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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/2/28,#,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/2/28,#,54,汇报人,:XXX,时间,:201X,年,X,月,本,模板有完整的逻辑框架,内容详实,稍作修改可直接使用,远程办公平台介绍,PPT,模板,远程办公平台,目录,远程办公的定义特点,01,远程办公的实现途径,02,远程办公的环境效益,03,远程办公平台介绍,04,远程办公的定义特点,01,远程办公的定义特点,现今一家领秀网络提供了远程办公服务,通过专业化的远程工作技术,以低廉的价格提供给各企业与个人进行工作服务,通过地域差异,人工成本不同,经过统一的专业化培训员工进行远程工作,大大降低了各大企业运营成本,将来将会实现一个人即可实现开一家规模庞大的网商服务,不管在是家里还是在外面,通过手机,/,电脑等通讯设备,便监督了工作进度,再也无需因为请人工作而带来的不便。领秀网络远程服务的口号就是:“颠覆传统网络,创造网络新纪元”。,指通过远程控制技术,或远程控制软件,对远程电脑进行操作办公,实现非本地办公:在家办公、异地办公、移动办公等远程办公模式。这种技术的关键在于:穿透内网和远程控制的安全性。在这两方面做得比较好的远程监控软件有:国产免费软件向日葵远程控制、网络人(,Netman),,国外收费软件,TeamViewer,、,PcAnywhere,、,Radmin,等。,远程办公的定义特点,从传统的集中办公到远程办公,这种过度需要一个时间。不可否认,一直强调低碳经济的今天,那些最先领悟到这一点的公司,可以拥有最好的竞争力,更低的办公室租金、更加身心健康的员工、更加积极向上的气氛,;,尤其是,更低的离职率。公司要做的,无非是在远程办公的管理模式上,多一些细节的考虑。而作为远程办公的个人,也能是实现我们自由选择办公的环境,可以是家里,可以是咖啡店,可以是某个农村的小院子,并且随时随地和家人在一起。,远程办公的定义特点,是一种工作安排,它能让雇员享有灵活的工作时间和地点。换句话说,就是每天到工作地点通勤被通讯联系所取代。许多人在家工作,也有一些人使用移动通信技术在咖啡店或其他点办公,这些人被称作游牧工作者或网络通勤者,。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。一个成功的远程工作程序需要一个基于结果的管理风格,而不是密切关注员工个体管理风格。这被称为目标管理而不是观察管理。,Telecommuting,和,telework,这两个词是由美国的,Jack Niles,在,1973,创造的。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公的定义特点,VS,远程办公的定义特点,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的实现途径,02,远程办公的实现途径,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公是一个比较广义的词,指用远程通信来代替工作相关的旅行,因此消除了远程工作的距离的限制。,远程办公的实现途径,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,30K,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Text here,60K,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Text here,70K,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Text here,80K,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Text here,远程办公的实现途径,Keyword,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Text here,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Text here,远程办公的实现途径,Text here,Text here,Text here,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,远程办公的实现途径,Text,Text,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,远程办公的实现途径,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,远程办公的实现途径,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,远程办公的实现途径,10,%,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Text Here,45%,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Text Here,Keyword,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Text Here,60,%,Keyword,远程办公的实现途径,Text here,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Text here,Text here,Text here,Text here,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,远程办公的实现途径,远程办公的环境效益,03,02,01,06,05,04,03,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,Text here,远程办公的环境效益,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,71%,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,36%,Text here,远程办公的环境效益,Keyword,Keyword,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,远程办公的环境效益,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,$510K,$880K,$610K,远程办公的环境效益,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Text here,远程办公的环境效益,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,远程办公的环境效益,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,1,3,2,4,远程办公的环境效益,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,远程办公的环境效益,远程办公平台介绍,04,Keyword,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Keyword,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Keyword,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Keyword,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,远程办公平台介绍,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,500,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,600,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,1000,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,远程办公平台介绍,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Keyword,Keyword,Keyword,Keyword,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,远程办公平台介绍,Keyword,Keyword,Keyword,Keyword,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,01.Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,02.Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,03.Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,04.Text here,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Text here,远程办公平台介绍,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Text,远程办公平台介绍,Keyword,Keyword,Keyword,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text Here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text Here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text Here,远程办公平台介绍,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Text here,Text here,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Text here,远程办公平台介绍,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Text here,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,Supporting text here.,When you copy & paste, choose keep text only option.,远程办公平台介绍,Text here,Text here,Text here,Supporting text here.,You can use the icon library in iSlide (www.islide.cc) to filter and replace existing icon elements with one click.,01.Text here,Supporting text here.,You can use the icon library in iSlide (www.islide.cc) to filter and replace existing icon elements with one click.,01.Text here,Supporting text here.,You can use the icon library in iSlide (www.islide.cc) to filter and replace existing icon elements with one click.,03.Text here,远程办公平台介绍,01.Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,02.Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,远程办公平台介绍,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,01,02,03,Text,Text,Text,远程办公平台介绍,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,2019,2020,2021,2022,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,远程办公平台介绍,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,.,¥ | 27 %,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,. ¥,| 56 %,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,.,¥,| 57 %,远程办公平台介绍,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text,远程办公平台介绍,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,远程办公平台介绍,2,1,3,4,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,.,Text,远程办公平台介绍,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,35%,远程办公平台介绍,Supporting text here.,Text here,Supporting text here.,Text here,Supporting text here.,Text here,Supporting text here.,Text here,Supporting text here.,Text here,Supporting text here.,Text here,远程办公平台介绍,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,远程办公平台介绍,Supporting text here.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Supporting text here.,You can use the icon library in iSlide (www.islide.cc) to filter and replace existing icon elements with one click.,Text here,Supporting text here.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Supporting text here.,You can use the icon library in iSlide (www.islide.cc) to filter and replace existing icon elements with one click.,Text here,Supporting text here.,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Supporting text here.,You can use the icon library in iSlide (www.islide.cc) to filter and replace existing icon elements with one click.,Text here,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,远程办公平台介绍,Unified fonts make reading more fluent.,Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.,Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,远程办公平台介绍,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Copy paste fonts. Choose the only option to retain text.,Text here,Text,Text,Text,远程办公平台介绍,汇报人,:XXX,时间,:201X,年,X,月,本,模板有完整的逻辑框架,内容详实,稍作修改可直接使用,感谢大家的聆听!,远程办公平台,


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