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He,is,asleep.,(,二,).,选出句中谓语,I dont like,the picture on the wall.,A. dont B. like C. picture D. wall, The days get longer and longer when summer comes.,A. get,B. longer C. days D. summer, Do you usually go to school by bus?,A. Do B. usually C. go D. bus, There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon.,A. be B. meeting C. the library D. afternoon,(,B,),(,A,),(,C,),(,A,),3.,Predicative,:(表语),She is a,nurse.,Five and five is,ten,.,He is,asleep,.,Our teacher is,in,.,A bag is,on the desk,.,My key is,lost,.,The question is,whether they will come,.,(,名词,),(数词),(形容词),(副词),(介词短语),(形容词化的分词),常见连系动词,状态系动词,用来表示主语的状态,只有,be,动词一词。,持续系动词,用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况和态度。主要有,keep , stay, remain,等。,感官系动词,也叫半系动词,主要有,look,,,feel, smell, sound, taste.,变化系动词,用来表示主语怎么样,主要有,become,,,grow, turn, fall, get,等。,归纳:,比较:,The dinner smells good.,(晚餐闻起来很香。),The girl is smelling the flower.,(那女孩正在闻着花。),I can smell something burning.,(,我能闻到有一股烧焦的味道。,),Eg:,He is a teacher.,We must keep our classroom clear.,Everyone should stay healthy.,That sounds interesting.,The orange tastes good.,The day gets longer in summer.,He became mad after that.,(,三,),挑出下列句中的表语,The old man was feeling very tired., Why is he worried about Jim?, The leaves have turned yellow., Soon they all became interested in the subject., He is the first man to know about it., tired worried yellow, interested first,4. Object: (,宾语,),1),I like,China,.,He hates,you,.,How many do you need? We need,two,.,I enjoy,playing basketball,with you.,I hope,to see,you again.,Do you know,where he lives,?,(,名词,),(代词),数词,动名词,(动词不定式),(宾语从句),2,),He bought,me,a book,yesterday.,=He bought a book for me yesterday.,Give,the poor man,some money.,=,Give,some money,to,the poor,man.,(,四,),挑出下列句中的宾语,My brother hasnt done,his homework., People all over the world speak,English.,You must pay good attention to,your pronunciation,.,How many new words,did you learn last class?, Some of the students in the school want,to,go swimming.,his homework English your pronunciation, new words to go swimming,5. Objective complement,(,宾语补足语,),We elected him monitor.,We shouldnt make them unhappy.,I found nobody in.,Please make yourself at home.,Dont let him do that.,My mother asked me to make the bed.,Dont keep the lights burning.,Ill have my bike repaired.,(,五,),挑出下列句中的宾语补足语,She likes the children to read English in the morning., He asked her to take the boy out of school., She found it difficult to finish the work., They call me Meimei sometimes., I saw Mr. Wang get on the bus., Did you hear him singing the song?,6. Attribute,:,(,定语,),YuYan is an,English,teacher.,She is,my,good friend.,We belong to the,third,world.,He was advised to teach the,lazy,boy a lesson.,The man,over there,is my husband,The woman,with a baby in her arms,is my sister.,(名词),(代词),(数词),(形容词),(,副词,),(,介词,),The boys,playing football,are in Class 2.,The trees,planted last year,are growing well now.,I have an idea,to do it well,.,You should do everything,that I do,.,(现在分词),(过去分词),(不定式),(定语从句),(,六,),挑出下列句中的定语,They use Mr. Mrs. with the family name., What is your given name?, On the third lap are Class 1 and Class 3., I am afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor., The man downstairs was trying to sleep.,7. Adverbial,:,(,状语,),I will go there,tomorrow,.,The meeting will be held,in the meeting room,.,The meat went bad,because of the hot weather,.,He studies hard,to learn English well,.,He didnt study hard,so that he failed in the exam,.,I like singing,very much,.,If you study hard, you will pass the exam.,He goes to school,by bike,.,Though he is young, he can do it well.,(时间),(地点),(原因),(目的),(结果),(程度),(条件),(方式),(让步),(,七,),挑出下列句中的状语,There was a big smile,., he heard the noise upstairs., He began to learn English, The man on the motorbike was travelling, Miss Li hurried off.,on her face,Every night,when,he,was eleven.,too fast.,With the medicine box under her arm,Thanks for your,listening,!,


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