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Unit 23,健康与医疗,维克多英语词汇教学探讨与实践,【,(一)认知,】,话题教学词汇表,教学目标,检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况,网络化复习回顾词汇、了解话题相关知识,1,2,学生:上台演示,教师:总结补充,Step I,:,主话题,Brainstorm,网络化回顾词汇,health & medical treatment,factor,health,symptom,injury,illnesses,treatment,Step II:,子话题词汇聚焦,深度认知,目的,在语境中强化记忆,步骤,1.,子话题词汇复现,输入,(,单句,、,文段,),2.,子话题词汇复现,输出,(,语篇,),子话题词汇复现,输入,Say & Guess!,energetic, health, keep fit,W: You look very,energetic,. Do you do exercise every morning?,M: Yes, I do. I run for half an hour,every morning. By the way, how,do you,keep fit,?,W: I take a walk after supper every,day.,harm, hurt, injure,A Terrible Accident,Let me tell you what happened that night. There was,blood,all around me. Our coach hit a truck. Everything was deadly quiet. Then I realized something I could feel no,pain,. Then I saw some people coming. They counted the dead and,injured,. They were surprised to see that I was alive.,So they helped me to an ambulance. The people on the ambulance said to me, “We cannot understand how you escaped from,suffering harm,in that accident!” They found I was not,hurt,in any way, and I was sent home the next day. ”,stress,点击图片以打开视频,“Voice of China” Singer Yao Beina,Dies of,Breast Cancer,Pop singer Yao Beina,died from,breast cancer,.,She was in a,coma,(,昏迷,) for days as a result of,emergency treatment,after the cancer had,spread to,her,lungs,and,brain,. She was,kept under observation,in an ICU ward (,病房,) at Peking University Shenzhen Hospital.,Yuan Tao, the general manager of the H. Brothers Music Group said that the star while,conscious,had signed up for cornea (,眼角膜,),donation,.,Yuan said she had been in a coma after taking a large amount of sedative (,镇静剂,) for,pain relief,. He also appealed to the media and her fans to allow her family some private time as they dealt with their loss.,The singer was diagnosed (,诊断,) with breast cancer in 2011 and,had an operation,later that year and,gradually recovered,but,suffered,a relapse,(,复发,) in 2015.,子话题词汇复现,输出,Practice,& Write!,学生用书,P105106,综合训练,:,第一题、第四题,【,(二)讲练,】,Part I,基础训练,教学目标,讲练重难点词汇,,嚼透,其释义、用法和搭配,以能够熟练运用。,建立基本的,英语概念,,培养英语,思维能力,。,1,2,教学目录,重点词释义,:,“熟”词“生,”,义,:,重点词用法专练,:,recover,affect, shock, nurse, disabled, develop,suffer; hurt, injure wound,辨析,重点词块专练,:,do harm to / do . harm, care for, rescue . from, die of / from, keep fit, cure sb of,重点词释义,根据每个词的自身特点,释义从以下六个维度讲解:,一词多义;,熟词生义;,精准的汉语释义;,英语释义;,辨析义;,搭配义,重新获得,(re + cover),(基本义),重新获得意识,/,能力等,恢复,(,意识、知觉或对情绪的控制等,),恢复,(,健康;常态,),重新获得健康,/,状态,recover,的语义网络,重新获得物品,重新获得,【,教学建议,】,vt,恢复 (意识、知觉或对情绪的控制等),to get back,the use,of your senses,control of your emotions, etc.,近,regain,recover ones senses / consciousness,恢复知觉,He,recovered himself,enough to speak calmly. 他镇定下来,平静地说话。,根据recover的基本义“重新获得”,引导学生理解各层释义。,vi,恢复 (健康;常态),to,get well again,after being ill, hurt, etc.; to return to a normal state,How can Linda,recover from,her illness in this room when its so dirty and dusty? 在这样一间落满灰尘的脏屋子里,琳达怎能痊愈呢?,人教 1,The economy is at last beginning to recover. 经济终于开始复苏。,vt,重新获得,to find or get back sth that was,lost,stolen or missing,The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings. 警方最终追回了失窃的油画。,The team recovered its lead in the second half. 下半场该队再次领先。,They sought to,recover damages,and costs from the firm. 他们设法向那家公司索取损害赔偿金和成本费。,【,拓展,】,recovery,n,C & U AW,痊愈;重获;复苏,Doctors expect him to,make a full recovery,.,医生预计他能完全康复。,Ann,made a quick recovery from,her operation.,手术后安康复得很快。,an,economic recovery,经济复苏,【,备考指导,】,recover,的释义,考频很高;,recover,在高考单选、阅读、完形和写作中经常出现,为完形词汇;,recovery,在高考阅读中常出现,完形中也有考查。,recover:,Kruger was rushed to the hospital. “I spent six months,recovering,there,” Says Kruger. (2012,辽宁完形,) (,释义,),Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hoped that she would,recover,soon. (2011,北京书面表达,) (,释义,),Most people,recover from,food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. (2010,广东阅读,) (,释义,),A Swedish ship that sank in 1628 was,recovered from,the port of Stockholm. (2006,重庆阅读,) (,释义,),recovery:,His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C, which would help his,recovery,. (2009,重庆完形,),巩固练习,学生用书,P104,基础训练:第一题,“熟”词“生,”,义,一词多义中的衍生义,培养学生结合具体的语境由词汇的基本义推测其衍生义的能力。,“生义”与基本义联系不紧密,教学侧重,需要在词汇学习时注意一些低义频的释义,特别是与基本义联系不大的释义。,affect,【,教学建议,】,影响,常用于被动语态,使感动;打动,使感染,(,疾病,),Cancer had affected his lungs.,癌症已侵及他的肺脏。,借助基本义“影响”推出释义,。,Welch examined a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious (,传染的,) disease mainly,affecting,children. (2016,北京完形,),【,备考指导,】,affect,的释义,在高考阅读中有考查。,冲击,(基本义),物体间的冲击,(,爆炸、地震等引起的,),剧烈震动;冲击,电击;触电,电流对人的冲击,shock,的语义网络,精神上的冲击,(,精神上的,),震惊;打击;令人震惊的事,医学领域,休克,【,教学建议,】,C & U (,爆炸、地震等引起的,),剧烈震动;冲击,C,电击;触电,U & C ,常用单数, (,精神上的,),震惊;打击;令人震惊的事,U,休克,He isnt seriously injured but he is,in (a state of) shock,.,他伤得不重,但处于休克状态。,借助基本义“冲击”推出释义,。,Lying in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt himself going into,shock,. (2012,辽宁完形,),【,备考指导,】,shock,的释义,常,在高考阅读、完形中出现。,nurse,【,精讲,】,vt,看护,照料,(,病人或伤者,),调治,调养,(,伤病,),Youd better go to bed and nurse that cold.,你最好上床睡觉,把感冒治好。,人,病,残疾的;丧失能力的,(,人,),残疾的,disabled,(,物,),丧失能力的,由人到物,【,教学建议,】,disabled adj,残废的;丧失能力的:,access for,the disabled,残疾人通道,The children here are,mentally disabled, but physically capable.,这里的孩子都是智障儿童,但他们的体格是健全的。,The virus will make your computer disabled.,这种病毒会使你的计算机瘫痪。,引导学生推测由人及物的衍生义。,develop,【,教学建议,】,通过基本义“,(,使,),发展”,结合不同语境可推出释义,;,掌握,developed, developing,和,development,。, vt & vi (,使,),成长;,(,使,),发展;加强,vt,开发;研制;形成,vt,出现,(,问题,),;患,(,病,),The car developed engine trouble and we had to stop.,汽车发动机出了故障,我们不得不停车。,If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small.,如果患了艾滋病,活下来的可能性很小。,人教, 3,vt,使显影;冲洗,【,备考指导,】,One year after I started college, she,developed,cancer. (2011,天津阅读,) (,释义,),巩固练习,学生用书,P104,基础训练:第二题,重点词用法专练, 嚼透词汇的释义、用法和搭配,在语境中理解掌握;, 熟悉考点,查漏补缺。,suffer,suffer,【,教学建议,】,vt,遭受;蒙受,to,experience,sth unpleasant, such as injury, defeat or loss,suffer pain / loss,遭受痛苦,/,损失,suffer a heart attack,突发心脏病,Of those who survive, 10 to 20 percent,suffer,brain,damage,or hearing,loss,. 10%,至,20%,的幸存者出现脑损伤或听力损失。,The team,suffered a heavy defeat,last night.,昨晚该队遭遇了惨败。,掌握重点搭配,suffer from,,了解,suffer for,。,vi,受苦;感到疼痛;患病,to,be badly affected,by a disease, pain, a lack of sth, etc.,You will,suffer,one day,for,your carelessness.,你早晚会因为粗心而吃苦头。,Im,suffering from,a bad back.,我背疼得厉害。,Marys,suffering from,ill health at the moment.,玛丽眼下身体不好。,vi,变差;变糟,to become worse,Safety might suffer if costs are cut.,如果削减成本,可能会影响安全。,Im worried and my work is beginning to suffer.,我忧心忡忡,工作开始受到影响。,【,拓展,】,suffering,n,U (身体或精神上的) 疼痛;痛苦,He died without much suffering. 他死的时候没有多少痛苦。,常用复数 苦难;折磨,He slept on firewood and straw to remind him of his sufferings.,他睡在柴火和稻草上,提醒自己不要忘记所遭受的苦难。,人教 1,【,备考指导,】,suffer:,Paris had,suffered,a sudden heart failure.(2017,北京阅读,) (,释义,),Our earth is,suffering,severe,damage,. (2013,江苏书面表达,) (,释义,),Considering football again, many small clubs have,suffered,financial,losses,recently, as they cannot compete with the large ones. (2011,江西阅读表达,) (,释义,),suffer的释义,和释义,的搭配suffer from考频较高,在高考各题型中均有出现,为完形词汇,在,写作,中也有考查;,suffering的释义,考频较高,主要在高考阅读中出现,在完形中也有考查。,Little kids and the elderly are the ones who have,sufferedthe most from,the extreme heat wave. (2017,全国听力,) (,释义,),Ive been,suffering from,a fever since yesterday. (2014,北京听力,) (,释义,),Not only can the environment of a country,suffer from,the sudden growth of tourism. The people as well rapidly feel its effects. (2013,江西阅读,) (,释义,),Ive suffered by back pain for years. Can you help me?,byfrom,(2009,四川短文改错,) (,释义,),Spend time with happy people otherwise your health could,suffer,. (2008,湖南阅读,) (,释义,),suffering,:,A lack of confidence can lead to a lot,of,suffering,.,(2012 福建短文填词) (释义,),Its important to learn to accept,sufferings,in life.,(2015 福建阅读) (释义,),【,辨析,】,三者皆有“伤害”之意。,hurt,是普通用词。可指意外事故对人的身体造成伤害,还指情感等方面受到伤害。, He hurt / injured his knee playing football.,他踢足球时伤了膝盖。, His words really hurt me.,他的话让我很伤心。,hurt, injure, wound,【,辨析,】,injure,是正式用词。通常指意外事故对人的身体造成伤害。, Three people were killed and five injured in the accident.,这次事故中,3,人死亡,5,人受伤。,wound,通常指受到刀、枪等武器的伤害。, He shot dead three people and wounded several others.,他开枪打死,3,人,伤数人。, a wounded soldier,伤员,hurt, injure, wound,【,备考指导,】,My mindless words must have,hurt,him deeply. (2013 湖北书面表达),It should be wise not to do anything that may,hurt,her,feelings,. (2009 陕西书面表达),“You have no talent. You will never be a pianist.” his,teacher said. As a nine-year-old boy, Lang Lang was badly,hurt,. (2007 辽宁完形),When he tried to cut the lifeboat free, it swung against the,ship,injuring,his hand and arm. (2011 湖南阅读),The elephant destroyed a dozen houses and,injured,several,people. (2010 上海阅读),You have no idea how she fi nished the relay race with her,foot,wounded,so much. (2008 福建单选),巩固练习,学生用书,P104-105,基础训练,:,第三题,重点词块专练, 要求全面理解和掌握重点词块的释义、用法、搭配;, 结合例句猜测词义,结合语境归纳总结。,do harm to / do . harm,【,精讲,】,do harm to / do . harm,对,有害,Too much drinking will do great harm to you. / Too much drinking will do you great harm.,饮酒过量危害甚大。,【,拓展,】,be harmful to 对是有害的,Air pollution will get worse and this will be harmful to people.,空气污染会加剧,这会对人们造成危害。,北师大 11,【,备考指导,】,do harm to / do . harm:,Pet-keeping may,do harm to,animals. (2013,陕西选择标题,),Improper behaviour, like littering and scribbling, makes our school dirty and unpleasant, and,does harm to,the image of our school. (2011,浙江书面表达,),Dont take too much of the medicine; it,does you,more,harm,than good if you do. (2007,江西单选,),be harmful to:,Multitasking,is harmful to,young peoples development. (2008,重庆阅读,),do harm to / do . harm,在高考听力、单选、阅读和,写作,中常出现;,be harmful to,主要在高考阅读中出现。,care for,【,精讲,】,照看;照顾,to look after sb,(=take care of),My dear father, you brought me into this world, you,cared for me and loved me. 亲爱的父亲,您把我带到了这个世界上,照顾我,疼爱我。,人教 2,非常喜欢,I think George does,nt,really,care for,TV plays. 我以为乔治不怎么喜欢电视剧。,口语,非正式用语 想要,Would you care for another drink? 你要再来杯饮料吗?,【,备考指导,】,Even President Obamas mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, has agreed to leave Chicago and move into the White House to help,care for,her granddaughters. (2016,全国阅读,),(,释义, ),I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit,caring for,pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. (2016,全国语法填空,) (,释义, ),The only arrangement he does,not care for,is the wheelchair provided to move him about if he gets tired. (2001,上海阅读,) (,释义,),care for,在高考各题型中均有,出现;,rescue . from,【,精讲,】,rescue . from,从,营救,He rescued a child from drowning. 他救起了一名落水儿童。,【,备考指导,】,rescue . from主要在高考阅读中出现,在,写作,中也有考查。,Last summer, two nineteenth-century cottages were,rescued from,remote farm fields in Montana, to be moved to an Art Deco building in San Francisco. (2014,浙江阅读,),“My work,” she says, “is to,rescue,man,from,the elephants, and to keep the elephants safe from man.” (2010,上海阅读,),die of / from,die of / from,死于,In the 1840s the main crop, potatoes, was affected by disease and,about 750,000 people died of hunger. 19世纪40年代,因主要作物马铃薯受病害影响,约有75万人死于饥饿。,2011 安徽,She died from a wound. 她因受伤而亡。,【,精讲,】,【,备考指导,】,Before modern medicine changed the laws of nature, many,children,died of,common childhood diseases. (2015 广东完形),It turned out that his brother,died of,a heart attack. (2011 全国听力),Now many years have passed since Brownie,died of,old,age. (2010 全国阅读),More people now,die from,being overweight, or say,from,being extremely fat, than,from,being underweight. (2013 湖北阅读),die of考频较高,主要在高考阅读中出现;,die from考频较低,但在高考中有出现。,keep fit,【,精讲,】,keep fit,保持健康,Sports can help you,keep fit,and get in touch with nature.,运动有助于你保持健康和接触大自然。,2009,重庆,【,备考指导,】,keep fit主要在高考听力、单选、阅读、和,写作,中出现。,people need regular exercise to,keep fit,. (2014,天津阅读,),That,s why more knowledge of how to,keep fit, more effectively one can improve his quality of life. (2014 上海书面表达),cure sb of,cure sb of 治愈某人的,;改正某人的,Moving to the country,cured,her,of,the disease. 搬到乡下后,她的病就好了。,Nothing could,cure,her,of,her impatience with Anna. 她就是改不了自己对安娜不耐烦的态度。,【,精讲,】,【,备考指导,】,The authors mother told him to borrow a book in order to help,cure,him,of,his reading problem. (2015,天津阅读,),cure sb of在高考阅读中有出现。,巩固练习,学生用书,P105,基础训练:第四题,Part,目标检测:,第一题、第二题,Homework,Homework,


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