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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,2,What can you do?,Module,Unit 2,I can run really fast.,Words and expressions,monitor,start,get on well with sb.,ready,ready to do sth.,promise,fast,fit,just,n.班长,监督员,n.开始,开端,与某人相处融洽,adj. 乐意的,乐于做某事,v. 承诺,保证,快的地;快速的地,adj. 健康的,强健的,adv.就,正好,ball,game,team,best,score,tidy,sure,everybody,beautiful,just like,n.球,n.运开工程,n.队伍,球队,adj. 最好的,n.得分,成绩,adj. 整齐的,整洁的,v. 收拾,整理,adj .确信的,有把握的,pron.每个人,adj. 美丽的,正如,正像,cook,煮,play table tennis,打乒乓球,ride a bike,骑自行车,sing,唱,dance,跳舞,play football,踢足球,play the piano,弹钢琴,speak Chinese,说汉语,Watch and read,课 文 知 识 点 讲 解,Id like to be,the class monitor. I,get on well with,everyone, classmates and teachers. I work very hard, and I,do well at school,. Im kind and I,m,always,ready to,help others. I can even help teachers too.,Choose,me,as,your class monitor and I,promise to,help you!,想成为,与,相处融洽,be ready to,乐意做某事,chooseas,选,为,保证做某事,I,want to be,the PE monitor. I,enjoy,sport, and I can,run really fast,. I,m,really,fit,and healthy. Just watch me in the playground,between lessons,! I play most ball games well. But I,m,really,good at,football, and I play basketball in the school team. I usually,get the best score,in every match.,Choose,me,for,the PE monitor and you can get the best score too!,想成为,enjoy doing sth.,be good at,擅长做某事,得到最好的分数,课间,Id like to be the cleaning monitor.,I often,help,my mother,do,cleaning at home,and,I like a clean and tidy house.,Im sure,everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. Choose me and,we can,make,our classroom,beautiful,.,make + sb. / sth. +,形容词,.,使某人或某物处于某种状态,help sb. do sth.,= help sb. with sth.,帮助某人做某事,现在是新学期的开始,我们正在选新一届的班委。,我想当班长。我和每个人,无论同学还是老师都相处得很融洽。我学习刻苦,成绩优秀。我很善良,总乐于助人,针织还能帮老师的忙。选我做你们的班长吧,我保证会帮助你们的!,我想当体育委员。我喜欢运动,跑的很快,非常强健。就看看课件我在操场上的样子吧!大局部的球类运动我都很擅长,但是我最擅长的是足球,而且我还是学校篮球队的队员。通常,我在每场比赛都得最高分。选我做体育委员吧,你们也能取得最好的成绩。,我希望成为卫生委员。我在家经常帮妈妈清扫房间,我喜欢又干净又整洁的房子,我相信每个人都想要一个干干净净的教室,就像家一样。选我吧,我们可以把教室装扮的更漂亮。,Fast-reading,What would,Lingling,like to be?,What does,Daming,want to be?,What would Tony like to be?,She would like to be the class monitor.,He wants to be the PE monitor.,He would like to be the cleaning monitor,.,A2,.Now check (,) the true sentences.,1.Lingling doesnt get on well with others.,2.Lingling is kind to everyone.,3.Daming is good at sports so he wants to be the PE monitor.,4.Daming plays football for the school.,5.Tony doesnt like cleaning.,6.Tonys home is tidy.,gets,basketball,likes,1. get on (well) with 和相处得好,,would like to be =want to be 想成为,3. be ready to do sth. 准备做某事,乐意/愿意做某事,4. choose sb. as 选某人做,5 promise to do sth. 保证/容许/承诺做某事,6. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事=like doing sth. enjoy oneself = have a good time 过的愉快;玩的开心,7. make beautiful 使美丽,1.I get on well with everyone.,我和每个人都相处的很好。,get on well with sb.,和某人相处融洽,/,好,相当于,get along (well) with,get on well with sth.,在某方面进展顺利,Eg.,他和同学及老师相处的很好。,He gets on well with his classmates and teachers.,他学习很突出。,He gets on well with his study.,Language points,2.Im always ready to help others.,我总是乐意帮助别人。,be ready to do sth.,乐于做某事,be ready for sth.,为,-,做准备,Eg.,我们准备举行一个生日晚会。,Were ready to have a birthday party.,我们在为晚会做准备。,We are ready for a party.,3. Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help you.,选我当班长,我容许帮助你。,1choose sb. as- 选某人作为,2promise (sb.)to do sth.“容许(某人),4. I often help my mother do cleaning at home.,我在家经常帮我母亲清扫卫生。,在英语中,常常在do之后接动词ing形式,表示,“做某事。,Eg. do some shopping/reading/washing,购物/看书/洗衣服,5. We can make our classroom beautiful.,我们能让我们的教室漂亮。,make,意为:,(1),选,制作,Eg.make lanterns/make a cake,(2),让,-,怎么样,make sb./sth.+adj.,Eg.,骑自行车使我健康。,Riding a bike makes me healthy.,6. enjoy doing sth.,喜欢做某事,=like doing sth. enjoy oneself = have a good/great/nice/wonderful time = play happily,过的愉快;玩的开心,everybody =everyone,每个人 用法:做主语时,动词用单数形式。,make sb./,sth,. +,形容词 使某人,/,物, make sb. do,sth,.,使某人做某事,3. Underline the correct words.,How to choose your monitors,A good class monitor gets on well with(1) classmates/,everybody and (2) promises/ likes to help you.,A good PE monitor enjoys sport and is usually(3) fit/,tidy. They often play (4) basketball/ the piano or other,sports in the school (5) team/ class. They always try to,get the best (6) score/help in a match.,A good cleaning monitor is (7) bad/ good at cleaning.,They make the classroom (8) just/ best like home.,4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the,expressions from the box.,get on well with,相处得好,good at,擅长,ready to,准备,1. Lingling is a kind girl and she is always_,help others.,2. Everybody likes her because she_,others.,3. Daming plays football and is _ sport.,ready to,gets,on well with,good at,稳固提高,1,、,Everybody _ in the classroom.,A. are B. is C. have D. has,2,、,The presents make him _ excited.,A. feel B. feels C. feeling D. to feel,3,、,She enjoys _ some cleaning at home.,A. to do B. does C. doing D. do,5,、,Hes always ready _help others.,A. to B. at C. for D. about,6,、,Eating fruit and vegetables is _ your health.,A. good to B. good at,C. good with D. good,for,一、 单词拼写,1. Id like to be the class _(,班长,) .,2. He _ _ _ _ everyone,(,与,相处融洽,),3. I _(,保证,) to help you,4. He is really fit and _ (,健康,).,5. Im sure _(,每个人,) would like to be a clean classroom.,monitor,gets on well with,promise,healthy,everyone,二、 短语填空,good at,擅长,,would like to,想要,,be ready to,准备,,get on well with,相处融洽,,be kind to,友好对待,1. Tom _ _ _ join the Misic Club.,汤姆想要参加音乐俱乐部。,3. I can _ _ _ _ my classmates.,我能与同学相处融洽。,4. He paints very well, that means he,_ _ _painting.,5.Lingling _ _ _ us, so we all like her.,玲玲对我们很好,所以我们都喜欢她,6. _ you _ _start?,(,你准备好开始了吗,),would like to,get on well with,is good at,is kind to,Are ready for,重点难点,一网打尽。,六、 用适当的介词、副词填空,1.We should get on well _ each other at school.,2. Good luck _ you!,3. Its too cold here. Why not put _ your coat?,4. Get _ at the cinema, then turn left.,5. Can you help me _ my Math?,with,to,on,off,with,Good bye!,


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