基础英语4 Unit7TimetoStopExcuses

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Unfortunately, the boss found out and tell me to get his permission in future.,maternity/sick/compassionate leave:,time that you are allowed to spend away from work because you have had a baby, because you are ill, or because of a personal problem such as the death of a relative,产假,/,病假,/,照顾性准假,e.g. She was allowed,compassionate leave,from work to attend her fathers funeral.,internship:,c,AmE,a job that lasts for a short time, that someone, especially a student, does in order to gain experience,实习生身份,voluntary work,British English,/,volunteer work,American English,(=a job you are not paid for),义务工作,志愿工作,e.g. Shes very taken up with,voluntary work,at the moment.,她目前大部分时间和精力都用在志愿工作上了。,a combination of work and study offered to a high school or college student by a school so that he can gain some work experience, often used in the phrase a,work-study program,in,American English,半工半读;勤工俭学,e.g. Vocational secondary schools should definitely be carrying out,work-study,programmes,.,职业中学搞半工半读是肯定的 。,apprenticeship:,c & u,the job of being an apprentice, or the period of time in which you are an apprentice,学徒的身分,学徒的年限,e.g. In November I finished my,apprenticeship,.,11,月我的学徒阶段结束了。,He is not yet,out of,his,apprenticeship,.,他尚未满师。,Mrs,Wangs son is,serving,his,apprenticeship,as a carpenter.,王太太的儿子正跟着一位木匠当学徒。,He,serves a six-year apprenticeship,in the steel work.,Expressions of recruiting/firing,interview,make inquiries about,an opening/a vacancy, apply for a position, employ, fire, lay off, dismiss, sack,解雇,award,(a project to a construction company), be transferred,调动的,from one department to another,let someone go,be made redundant,被解雇的,失业的, out of work,Expressions of positions /job titles,supervisor, senior engineer, leader, chairman of the department (of mathematics),dean,(of the foreign language school), president of (the university, college, etc.), manager,chief executive,行政长官;董事长;美国总统;(美国的)州长, general manager, department manager, chairman of the board, members of the board, secretary, clerk, technicians, assistant, intern,.,实习生,实习医师, security guard,janitor,award:,vt,.,to officially decide that someone should receive a payment or a formal agreement,授予,award,sb,sth,e.g. The government,awarded,a German company the contract.,to make someone leave their job - used in order to avoid saying this directly e.g. Im afraid we had to,let,several of our staff,go,.,redundant:,adj.,BrE,if you are redundant, your employer no longer has a job for you【,主英,】(,因人员过剩而,),被解雇的,失业的,make a job/position etc redundant,e.g. I regret having to,make,so many staff,redundant,.,我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。,janitor:,especially,AmE,someone whose job is to look after a school or other large building,British Equivalent:,caretaker,(,公寓、学校等处的,),照管房屋的工友;看门人,Listening,New words,1,Answers to the questions,2,conscientious:,adj.,careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do,认真的,勤勤恳恳的,e.g. She is a,conscientious,teacher. We should be,conscientious,to our work.,live up to,sth,:,if,sth,or someone lives up to a particular standard or promise, they do as well as they were expected to, do what they promised etc,实践,;,不辜负,e.g. She tries up to,live up to,her ideals.,We will never fail to,live up to,what our parents expect of us.,patrol:,巡逻,巡查,ledge:,壁架,;,架状突出物,e.g. a window,ledge,窗台,hold back:,退缩,sergeant:,警察小队长,警官,cite,sb,(for,sth,),:,to mention someone because they deserve praise,表扬,表彰,A good cops story,What makes John a good policeman?,John likes his job as a cop. He feels its the best job in the world. He is conscientious, has a strong sense of justice and fairness, and respects the law. John,exerts himself,努力;尽力,to the utmost,尽全力,竭力,and tries to live up to his ideals.,Has Johns job as a policeman been easy & safe?,No. Being a policeman in New York is difficult and dangerous. Besides, he works in a rough neighborhood. He has been shot, spit at, and hit with bottles, rocks, sticks, and Molotov Cocktails. Once he risked his life to save a man from jumping off a ledge 23 stories up from the street.,Why was John awarded citations?,John is given awards for his bravery, his quick thinking and performance in emergencies.,Why dont some people like policeman in Johns district?,John admits that there are bad cops on the force, cops who dont always obey the rules and who sometimes use too much force and injure people.,Part 1,Speaking,Part 1,P.120:,Make a decision,Discussion:,Who would you hire? Why and why not?,Requirements:,Each group should give a Close analysis.,Try to use the expressions in the box and more expressions such as:,No one is perfect.,The aim of a company is ,As far as profit is concerned ,Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.,Passion is absolutely the hard and fast rule in sales promotion.,What is the use of having a guy who can only ,Activity,A,Reading Comprehension & Language Activities,Pre-reading Task,Text,Part 1,1,2,H,Pre-reading Task,Fill in the blanks,If they want to meet somebody, _.,If they have made an appointment,.,If they are late, _.,If they cannot come, _.,If they attend a business meeting, _.,Usually they work from _ till _.,Their lunch time is generally from _ to _ oclock.,They telephone first to make an appointment.,They arrive a few minutes early,They would apologize and explain what happened,They will make phone calls to explain,They will talk about business,first and chat later,9:00 a.m.,5:00 p.m.,12:00,1:00,What would a British or American person do in the following situations?,Time to Stop Excuses for lateness,1.,There are always a couple of people in every office who are habitually late for work. How should a manager,handle,the problem in a multicultural environment? Should he be patient because different cultures have their own concepts of time? Or should he take,disciplinary,action?,2.,Scholars tell us that Westerners and Asians,approach,time differently.,Culturally, Westerners live more in the present and the near future. Asians live more in the ancient past or in the distant future.,3.,Asians try to avoid a,neurotic,slavery to time, viewing life as a passing moment in eternity,来世,来生;不朽;永恒,. They enjoy the sense of “,zero gravity,” that comes from traveling without an immediate goal or an urgent objective.,4.,To many Asians, life is a long journey and happiness is simply not,a matter of,time.,Instead of rushing, they prefer to maintain a steady pace.,handle n. ,建,把手;柄;,v.,处理;操作;驾驭;运用;买卖;触摸,e.g. Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minster,handles,the crisis,.,This office,handles,thousands of,enquiries,every day.,Hes not a very good teacher- he doesnt know how to,handle,children,.,disciplinary:,adj.,relating to the punishment of someone who has not obeyed rules, or to trying to make people obey rules,有关纪律的;执行纪律的;惩戒性的,to take disciplinary action against,处分,e.g. The investigation led to,disciplinary action,(=things you do to punish someone),against,two officers.,approach:,vt,.,to begin to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way or with a particular attitude,处理、对待,着手处理,开始对付,approach a problem/task/matter etc,e.g. It might be possible to,approach,the problem in a different way.,从文化角度来说,西方人更多地生活在当前和不远的将来,而亚洲人却更多地生活在古老的过去和遥远的未来。,neurotic:,adj.,unreasonably anxious or afraid,神经过敏的,神经质的,e.g. He is a bit,neurotic, but his wife is a very stable person.,他有点神经质,但他的妻子是一个非常稳重的人。,亚洲人尽力避免成为时间的神经质的奴隶。生活在他们看来只是永恒中的匆匆一瞬。他们喜欢旅游所带来的那种“失重”感,没有近期目标,也没有紧急任务。,e.g. The quality of the ambulance service is,a matter of life and death,.,It is,a matter of fact, not,a matter of opinion,.,I cant say which wine is best - its,a matter of personal taste,.,She couldnt take the money. It was,a matter of principle,.,It is,not simply,a matter of deciding,what price you wants to pay.,他们喜欢按部就班,不愿来去匆匆。,Time to Stop Excuses for lateness,Quietly watching the seasons change or children grow is certainly not considered a waste of time.,5.,Westerners believe that happiness is just,over the next hill,. A little more time, money or struggle will get them there. Americans, in particular, live by time-pressing schedules and deadlines,.,6.,But how does this insight,见解,,,so studiously,stju:disli,注意地,compiled,编译,by academics, relate to the need for punctuality in the office,?,Should we,extrapolate,from,this difference in cultural outlook that its,justified,for some employees to,be tardy in,todays office life,?,Does it mean that a manager should,disregard,punctuality,as,an office discipline,?,7.,On the surface, it might seem that a manager may have to be more tolerant about punctuality with some cultural groups than others.,静观季节的变化、儿女的成长也不认为是在虚度光阴。,here, a,metaphor,that means achievable with one effort.,西方人相信幸福就在不远的前方。多花点时间,多费点金钱,多下点工夫就能达到。尤其是美国人,他们就靠时间紧迫的日程安排和最后期限而生存。,the theory is worked out painstakingly by scholars,但是学究们深思熟虑悟出的这一见解又是如何与上班守时这一问题联系起来的呢?,extrapolate,:ekstrpleit,vt,. & vi.,to use facts about the present or about one thing or group to make a guess about the future or about other things or groups,预测,推测,extrapolate (,sth,) from,sth,e.g. It is possible to,extrapolate,future developments,from,current trends.,One can,extrapolate,the size of the building,from,the measurements of an average room.,从一间屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小。,justified:,adj.,having an acceptable explanation or reason,有正当理由的;合乎情理的;事出有因的,justified in doing,sth,e.g. The policeman,was justified in shooting,the criminal in self-,defence,.,那个警察出于自卫枪击罪犯是正当防卫。,As the goods were damaged, she felt fully,justified in asking,for her money back.,因商品损坏,她认为有充分理由要求退款,.,Her pride in her achievements is,justified,.,她为自己的成就而自豪,这是理所当然的,.,here, be undisciplined,是否我们应该从这种文化方面的差异得出结论,一些雇员上班拖拖拉拉就是合情合理的?,disregard:,vt,.,to ignore,sth,or treat it as unimportant,忽视,不顾,不理会,disregardas,e.g. We cannot,disregard,his coming late to work so often.,对他上班经常迟到,我们不能不管。,Disregarding,all the difficulties, we arrived here in time.,尽管有那么多困难,我们仍然及时地到达了这儿。,还是说这意味着一个管理者应该忽略守时这一工作守则呢?,justify:,vt,.,to give an acceptable explanation for,sth,that other people think is unreasonable,证明,.,是正当的,;,为,.,辩护,;,是,.,的正当理由,justify doing,sth,e.g. How can you,justify,your rude,behaviour,?,They found it hard to,justify,their sons giving up a secure well-paid job.,他们难以理解儿子竟放弃了收入颇丰的稳定工作。,How can we,justify spending,so much money on arms?,Tiredness cannot possibly,justify,your treating staff this way.,你不能以疲劳为理由就这样对待职工。,Time to Stop Excuses for lateness,But this is,unwarranted,in an urban civilization.,It would,give credence to,the academic literature that implies the time orientation in such a culture is,inferior to,that in the West.,8.,This confuses two entirely different things: observance,惯例;遵守,of punctuality and the philosophical perception of time.,9.,A persons belief that time is measured in centuries rather than in seconds has nothing to do with his ability to,show up,on time at the office every day. No Asian employee would ever use a cultural excuse for being late. He may certainly employ more modern excuses such as a traffic jam, a slow watch, or a parking problem. These excuses are the same as those used by office workers in the West. Why is it considered acceptable to be consistently late for these reasons in Asia, while in the West such a person would be considered undependable and,untrustworthy,?,unwarranted:,adj.,done without good reason, and therefore annoying,无根据的;未经授权的,e.g. Much of the criticism was totally,unwarranted,.,credence:,kri:dns,u,formal,the acceptance of,sth,as true,相信,;,信任,give credence to,sth,e.g. Dont,give credence to,all the gossip you hear.,不要相信你听到的闲话。,The newspapers are,giving no credence to,the governments latest statements,报纸没有证实政府的最新声明。,它将使人相信此种文化的时间观念比西方的时间观念逊色这一学术论调。,这便混淆了两种截然不同的事情:遵守时间和对时间的哲学观。,show up,:,informal,to arrive, especially at the place where someone is waiting for you,出席,;,露面,-SYN,turn up,Time to Stop Excuses for lateness,10.,The problem, perhaps, is that in our social life in Asia we tend to be more,tolerant of,friends and relatives who make us wait for half an hour at,a downtown,rendezvous,.,We do not think they are,taking,our friendship or affection,for granted,. We do not consider them,guilty of,disrespect. What is worse, we let them,exonerate,themselves with,dubious,excuses.,11.,But how we react to latecomers in our social lives is a matter of individual choice. In the world of modern business we,cannot afford that flexibility,.,12.,Nobody minds if a person is late to work,once in a blue moon,. Punctuality should not be allowed to become a,fad,. But in an office environment, there has to be a climate of discipline in which people respect the keeping of time.,13.,Even in those companies which maintain flexible time, there are set hours when employees must be present in the office.,tolerant:,adj.,allowing people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them,宽容的,容忍的,tolerant of/towards,-OPP,intolerant,e.g. a,tolerant,attitude/,tolerant,man,She,was tolerant of,different views.,rendezvous,:,rndivu,:, -,dei,-,c usually singular,a place where two or more people have arranged to meet,约会地点,guilty:,adj.,having done,sth,that is a crime,有罪的,犯,.,罪的,guilty of,OPP,innocent,e.g. The man was,proved guilty of,murder.,这个男子被证实犯了杀人罪。,The jury,found,her,guilty of,murder.,陪审团认定她犯有杀人罪。,exonerate,:,iznreit,vt,.,to state officially that someone who has been blamed for,sth,is not guilty,使免罪,exonerate,sb,from/of,sth,e.g. He was totally,exonerated of,any blame.,dubious,probably not honest, true, right etc,我们不会认为他们不把我们的友谊和亲情当回事儿。我们也不会认为他们失礼。更糟糕的是,我们还容许他们用含糊其辞的借口来为自己开脱。,This means that in the business world everyone must observe punctuality,once in a blue moon:,informal,very rarely,罕见的,几乎永无地,千载难逢的时期,e.g. We are so busy. We only go home to visit my folks,once in a blue moon,.,我们很忙,我们难得回家去看我父母。,Such a chance comes once,in a blue moon,.,这样的机会极其难得。,fad:,c,sth,that people like or do for a short time, or that is fashionable for a short time,一时的流行,;,一时的风尚,e.g. the latest,fad,His interest in photography is only a passing,fad,.,他对摄影的兴趣只是一时的爱好罢了。,Time to Stop Excuses for lateness,Otherwise it is impossible to call a meeting of people from different departments.,14.,Some companies may choose to,stagger,the opening and closing time,of their offices to enable employees to avoid the rush hour. But that does not mean there is no longer a need for punctuality.,15.,Being late is, generally, a problem relating to only a small number of employees.,A manager should try to,break their bad habits through counseling, repeatedly if required.,Its not an easy task and in some cases requires a fair amount of patience.,16.,But its about time we got rid of the academic notion that an expectation of punctuality is an intolerance of culture.,Its a,clich,and should be,discarded forthwith,.,stagger:,vt,.,to arrange peoples working hours, holidays etc so that they do not all begin and end at the same time,使错开,交错安排,e.g. Jim and his wife,stagger,their work hours so one of them can be at home with the kid,arrange the opening and closing time differently for staff so that they dont need to come to work or leave the company all at once,make them give up their bad habits by talking to the latecomers until they understand the importance of punctuality in the modern business world.,clich:,kli:ei,c,an idea or phrase that has been used so much that it is not effective or does not have any meaning any longer,陈腔滥调,,,老生常谈,e.g.,Clich,is a feature of bad journalism.,使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。,discard:,vt,.,to get rid of,sth,抛弃,摒弃,丢弃,-SYN,throw away,forthwith,f:wi,adv.,立刻,立即;不犹豫地,Extended Activities,Part 3,Read more,Dictation,Translation,H,Dictation,I used to work for a moving company. One day, after we had packed a truckload of furniture, our customer instructed us to go on ahead and meet her at the new house. We waited there but then concluded that we had the wrong address. So we drove to a corner, hoping to catch her as she went by.,“Thats her car!” my boss yelled. He jumped from the truck, dashed across the parking lot, stopping the car, and said, “Why dont you let me follow you home?” As she quickly rolled up her window and hurried off, he realized that he had the wrong woman.,Part 3,Read more,miss out:,to not have the chance to do,sth,that you enjoy and that would be good for you,失去,的好机会,miss out on,e.g. I,missed out on,his offer on a free holiday in Spain.,我失掉了他提供免费在西班牙度假的机会。,summon:,vt,.,(also,summon,sth,up,),to try very hard to have enough of,sth,such as courage, energy, or strength, because you need it,唤起,鼓起,(,勇气,),振作,(,精神,),e.g. He,summoned up,his courage and proposed to her.,be in line for,sth,/ be in line to do,sth,:,to be very likely to get or be given,sth,有可能获得某物,e.g.,She,is in line for,promotion.,她有可能得到提升。,Part 3,Read more,qualified to do,sth,:,having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, esp. for a particular job,具备必要条件,合格的;胜任的,e.g. Theres only one man,qualified for,the job.,仅有一个人能胜任这个工作。,eager beaver:,informal,someone who is too keen and works harder than they should,做事勤奋的人,eligible:,someone who is eligible for,sth,is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are right age, have the right qualification,有资格的;合格的;具备条件的,eligible (for,sth,)/eligible (to do,sth,),e.g. Men and woman of eighteen and above,are eligible to,vote.,年龄在,18,岁以上的男女有投票权。,He,is eligible for,retirement.,他合乎退休的条件。,Part 3,Read more,polish,sth,(up):,to make,sth,seem better or more attractive to other people,修改;润色;润饰,burn out/burn yourself/,sb,out:,to become extremely tired or sick by working too hard over a period of time,耗尽体力;积劳成疾;累垮,e.g. If he doesnt stop working so hard, he will,burn himself out,.,他要是继续这样拼命的工作,就会把自己累垮。,Part 3,Translations for reference,An opportunity as good as this arises / occurs only,once in a blue moon,.,The boy felt,guilty of,taking money from his mothers handbag without permission.,She did not,give credence to,a single word of his story.,Generally speaking, teachers,are tolerant of,their students mistakes.,I,took it for granted,youd want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.,Thanks to the managers repeated counseling, the staff soon,broke the,bad,habit,of coming late to work.,Hes furious with her now, but hell forgive her soon. Its just / only,a matt


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