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第四章 动词和时态,第一节 动 词,知识梳理,一、动词的概念与分类,动词是句子中表示动作或者状态的词。根据动词的词义和在句中的作用,可以将动词划分为如下几类:,二、动词的根本形式,1. 情态动词:没有人称和数的变化,后面接动词原形。,如: I can play basketball well.,Mike can speak Chinese.,2. be动词:根据人称和时态的不同,呈现不同形式。,如:现在时: I am very happy today.,Mike is an American boy.,They are playing in the snow.,过去时: He was in Grade 3 last year.,We were at home yesterday.,将来时: There will be a match between Class,1and Class 2 tomorrow.,3. 助动词:不能单独在句中使用,在句中的作用是帮助构成否认、疑问等句式。,如: We do not (dont) have classes on,Saturdays.,My father does not (doesnt) work in,the hospital.,Did you go swimming last weekend,4. 实义动词:小学阶段所学的实义动词有四种形式,即动词原形、第三人称单数形式、现在分词形式(动词的ing形式)和过去式形式。,如:,(1)动词第三人称单数形式的构成,一般情况下,在动词词尾加s。如:workworks,looklooks,wantwants,以ch, sh, s, x, o结尾的动词,在词尾加es。,如:teachteaches,washwashes,dress(装扮)dresses,fix(安装)fixes,gogoes,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改y为i,再加es。如:flyflies,crycries,【注】playplays, buybuys,不规那么变化。如:havehas,beis,(2)动词现在分词形式的构成,一般情况下,在动词词尾加ing。如:gogoing,,,playplaying,以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去e再加ing。如:writewriting,,,comecoming,以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写最后这个辅音字母再加ing。,如:runrunning,,,swimswimming,,,shop,shopping,以ie结尾的动词,将ie改为y,,,再加ing。如:,diedying,lielying,(3)动词过去式的构成,一般情况下,在动词词尾加ed。如:workworked,,,playplayed等,以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,在词尾加d。如:closeclosed,,,arrivearrived,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,改y为i,,,再加ed。如:crycried,,,studystudied,以重读闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写最后这个辅音字母再加ed。,如:stopstopped,,,dropdropped,动词的不规那么变化(见下表),考点精析,考点1 考察动词的变化形式,【例1】根据句意和单词首字母提示填写动词,并注意其动词的形式。,1.Can you s English songs,2.She usually g to school at 7:00.,3.Look!Amy is w TV.,4.I c my room last night.,解析:此题考察动词根本形式的写法和用法。在做此题时,不仅要考虑主语的人称,还要注意句子的时态,这样才能根据句意和首字母提示填写出动词的正确形式。第1小题应填写动词原形sing,因为情态动词can后要加动词原形。第2小题的主语是第三人称,句子又是陈述习惯性的动作。谓语动词应使用第三人称单数形式goes。第3小题中的look一词提示了此题要用现在进展时,所以要用现在分词watching。第4题由last night 这一时间状语可知此题要用一般过去时,所以谓语动词应填过去式cleaned。,答案: 1. sing 2. goes 3. watching 4. cleaned,举一反三,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.The cat _ (run) around the tree.,2.They are _(clean) their classroom.,3.I _(have) a cold last week.,4.Dont _ (talk) loudly in the library.,5.My mother _(make) a big cake last month.,6.What _(do) she do last night,7.My aunt often _ (go) shopping on Sundays.,8.Sarah _(buy) a red bag yesterday.,runs,cleaning,had,talk,made,did,goes,bought,考点2 考察助动词、be动词的使用,【例2】 选择适当的助动词填空。,1. He not do homework on Friday,evening.,2. you have crayons,3. Tom not read English this morning.,解析: 此题考察学生对助动词 do的三种形式的正确运用。第1小题中on Friday evening 是常态,用一般现在时,而主语he 是三单形式,所以用一般现在时的三单形式 does; 第2小题 you 是非三单形式,用do;第3小题中this morning 表示过去的时间,且过去式不受人称影响,故用did。,答案:1. does 2. Do 3. did,举一反三,1.,用,be,动词的适当形式填空。,(1) I _ in Grade Six this year. Last year,,,I,_,in Grade Five.,(2) There _,many tall buildings here now. Twenty years ago,,,there _,some small houses.,(3) Mike and Jack _,twin brothers. They look the same.,(4) I want to _,a teacher in the future.,2.,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,(1) _(will) you like some tea,?,(2) _,(do) he watch TV last night,?,am,was,are,were,are,be,Would,Did,考点3 考察情态动词的使用,【例3】单项填空。,( )He _ read the book now.,A.is can B.cans C. can,解析:此题考察情态动词的正确使用。情态动词can的用法很容易混淆。can和be动词或其他的助动词不能同时出现在句中;can不受人称的影响,故不存在cans的形式;在此题中还要分析清楚,now不表示现在进展时。,答案:C,举一反三,1.,选词填空。,(1)_ I use your pen,?,(2)What _,I do then,?,(3)You _,be a middle school student.,(4)We _,do something for Grandpa Li.,(5) _,we go now,?,Shall,May/Can,should,must,can,2. 按要求完成以下各题。,(1) I can speak Chinese and English well. (改成否认句),_,(2) 当你想提醒朋友,让他周末要帮助妈妈做家务时,你可以说:,_,_,(3) 你想告诉想要闯红灯的人,红灯必须停,你应该说:,_,You must stop at a red light.,I cant speak Chinese or English well.,You should do some housework for your mother on weekends.,考点4 考察动词的综合运用,【例4】用read的适当形式填空。,1. You can (read) the book in the library.,2. She (read) a book now.,3. Can I (read) this book now,4. My father (read) newspapers every morning.,5. Did you readthe comic book,Yes, I readit yesterday.,解析:此题围绕一个词read 展开,考察了不同时态、不同人称情况下,实义动词的用法。第1小题中can+原形动词;第2小题now表示的是现在,表达现在进展时,she 是三单形式,故而 be+动词的ing形式是本小题需要的答案;第3小题不管后面出现什么,can+原形动词;第4小题every morning 表达一般现在时,而my father是第三人称,故而动词要用三单形式;第5小题did 之后加动词原形,答句中用过去式形式, read 的过去式和原形同形。,答案:1. read 2. is reading 3. read 4. reads,5. read; read,举一反三,1. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。,(1) We _(like) music. Now we _,(sing).,(2) Lets _(go) to the cinema.,(3) He _(is) ill yesterday.,(4) Can you _clean) the table now,?,(5) Do you _,(go) to the park on Saturdays,?,like,are singing,go,was,clean,go,2. 单项填空。,( ) (1) What did he _ yesterday,A.do B.does C.did,( ) (2) He is _ with his friend.,A.talked B.talking C.talks,A,B,( ) (3) How is he feelingHe _ better.,A.feels B.is feel C.is feeling,( ) (4) What are you doingIm _ dinner.,A.cook B.cooks C.cooking,( ) (5) Dont _ TV.,A.watch B.watching C.watches,A,C,A,过关检测,一、按要求改写以下单词。,1.have第三人称单数形式_,2.do现在分词_,3.slept动词原形_,4.take动词过去式_,has,doing,sleep,took,5 e反义词_,6.wash第三人称单数形式_,7.driver动词形式 _,8.write动词过去式_,9.sit动词过去式_,10.told动词原形_,go,wash,e,s,drive,wrote,sat,tell,二、选词填空,将以下短文补充完整。,My name is Sarah.I 1._an American girl but I 2._ in Guangzhou with my parents now. My father is a teacher.He 3._English.He likes 4._ pictures. Usually myfather 5._ to work by car,but yesterday he 6. _ by bus.My mother is a nurse.She 7._ in a big hospital. She often 8._ to work.She 9._ playing baseball very much.We often 10._ it together.,am,live,teaches,drawing,goes,went,works,walks,likes,play,三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。,1. _(be) these your shoes,2. I can _(play) football every day.,3. I want to _(buy) some flowers for my mother.,4. Listen!Who is _(sing) over there,5. He _(do) morning exercises every morning.,6. _ your mother _(wash) the clothes every day,7. He _(not teach) English in our school.,8. He _(leave) his homework at home this morning.,Are,play,buy,singing,does,wash,Does,doesn,t teach,left,9. Where _(be) the twins last night,10. Can I _(watch) TV now,11. My father likes _(collect) stamps.,12. Joes aunt _(work) in a factory last year.,13. We should _(help) each other.,14. The sun _(rise) in the east.,15. No _(smoke)!,16. _(have) this orange, please.,17. She _(stay) at home today.,18. Jack is good at _(run), and he is _(run) on the playground now.,were,watch,collecting,worked,help,rises,smoking,Have,stays,running,running,四、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. Last term we _(have) eight subjects. We all _(study) very hard.,2. They _(go) to the park next Friday.,3. Its 10:00 in the morning. The pupils _(have) lessons in the classrooms now.,had,studied,will go / are going,are having,4. My mother _(go) shopping in the morning and _(take) exercise in the afternoon every day.,5. It _,_,_(be) always rainy and foggy last weekend, but this week it _(be) much _,_,_(good).,6. My brother and my sister _(be not) in China last year. They _(go) to England to _(study) English.,goes,takes,was,is,better,weren,t,went,study,7. Listen! Who _(sing),Oh, this is Miss Green. She always _(sing) and _(dance) in the music room after school. Next Monday she _ (sing) for us in class.,8. _ your friends _(come) to your birthday party yesterday,Yes, and they _(give) me a lot of birthday presents.,is singing,sings,dances,will/is going to sing,Did,come,gave,五、单项填空。,( )1. Can I _ your bike,Sure.,A. ride B. riding C. to ride,( )2. My father _ a new car. He _ it very much.,A. have; like B. has; likes C. has; like,A,B,( )3. _ he often _ his homework at school,A. Does; do B. Does; does C. Do; does,( )4. What is she doing,She _.,A. sings B. will dance C. is tidying her room,( )5. I want to go _.,A. swim B. to swimming C. swimming,A,C,C,( )6. The sun,_,down in the west.,A. go B. is going to C. goes,( )7. Mary often helps her mum,_,the dishes.,A. does B. do C. doing,( )8. I enjoy,_,to music.,A. listen B. listening C. listened,C,B,B,( )9. Father,_,on his coat and went out.,A. puts B. put C. putting,( )10. I,_,to the teacher, but I didnt,_,him.,A. listen; heard B. listened; heard C. listened; hear,( )11. He,_,after he finishes his homework.,A. plays B. is going to play C. played,B,C,B,( )12. What _ you _ last weekend,A. will; do B. does; do C. did; do,( )13. Tony _ to school by bike last year.,A. goes B. went C. will go,( )14. Mr Smith _ to see you in an hour.,A. came B. comes C. will come,C,B,C,( )15. How soon _ they _ back from work,A. do; come B. did; come C. will; come,( )16. We _ TV at home this time yesterday afternoon.,A. were watching B. watch C. would watch,( )17. Where _ you this morning,I _ at a meeting.,A. were; was B. are; am C. do; am,C,A,A,( )18. My friend Peter,_,very well.,A. swim B. running C. sings,( )19. Li Lei,_,like fish, but his sister,_,.,A. dont; do B. doesnt; does C. isnt; is,( )20. Dont,_,in class. Lets,_,to the teacher.,A. talking; listening B. talks; listens C. talk; listen,C,B,C,六、按要求完成以下句子。,1.Jenny will be a doctor in the future.改为一般疑问句,_,2.He did his homework last night.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定答复,_,_,Will Jenny be a doctor in the future,Did he do his homework last night,Yes,he did.,3.He is _.就画线局部提问,_,4.Sarah can swim.改为否认句,_,5.My friend and I are going to play baseball next week.用last week 改写,_,What is he doing,listening to music,Sarah can,t swim.,My friend and I played baseball last week.,


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