a:,Rick has _ brothers and _,sisters. Ricks family has _ shower.,two,two,one,Time,Name,5:00,Bob,Mary,Jerry,Rick,Alicia,6:00,7:00,8:00,2b:,9:00,2a:,I: You have a big family, dont you, Rick?,R: Yes, I have two brothers and two sisters.,I: Wow! How many showers do you have?,R: We only have one shower.,I: Is that difficult?,R: No, because we have a shower schedule.,My brother Bob takes a shower first,at,5:00.,I: Wow! Thats early!,R: Yeah. Then my sister Mary takes a shower,at,6:00. next my brother Jerry takes a,shower,at,7:00, I take a shower,at,8:00,my sister Alicia,at,9:00.,Answer the questions:,When does Alicia take a shower?,Does Bob take a shower at five oclock?,When does Mary take a shower?,Does Jerry take a shower at eight oclock?,When does Rick take a shower?,She takes a shower at eight oclock.,Yes, he does.,She takes a shower at six oclock.,No, he doesnt.,He takes a shower at eight oclock.,I usually go to school at 7:00.,否定句,I,dont,go to school at 7:00.,一般疑问句,Do,you,go to school at 7:00.,Yes, I,do,.,No, I,do,nt,.,What time,do,you usually go to school?,He usually,goes,to school at 7:00.,否定句,He,does,nt,go,to school at 7:00.,一般疑问句,Does,you,go,to school at 7:00?,Yes, he,does,.,No, he,does,nt,.,What time,does,he usually,go,to school?,I get up at,six thirty,.,She eats breakfast,at a quarter past seven,.,Jerry goes to school,at seven fifteen,.,Mary takes a shower at 8:00. (,一般疑问句,),My father goes to work at half past eight.(,同上,),(提问),What time do you get up?,What time does she eat breakfast?,When does Jerry go to school?,Does Mary take a shower at 8:00?,Does your father go to work at half past eight?,3a:,Scott works very long hours. He usually,gets up,at 17:oo. He washes his teeth and,has,a shower, then he,eats his breakfast,.,What a,funny time,to eat breakfast!,After breakfast,he,plays,his,guitar, then he,goes to work,. To,get to,work, he,takes the number 17 bus,to a hotel.,The bus usually,takes him to,work at 19:15.,He works,all night,. People,love to,listen to,him. He,gets home,at 7:00, and he,watches,morning TV,. He,goes to bed,at 8:30.,Can you think what his job is?,2,1,4,3,1.,at,seven oclock,in,the morning,at,eight thirty,in,the morning,at,half past eight,in,the morning,3.,at,five oclock,in,the afternoon,at,seven fifteen,in,the afternoon,at,a quarter past seven,in,the afternoon,at 7:00 am,at 8:30 am,at 5:00 pm,at 7:15 pm,Action,Time (1),Time (2),Work,Get up,Get to work,Get home,Go to bed,long hours,all night,17:00,19:15,7:00,8:30,5:00 pm,7:15 pm,7:00 am,8:30 am,Fill in the chart,Answer the questions:,When,does Scott get up?,When does he play his guitar?,When does he get to work?,What time,does he get home?,What time does he go to bed?,At 17: 00.,At 5:00 pm.,After his breakfast.,At 19: 15.,At 7: 15 pm.,At 7: 00.,At 7: 00 am.,At 8: 30.,At 8: 30 am.,Scott works very _ hours. He usually_,at 17:00. He takes a shower and then _.,breakfast he plays his_ then he _.,To get to work, he _ the number 17 bus to a,hotel. The bus takes him to work at 19:15.,He works_. People love to _him.,He _at 7:00, and he _morning TV.,He _at 8:30. Can you think what his,_is?,long,gets up,eats his breakfast,funny time,After,guitar,goes to work,takes,all night,listen to,gets home,watches,goes to bed,job,Whats the time, please?,Its eight fifty-nine.,What time is it, please?,Its one to nine.,What time is it, please?,Its eleven five.,Its five,past,eleven.,Whats the time, please?,Whats the time,please?,Its ten,past,ten.,Its ten ten.,What time is it, please?,Whats the time, please?,Its ten twenty-five.,Its,twenty-five,past,ten.,What time is it, please?,What time is it, please?,Its one forty-five.,Its,a,quarter,to,two.,Whats the time, please?,Whats the time, please?,Its twelve,noon,midnight,What time is it, please?,am,pm,What time is it, please?,Whats the time, please?,Its one fifty.,Its ten to two,Golden eyes,The first clock is 3:00.,The second clock is 12:00.,The third clock is 1:00.,Golden eyes,The first clock is 12:00.,The second clock is 2:00.,The third clock is 2:10.,Ask and answer,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词形式需作以下几种变化:,规则,动词原形,第三人称单数形式,一般动词在词尾加,-s,,,在清辅音后读/,s,/,,在浊辅音或元音后/,z,/;,在t后读/,ts,/,,在d后读/,dz,/。,help,swim,play,get,ride,helps /help,s,/,swims /swim,z,/,plays /plei,z,/,gets /ge,ts,/,rides /rai,dz,/,以字母,s, x, ch, sh,结尾的动词加,es,读/,iz,/。如果动词原形词尾已有,e,。则加,s,;以,o,结尾的动词也加,es,读/,z,/。,guess,close,go,gues,s,es,/ges,iz,/,clos,e,s,/cl,uz,iz,/,g,o,es,/g,u,z,/,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,,y,变,i,在加,es,读/,z,/。,study,stud,ies,/st,di,z,/,What do you usually do in the,Good,morning!,in the morning,on Sunday morning,.,afternoon,evening,morning?,afternoon?,evening?,in the morning,in the,afternoon,in the,evening,eat breakfast,go home,eat dinner,go to bed,do,homework,People usually,eat breakfast,in,the morning,.,When do people usually,eat breakfast,?,When do people usually eat breakfast?,When do people usually do homework?,When do people usually eat dinner?,When do people usually go to bed?,pairwork,They usually eat breakfast,in the morning,.,They usually do homework,in the afternoon,.,They usually eat dinner,in the evening,.,They usually go to bed,in the evening,.,Listen and circle the activities you hear.,2a,run do my homework get up,take a shower eat dinner go to school,eat breakfast go to bed eat lunch,go home,I: Thanks for the interview, Tom.,We want to know about your day.,T: OK.,I: When do you get up?,T: When do I get up? Hmm. Usually around five,oclock. Then I run around six.,I: You run at six in the morning?,T: Uh-huh.,I: And what time do you eat breakfast?,T: Breakfast? Usually around seven. And then I,usually go to school around eight oclock.,I: Wow! And you go home at?,T: Four-fifteen in the afternoon.,I: And what do you do in the evening?,T: I do my homework around five-thirty.,And I eat dinner at seven fifteen. And I,go to bed at nine oclock.,I: Thats early! But then you get up early.,T: Uh-huh.,listen again and write the times next to the actions,2b,gets up _ runs _,eats breakfast _ goes to school _,goes home _ does homework _,eats dinner _ goes to bed _,5:00,6:00,7:00,8:00,4:15,5:30,7:15,9:00,Answer the questions,When does Rick usually get up?,What time does Rick usually run?,When does he usually eat breakfast?,What time does he usually go to school?,He usually get,s,up,at 5:00 am.,He usually run,s,at 6:00 am.,He usually eat,s,breakfast,at 7:00 am.,He usually go,es,to school,at 8:00 am.,Answer the questions,5.When does Rick usually go home?,6.What time does Rick usually do his homework?,7.When does he usually eat dinner?,8.What time does he usually go to bed?,He go,es,home,at 4:15 pm.,He usually do,es,his homework,at 5:30 pm.,He usually eat,s,dinner,at 7:15 pm.,He usually go,es,to bed,at 9:00 pm.,Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about,my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six fifteen.,I do my homework at six thirty. and then I eat my,breakfast at around seven thirty. At around eight,oclock, I go to school. School starts at nine oclock.,Please write and tell me about your morning.,Love.,Jane,_,_,_,gets up,eats breakfast,goes to school,Read Janes massage to her pen pal and write down,what she does at these times.,3a,Actions,Times,6:15,6:30,7:30,8:00,9:00,get up,do homework,eat breakfast,go to school,School starts.,Fill in the chart,start school,3b,Dear Jiang Min,Do you want to know about my morning? Well,I usually _ at _. At _ I,_, then I _ at _.,I _ at _. Please write soon.,Best wishes.,Tom,get up,5:00,6:00,run,eat breakfast,7:00,go to school,8:00,Writing .书面表达发。,works, all, mother, night, his,_,2. music, love, all, to, listen, we, to, Twins,_,3. you, name, can, what, his, think, is,_,4. usually, movies, he, go, does, to, the,_,5.family, write, please, and, me, about, tell, your,_,His mother works all night.,We all love to listen to Twins music.,Can you think what his name is?,Does he usually go to the movies?,Please write and tell me about your family.,Exercises :(完成句子1.我早上5点起床。 I _ _ at 5 in the _.2.Mary 晚上7点做作业。 Mary _ _ at 7 in the_.3.你什么时候回家? When do you _ _ ? 我下午6点回家。 I _ _ at 6 in the _.4.Tony什么时候睡觉 。 When _ Tony _ _ _? 他晚上9点睡觉。 He _ _ _ at 9 in the evening.,Complete the dialog.补权对话。,Henry:,David, its time to get up.,David:,Really? _?,Henry:,Its 7:35.,David:,what? Its 7:35now? I must get up. (David is going to school.),Henry:,Hey, David , wait! Just sit down and have breakfast.,David:,I have no time for breakfast._.,Henry:,What are you late for?,David:,_. School starts at 8:00.,Henry:,Well,_?,David:,Aha!_.,Henry:,Yes, you dont have classes on weekends.,What time is it/ Whats the time,Im late,Im late for school.,What day is it today,Its Saturday/ Sunday,Davids day,Activity,Time,get,s,up,6:00a.m.,ha,s,breakfast,7:00a.m.,7:30a.m.,get,s,to school,11:30a.m.,go,es,home,4:30p.m.,get,s,home,ha,s,dinner,10:00p.m.,go,es,to school,.,ha,s,lunch,5:00p.m.,7:00p.m.,go,es,to bed,Tonys day .,When do you,get up,?,When do you,run,?,What time do you,eat breakfast,?,When do you,go to school,?,What time do you,start your school,?,When do you,eat lunch,?,When do you,play sports,?,What time do you,go home,?,When do you,do your homework,?,When do you,watch TV,?,What time do you,go to bed,?,Answer the questions,I usually at . I have milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, I and then I by bus. I get to school at . I have five classes in the morning. And then I have lunch at . In the afternoon I have two classes. I go home at . I get home at 4:30p.m. I at about . After dinner, I . I at . My life isnt exciting.,Practice,书面表达,I am a student. Every day I _up at 6:00. Then I eat my _at about 6:30. I _to school at 6:45.I often have lunch at 12:00. I often _basketball before I _home. I get home at 7:00. _7:30 I have my supper. At night, I _ TV at 8:00.Then I _ my homework. I _to bed at 10:00.,get,breakfast,go,play,go,At,watch,do,go,Jims day,An article,My Day,thanks,


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